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Section #3 (C Library Functions)

a64l, l64a - convert between long and base-64
aa_attrs - returns pointer to the text output buffer used by AA-lib.
aa_autoinit - easy to use AA-lib initialization function.
aa_autoinitkbd - easy to use AA-lib keyboard initialization function.
aa_autoinitmouse - easy to use AA-lib mouse initialization function.
aa_close - close the AA-lib context.
aa_createedit - Simple interactive line editor provided as helper
aa_currentfont - returns specification of the fonts used by AA-lib
aa_defparams - default hardware paramters requested by AA-lib programs.
aa_defrenderparams - default rendering parameters.
aa_displayrecommended - List of recommended drivers.
aa_dithernames - Names of dithering methods supported by AA-lib.
aa_drivers - NULL-terminated array of output drivers available in AA-
aa_edit - Simple interactive line editor.
aa_editkey - Notify the line editor about keypress.
aa_fastrender - simple and fast AA-lib rendering function.
aa_fonts - Null-terminated array of available fonts.
aa_formats - NULL terminated array of save formats supported by AA-lib.
aa_getevent - keyboard functions
aa_getkey - return next keypress event from queue.
aa_getmouse - Get mouse position as specified by last mouse event read
aa_gotoxy - move the hardware cursor (if any) to specified position.
aa_help - AA-lib help string for the default command line parser.
aa_hidecursor - hide the hardware cursor.
aa_hidemouse - hide the mouse cursor.
aa_image - returns pointer to the framebuffer emulated by AA-lib.
aa_imgheight - returns height of the emulated image in pixels.
aa_imgwidth - returns width of the emulated image in pixels.
aa_init - open the output display for AA-lib.
aa_initkbd - initialize the AA-lib keyboard driver.
aa_initmouse - initialize the AA-lib mouse driver.
aa_kbddrivers - NULL-terminated array of keyboard drivers available in
aa_kbdrecommended - List of recommended drivers.
aa_mmheight - returns height of the output screen in millimeters.
aa_mmwidth - returns width of the output screen in millimeters.
aa_mousedrivers - NULL terminated array of mouse drivers supported by
aa_mouserecommended - List of recommended drivers.
aa_parseoptions - parse the standard command line options used by AA-
aa_printf - print text to AA-lib output buffers.
aa_putpixel - put pixel to emulated framebuffer
aa_puts - output string to AA-lib output buffers.
aa_recommendhidisplay - insert the given driver on beggining of the
aa_recommendhi - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of
aa_recommendhikbd - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of
aa_recommendhimouse - insert the given driver on beggining of the list
aa_recommendlowdisplay - Add the given driver to the end of list of
aa_recommendlow - Add the given driver to the end of list of
aa_recommendlowkbd - Add the given driver to the end of list of
aa_recommendlowmouse - Add the given driver to the end of list of mouse
aa_registerfont - add new font specification to aa_fonts array.
aa_render - convert image buffer to ASCII-art.
aa_resizehandler - Set user handler to be called on resize event.
aa_resize - resize functions
aa_scrheight - returns height of the output screen in characters.
aa_scrwidth - returns width of the output screen in characters.
aa_setfont - set font specification to be used by rendering functions.
aa_setsupported - alter the "supported" field of hardware_params
aa_showcursor - show the hardware cursor.
aa_showmouse - show the mouse cursor.
aa_text - returns pointer to the text output buffer used by AA-lib.
aa_uninitkbd - uninitialize the keyboard driver.
aa_uninitmouse - uninitialize the mouse driver.
abort - cause abnormal process termination
abs, labs, llabs, imaxabs - compute the absolute value of an integer
AbstractProperty.h - -
AbstractView.h - -
acl_add_perm - add a permission to an ACL permission set
acl_calc_mask - calculate the file group class mask
acl_check - check an ACL for validity
acl_clear_perms - clear all permissions from an ACL permission set
acl_cmp - compare two ACLs
acl_copy_entry - copy an ACL entry
acl_copy_ext - copy an ACL from internal to external representation
acl_copy_int - copy an ACL from external to internal representation
acl_create_entry - create a new ACL entry
acl_delete_def_file - delete a default ACL by filename
acl_delete_entry - delete an ACL entry
acl_delete_perm - delete a permission from an ACL permission set
acl_dup - duplicate an ACL
acl_entries - return the number of entries in an ACL
acl_equiv_mode - check for an equivalent ACL
acl_error - convert an ACL error code to a text message
acl_extended_fd - test for information in the ACL by file descriptor
acl_extended_file - test for information in ACLs by file name
acl_free - release memory allocated to an ACL data object
acl_from_mode - create an ACL from file permission bits
acl_from_text - create an ACL from text
acl_get_entry - get an ACL entry
acl_get_fd - get an ACL by file descriptor
acl_get_file - get an ACL by filename
acl_get_perm - test for a permission in an ACL permission set
acl_get_permset - retrieve the permission set from an ACL entry
acl_get_qualifier - retrieve the qualifier from an ACL entry
acl_get_tag_type - get the tag type of an ACL entry
acl_init - initialize ACL working storage
acl_set_fd - set an ACL by file descriptor
acl_set_file - set an ACL by filename
acl_set_permset - set the permission set in an ACL entry
acl_set_qualifier - set the qualifier of an ACL entry
acl_set_tag_type - set the tag type of an ACL entry
acl_size - get the size of the external representation of an ACL
acl_to_any_text - convert an ACL to text
acl_to_text - convert an ACL to text
acl_valid - validate an ACL
acos, acosf, acosl - arc cosine function
acosh, acoshf, acoshl - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acosh, acoshf, acoshl - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acosh, acoshf, acoshl - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acos, acosf, acosl - arc cosine function
acos, acosf, acosl - arc cosine function
Action Classes - -
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
AcyclicTest.h - -
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt, getmntent_r - -
Strings - -
address.h - -
addseverity - introduce new severity classes
Strings - -
AdjacencyMatrixImport.cpp - -
AdjacencyMatrixImport - -
adjtime - correct the time to synchronize the system clock
af_transaction, af_commit, af_abort - a simple transaction mechanism
af_histories, af_access - AtFS history functions
af_afname, af_afpath, af_aftype, af_afuser, af_setarchpath, af_version -
af_afname, af_afpath, af_aftype, af_afuser, af_setarchpath, af_version -
af_afname, af_afpath, af_aftype, af_afuser, af_setarchpath, af_version -
af_afname, af_afpath, af_aftype, af_afuser, af_setarchpath, af_version -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_savecache, af_cachesize - AtFS derived object cache handling
af_savecache, af_cachesize - AtFS derived object cache handling
af_chowner, af_chauthor, af_chmod - AtFS protection handling
af_chowner, af_chauthor, af_chmod - AtFS protection handling
af_chowner, af_chauthor, af_chmod - AtFS protection handling
af_errno, af_perror, af_errmsg, af_cleanup - AtFS error handling
af_crkey, af_open, af_close, af_rm, af_establish, af_restore - AtFS
af_transaction, af_commit, af_abort - a simple transaction mechanism
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_crkey, af_open, af_close, af_rm, af_establish, af_restore - AtFS
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_errno, af_perror, af_errmsg, af_cleanup - AtFS error handling
af_errno, af_perror, af_errmsg, af_cleanup - AtFS error handling
af_errno, af_perror, af_errmsg, af_cleanup - AtFS error handling
af_crkey, af_open, af_close, af_rm, af_establish, af_restore - AtFS
af_crkey, af_open, af_close, af_rm, af_establish, af_restore - AtFS
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_histories, af_access - AtFS history functions
af_histories, af_access - AtFS history functions
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
AtFS - introduction to AtFS library functions and error codes
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_lock, af_unlock, af_testlock - mechanism for reserving update rights
af_afname, af_afpath, af_aftype, af_afuser, af_setarchpath, af_version -
af_saverev, af_newgen, af_setbusy, af_sstate, af_svnum - version
gfx - standard graph module
net - standard networking module
nwg - standard network working group module
pim - standard personnal information manager module
sio - standard input/output module
sps - standard spreadsheet module
sys - standard system services module
txt - standard text processing module
xml - standard xml module
af_note - read and modify note attribute
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_crkey, af_open, af_close, af_rm, af_establish, af_restore - AtFS
af_errno, af_perror, af_errmsg, af_cleanup - AtFS error handling
af_chowner, af_chauthor, af_chmod - AtFS protection handling
af_crkey, af_open, af_close, af_rm, af_establish, af_restore - AtFS
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_find, af_cachefind, af_initattrs, af_getkey, af_dropkey, af_dropset, -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_crkey, af_open, af_close, af_rm, af_establish, af_restore - AtFS
af_savecache, af_cachesize - AtFS derived object cache handling
af_saverev, af_newgen, af_setbusy, af_sstate, af_svnum - version
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_afname, af_afpath, af_aftype, af_afuser, af_setarchpath, af_version -
af_retattr, af_retnumattr, af_retuserattr, af_rettimeattr, af_setattr, -
af_saverev, af_newgen, af_setbusy, af_sstate, af_svnum - version
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_saverev, af_newgen, af_setbusy, af_sstate, af_svnum - version
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_saverev, af_newgen, af_setbusy, af_sstate, af_svnum - version
af_lock, af_unlock, af_testlock - mechanism for reserving update rights
af_transaction, af_commit, af_abort - a simple transaction mechanism
af_transaction, af_commit, af_abort - a simple transaction mechanism
af_initset, af_nrofkeys, af_setgkey, af_setaddkey, af_setrmkey, -
af_lock, af_unlock, af_testlock - mechanism for reserving update rights
af_saverev, af_newgen, af_setbusy, af_sstate, af_svnum - version
aio_cancel64 - Cancel asynchronous I/O requests
aio_cancel - cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O request
aio_error64 - Return errors
aio_error - get error status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_fsync64 - Synchronize a file’s complete in-core state with that on
aio_fsync - asynchronous file synchronization
aio - Asynchronous IO
aio_init - How to optimize the AIO implementation
aio_read64 - Initiate an asynchronous read operation
aio_read - asynchronous read
aio_read64 - Retrieve status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_return - get return status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_suspend64 - Wait until one or more requests of a specific set
aio_suspend - wait for asynchronous I/O operation or timeout
aio_write64 - Initiate an asynchronous write operation
aio_write - asynchronous write
Algorithm.h - -
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
leptonica - image processing library
alloca - allocate memory that is automatically freed
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
all_tests.cpp - -
leptonica - image processing library
scandir, alphasort, versionsort - scan a directory for matching entries
ao_string_tokenize - tokenize an input string
AppDataUnit - -
appendzip.cpp - -
ApplicationHandler - -
ApplicationShell — The ApplicationShell widget class -
arc4random, arc4random_buf, arc4random_uniform, arc4random_stir, -
arc4random, arc4random_buf, arc4random_uniform, arc4random_stir, -
archive_entry_acl_add_entry, archive_entry_acl_add_entry_w, -
archive_read_disk_new, archive_read_disk_set_symlink_logical, -
archive_read_new, archive_read_set_filter_options, -
archive_clear_error, archive_compression, archive_compression_name, -
archive_write_disk_new, archive_write_disk_set_options, -
archive_write_new, archive_write_set_format_cpio, -
ares_cancel - Cancel a resolve
ares_destroy - Destroy a resolver channel
ares_destroy_options - Destroy options initialized with
ares_dup - Duplicate a resolver channel
ares_expand_name - Expand a DNS-encoded domain name
ares_expand_string - Expand a length encoded string
ares_fds - Get file descriptors to select on for name service
ares_free_data - Free data allocated by several c-ares functions
ares_free_errmem - Free memory allocated by ares_strerror
ares_free_hostent - Free host structure allocated by ares functions
ares_free_string - Free strings allocated by ares functions
ares_gethostbyaddr - Initiate a host query by address
ares_gethostbyname_file - Lookup a name in the system’s hosts file
ares_gethostbyname - Initiate a host query by name
ares_getnameinfo - Address-to-nodename translation in protocol-
