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       diatheke - a command line Bible reader


       diatheke  -b  module_name  [-o  option_filters] [-m maximum_verses] [-f
       output_format] [-e output_encoding] [-t script] [-v variant_number] [-l
       locale] -k query_key

       diatheke -b module_name -s regex|multiword|phrase [-r search_range] [-l
       locale] -k search_string

       diatheke -b system -k modulelist|modulelistnames|localelist

       diatheke -b info -k module_name


       diatheke prints Bible verses or other text from the modules  which  the
       Sword library uses.


       -b     Module  name.  May be "system" or "info" (see QUERY KEYS) or one
              of  the  names  obtained  by  using  "diatheke  -b   system   -k

       -s     Search  type.  One  of regex (regular expression, see regex(7)),
              multiword (like "word [AND word]..."), phrase (exact text).

       -r     Search range. A valid  Bible  key  range  value  (see  -k).  For
              example: Matt-John, Rom, gen-psalms, 1Thess 1:5-2:6.

       -o     Module  option  filters.  A  combination  of  "fmhcvalsrbx". See
              MODULE OPTIONS.

       -m     Maximum number of verses returned. Any integer value.

       -f     Output format. One of GBF, ThML, RTF,  HTML,  OSIS,  CGI,  plain
              (default).   This  currently  works  only  if  there  is a Sword
              library filter from the original format to the specified  output
              format. HTML and CGI are for generating text for a webpage.

       -e     Output character encoding. One of Latin1, UTF16, HTML, RTF, UTF8
              (default).  This currently works only for module  contents,  not
              for system key contents or key texts.

       -t     Script.  (This  seems  to  be broken in version 4.2.1, it should
              allow e.g.  Greek->Latin1  character  transliteration  with  "-t

       -v     Variant. The text may contain variant readings. One of -1 (all),
              0, 1.

       -l     Locale. Sword may have different locales installed.  Default  is
              en. Localization affects input and output keys.

       -k     Query  key.  It  must be the last argument because all following
              arguments are added to the key. See  QUERY  KEYS  for  different
              kinds of keys.


       By  default  the  optional  features  of  modules  are not shown in the
       returned text. These options make them visible if the  module  supports

       n      Strong’s   numbers.   These   numbers   refer  to  the  Strong’s
              dictionaries of the New and Old  Testaments.  Some  Bible  texts
              attach these numbers to words.

       f      Footnotes.

       m      Morphology  of  the Greek/Hebrew words. Morphology is shown as a
              code which refers to an entry in some dictionary-type module.

       h      Section headings.

       c      Hebrew cantillation.

       v      Hebrew vowels.

       a      Greek accents.

       l      Lemmas (the base forms of the words).

       s      Scripture cross-references.

       r      Arabic shaping.

       b      Bi-directional reordering.

       x      Red Words of Christ.


       Bible texts and Commentaries
              use verse keys. Examples: john 1:1, j1:1 jh1 (the first  chapter
              of  John),  jh (the whole book of Gospel of John), joh 1:1-3 ( a
              verse range), joh 1:0 (one verse backwards from  1:1,  which  is
              the  last verse of the previous book or possibly an introduction
              to John), joh 1:100 (which is 100 verses forward from the  first
              verse  of  John  1:1),  1234 (which is the 1234th verse from the
              beginning of the Bible).

       Lexicons and Dictionaries
              use word keys. Any word can be used and similar  or  next  entry
              alphabetically is returned.  Some dictionaries like Strong’s use
              numbered entries.

       system is not a module but when used with -b allows one of these  keys:
              modulelist   (list   of   the   available   modules  with  short
              descriptions),  modulelistnames  (list  of  the  names  of   the
              available  modules),  localelist  (list  of  the available Sword

       info   is not a module but when used with -b allows a module name as  a
              key and gives some information about that module.


       diatheke -b KJV -k joh1:1
              Shows John 1:1 in King James Version.

       diatheke -b RWP -k Matthew 2:2
              Shows Matthew 2:2 in Robertson’s Word Pictures commentary.

       diatheke -b WebstersDict -k bible
              Show entry "bible" in Websters Dictionary.

       diatheke -b system -k modulelist
              Shows the list of available modules.

       diatheke -b KJV -o fmslx -f OSIS -e Latin1 -k john 1:1-3
              Shows  John  1:1-3  from  KJV  in  OSIS  XML format in iso8859-1
              encoding with footnotes,  morphology,  cross-references,  lemmas
              and  words  of  Christ  in red. (The module may  not support all
              options and those  have  no  effect.  KJV  includes  only  ASCII
              characters so encoding has no effect.)

       diatheke -b GerLut -l de -m 10 -k Offenbarung
              Shows  the  first  10  verses  of  Revelation  in  German GerLut
              version, both input and output keys are localized.

       diatheke -b KJV -s phrase -r Mt -k love
              Shows those verse keys which include phrase "love" in Gospel  of
              Matthew in KJV module.


       Currently  diatheke exits always with status 0. If only Bible verse key
       and module name are shown it means that the module  did  not  have  any
       content  in  that  range. If only module name is shown the key may have
       been bad. If nothing is shown the book  name  may  have  been  bad.  If
       Segmentation fault is shown diatheke has been bad.



       Sword  library: © 1994-2006 Crosswire Bible Society, released under GPL
       licence.  Diatheke: written by  Chris  Little,  ©  1999-2006  Crosswire
       Bible Society, released under GPL licence.  This manpage was written by
       Eeli Kaikkonen and may be used freely.