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       minccalc - perform complex math operations on minc files


       mincalc [<options>] <in1>.mnc [<in2>.mnc...] <out>.mnc


       Minccalc  will  perform complex, voxel-by-voxel math operations, on one
       or more minc files of the same shape and  having  the  same  coordinate
       sampling,  producing  a  single  output  file.  The  operations  to  be
       performed are input using the -expression argument  (see  EXPRESSIONS).
       By  default,  the output file is the last non-option argument. However,
       if the -outfile option is  used,  then  all  non-option  arguments  are
       considered input files and the output file names come from the -outfile
       options, of which there can be more than one.


       Note that options can be specified in abbreviated form (as long as they
       are unique) and can be given anywhere on the command line.

       -2     Create MINC 2.0 format output files.

       -help  Print summary of command-line options and exit.

              Print the program’s version number and exit.

              Overwrite an existing file.

              Don’t overwrite an existing file (default).

              Synonym for -noclobber.

              Print  out  progress  information  for each chunk of data copied

       -quiet Do not print out progress information.

       -debug Print out debugging information.

              Copy all of the header information from  the  first  input  file
              (default for one input file).

              Do  not  copy  all of the header from the first input file; copy
              only coordinate information (default for  more  than  one  input

              Create an output file with the same type as the first input file

       -byte  Store output voxels in 8-bit integer format.

       -short Store output voxels in 16-bit integer format.

       -int   Store output voxels in 32-bit integer format.

       -long  Superseded by -int.

       -float Store output voxels in 32-bit floating point format.

              Store output voxels in 64-bit floating point format.

              Use signed, two’s complement integer format. Applies only if the
              output  voxel  type  is  specified to be an integer type (one of
              -byte, -short, -int or -long).

              Use unsigned integer format. Applies only if  the  output  voxel
              type  is  specified to be an integer type (one of -byte, -short,
              -int or -long).

       -range min max
              Restrict the valid range of integer data.  Applies only  if  one
              of the -byte, -short, -int or -long options is specified.

       -max_buffer_size_in_kb size
              Specify  the  maximum  size of the internal buffers (in kbytes).
              Default is 4096 (4MB).

       -dimension dimname
              Specify a dimension along which we wish to perform a  cumulative

              Check  that  all  input  files  have  matching sampling in world
              dimensions (default).

              Ignore any differences in world dimensions  sampling  for  input

              For  cumulative  vector  operations (sum, prod and avg), invalid
              data  (Not-A-Number or NaN) in any element of  the  vector  will
              produce invalid data in the result (default).

              For  cumulative  vector  operations,  invalid  data (NaN) in the
              vector is ignored, ie. treated as though it is not present.

       -nan   When an illegal operation is  attempted  at  a  voxel  (such  as
              divide  by  zero),  the  result is invalid data (NaN) (default).
              Having no valid input data for a cumulative  operation  is  also
              considered an illegal operation when -ignore_nan is used.

       -zero  When  an  illegal  operation  is  attempted  at a voxel (such as
              divide by zero), the result is value zero.

       -illegal_value value
              When an illegal operation is  attempted  at  a  voxel  (such  as
              divide  by  zero),  the  result  is  the value specified by this

       -expression string
              Specify  the  expression  to  evaluate  at   each   voxel   (see

       -expfile filename
              Specify  a  file  containing  an  expression to evaluate at each
              voxel (see EXPRESSIONS). If filename ‘‘-’’ is  given,  then  the
              expression is read from stdin. The only difference from command-
              line expressions is that comments can be given in  the  file.  A
              comment  line  is specified by placing a ‘‘#’’ as the first non-
              whitespace character  of  the  line.  Minccalc  scripts  can  be
              created by setting the first line to

                 #! /usr/local/mni/bin/minccalc -expfile

       -outfile symbol output-file
              Specify  that  output  should  be written to the specified file,
              taking values from the symbol which should  be  created  in  the
              expression  (see the EXAMPLES section). If this option is given,
              then all non-option arguments are taken  as  input  files.  This
              option can be used multiple times for multiple output files.

       -eval_width value
              Specify  the number of voxels to process in parallel. Default is


       The -expression argument is a single string that describes the function
       to  evaluate.  The function expression is typically written in terms of
       the vector A.

       For example, the following expression will  sum  the  first  two  input
       files together:

          A[0] + A[1]

       Multiple  expressions  can  be  given separated by semicolons, in which
       case only the value of the last expression is  used.  These  expression
       lists  can  be used with assignment expressions to make the syntax very

          ratio = A[0]/A[1]; A[2]*exp(-ratio)

       An expression list in curly brackets is a valid expression and  returns
       the  value  of last expression in the list. This is particularly useful
       in for and if expressions (see below).

       There are two types of values in the  language:  vectors  and  scalars.
       Scalars  literals  are  floating point numbers or may appear as symbols
       whose name starts with a lowercase letter.

       Besides normal scalar operators such as +, -, * and /,  the  expression
       language  also supports the infix exponentiation operator ^ , the usual
       relational operators <, <=, >, >=,  ==,  !=  as  well  as  the  boolean
       operators  &&  (and),  ||  (or)  and  !  (not). Note that the && and ||
       boolean operators always  evaluate  both  operands,  unlike  C.  Scalar
       mathematical  functions  include  abs,  sqrt,  exp, log, sin, cos, tan,
       asin, acos and atan. There are also some specialized functions:

          isnan(v) - 1 if v is invalid and 0 otherwise
          clamp(v1,v2,v3) - v1 bounded by [v2, v3]
          segment(v1,v2,v3) - tests if v1 is in [v2, v3]

       The scalar constant NaN is defined such that isnan(NaN) return 1.