ares_get_servers - Retrieve name servers from an initialized
ares_getsock - get socket descriptors to wait on
ares_init, ares_init_options - Initialize a resolver channel
ares_init, ares_init_options - Initialize a resolver channel
ares_library_cleanup - c-ares library deinitialization
ares_library_init - c-ares library initialization
ares_mkquery - Compose a single-question DNS query buffer
ares_parse_aaaa_reply - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type AAAA
ares_parse_a_reply - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type A into a
ares_parse_mx_reply - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type MX
ares_parse_ns_reply - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type NS into a
ares_parse_ptr_reply - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type PTR into a
ares_parse_srv_reply - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type SRV
ares_parse_txt_reply - Parse a reply to a DNS query of type TXT
ares_process - Process events for name resolution
ares_query - Initiate a single-question DNS query
ares_save_options - Save configuration values obtained from initialized
ares_search - Initiate a DNS query with domain search
ares_send - Initiate a DNS query
ares_set_servers - Initialize an ares_channel name servers
ares_set_socket_callback - Set a socket creation callback
ares_strerror - Get the description of an ares library error code
ares_fds - Get file descriptors to select on for name service
ares_version - Get the version number of the library
getarg, arg_printusage - collect command line options
argtable2 - an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line
argtable2 - an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
argz_add, argz_add_sep, argz_append, argz_count, argz_create, -
ArityMetric.cpp - -
ArityMetric.h - -
ArityMetric - -
Array.h - -
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
asin, asinf, asinl - arc sine function
asinh, asinhf, asinhl - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinh, asinhf, asinhl - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinh, asinhf, asinhl - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asin, asinf, asinl - arc sine function
asin, asinf, asinl - arc sine function
Combining C and assembly source files - For time- or space-critical
asn1_array2tree - API function
asn1_bit_der - API function
asn1_check_version - API function
asn1_copy_node - API function
asn1_create_element - API function
asn1_delete_element - API function
asn1_delete_structure - API function
asn1_der_coding - API function
asn1_der_decoding_element - API function
asn1_der_decoding - API function
asn1_der_decoding_startEnd - API function
asn1_expand_any_defined_by - API function
asn1_expand_octet_string - API function
asn1_find_node - API function
asn1_find_structure_from_oid - API function
asn1_get_bit_der - API function
asn1_get_length_ber - API function
asn1_get_length_der - API function
asn1_get_octet_der - API function
asn1_get_tag_der - API function
asn1_length_der - API function
asn1_number_of_elements - API function
asn1_octet_der - API function
asn1_parser2array - API function
asn1_parser2tree - API function
asn1_perror - API function
asn1_print_structure - API function
asn1_read_tag - API function
asn1_read_value - API function
asn1_strerror - API function
asn1_write_value - API function
asprintf, vasprintf - print to allocated string
assembler - .TH "assembler" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-
assert - abort the program if assertion is false
assert_perror - test errnum and abort
atalk_aton - AppleTalk address parsing
atRetAttr, atSetAttr, atAttrName, atAttrValue, atAllAttrs, atFreeAttrs -
atan2, atan2f, atan2l - arc tangent function of two variables
atan2, atan2f, atan2l - arc tangent function of two variables
atan2, atan2f, atan2l - arc tangent function of two variables
atan, atanf, atanl - arc tangent function
atanh, atanhf, atanhl - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanh, atanhf, atanhl - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanh, atanhf, atanhl - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atan, atanf, atanl - arc tangent function
atan, atanf, atanl - arc tangent function
atRetAttr, atSetAttr, atAttrName, atAttrValue, atAllAttrs, atFreeAttrs -
atRetAttr, atSetAttr, atAttrName, atAttrValue, atAllAttrs, atFreeAttrs -
atRetAttr, atSetAttr, atAttrName, atAttrValue, atAllAttrs, atFreeAttrs -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindAddRule, atBindDelRule, atBindRuleFile, atBindDisplayErrors, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atSaveCache, atCacheKey - derived object cache handling
atSaveCache, atCacheKey - derived object cache handling
atFileClassExt, atIsDerived - ASO class handling
atOpenExpand, atReadExpand, atCloseExpand - read version objects with
atSetVersAlias, atDelVersAlias, atVno, atGen, atRev - version handling
atexit - register a function to be called at normal process termination
atExpandAttrs, atExpand - attribute expansion
atExpandAttrs, atExpand - attribute expansion
atExpandAttrs, atExpand - attribute expansion
atFileClassExt, atIsDerived - ASO class handling
atRetAttr, atSetAttr, atAttrName, atAttrValue, atAllAttrs, atFreeAttrs -
AtFSTK - introduction to the AtFS (Attribute Filesystem) Toolkit
atSetVersAlias, atDelVersAlias, atVno, atGen, atRev - version handling
atFileClassExt, atIsDerived - ASO class handling
atNetworkPath, atLocalPath - network path handling
atSetComment, atUnlock - log and lock handling
atNetworkPath, atLocalPath - network path handling
atNetworkPath, atLocalPath - network path handling
atof - convert a string to a double
atoi, atol, atoll, atoq - convert a string to an integer
atoi, atol, atoll, atoq - convert a string to an integer
atoi, atol, atoll, atoq - convert a string to an integer
atOpenExpand, atReadExpand, atCloseExpand - read version objects with
atoi, atol, atoll, atoq - convert a string to an integer
atWriteStatus, atWriteMode, atWriteDate, atWriteName, atScanStatus - -
atOpenExpand, atReadExpand, atCloseExpand - read version objects with
atOpenExpand, atReadExpand, atCloseExpand - read version objects with
atRetAttr, atSetAttr, atAttrName, atAttrValue, atAllAttrs, atFreeAttrs -
atSetVersAlias, atDelVersAlias, atVno, atGen, atRev - version handling
atSaveCache, atCacheKey - derived object cache handling
atBindVersion, atBindSet, atBindCache, atBindNoMsg, atScanBinding, -
atWriteStatus, atWriteMode, atWriteDate, atWriteName, atScanStatus - -
atUserValid, atScanUser, atUserName, atUserUid - user handling
atRetAttr, atSetAttr, atAttrName, atAttrValue, atAllAttrs, atFreeAttrs -
atSetComment, atUnlock - log and lock handling
atSetVersAlias, atDelVersAlias, atVno, atGen, atRev - version handling
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
attr_get, attr_getf - get the value of a user attribute of a filesystem
attr_get, attr_getf - get the value of a user attribute of a filesystem
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
attr_list, attr_listf - list the names of the user attributes of a
attr_list, attr_listf - list the names of the user attributes of a
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
attr_multi, attr_multif - manipulate multiple user attributes on a
attr_multi, attr_multif - manipulate multiple user attributes on a
attr_remove, attr_removef - remove a user attribute of a filesystem
attr_remove, attr_removef - remove a user attribute of a filesystem
attr_set, attr_setf - set the value of a user attribute of a filesystem
attr_set, attr_setf - set the value of a user attribute of a filesystem
atSetComment, atUnlock - log and lock handling
atUserValid, atScanUser, atUserName, atUserUid - user handling
atUserValid, atScanUser, atUserName, atUserUid - user handling
atUserValid, atScanUser, atUserName, atUserUid - user handling
atUserValid, atScanUser, atUserName, atUserUid - user handling
atSetVersAlias, atDelVersAlias, atVno, atGen, atRev - version handling
atSetVersAlias, atDelVersAlias, atVno, atGen, atRev - version handling
atWriteStatus, atWriteMode, atWriteDate, atWriteName, atScanStatus - -
atWriteStatus, atWriteMode, atWriteDate, atWriteName, atScanStatus - -
atWriteStatus, atWriteMode, atWriteDate, atWriteName, atScanStatus - -
atWriteStatus, atWriteMode, atWriteDate, atWriteName, atScanStatus - -
audio2.h - Framework for portable audio processing and file handling
audit_add_rule_data - Add new audit rule
audit_add_watch - create a rule layout for a watch
audit_delete_rule_data - Delete audit rule
audit_detect_machine - Detects the current machine type
audit_encode_nv_string - encode a name/value pair in a string
audit_getloginuid - Get a program’s loginuid value
audit_get_reply - Get the audit system’s reply
audit_log_acct_message - log a user account message
audit_log_user_avc_message - log a user avc message
audit_log_user_command - log a user command
audit_log_user_comm_message - log a user message from a console app
audit_log_user_message - log a general user message
audit_log_user_semanage_message - log a semanage message
audit_open - Open a audit netlink socket connection
audit_request_rules_list_data - Request list of current audit rules
audit_request_signal_info - Request signal info for the audit system
audit_request_status - Request status of the audit system
audit_set_backlog_limit - Set the audit backlog limit
audit_set_enabled - Enable or disable auditing
audit_set_failure - Set audit failure flag
audit_setloginuid - Set a program’s loginuid value
audit_set_pid - Set audit daemon process ID
audit_set_rate_limit - Set audit rate limit
audit_update_watch_perms - update permissions field of watch command
AugmentedDisplayDialog.h - -
auparse_add_callback - add a callback handler for notifications
auparse_destroy - release instance of parser
auparse_feed - feed data into parser
auparse_find_field - search for field name
auparse_find_field_next - find next occurrance of field name
auparse_first_field - reposition field cursor
auparse_first_record - reposition record cursor
auparse_flush_feed - flush any unconsumed feed data through parser.
auparse_get_field_int - get current field’s value as an int
auparse_get_field_name - get current field’s name
auparse_get_field_str - get current field’s value
auparse_get_field_type - get current field’s data type
auparse_get_filename - get the filename where record was found
auparse_get_line_number - get line number where record was found
auparse_get_milli - get the millisecond value of the event
auparse_get_node - get the event’s machine node name
auparse_get_num_fields - get the number of fields
auparse_get_num_records - get the number of records
auparse_get_record_text - access unparsed record data
auparse_get_serial - get the event’s serial number
auparse_get_time - get event’s time
auparse_get_timestamp - access timestamp of the event
auparse_get_type - get record’s type
auparse_goto_record_num - move record cursor to specific record
auparse_init - initialize an instance of the audit parsing library
auparse_interpret_field - get current field’s value interpreted
auparse_next_event - get the next event
auparse_next_field - move field cursor
auparse_next_record - move record cursor
auparse_node_compare - compares node name values
auparse_reset - reset audit parser instance
auparse_timestamp_compare - compares timestamp values
ausearch_add_expression - build up search expression
ausearch_add_interpreted_item - build up search rule
ausearch_add_item - build up search rule
ausearch_add_regex - use regular expression search rule
ausearch_add_timestamp_item - build up search rule
ausearch_clear - clear search paramters
ausearch_next_event - find the next event that meets search criteria
ausearch_set_stop - set the cursor position
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
auth_enumerate - Obtain list of accounts
auth_generic - Generic authentication request
auth_getoption - Search an option string
auth_getuserinfo - Obtain account information
authlib - Courier Authentication Library
auth_login - Validate a userid and password
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
auth_passwd - Change account’s password
auth_sasl, auth_sasl_ex - SASL implementation
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
AutoSize.cpp - -
AutoSize - -
avc_add_callback - additional event notification for SELinux userspace
avcall - build a C argument list incrementally and call a C function on
avc_cache_stats, avc_av_stats, avc_sid_stats - obtain userspace SELinux
avc_cache_stats, avc_av_stats, avc_sid_stats - obtain userspace SELinux
avc_compute_create, avc_compute_member - obtain SELinux label for new
avc_compute_create, avc_compute_member - obtain SELinux label for new
avc_context_to_sid, avc_sid_to_context, avc_get_initial_sid - obtain
avc_context_to_sid, avc_sid_to_context, avc_get_initial_sid - obtain
avc_context_to_sid, avc_sid_to_context, avc_get_initial_sid - obtain
avc_has_perm, avc_has_perm_noaudit, avc_audit, avc_entry_ref_init - -
avc_has_perm, avc_has_perm_noaudit, avc_audit, avc_entry_ref_init - -
avc_init - legacy userspace SELinux AVC setup.
