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       SoGLViewingMatrixElement -

       The SoGLViewingMatrixElement class is used to store the current viewing

       The viewing matrix contains the inverse camera coordinate system
       matrix. The camera coordinate system is built from the field values in
       the current SoCamera (currently either SoPerspectiveCamera or
       SoOrthographicCamera) and any transformations prior to the camera in
       the scene graph.


       #include <Inventor/elements/SoGLViewingMatrixElement.h>

       Inherits SoViewingMatrixElement.

   Public Member Functions
       virtual void init (SoState *state)
           FIXME: write doc.
       virtual void push (SoState *state)
       virtual void pop (SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void initClass (void)
       static uint32_t getNodeId (SoState *const state)
       static SbMatrix getResetMatrix (SoState *state)

   Protected Member Functions
       virtual ~SoGLViewingMatrixElement ()
       virtual void setElt (const SbMatrix &matrix)

Detailed Description

       The SoGLViewingMatrixElement class is used to store the current viewing

       The viewing matrix contains the inverse camera coordinate system
       matrix. The camera coordinate system is built from the field values in
       the current SoCamera (currently either SoPerspectiveCamera or
       SoOrthographicCamera) and any transformations prior to the camera in
       the scene graph.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoGLViewingMatrixElement::~SoGLViewingMatrixElement (void) [protected,
       virtual] The destructor.

Member Function Documentation

   void SoGLViewingMatrixElement::initClass (void) [static] This static method
       initializes static data for the SoViewingMatrixElement class.
       Reimplemented from SoViewingMatrixElement.

   uint32_t SoGLViewingMatrixElement::getNodeId (SoState *const  state)
       [static] Returns the node id of the current camera node. This is used
       by SoGLModelMatrixElement to detect a change in the viewing matrix
       inside an SoTransformSeparator node.
   SbMatrix SoGLViewingMatrixElement::getResetMatrix (SoState * state)
       [static] Returns the matrix that should be used by
       SoGLModelMatrixElement when the transformation should be reset during
       traversal (typically when encountering an SoResetTransform node). It is
       not sufficient to simply load the viewing matrix, since the
       transformations that were applied before the camera needs to be
       accounted for.
       This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the
       original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.

           Coin 2.0

   void SoGLViewingMatrixElement::setElt (const SbMatrix & matrix) [protected,
       virtual] Sets the current viewing matrix.
       Reimplemented from SoViewingMatrixElement.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code.