       Vectors can be written in the following ‘extensional’ form

          [ value1, value2, ... ]

       or by using the following range-generating notations:

          [ a : b ]     generates {a, a+1, ..., b-1, b}
          [ a : b )     generates {a, a+1, ..., b-1}
          ( a : b ]     generates {a+1, ..., b-1, b}
          ( a : b )     generates {a+1, ..., b-1}

       or be generated, by ‘intension’.  The  following  intension  expression
       generates the vector {3,2,1}:

          { i in [1:3] | 4 - i }

       Vectors  may also appear as symbols whose name starts with an uppercase

       In addition to the scalar operators, the following vector operators are

          avg  - the average value of the scalars in vector
          len  - the length of
          sum  - the sum of the elements of
          prod - the product of the elements of
          max  - the maximum value of
          min  - the minimum value of
          V[s] - the s’th element of vector V with origin 0.

       Symbol  names  are  introduced into a global symbol table by assignment
       expressions of the form

          a = A[2] * log(2)

       Symbols starting with a lowercase letter represent scalars while  those
       starting  with  an  uppercase  letter  represent vectors. Since = is an
       operator, its result can be used in an expression (as in C).

       A few control constructs are provided:

       For loops can be created to loop over a vector, assigning each value to
       a  symbol  and  then  evaluating  an  expression.  This  is  done  with
       expressions of the form

          total=0; for{i in [0:len(A))} total=total+A[i]; total

       which is equivalent to sum(A). Note that this is similar to using

          total=0; len{i in [0:len(A)) | total=total+A[i]}; total

       since the for construct is actually an operator (although it is usually
       only used for changing symbol values). Note also that without the final
       "total", the expression would not be very useful since  it  would  only
       return the length of the vector.

       As in C, a list of expressions can be specified in curlies:

          total=total2 = 0;
          for {i in [0:len(A))} {
             total  = total  + A[i];
             total2 = total2 + A[i]^2

       There are also a few forms of the if-then-else construct:

          A[0]<0 ? 0 : A[0]

          if (A[0]<0) result=0 else result=A[0]

       The  else  is optional. Again, the if construct is an operator, and the
       then or else expressions can be expression lists in curlies,  in  which
       case  the  value  of  the  last  expression  is  returned.  If the else
       expression is missing, then the value  0  is  returned  when  the  test
       expression is 0 (false).

       The  principal  oddity  with the for and if constructs is that unlike C
       statements, they must be  separated  from  the  next  expression  by  a
       semicolon even when an expression list in curlies is used:

          for i in [0:len(A)) {total=total+A[i]} ; total/len(A)
          if (A[i]>0) {result=2;} else {result=1} ; result*5

       An   alternative   way  to  introduce  symbol  names  is  through  let-
       expressions.   For  example,  the  following  expression  will   always
       evaluate to 3:

          let a = 1, b = 2 in a + b

       These  were  originally  designed  to  create variables only within the
       evaluated expression, but modifications have  been  made  so  that  the
       global symbol table is changed.


       Here  is  an expression for calculating standard deviation, taking into
       account the possibility of invalid input data, which is ignored:

            s0 = s1 = s2 = 0;

            for { i in [0:len(A)) } {
               if (!isnan(v)) {
                  s0 = s0 + 1;
                  s1 = s1 + v;
                  s2 = s2 + v*v;

            if (s0 > 1) {
               sqrt((s2 - s1*s1/s0) / (s0-1));
            else {

       The last if could be changed to return 0 if s0 is > 0 but <= 1. We also
       drop  the  curly brackets, but then there must not be a ";" between the
       if and the else

            if (s0 > 1)
               sqrt((s2 - s1*s1/s0) / (s0-1))
            else if (s0 > 0)

       If we want both the mean and the standard deviation,  we  can  use  the
       -outfile option, invoking the command with

            minccalc -expfile stdev \
               -outfile mean mean.mnc \
               -outfile stdev stdev.mnc \
               infile1.mnc infile2.mnc ...

       And using the expression file (with yet another form of if expression):

            s0 = s1 = s2 = 0;

            for {i in [0:len(A))} {
               if (!isnan(v)) {
                  s0 = s0 + 1;
                  s1 = s1 + v;
                  s2 = s2 + v*v;

            stdev = (s0 > 1) ? sqrt((s2 - s1*s1/s0) / (s0-1)) :
                                 (s0 > 0) ? 0 : NaN ;
            mean  = (s0 > 0) ? s1 / s0 : NaN ;


       A few things you should remember...

       Vector variables must start with an uppercase letter.

       Vector variable names must not be one of the function keywords,
        sum, len, prod, ... etc

       For loops and if expressions always need to be separated from the  next
       expression by a semicolon.

       The symbol table is global.

       Boolean operators && and || always evaluate both operands.

       A  note on parallelism: For efficiency reasons, evaluations are done on
       many voxels at once (the number of voxels is referred to as  the  width
       of  the  evaluation and is changed with the -eval_width option). An odd
       consequence  of this is that both sides of  an  if-else  statement  are
       always  evaluated   (unless  all voxels give the same test result), but
       statements within each consequent are only evaluated on the appropriate
       voxels.  In  particular,  entries in the symbol table are only modified
       according to a voxel mask.  A side-effect of this is  that  any  vector
       symbol  set  in an if-else consequent must not change the length of the
       symbol (although it can create it) and both  sides  of  the  consequent
       must  agree  on the length of any vector symbols that they both modify.
       If this is not clear, just try it - the program will complain if it  is
       not happy.


       Andrew Janke -


       Copyright © 2000 by Andrew Janke



                         $Date: 2008/01/11 04:24:16 $