avc_netlink_open, avc_netlink_close, avc_netlink_acquire_fd, -
avc_netlink_open, avc_netlink_close, avc_netlink_acquire_fd, -
avc_netlink_open, avc_netlink_close, avc_netlink_acquire_fd, -
avc_open, avc_destroy, avc_reset, avc_cleanup - userspace SELinux AVC
avc_open, avc_destroy, avc_reset, avc_cleanup - userspace SELinux AVC
avc_cache_stats, avc_av_stats, avc_sid_stats - obtain userspace SELinux
avc_context_to_sid, avc_sid_to_context, avc_get_initial_sid - obtain
AVPQueue - -
xxxxxlt;avr/boot.hxxxxxgt;: Bootloader Support Utilities - -
xxxxxlt;avr/eeprom.hxxxxxgt;: EEPROM handling - -
xxxxxlt;avr/fuse.hxxxxxgt;: Fuse Support - Introduction
xxxxxlt;avr/interrupt.hxxxxxgt;: Interrupts - -
xxxxxlt;inttypes.hxxxxxgt;: Integer Type conversions - -
xxxxxlt;avr/lock.hxxxxxgt;: Lockbit Support - Introduction
xxxxxlt;math.hxxxxxgt;: Mathematics - -
xxxxxlt;avr/pgmspace.hxxxxxgt;: Program Space Utilities - -
xxxxxlt;avr/power.hxxxxxgt;: Power Reduction Management - .PP
xxxxxlt;avr/sfr_defs.hxxxxxgt;: Special function registers - -
xxxxxlt;avr/sleep.hxxxxxgt;: Power Management and Sleep Modes - -
xxxxxlt;stdint.hxxxxxgt;: Standard Integer Types - -
xxxxxlt;stdio.hxxxxxgt;: Standard IO facilities - -
xxxxxlt;stdlib.hxxxxxgt;: General utilities - -
xxxxxlt;string.hxxxxxgt;: Strings - -
xxxxxlt;avr/wdt.hxxxxxgt;: Watchdog timer handling - -
ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist, ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, -
ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist, ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, -
ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist, ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, -
ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist, ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, -
ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist, ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, -
ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist, ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, -
ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist, ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, -
AxisConfigDialogs.cpp - -
AxisConfigDialogs.h - -
backbuffer.h - The header file for BackBuffer.
backtrace, backtrace_symbols, backtrace_symbols_fd - support for
backtrace, backtrace_symbols, backtrace_symbols_fd - support for
backtrace, backtrace_symbols, backtrace_symbols_fd - support for
barcode - a library to create and print bar codes
base.h - -
Base Classes - -
basename, dirname - parse pathname components
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
basicentry.cpp - Implementation of BasicEntry.
basicentry.h - Header file that defines BasicEntry.
Basic - -
bcmp - compare byte sequences
bcopy - copy byte sequence
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
benchmarks - .TH "benchmarks" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_memalloc, ber_memcalloc, ber_memrealloc, ber_memfree, ber_memvfree -
ber_memalloc, ber_memcalloc, ber_memrealloc, ber_memfree, ber_memvfree -
ber_memalloc, ber_memcalloc, ber_memrealloc, ber_memfree, ber_memvfree -
ber_memalloc, ber_memcalloc, ber_memrealloc, ber_memfree, ber_memvfree -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
BetweennessCentrality.cpp - -
BetweennessCentrality - -
Bezier.h - -
Bfs.h - -
BiconnectedComponent.cpp - -
BiconnectedComponnent - -
BiconnectedTest.h - -
billboard.cpp - -
Billboard - -
cdk_binding - Curses Development Kit Character Binding Capabilities.
bindresvport - bind a socket to a privileged IP port
bind_textdomain_codeset - set encoding of message translations
bindtextdomain - set directory containing message catalogs
leptonica - image processing library
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
Blt_TreeCreate - Create tree data object.
Blt_TreeCreateNode - Creates a node in a tree data object.
Blt_TreeDeleteNode - Deletes a node and its descendants.
Blt_TreeExists - Indicates if a tree exists.
Blt_TreeGetNode - Finds the node from the ID.
Blt_TreeGetToken - Grabs a token associated with existing tree data
Blt_Tree - Tree data object.
Blt_TreeName - Returns the name of the tree data object.
Blt_TreeNodeId - Returns the node serial number.
Blt_TreeReleaseToken - Releases token associated with tree object.
BmdLink.h - -
BmdList.h - -
books - Books Related to Open Inventor / Coin Here is a list of some of
BooleanAlgorithm.h - -
BooleanProperty.h - -
boolstuff - Disjunctive Normal Form boolean expression C++ library
boot.h - -
Border.h - -
BoundingBox.h - -
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
brlapi_authClientPacket_t - -
brlapi_authServerPacket_t - -
Connecting to BrlAPI - -
Connecting to BrlAPI - -
Connecting to BrlAPI - -
brlapi_connectionSettings_t - -
brlapi_constants.h - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Deprecated names - -
brlapi_describedKeyCode_t - -
Reading key presses - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
brlapi_errorPacket_t - -
brlapi_error_t - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
brlapi_expandedKeyCode_t - -
Reading key presses - -
BrlAPI's protocol - -
Connecting to BrlAPI - -
Error handling - -
Getting Terminal information - -
Getting Terminal information - -
Getting Terminal information - -
Getting Terminal information - -
brlapi_getDriverSpecificModePacket_t - -
BrlAPI handles - -
Error handling - -
Deprecated names - -
Deprecated names - -
Deprecated names - -
BrlAPI handles - -
BrlAPI handles - -
brlapi_header_t - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Getting Terminal information - -
Deprecated names - -
brlapi_keycodes.h - -
Types and Defines fore BrlAPI Key Codes - -
Types and Defines fore BrlAPI Key Codes - -
Reading key presses - -
Deprecated names - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Deprecated names - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Connecting to BrlAPI - -
Connecting to BrlAPI - -
brlapi_packet_t - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
brlapi_protocol.h - -
BrlAPI's protocol - -
brlapi_range_t - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
Reading key presses - -
BrlAPI's protocol - -
BrlAPI's protocol - -
BrlAPI's protocol - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Deprecated names - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Deprecated names - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Error handling - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Driver-Specific modes - -
Deprecated names - -
Entering xxxxxamp; leaving tty mode - -
Deprecated names - -
Deprecated names - -
Version of the BrlAPI library - -
brlapi_versionPacket_t - -
brlapi_writeArgumentsPacket_t - -
brlapi_writeArguments_t - -
Writing on the braille display - -
Writing on the braille display - -
Writing on the braille display - -
Writing on the braille display - -
BrlAPI's protocol - -
brlapi_writeStruct - -
Writing on the braille display - -
Writing on the braille display - -
vpBruteForceRender - render using a simple brute-force method
bsd_signal - signal handling with BSD semantics
bsearch - binary search of a sorted array
bcmp, bcopy, bzero, memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memfrob, memmem, -
bt_format_names - formatting BibTeX names for consistent output
bt_input - input/parsing functions in btparse library
bt_language - the BibTeX data language, as recognized by btparse
bt_macros - accessing and manipulating the btparse macro table
bt_misc - miscellaneous BibTeX-like string-processing utilities
btowc - convert single byte to wide character
btparse - C library for parsing and processing BibTeX data files
bt_postprocess - post-processing of BibTeX strings, values, and entries
btree - btree database access method
bt_split_names - splitting up BibTeX names and lists of names
bt_traversal - AST traversal/query functions in btparse library
BubbleTree.cpp - -
BubbleTree.h - -
BubbleTree - -
buffer.h - -
leptonica - image processing library
Bundle Classes - -
Business::US::USPS::WebTools - Use the US Postal Service Web Tools
bytecode - java library for the editing of the language’s bytecode
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs - convert values between host and network
bzero - write zero-valued bytes
Cabin - the utility API of QDBM
cabs, cabsf, cabsl - absolute value of a complex number
cabs, cabsf, cabsl - absolute value of a complex number
cabs, cabsf, cabsl - absolute value of a complex number
Cache::Apt::Config - Configuration handler for apt-cross and related
Cache::Apt::Lookup - Cache handler for apt-cross and related tools
Cache::Apt::Package - Package handler for apt-cross and related tools
Cache Classes - -
cacos, cacosf, cacosl - complex arc cosine
cacosh, cacoshf, cacoshl - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacosh, cacoshf, cacoshl - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacosh, cacoshf, cacoshl - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacos, cacosf, cacosl - complex arc cosine
cacos, cacosf, cacosl - complex arc cosine
cairo-5c - cairo bindings for nickle programs
callback - closures with variable arguments as first-class C functions
vpSetCallback - define a callback function
malloc - .TH "malloc" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-libc"
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
Camera.h - -
CannaLib intro — Kana-to-Kanji Conversion Library Intro -
canonicalize_file_name - return the canonicalized filename
cap_clear, cap_clear_flag, cap_get_flag, cap_set_flag, cap_compare - -
cap_clear, cap_clear_flag, cap_get_flag, cap_set_flag, cap_compare - -
cap_clear, cap_clear_flag, cap_get_flag, cap_set_flag, cap_compare - -
cap_copy_ext, cap_size, cap_copy_int - capability state external
cap_copy_ext, cap_size, cap_copy_int - capability state external
cap_init, cap_free, cap_dup - capability data object storage management
cap_init, cap_free, cap_dup - capability data object storage management
cap_from_text, cap_to_text, cap_to_name, cap_from_name - capability
cap_from_text, cap_to_text, cap_to_name, cap_from_name - capability
cap_get_file, cap_set_file, cap_get_fd, cap_set_fd - capability
cap_get_file, cap_set_file, cap_get_fd, cap_set_fd - capability
cap_clear, cap_clear_flag, cap_get_flag, cap_set_flag, cap_compare - -
cap_get_proc, cap_set_proc, capgetp - capability manipulation on
cap_get_proc, cap_set_proc, capgetp - capability manipulation on
cap_get_proc, cap_set_proc, capgetp - capability manipulation on
cap_init, cap_free, cap_dup - capability data object storage management
capng_apply - apply the stored capabilities settings
capng_capability_to_name - convert capability integer to text
capng_change_id - change the credentials retaining capabilities
capng_clear - clear chosen capabilities set
capng_fill - fill chosen capabilities set
capng_get_caps_fd - read file-based capabilities from extended
capng_get_caps_process - get the capabilities from a process
capng_have_capabilities - general check for capabilities
capng_have_capability - check for specific capability
capng_lock - lock the current process capabilities settings
capng_name_to_capability - convert capability text to integer
capng_print_caps_numeric - print numeric values for capabilities set
capng_print_caps_text - print names of values for capabilities set
capng_restore_state - set the internal library state
capng_save_state - get the internal library state
capng_set_caps_fd - write file-based capabilities to extended
capng_setpid - set working pid
capng_update - update the stored capabilities settings
capng_updatev - update the stored capabilities settings
cap_get_file, cap_set_file, cap_get_fd, cap_set_fd - capability
cap_get_file, cap_set_file, cap_get_fd, cap_set_fd - capability
cap_clear, cap_clear_flag, cap_get_flag, cap_set_flag, cap_compare - -
cap_get_proc, cap_set_proc, capgetp - capability manipulation on
cap_get_proc, cap_set_proc, capgetp - capability manipulation on
cap_copy_ext, cap_size, cap_copy_int - capability state external
cap_from_text, cap_to_text, cap_to_name, cap_from_name - capability
cap_from_text, cap_to_text, cap_to_name, cap_from_name - capability
carg, cargf, cargl - calculate the argument
carg, cargf, cargl - calculate the argument
carg, cargf, cargl - calculate the argument
casin, casinf, casinl - complex arc sine
casinh, casinhf, casinhl - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinh, casinhf, casinhl - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinh, casinhf, casinhl - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casin, casinf, casinl - complex arc sine
casin, casinf, casinl - complex arc sine
catan, catanf, catanl - complex arc tangents
catanh, catanhf, catanhl - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanh, catanhf, catanhl - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanh, catanhf, catanhl - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catan, catanf, catanl - complex arc tangents
catan, catanf, catanl - complex arc tangents
catopen, catclose - open/close a message catalog
catgets - get message from a message catalog
catopen, catclose - open/close a message catalog
des_crypt, ecb_crypt, cbc_crypt, des_setparity, DES_FAILED - fast DES
cBroadcast - broadcast signal to all waiting threads.
cbrt, cbrtf, cbrtl - cube root function
cbrt, cbrtf, cbrtl - cube root function
cbrt, cbrtf, cbrtl - cube root function
ccos, ccosf, ccosl - complex cosine function
ccosh, ccoshf, ccoshl - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccosh, ccoshf, ccoshl - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccosh, ccoshf, ccoshl - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccos, ccosf, ccosl - complex cosine function
ccos, ccosf, ccosl - complex cosine function
cCreate - initialize a condition variable.
cc_string - -
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
cdb - Constant DataBase library
cDestroy - destroy a condition variable.
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_binding - Curses Development Kit Character Binding Capabilities.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_compat - Cdk4 compatibility functions
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_display - Curses Development Kit Display Capabilities.
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk - Curses Development Kit
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_params - Cdk command-line parsing
cdk_position - curses widget positioning key-bindings
cdk_process - curses widget pre/post-processing
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
Cdt - container data types
CDTTRF - compute an LU factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix A
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
ceil, ceilf, ceill - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less
ceil, ceilf, ceill - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less
ceil, ceilf, ceill - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
cerf, cerff, cerfl, cerfc, cerfcf, cerfcl - complex error function
cerf, cerff, cerfl, cerfc, cerfcf, cerfcl - complex error function
cerf, cerff, cerfl, cerfc, cerfcf, cerfcl - complex error function
cerf, cerff, cerfl, cerfc, cerfcf, cerfcl - complex error function
cerf, cerff, cerfl, cerfc, cerfcf, cerfcl - complex error function
cerf, cerff, cerfl, cerfc, cerfcf, cerfcl - complex error function
cexp2, cexp2f, cexp2l - base-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp2, cexp2f, cexp2l - base-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp2, cexp2f, cexp2l - base-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp, cexpf, cexpl - complex exponential function
cexp, cexpf, cexpl - complex exponential function
cexp, cexpf, cexpl - complex exponential function
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
cfg_opt_t - Data structure holding information about an option.
cfg_t - Data structure holding information about a ’section’.
cfg_value_t - Data structure holding the value of a fundamental option
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
cfree - free allocated memory
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
CGBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
CGEMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*op( A
CGEMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
CGERC - perform the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y’ ) + A,
CGERU - perform the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y’ + A,
Cgetopt_long - get long options from command line argument list
Cookies - -
cgi_cookie_authority - determine the cookie authority for a domain
cgi_cookie_clear - clear browser cookie
cgi_cookie_set - Set a browser Cookie
Cookies - -
cgi_cs_init - initialize CS parser with the CGI defaults
cgiDebug - Set the debug level for CGI programming
cgi_debug_init - initialize standalone debugging
cgi_destroy - deallocate the data associated with a CGI
cgi_display - render and display the CGI output to the user
CGI manipulation - -
cgi_error - display an error string to the user
cgiEscape - HTML escape certain characters in a string
CGI manipulation - -
CGI manipulation - -
cgi_filehandle - return a file pointer to an uploaded file
cgiFree - Frees CGI data structure
cgiFreeList - Frees memory used by a list
cgiGetCookie - Return a cookie
cgiGetCookies - Returns a list of cookies
cgiGetFile - Return information of a CGI file variable
cgiGetFiles - Returns a list of CGI file variables
cgiGetValue - Return the value of a CGI variable
cgiGetVariables - Returns a list of CGI variables
cgiHeader - Print the HTTP header
CGI manipulation - -
CGI manipulation - -
CGI manipulation - -
cgiInit - Initializes CGI library
cgi_neo_error - display a NEOERR call backtrace
cgi_output - display the CGI output to the user
CGI manipulation - -
CGI manipulation - -
cgi_parse - Parse incoming CGI data
CGI manipulation - -
CGI manipulation - -
cgiRedirect - Redirect the browser somewhere else
cgi_redirect_uri - send an HTTP 302 redirect response
cgi_register_parse_cb - Register a parse callback
CGI manipulation - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
Session Handling - -
cgiSetHeader - Specify an additional HTTP header
cgiSetType - Specify the result type
CGI manipulation - -
cgi_url_escape - url escape a string
cgi_url_escape_more - url escape a string
cgi_url_unescape - unescape an url encoded string
cgi_url_validate - validate that url is of an allowed format
cgi_vredirect - send an HTTP 302 redirect response
cgiwrap_getenv - the wrapper for getenv
cgiwrap_init_emu - initialize cgiwrap for emulated use
cgiwrap_init_std - Initialize cgiwrap with default functions
cgiwrap_iterenv - iterater for env vars
cgiwrap_putenv - wrap the putenv call
cgiwrap_read - cgiwrap input function
cgiwrap_writef - a wrapper for printf
cgiwrap_write - wrapper for the fwrite(stdout)
cgiwrap_writevf - a wrapper for vprintf
Cglobals - LCG thread-specific global variables interface
libcgraph - abstract graph library
Cgrp - LCG Group file Thread-Safe inferface
cgsi_plugin.h - -
channel.h - -
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
CHBMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
cdk_binding - Curses Development Kit Character Binding Capabilities.
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
CHEMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*A*B +
CHEMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
CHER2 - perform the hermitian rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y’
CHER2K - perform one of the hermitian rank 2k operations C :=
CHER - perform the hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x’
CHERK - perform one of the hermitian rank k operations C :=
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
CHPMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
CHPR2 - perform the hermitian rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y’
CHPR - perform the hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x’
christmastree.cpp - -
ChristmasTree - -
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cimag, cimagf, cimagl - get imaginary part of a complex number
cimag, cimagf, cimagl - get imaginary part of a complex number
cimag, cimagf, cimagl - get imaginary part of a complex number
circle.cpp - -
Circle.h - -
Circle - -
Circular.cpp - -
Circular.h - -
Circular - -
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_binding - Curses Development Kit Character Binding Capabilities.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
clearenv - clear the environment
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno - check and reset stream status
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
vpSetClientData - define a client data pointer
clientlib - NNTP clientlib part of InterNetNews library
DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, -
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
clock_getcpuclockid - obtain ID of a process CPU-time clock
clock - Determine processor time
clog10, clog10f, clog10l - base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10, clog10f, clog10l - base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10, clog10f, clog10l - base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog2, clog2f, clog2l - base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2, clog2f, clog2l - base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2, clog2f, clog2l - base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog, clogf, clogl - natural logarithm of a complex number
clog, clogf, clogl - natural logarithm of a complex number
clog, clogf, clogl - natural logarithm of a complex number
closedir - close a directory
closelog, openlog, syslog, vsyslog - send messages to the system logger
vpClassifyScalars - create a preclassified volume from scalar data
vpClassifyScanline - incrementally create a preclassified volume from
vpSetClassifierTable - specify an opacity transfer function
vpClassifyVolume, vpDestroyClassifiedVolume - create/destroy a
Clustering - -
ClusterMetric.cpp - -
ClusterMetric.h - -
ClusterMetric - -
CMCICLientFT.associatorNames() - Enumerate ObjectPaths associated with
CMCIClientFT.associators() - Enumerate instances associated with an
CMCIClientFT.createInstance() - Create class instance
CMCIClientFT.deleteInstance() - Delete class instance
CMCICLientFT.enumClasses() - Enumerate classes and subclasss
CMCICLientFT.enumClassNames() - Enumerate class names
CMCIClientFT.enumInstanceNames() - Enumerate instance names of a class
CMCIClientFT.enumInstances() - Enumerate instances of a class
CMCIClientFT.execQuery() - Query the enumeration of instances of a
CMCIClientFT.getClass() - Get class as reference
CMCIClientFT.getInstance() - Get class instance
CMCIClientFT.getProperty() - Get a named property value of an instance
CMCIClientFT.invokeMethod() - Invoke a named method of an instance
CMCIClientFT.referenceNames() - Enumerate association ObjectPaths for a
CMCIClientFT.references() - Enumerate association instances for a class
CMCIClientFT.setInstance() - Replace class instance
CMCIClientFT.setProperty() - Set a named property value of an instance
CMCIClient - CIMOM Client Library object
cmciConnect() - Create a CMCIClient object and connection
cmdoptns.h - -
CMPIArgs - CMPIArgs class implementation
CMPIDateTime - CMPIDateTime class implementation
CMPIEnumeration - CMPIEnumeration class implementation
CMPIInstance - CMPIInstance class implementation
CMPIObjectPath - CMPIObjectPath class implementation
CMPIStatus - CMPIStatus class implementation
CMPIString - CMPIString class implementation
CMPIValue - CMPIValue class implementation
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
Cmutex - LCG Mutex inferface
Cnetdb - LCG netdb utilities
coin200 - New Features in Coin v2.0.0
coin210 - New Features in Coin v2.1.0
coin220 - New Features in Coin v2.2.0
coin230 - New Features in Coin v2.3.0
coin240 - New Features in Coin v2.4.0 The primary reason for the 2.4.0
coin250 - New Features in Coin v2.5.0 This is a brief summary of the
coin300 - New Features in Coin v3.0.0 To come.
coin_shaders - Shaders in Coin Coin 2.5 added support for shaders. The
collcoll.cpp - Implementation of CollectionCollection.
collcoll.h - Header file that defines CollectionCollection.
Collision detections between scene geometry - -
ColorAlgorithm.h - -
Color.h - -
leptonica - image processing library
colors - libbash library for setting tty colors.
colors - libbash library for setting tty colors.
ColorProperty.h - -
leptonica - image processing library
colors - libbash library for setting tty colors.
ColorScaleConfigDialog.h - -
ColorScale.h - -
colors - libbash library for setting tty colors.
colors - libbash library for setting tty colors.
MetricMapping.cpp - -
leptonica - image processing library
comedi_apply_calibration - set hardware calibration from file
comedi_apply_parsed_calibration - set calibration from memory
comedi_cancel - stop streaming input/output in progress
comedi_cleanup_calibration_file - free calibration resources
comedi_close - close a Comedi device
comedi_command - start streaming input/output
comedi_command_test - test streaming input/output configuration
comedi_data_read_delayed - read single sample from channel after
comedi_data_read_hint - tell driver which channel/range/aref you are
comedi_data_read - read single sample from channel
comedi_data_write - write single sample to channel
comedi_dio_bitfield2 - read/write multiple digital channels
comedi_dio_bitfield - read/write multiple digital channels
comedi_dio_config - change input/output properties of channel
comedi_dio_get_config - query input/output properties of channel
comedi_dio_read - read single bit from digital channel
comedi_dio_write - write single bit to digital channel
comedi_do_insn - perform instruction
comedi_do_insnlist - perform multiple instructions
comedi_errno - number of last Comedilib error
comedi_fileno - integer descriptor of Comedilib device
comedi_find_range - search for range
comedi_find_subdevice_by_type - search for subdevice type
comedi_from_phys - convert physical units to sample
comedi_from_physical - convert physical units to sample
comedi_get_board_name - Comedi device name
comedi_get_buffer_contents - streaming buffer status
comedi_get_buffer_offset - streaming buffer status
comedi_get_buffer_size - streaming buffer size of subdevice
comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed - streaming input/output capabilities
comedi_get_cmd_src_mask - streaming input/output capabilities
comedi_get_default_calibration_path - get default calibration file path
comedi_get_driver_name - Comedi driver name
comedi_get_hardcal_converter - get converter for hardware-calibrated
comedi_get_max_buffer_size - maximum streaming buffer size
comedi_get_maxdata - maximum sample of channel
comedi_get_n_channels - number of subdevice channels
comedi_get_n_ranges - number of ranges of channel
comedi_get_n_subdevices - number of subdevices
comedi_get_range - range information of channel
comedi_get_read_subdevice - find streaming input subdevice
comedi_get_softcal_converter - get converter for software-calibrated
comedi_get_subdevice_flags - properties of subdevice
comedi_get_subdevice_type - type of subdevice
comedi_get_timer - timer information (deprecated)
comedi_get_version_code - Comedi version code
comedi_get_write_subdevice - find streaming output subdevice
comedi_lock - subdevice reservation
comedi_loglevel - change Comedilib logging properties
comedi_mark_buffer_read - streaming buffer control
comedi_mark_buffer_written - streaming buffer control
comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific - maximum sample depends on channel
comedi_open - open a Comedi device
comedi_parse_calibration_file - load contents of calibration file
comedi_perror - print a Comedilib error message
comedi_poll - force updating of streaming buffer
comedi_range_is_chan_specific - range information depends on channel
comedi_set_buffer_size - streaming buffer size of subdevice
comedi_set_global_oor_behavior - out-of-range behavior
comedi_set_max_buffer_size - streaming buffer size of subdevice
comedi_strerror - return string describing Comedilib error code
comedi_sv_init - slowly-varying inputs
comedi_sv_measure - slowly-varying inputs
comedi_sv_update - slowly-varying inputs
comedi_timed_1chan - streaming input (deprecated)
comedi_to_phys - convert sample to physical units
comedi_to_physical - convert sample to physical units
comedi_trigger - perform streaming input/output (deprecated)
comedi_unlock - subdevice reservation
com_err - common error display routine
common.h - -
common-lisp-controller - Common Lisp system management tool
leptonica - image processing library
compassscreenshots - QwtCompass
compface, uncompface - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
CompleteGraph.cpp - -
CompleteGraph - -
CompleteTree.cpp - -
CompleteTree - -
Qt Components - -
Composite — The Composite widget class -
compound - multi-line compound image type.
compression_overview - File compression Coin can support reading and
ConcatIterator.h - -
cone.cpp - -
Cone - -
ConeTreeExtended.cpp - -
ConeTreeExtended.h - -
ConeTreeExtended - -
confdb_context_get - Gets the context variable for a CONFDB instance
confdb_context_set - Sets the context variable for a CONFDB instance
confdb_dispatch - Dispatches callbacks from the CONFDB service
confdb_fd_get - Dispatches callbacks from the CONFDB service
confdb_finalize - Terminate a connection to the CONFDB service
confdb_initialize - Create a new connection to the ConfDb service
confdb_key_create - Add a new key/value pair to the Configuration
confdb_key_delete - Delete a key/value pair from the Configuration
confdb_key_iter - Iterate through key/value pairs in the Configuration
confdb_key_replace - Replace a key/value pair from the Configuration
confdb_object_create - Create a new object in the Configuration
confdb_object_destroy - Remove an object from the Configuration
confdb_object_find - Find a named object in the Configuration Database
confdb_object_iter - Iterate through objects in the Configuration
confdb_parent_get - Configuration Database Object Parent
configFileLoad - parse a configuration file
config.h - -
ConflictHandler::ConflictingTransportAddress - -
ConflictHandler - -
confmodule - communicate with Debian configuration system FrontEnd.
confstr - get configuration dependent string variables
confuse.h - A configuration file parser library.
conj, conjf, conjl - calculate the complex conjugate
conj, conjf, conjl - calculate the complex conjugate
conj, conjf, conjl - calculate the complex conjugate
ConnectedComponent.cpp - -
ConnectedComponent.h - -
ConnectedComponent - -
ConnectedComponentPacking.cpp - -
ConnectedComponentPacking.h - -
ConnectedComponentPacking - -
ConnectedTest.h - -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
Constraint — The Constraint widget class -
Context.h - -
vpCreateContext, vpDestroyContext - create/destroy a rendering context
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, -
Controller.h - -
ControllerPluginsManager.h - -
controlscreenshots - Dials, Compasses, Knobs, Wheels, Sliders, Thermos
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
ConvexHull.h - -
ConvolutionClustering.cpp - -
ConvolutionClustering.h - -
ConvolutionClustering - -
ConvolutionClusteringSetup.cpp - -
ConvolutionClusteringSetup.h - -
ConvolutionClusteringSetup - -
Coord.h - -
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
CopyPropertyDialog.h - -
CopyPropertyDialog - -
copysign, copysignf, copysignl - copy sign of a number
copysign, copysignf, copysignl - copy sign of a number
copysign, copysignf, copysignl - copy sign of a number
Core — The Core widget class -
cos, cosf, cosl - cosine function
cosh, coshf, coshl - hyperbolic cosine function
cosh, coshf, coshl - hyperbolic cosine function
cosh, coshf, coshl - hyperbolic cosine function
cos, cosf, cosl - cosine function
cos, cosf, cosl - cosine function
counter.h - -
counterscreenshots - QwtCounter
coveb - cache oblivious high speed 32-bit priority queue for large data
cpg_context_get - Gets the context variable for a CPG instance
cpg_context_set - Sets the context variable for a CPG instance
cpg_dispatch - Dispatches callbacks from the CPG service
cpg_fd_get - Dispatches callbacks from the CPG service
cpg_finalize - Terminate a connection to the CPG service
cpg_initialize - Create a new connection to the CPG service
cpg_join - Joins one or more groups in the CPG library
cpg_leave - Leave a group in the CPG library
cpg_local_get - Returns the local processor id
cpg_mcast_joined - Multicasts to all groups joined to a handle
cpg_membership_get - Returns a list of members of a CPG library group
cpg_zcb_alloc - Allocates a zero copy buffer #include yyyyylt;corosync/cpg.hyyyyygt;
cpg_zcb_free - Frees a zero copy buffer #include yyyyylt;corosync/cpg.hyyyyygt;
cpg_mcast_joined - Multicasts a zero copy buffer to all groups joined
Cpool - LCG Pool inferface
cpow, cpowf, cpowl - complex power function
cpow, cpowf, cpowl - complex power function
cpow, cpowf, cpowl - complex power function
cproj, cprojf, cprojl - project into Riemann Sphere
cproj, cprojf, cprojl - project into Riemann Sphere
cproj, cprojf, cprojl - project into Riemann Sphere
Cpwd - LCG Password file Thread-Safe inferface
cqueue.h - -
Generic RTCP control queues. - -
FascistCheck - a pro-active password checker library
creal, crealf, creall - get real part of a complex number
creal, crealf, creall - get real part of a complex number
creal, crealf, creall - get real part of a complex number
Curia - the extended API of QDBM
crypt, crypt_r - password and data encryption
CryptoContext.h - -
CryptoContext - -
crypt, crypt_r - password and data encryption
CSCAL - scales a vector by a constant.
Csched - LCG Scheduling inferface
cs_destroy - clean up and dealloc a parse tree
cs_dump - dump the cs parse tree
Csec_api - Provides authentication in LCG services
cSignal - send signal to one waiting thread.
csin, csinf, csinl - complex sine function
csinh, csinhf, csinhl - complex hyperbolic sine
csinh, csinhf, csinhl - complex hyperbolic sine
csinh, csinhf, csinhl - complex hyperbolic sine
csin, csinf, csinl - complex sine function
cs_init - create and initialize a CS context
csin, csinf, csinl - complex sine function
cs_parse_file - parse a CS template file
cs_parse_string - parse a CS template string
csqrt, csqrtf, csqrtl - complex square root
csqrt, csqrtf, csqrtl - complex square root
csqrt, csqrtf, csqrtl - complex square root
cs_register_esc_strfunc - cs_register_strfunc with escaping context
cs_register_fileload - register a fileload function
cs_register_strfunc - register a string handling function
cs_render - render a CS parse tree
CSYMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*A*B +
CSYR2K - perform one of the symmetric rank 2k operations C :=
CSYRK - perform one of the symmetric rank k operations C :=
ctan, ctanf, ctanl - complex tangent function
ctanh, ctanhf, ctanhl - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanh, ctanhf, ctanhl - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanh, ctanhf, ctanhl - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctan, ctanf, ctanl - complex tangent function
ctan, ctanf, ctanl - complex tangent function
CTBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
CTBSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
CT_init, CT_data, CT_close — Functions to handle communication -
CT_init, CT_data, CT_close — Functions to handle communication -
ctermid - get controlling terminal name
Cthread - LCG Thread inferface
CT - Returns the type information for a variable
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
CT_init, CT_data, CT_close — Functions to handle communication -
CTPMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
CTPSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
CTRMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations B := alpha*op( A
CTRMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
CTRSM - solve one of the matrix equations op( A )*X = alpha*B, or
CTRSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
cube.cpp - -
Cube - -
cubeoutlinedtransparent.cpp - -
CubeOutLinedTransparent - -
CUnit - A unit testing framework for C
Curia - the extended API of QDBM
curl_easy_cleanup - End a libcurl easy session
curl_easy_duphandle - Clone a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_getinfo - extract information from a curl handle
curl_easy_init - Start a libcurl easy session
curl_easy_perform - Perform a file transfer
curl_easy_reset - reset all options of a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_setopt - set options for a curl easy handle
curl_easy_strerror - return string describing error code
curl_escape - URL encodes the given string
curl_formadd - add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST
curl_formfree - free a previously build multipart/formdata HTTP POST
curl_free - reclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcurl
curl_getdate - Convert a date string to number of seconds since January
curl_getenv - return value for environment name
curl_global_cleanup - global libcurl cleanup
curl_global_init - Global libcurl initialisation
curl_global_init_mem - Global libcurl initialisation with memory
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_multi_add_handle - add an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_cleanup - close down a multi session
curl_multi_fdset - extracts file descriptor information from a multi
curl_multi_info_read - read multi stack informationals
curl_multi_init - create a multi handle
curl_multi_perform - reads/writes available data from each easy handle
curl_multi_remove_handle - remove an easy handle from a multi session
curl_multi_strerror - return string describing error code
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_maprintf, curl_mfprintf, curl_mprintf, curl_msnprintf, -
curl_share_cleanup - Clean up a shared object
curl_share_init - Create a shared object
curl_share_setopt - Set options for a shared object
curl_share_strerror - return string describing error code
curl_slist_append - add a string to an slist
curl_slist_free_all - free an entire curl_slist list
curl_strequal, curl_strnequal - case insensitive string comparisons
curl_strequal, curl_strnequal - case insensitive string comparisons
curl_unescape - URL decodes the given string
curl_version - returns the libcurl version string
curl_version_info - returns run-time libcurl version info
gl_getcontext, currentcontext - get the current graphics contents.
vpCurrentMatrix - choose the current transformation matrix
curvescreenshots - QwtCurve
Curves.h - -
getlogin, getlogin_r, cuserid - get username
cWait - wait a condition variable signal.
CWHOIS - whois client
cwlib - general purpose Morse code functions library
cylinder.cpp - -
Cylinder - -
daemon.h - -
daemon - run in the background
DagLevelMetric.cpp - -
DagLevelMetric.h - -
DagLevelMetric - -
DatasetTools.cpp - -
DatasetTools.h - -
date_from_tm - convert between tm struct and Windows DATE value
date_from_tm - convert between tm struct and Windows DATE value
tzset, tzname, timezone, daylight - initialize time conversion
DBE - Double Buffer Extension
dbopen - database access methods
dbopen - database access methods
dbzinit, dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzclose, dbzexists, dbzfetch, dbzstore, -
dbzinit, dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzclose, dbzexists, dbzfetch, dbzstore, -
dbzinit, dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzclose, dbzexists, dbzfetch, dbzstore, -
dbzinit, dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzclose, dbzexists, dbzfetch, dbzstore, -
dbzinit, dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzclose, dbzexists, dbzfetch, dbzstore, -
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext - translate message
ngettext, dngettext, dcngettext - translate message and choose plural
dd_driver - Data descriptors globus_xio uses data descriptors to
DDTTRF - compute an LU factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix A
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
Debconf::Client::ConfModule - client module for ConfModules
Debian::DpkgCross - Package of dpkg-cross commonly used functions
Debian::Javahelper::Eclipse - Eclipse Helper Library.
Debian::Javahelper::Java - Javahelper core library.
Debian::Javahelper::Manifest - Javahelper representation of a Jar
Debian::Javahelper::ManifestSection - Javahelper representation of a
Debian::Packages::Compare - emdebian repository comparison support
vpSetDebug - enable/disable debugging options
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
systempapername, defaultpapername, systempapersizefile, -
systempapername, defaultpapername, systempapersizefile, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
deflateoutputstreambuf.cpp - Implementation of DeflateOutputStreambuf.
deflateoutputstreambuf.h - Header file that defines
defs.h - -
Delaunay.h - -
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
A simple project - At this point, you should have the GNU tools
Dendrogram.cpp - -
Dendrogram.h - -
Dendrogram - -
Depot - the basic API of QDBM
deprecated - Deprecated List
xxxxxlt;compat/deprecated.hxxxxxgt;: Deprecated items - -
vpSetDepthCueing - set depth cueing parameters
DepthMetric.cpp - -
DepthMetric.h - -
DepthMetric - -
des_crypt, ecb_crypt, cbc_crypt, des_setparity, DES_FAILED - fast DES
des_crypt, ecb_crypt, cbc_crypt, des_setparity, DES_FAILED - fast DES
DestinationListHandler - -
DestinationListHandler::TransportAddress - -
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
Detail Classes - -
Qt Device Classes - -
lockdev, liblockdev, dev_testlock, dev_lock, dev_relock, dev_unlock - -
lockdev, liblockdev, dev_testlock, dev_lock, dev_relock, dev_unlock - -
lockdev, liblockdev, dev_testlock, dev_lock, dev_relock, dev_unlock - -
lockdev, liblockdev, dev_testlock, dev_lock, dev_relock, dev_unlock - -
dexec.h - -
dfork.h - -
DGBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
DGEMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*op( A
DGEMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
DGER - perform the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y’ + A,
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext - translate message
dhcpctl_initialize - dhcpctl library initialization.
dialog - widgets and utilities for the dialog program
dialscreenshots - QwtDial
dictCleanup - cleanup dictionary
dictCreate - create new dictionary.
dictDestroy - destroy dictionary.
dictModifyValue - create/modify an item.
dictNext - search for next value in dictionary.
dictReleaseLock - release lock on value.
dictRemove - remove item from dictionary.
dictSearch - search for value in dictionary.
dictSetValue - set/reset an items value.
difftime - calculate time difference
digest.h - -
DI - verify assertions in C and C++ code using gdb(1)
dircoll.cpp - Implementation of DirectoryCollection.
dircoll.h - Header file that defines DirectoryCollection.
locks - libbash library that implements locking (directory based).
dirfd - get directory stream file descriptor
locks - libbash library that implements locking (directory based).
locks - libbash library that implements locking (directory based).
basename, dirname - parse pathname components
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
locks - libbash library that implements locking (directory based).
locks - libbash library that implements locking (directory based).
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
div, ldiv, lldiv, imaxdiv - compute quotient and remainder of an
dladdr, dlclose, dlerror, dlopen, dlsym, dlvsym - programming interface
DLAMSH - send multiple shifts through a small (single node) matrix to
DLAREF - applie one or several Householder reflectors of size 3 to one
DLASORTE - sort eigenpairs so that real eigenpairs are together and
DLASRT2 - the numbers in D in increasing order (if ID = ’I’) or in
dladdr, dlclose, dlerror, dlopen, dlsym, dlvsym - programming interface
dladdr, dlclose, dlerror, dlopen, dlsym, dlvsym - programming interface
DL - generate logging messages in C and C++ using a debugger
dl_iterate_phdr - walk through list of shared objects
libdlm - dlm_get_fd, dlm_dispatch, dlm_pthread_init,
dlm_create_lockspace, dlm_open_lockspace, dlm_close_lockspace, -
dlm_create_lockspace, dlm_open_lockspace, dlm_close_lockspace, -
dlm_lock - acquire or convert a DLM lock
dlm_lock - acquire or convert a DLM lock
dlm_lock - acquire or convert a DLM lock
dlm_lock - acquire or convert a DLM lock
dlm_lock - acquire or convert a DLM lock
libdlm - dlm_get_fd, dlm_dispatch, dlm_pthread_init,
dlm_create_lockspace, dlm_open_lockspace, dlm_close_lockspace, -
dlm_create_lockspace, dlm_open_lockspace, dlm_close_lockspace, -
dlm_create_lockspace, dlm_open_lockspace, dlm_close_lockspace, -
dlm_unlock - unlock a DLM lock
dlm_unlock - unlock a DLM lock
dlog.h - -
dladdr, dlclose, dlerror, dlopen, dlsym, dlvsym - programming interface
dladdr, dlclose, dlerror, dlopen, dlsym, dlvsym - programming interface
dladdr, dlclose, dlerror, dlopen, dlsym, dlvsym - programming interface
dmapi - DMAPI library
DMXAddInput, DMXAddBackendInput, DMXAddConsoleInput - attach a new
DMXAddScreen - attach a new back-end screen
DMXChangeDesktopAttributes - change global bounding box
DMXChangeScreensAttributes - change back-end screen attributes
DMXForceWindowCreation - force immediate back-end window creation
DMXGetDesktopAttributes - determine global bounding box
DMXGetInputAttributes - determine input device attributes
DMXGetInputCount - determine number of input devices
DMXGetScreenAttributes - determine back-end screen attributes
DMXGetScreenCount - determine number of back-end screens
DMXGetWindowAttributes - determine back-end window attributes
DMX - X Window System DMX (Distributed Multihead X) extension
DMXQueryExtension - determine if DMX is available
DMXQueryVersion - determine DMX extension version
DMXRemoveInput - detach an input
DMXRemoveScreen - detach a back-end screen
DMXSync - flush protocol requests between Xdmx and back-end X servers
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
dnet_daemon, dnet_accept, dnet_reject - DECnet daemon functions
dnet_addr - DECnet nodename to address translation
dnet_conn - Connect to remote DECnet object by name.
dnet_daemon, dnet_accept, dnet_reject - DECnet daemon functions
dnet_getnode, dnet_nextnode, dnet_endnode - Get nodes from DECnet
dnet_eof - Is DECnet socket at End of File ?
dnet_getnode, dnet_nextnode, dnet_endnode - Get nodes from DECnet
dnet_htoa - DECnet address to host name translation
dnet_getnode, dnet_nextnode, dnet_endnode - Get nodes from DECnet
dnet_ntoa - DECnet address to ascii translation
dnet_daemon, dnet_accept, dnet_reject - DECnet daemon functions
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
ngettext, dngettext, dcngettext - translate message and choose plural
dnonblock.h - -
dns_domain_copy.html dns_domain_equal.html dns_domain_fromdot.html dns_domain_length.html - The dns_domain library interface
dns_domain_copy.html dns_domain_equal.html dns_domain_fromdot.html dns_domain_length.html - The dns_domain library interface
dns_domain_copy.html dns_domain_equal.html dns_domain_fromdot.html dns_domain_length.html - The dns_domain library interface
dns_domain_copy.html dns_domain_equal.html dns_domain_fromdot.html dns_domain_length.html - The dns_domain library interface
dns_domain_copy.html dns_domain_equal.html dns_domain_fromdot.html dns_domain_length.html - The dns_domain library interface
dns_ip4 - Host name to IP addresses
dns_ip4 - Host name to IP addresses
dns_ip4_qualify - Qualification
dns_mx - MX records
dns_mx - MX records
dns_name4 - IP address to host name
dns_name4 - IP address to host name
dns_name4 - IP address to host name
dns_packet_copy.html dns_packet_getname.html dns_packet_skipname.html - The dns_packet library interface
dns_packet_copy.html dns_packet_getname.html dns_packet_skipname.html - The dns_packet library interface
dns_packet_copy.html dns_packet_getname.html dns_packet_skipname.html - The dns_packet library interface
dns_packet_copy.html dns_packet_getname.html dns_packet_skipname.html - The dns_packet library interface
dns_random - The dns_random library interface
dns_random - The dns_random library interface
dnsres_init, dnsres_gethostbyname, dnsres_gethostbyname2, -
dns_transmit_free.html dns_transmit_get.html dns_transmit_io.html dns_transmit_start.html - The dns_transmit library interface
dns_transmit_free.html dns_transmit_get.html dns_transmit_io.html dns_transmit_start.html - The dns_transmit library interface
dns_transmit_free.html dns_transmit_get.html dns_transmit_io.html dns_transmit_start.html - The dns_transmit library interface
dns_transmit_free.html dns_transmit_get.html dns_transmit_io.html dns_transmit_start.html - The dns_transmit library interface
dns_transmit_free.html dns_transmit_get.html dns_transmit_io.html dns_transmit_start.html - The dns_transmit library interface
dns_txt - TXT records
dns_txt - TXT records
Document.h - -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
dotImportCLUT.h - -
dotImport.cpp - -
DotImport - -
dotImportLexer.h - -
dotImportParser.h - -
DOT_YY - -
DOT_YYType - -
DoubleAlgorithm.h - -
DoubleProperty.h - -
dpid.h - -
Dpkg::BuildFlags - query build flags
Dpkg::BuildOptions - parse and update build options
Dpkg::Changelog::Debian - parse Debian changelogs
Dpkg::Changelog::Entry::Debian - represents a Debian changelog entry
Dpkg::Changelog::Entry - represents a changelog entry
Dpkg::Changelog - base class to implement a changelog parser
Dpkg::Changelog::Parse - generic changelog parser for
Dpkg::Checksums - generate and manipulate file checksums
Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle - object dealing transparently with file
Dpkg::Compression - simple database of available compression methods
Dpkg::Compression::Process - run compression/decompression processes
Dpkg::Conf - parse dpkg configuration files
Dpkg::Control::Changelog - represent info fields output by
Dpkg::Control::Fields - manage (list of official) control fields
Dpkg::Control::Hash - parse and manipulate a block of RFC822-like
Dpkg::Control - parse and manipulate official control-like information
Dpkg::Control::Info - parse files like debian/control
Dpkg::Control::Types - export CTRL_* constants
Dpkg::Deps - parse and manipulate dependencies of Debian packages
Dpkg::Index - generic index of control information
Dpkg::Interface::Storable - common methods related to object
Dpkg::IPC - helper functions for IPC
Dpkg::Path - some common path handling functions
Dpkg::Substvars - handle variable substitution in strings
Dpkg::Vendor::Debian - Debian vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor::Default - default vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor - get access to some vendor specific information
Dpkg::Vendor::Ubuntu - Ubuntu vendor object
Dpkg::Version - handling and comparing dpkg-style version numbers
dpm - Python interface to the DPM
dpm_abortfiles - abort a set of file requests
dpm_abortreq - abort a given get, put or copy request
dpm_addfs - add a filesystem to a disk pool
dpm_addpool - define a new disk pool
dpm_copy - copy a set of existing files
dpm_delreplica - delete a given replica
dpm_extendfilelife - extend file lifetime
dpm_get - make a set of existing files available for I/O
dpm_getifcevers - get DPM client version number
dpm_getpoolfs - get list of filesystems for a given pool
dpm_getpools - get list of pools
dpm_getprotocols - get the list of supported protocols
dpm_getreqid - get request id for a set of requests
dpm_getreqsummary - get summary for a set of requests
dpm_getspacemd - get space metadata
dpm_getspacetoken - get space token
dpm_getstatus_copyreq - get status for a dpm_copy request
dpm_getstatus_getreq - get status for a dpm_get request
dpm_getstatus_putreq - get status for a dpm_put request
dpm_modifyfs - modify the parameters of a disk pool filesystem
dpm_modifypool - modify a disk pool definition
dpm_ping - check if Disk Pool Manager is alive and return its version
dpm_putdone - mark a set of files as complete
dpm_put - make a set of existing files available for I/O
dpm - Python interface to the DPM
dpm_releasespace - release space
dpm_relfiles - release a set of files
dpm_reservespace - reserve space
dpm_rmfs - remove a filesystem from a disk pool definition
dpm_rm - delete a set of files
dpm_rmpool - remove a disk pool definition
DPMSCapable - returns the DPMS capability of the X server
DPMSDisable - disables DPMS on the specified display
DPMSEnable - enables DPMS on the specified display
dpm_seterrbuf - set receiving buffer for error messages
DPMSForceLevel - forces a DPMS capable display into the specified power
DPMSGetTimeouts - retrieves the timeout values used by the X server for
DPMSGetVersion - returns the version of the DPMS extension implemented
DPMSInfo - returns information about the current DPMS state
DPMSQueryExtension - queries the X server to determine the availability
DPMSSetTimeouts - permits applications to set the timeout values used
dpm_updatespace - update space
dpns_aborttrans - abort a transaction
dpns_access - check existence/accessibility of a file/directory
dpns_accessr - check existence/accessibility of a file replica
dpns_addreplica - add a replica for a given file
dpns_addreplica - add a replica for a given file
dpns_chdir - change DPNS current directory used by the name server
dpns_chmod - change access mode of a DPNS directory/file in the name
dpns_chown - change owner and group of a DPNS directory/file in the
dpns_closedir - close DPNS directory opened by dpns_opendir in the name
dpns_creat - create a new DPNS file or reset it in the name server
dpns_delete - logically delete a DPNS file entry in the name server
dpns_delreplica - delete a replica for a given file
dpns_delreplicasbysfn - delete entries associated with a list of sfns
dpns_endsess - end session
dpns_endtrans - end transaction mode
dpns_entergrpmap - define a new group entry in Virtual Id table
dpns_enterusrmap - define a new user entry in Virtual Id table
dpns_getacl - get DPNS directory/file access control lists
dpns_getcwd - get DPNS current directory used by the name server
dpns_getgrpbygid - get group name associated with a given virtual gid
dpns_getgrpbygids - get group names associated with given virtual gids
dpns_getgrpbynam - get virtual gid associated with a given group name
dpns_getgrpmap - get all existing groups from virtual gid table
dpns_getidmap - get virtual uid/gid(s) associated with a given
dpns_getifcevers - get name server client version number
dpns_getreplica - get the replica entries associated with a DPNS file
dpns_getreplicax - get the replica entries associated with a DPNS file
dpns_getusrbynam - get virtual uid associated with a given user name
dpns_getusrbyuid - get user name associated with a given virtual uid
dpns_getusrmap - get all existing users from virtual uid table
dpns_chown - change owner and group of a DPNS directory/file in the
dpns_listrep4gc - list replica entries that can be garbage collected
dpns_listreplica - list replica entries for a given file
dpns_listreplicax - list replica entries for a given
dpns_listrepset - list replica entries that belong to a given set
dpns_stat - get information about a DPNS file or directory in the name
dpns_mkdir - create a new DPNS directory in the name server
dpns_modifygrpmap - modify group entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns_modifyusrmap - modify user entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns_modreplica - modify information about a given replica
dpns_modreplica - modify information about a given replica
dpns_opendir - open a DPNS directory in the name server
dpns_opendir - open a DPNS directory, having the specified GUID, in the
dpns_ping - check if name server is alive and return its version number
dpns_readdir - read DPNS directory opened by dpns_opendir in the name
dpns_readdir - read DPNS directory opened by dpns_opendir in the name
dpns_readdirx - read DPNS directory opened by dpns_opendir in the name
dpns_readdirxp - read DPNS directory opened by dpns_opendir in the name
dpns_readdirxr - read DPNS directory opened by dpns_opendir in the name
dpns_readlink - read value of a symbolic link in the DPNS Name Server
dpns_registerfiles - register list of files with their corresponding
dpns_rename - rename a DPNS file or directory in the name server
dpns_rewinddir - reset position to the beginning of a DPNS directory
dpns_rmdir - remove a DPNS directory in the name server
dpns_rmgrpmap - suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns_rmusrmap - suppress user entry corresponding to a given virtual
dpns_setacl - set DPNS directory/file access control lists
dpns_setatime - set last access time for a regular file to the current
dpns_seterrbuf - set receiving buffer for error messages
dpns_setfsize - set filesize for a regular file; set also last
dpns_setfsize - set filesize for a regular file; set also last
dpns_setptime - set replica pin time
dpns_setratime - set replica last access (read) date
dpns_setrltime - set replica lifetime
dpns_setrstatus - set replica status
dpns_setrtype - set replica type
dpns_startsess - start session
dpns_starttrans - start transaction mode
dpns_statg - get information about a DPNS file or directory in the name
dpns_stat - get information about a DPNS file or directory in the name
dpns_statg - get information about a DPNS file or directory in the name
dpns_symlink - make a symbolic link to a file or a directory in the
dpns_umask - set and get DPNS file creation mask used by the name
dpns_undelete - recover a logically deleted DPNS file entry in the name
dpns_unlink - remove a DPNS file entry in the name server
dpns_utime - set last access and modification times
Depot - the basic API of QDBM
dprintf, vdprintf - print to a file descriptor
Dragger Classes - -
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
DrawingTools.h - -
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
drem, dremf, dreml, remainder, remainderf, remainderl - floating-point
drem, dremf, dreml, remainder, remainderf, remainderl - floating-point
drem, dremf, dreml, remainder, remainderf, remainderl - floating-point
Driver Programming - -
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_get_attribute_names, drmaa_get_vector_attribute_names, -
drmaa_job_ps, drmaa_control, - Monitor and control jobs
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_init, drmaa_exit - Start/finish Sun Grid Engine DRMAA session
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_get_attribute_names, drmaa_get_vector_attribute_names, -
drmaa_strerror, drmaa_get_contact, drmaa_version, drmaa_get_DRM_system -
drmaa_strerror, drmaa_get_contact, drmaa_version, drmaa_get_DRM_system -
drmaa_strerror, drmaa_get_contact, drmaa_version, drmaa_get_DRM_system -
drmaa_get_attribute_names, drmaa_get_vector_attribute_names, -
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_run_job, drmaa_run_bulk_jobs, drmaa_get_next_job_id, -
drmaa_get_attribute_names, drmaa_get_vector_attribute_names, -
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_run_job, drmaa_run_bulk_jobs, drmaa_get_next_job_id, -
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_get_attribute_names, drmaa_get_vector_attribute_names, -
drmaa_init, drmaa_exit - Start/finish Sun Grid Engine DRMAA session
drmaa_job_ps, drmaa_control, - Monitor and control jobs
drmaa_job_ps, drmaa_control, - Monitor and control jobs
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_strerror, drmaa_get_contact, drmaa_version, drmaa_get_DRM_system -
drmaa_get_attribute_names, drmaa_get_vector_attribute_names, -
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_run_job, drmaa_run_bulk_jobs, drmaa_get_next_job_id, -
drmaa_run_job, drmaa_run_bulk_jobs, drmaa_get_next_job_id, -
drmaa_run_job, drmaa_run_bulk_jobs, drmaa_get_next_job_id, -
drmaa_init, drmaa_exit - Start/finish Sun Grid Engine DRMAA session
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_allocate_job_template, drmaa_delete_job_template, -
drmaa_strerror, drmaa_get_contact, drmaa_version, drmaa_get_DRM_system -
drmaa_run_job, drmaa_run_bulk_jobs, drmaa_get_next_job_id, -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
drmaa_strerror, drmaa_get_contact, drmaa_version, drmaa_get_DRM_system -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
drmaa_synchronize, drmaa_wait, drmaa_wifexited, drmaa_wexitstatus, -
DSBMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
dsignal.h - -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
DSPMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
DSPR2 - perform the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y’ +
DSPR - perform the symmetric rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*x’ + A,
DSTEIN2 - compute the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal
DSTEQR2 - i a modified version of LAPACK routine DSTEQR
DSYMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*A*B +
DSYMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
DSYR2 - perform the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y’ +
DSYR2K - perform one of the symmetric rank 2k operations C :=
DSYR - perform the symmetric rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*x’ + A,
DSYRK - perform one of the symmetric rank k operations C :=
DTBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
DTBSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
DTPMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
DTPSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
DTRMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations B := alpha*op( A
DTRMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
DTRSM - solve one of the matrix equations op( A )*X = alpha*B, or
DTRSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
DualRTPChannel - -
DualUDPIPv4Socket - -
DUMA - DUMA Malloc Debugger
dumbnet - dumb networking library
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
dvilib - a device independent DVI virtual machine library
DynamicPayloadFormat - -
dynload_overview - Dynamic Loading of Extension Nodes When Coin tries
dysize - get number of days for a given year
euidaccess, eaccess - check effective user’s permissions for a file
ecalloc, emalloc, eread, erealloc, esetenv, estrdup, ewrite - exit-on-
des_crypt, ecb_crypt, cbc_crypt, des_setparity, DES_FAILED - fast DES
Eccentricity.cpp - -
Eccentricity.h - -
EccentricityMetric - -
ecvt, fcvt - convert a floating-point number to a string
ecvt_r, fcvt_r, qecvt_r, qfcvt_r - convert a floating-point number to a
libedac - EDAC error reporting library
etext, edata, end - end of program segments
Edge.h - -
edgeS - -
leptonica - image processing library
EdgeTools.cpp - -
EdgeTools.h - -
editline - command-line editing library with history
editline, el_init, el_end, el_reset, el_gets, el_getc, el_push, el_parse, -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Top level functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Helper function to use eet over a network link - -
Helper function to use eet over a network link - -
Eet.h - -
Helper function to use eet over a network link - -
Helper function to use eet over a network link - -
Helper function to use eet over a network link - -
Helper function to use eet over a network link - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet.h - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization using A Ciphers - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet.h - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
eet.dox - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Eet.h - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Top level functions - -
Eet File Ciphered Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Image Store and Load using a Cipher - -
Image Store and Load - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Top level functions - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Eet Data Serialization - -
Top level functions - -
Eet.h - -
Cipher, Identity and Protection Mechanisms - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Low-level Serialization Structures. - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet.h - -
Eet File Ciphered Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Top level functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet.h - -
Eet File Ciphered Main Functions - -
Eet File Main Functions - -
ElementPropertiesWidget.h - -
ElementPropertiesWidgetPlugin.h - -
ElementPropertiesWidgetUI.h - -
Element Classes - -
EmbedderBfs.cpp - -
EmbedderBfs.h - -
Embedder.cpp - -
EmbedderDefs.h - -
EmbedderDijkstra.cpp - -
EmbedderDijkstra.h - -
EmbedderEmbedGraph.cpp - -
EmbedderEmbedGraph.h - -
Embedder - -
EmbedderParameters.cpp - -
EmbedderParameters.h - -
EmbedderPowerIterationDense.cpp - -
Emdebian::Grip - internal Emdebian module for Emdebian Grip
empbuilderlib - Common functions for Emdebian chroots
emrootfslib - Common functions for Emdebian root filesystems
vpEnable - enable or disable options
encrypt, setkey, encrypt_r, setkey_r - encrypt 64-bit messages
encrypt, setkey, encrypt_r, setkey_r - encrypt 64-bit messages
setaliasent, endaliasent, getaliasent, getaliasent_r, getaliasbyname, -
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
getfsent, getfsspec, getfsfile, setfsent, endfsent - handle fstab
getgrent, setgrent, endgrent - get group file entry
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
etext, edata, end - end of program segments
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt, getmntent_r - -
getnetent, getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, setnetent, endnetent - get
setnetgrent, endnetgrent, getnetgrent, getnetgrent_r, innetgr - handle
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent -
getpwent, setpwent, endpwent - get password file entry
getrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, setrpcent, endrpcent - get RPC
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endservent - get
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getttyent, getttynam, setttyent, endttyent - get ttys file entry
getusershell, setusershell, endusershell - get permitted user shells
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
Engine Classes - -
EnumColorValuesMapping.cpp - -
EnumColorValuesMapping - -
environment_variables - Environment variables /bin /boot /cdrom /dev /etc /home /host /initrd.img /initrd.img.old /lib /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /sbin /selinux /srv /sys /tmp /usr /var /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old FIXME: document all
Miscellaneous Environment Variables - -
envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - -
envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - -
envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - -
envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - -
envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - -
envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - -
envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - -
EpsFunction.h - -
leptonica - image processing library
EqualValueClustering.cpp - -
EqualValueClustering.h - -
EqualValueClustering - -
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
erfc, erfcf, erfcl - complementary error function
erfc, erfcf, erfcl - complementary error function
erfc, erfcf, erfcl - complementary error function
erf, erff, erfl, - error function
erf, erff, erfl, - error function
erf, erff, erfl, - error function
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
errno_exception - -
errno - number of last error
error, error_at_line, error_message_count, error_on_per_line, -
im_error_buffer, im_verror, im_error, im_error_clear, im_warn, im_diag, -
error, error_at_line, error_message_count, error_on_per_line, -
vpGetError, vpGetErrorString - retrieve error codes
error, error_at_line, error_message_count, error_on_per_line, -
error, error_at_line, error_message_count, error_on_per_line, -
error, error_at_line, error_message_count, error_on_per_line, -
Error Handling Classes - -
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
estnode.h - the node API of Hyper Estraier
estraier.h - the core API of Hyper Estraier
etext, edata, end - end of program segments
ether_aton, ether_ntoa, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line, -
ether_aton, ether_ntoa, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line, -
ether_aton, ether_ntoa, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line, -
ether_aton, ether_ntoa, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line, -
ether_aton, ether_ntoa, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line, -
ether_aton, ether_ntoa, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line, -
ether_aton, ether_ntoa, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line, -
euidaccess, eaccess - check effective user’s permissions for a file
evdns_init evdns_shutdown evdns_err_to_string evdns_nameserver_add -
event_init, event_dispatch, event_loop, event_loopexit, event_loopbreak, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
Event Classes - -
libev - a high performance full-featured event loop written in C
evs_context_get - Gets the context variable for a EVS instance
evs_context_set - Sets the context variable for a EVS instance
evs_dispatch - Dispatches callbacks from the EVS service
evs_fd_get - Dispatches callbacks from the EVS service
evs_finalize - Terminate a connection to the EVS service
evs_initialize - Create a new connection to the EVS service
evs_join - Joins one or more groups in the EVS library
evs_leave - Leave one or more groups in the EVS library
evs_join - Multicast a message to selected groups
evs_join - Multicasts to all groups joined to an handle
evs_join - Joins one or more groups in the EVS library
example_zip.cpp - -
eX_call.h - eXosip call API
exception.h - -
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
execl, execlp, execle, execv, execvp - execute a file
execl, execlp, execle, execv, execvp - execute a file
execl, execlp, execle, execv, execvp - execute a file
execl, execlp, execle, execv, execvp - execute a file
execl, execlp, execle, execv, execvp - execute a file
execl, execlp, execle, execv, execvp - execute a file
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
exit - cause normal process termination
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
eX_message.h - eXosip request API
eX_options.h - eXosip options request API
eXosip2 authentication API - -
eXosip2 INVITE and Call Management - -
eXosip2 configuration API - -
eXosip2 event API - -
eXosip2_faq - FAQ
eXosip2_install - INSTALL
eXosip2 request outside of dialog - -
SIP messages and call control API - The SIP messages and call control
eXosip2 network API - -
eXosip2 SUBSCRIBE and incoming subscriptions - -
eXosip2 OPTIONS and UA capabilities Management - -
eXosip2 Publication Management - -
eXosip2_readme - README
eXosip2 REFER and blind tranfer Management outside of calls - -
eXosip2 REGISTER and Registration Management - -
eXosip2 SDP helper API. - -
General purpose API. - general purpose API in libeXosip2-3.3.0.
eXosip2 SUBSCRIBE and outgoing subscriptions - -
eXosip_event - -
eXosip.h - eXosip API
eXosip_tls_credentials_s - -
eXosip_tls_ctx_s - -
exp10, exp10f, exp10l - base-10 exponential function
exp10, exp10f, exp10l - base-10 exponential function
exp10, exp10f, exp10l - base-10 exponential function
exp2, exp2f, exp2l - base-2 exponential function
exp2, exp2f, exp2l - base-2 exponential function
exp2, exp2f, exp2l - base-2 exponential function
scf2read, read2scf, exp2read, read2exp - Translate to and from the Read
exp_read_info, exp_fread_info, exp_create_info, exp_destroy_info, -
exp, expf, expl - base-e exponential function
exp, expf, expl - base-e exponential function
explain_accept4 - explain accept4(2) errors
explain_accept4_or_die - accept a connection on a socket and report
explain_accept - explain accept(2) errors
explain_accept_or_die - accept a connection on a socket and report
explain_access - explain access(2) errors
explain_access_or_die - check permissions for a file and report errors
explain_acct - explain acct(2) errors
explain_acct_or_die - switch process accounting on or off and report
explain_adjtime - explain adjtime(2) errors
explain_adjtime_or_die - smoothly tune kernel clock and report errors
explain_adjtimex - explain adjtimex(2) errors
explain_adjtimex_or_die - tune kernel clock and report errors
explain_bind - explain bind(2) errors
explain_bind_or_die - bind a name to a socket and report errors
explain_chdir - explain chdir(2) errors
explain_chdir_or_die - change working directory and report errors
explain_chmod - explain chmod(2) errors
explain_chmod_or_die - change permissions of a file and report errors
explain_chown - explain chown(2) errors
explain_chown_or_die - change ownership of a file and report errors
explain_chroot - explain chroot(2) errors
explain_chroot_or_die - change root directory and report errors
explain_closedir - explain closedir(3) errors
explain_closedir_or_die - close a directory and report errors
explain_close - explain close(2) errors
explain_close_or_die - close a file descriptor and report errors
explain_connect - explain connect(2) errors
explain_connect_or_die - initiate a connection on a socket and report
explain_creat - explain creat(2) errors
explain_creat_or_die - create and open a file creat and report errors
explain_dirfd - explain dirfd(3) errors
explain_dirfd_or_die - get directory stream file descriptor and report
explain_dup2 - explain dup2(2) errors
explain_dup2_or_die - duplicate a file descriptor and report errors
explain_dup - explain dup(2) errors
explain_dup_or_die - duplicate a file descriptor and report errors
explain_eventfd - explain eventfd(2) errors
explain_eventfd_or_die - create event notify file descriptor and report
explain_execve - explain execve(2) errors
explain_execve_or_die - execute program and report errors
explain_execvp - explain execvp(3) errors
explain_execvp_or_die - execute a file and report errors
explain_fchdir - explain fchdir(2) errors
explain_fchdir_or_die - change directory and report errors
explain_fchmod - explain fchmod(2) errors
explain_fchmod_or_die - change permissions of a file and report errors
explain_fchown - explain fchown(2) errors
explain_fchown_or_die - change ownership of a file and report errors
explain_fclose - explain fclose(3) errors
explain_fclose_or_die - close a stream and report errors
explain_fcntl - explain fcntl(2) errors
explain_fcntl_or_die - manipulate a file descriptor and report errors
explain_fdopen - explain fdopen(3) errors
explain_fdopen_or_die - stream open functions and report errors
explain_ferror - explain ferror(3) errors
explain_ferror_or_die - check stream status and report errors
explain_fflush - explain fflush(3) errors
explain_fflush_or_die - flush a stream and report errors
explain_fgetc - explain fgetc(3) errors
explain_fgetc_or_die - input of characters and report errors
explain_fgets - explain fgets(3) errors
explain_fgets_or_die - input of strings and report errors
explain_fileno - explain fileno(3) errors
explain_fileno_or_die - check and reset stream status and report errors
explain_flock - explain flock(2) errors
explain_flock_or_die - control advisory lock on open file and report
explain_fopen - explain fopen(3) errors
explain_fopen_or_die - open file and report errors
explain_fork - explain fork(2) errors
explain_fork_or_die - create a child process and report errors
explain_fpathconf - explain fpathconf(3) errors
explain_fpathconf_or_die - get file configuration and report errors
explain_fputc - explain fputc(3) errors
explain_fputc_or_die - output of characters and report errors
explain_fread - explain fread(3) errors
explain_fread_or_die - binary stream input and report errors
explain_freopen - explain freopen(3) errors
explain_freopen_or_die - open file and report errors
explain_fstatfs - explain fstatfs(2) errors
explain_fstatfs_or_die - get file system statistics and report errors
explain_fstat - explain fstat(2) errors
explain_fstat_or_die - get file status and report errors
explain_ftime - explain ftime(3) errors
explain_ftime_or_die - return date and time and report errors
explain_ftruncate - explain ftruncate(2) errors
explain_ftruncate_or_die - truncate a file and report errors
explain_futimes - explain futimes(3) errors
explain_futimes_or_die - change file timestamps and report errors
explain_fwrite - explain fwrite(3) errors
explain_fwrite_or_die - binary stream output and report errors
explain_getaddrinfo - explain getaddrinfo(3) errors
explain_getaddrinfo_or_die - network address translation and report
explain_getchar - explain getchar(3) errors
explain_getchar_or_die - input of characters and report errors
explain_getc - explain getc(3) errors
explain_getc_or_die - input of characters and report errors
explain_getcwd - explain getcwd(2) errors
explain_getcwd_or_die - get current working directory and report errors
explain_getdomainname - explain getdomainname(2) errors
explain_getdomainname_or_die - get domain name and report errors
explain_getgroups - explain getgroups(2) errors
explain_getgroups_or_die - get supplementary group IDs and report
explain_gethostname - explain gethostname(2) errors
explain_gethostname_or_die - get/set hostname and report errors
explain_getpeername - explain getpeername(2) errors
explain_getpeername_or_die - get name of peer socket and report errors
explain_getrlimit - explain getrlimit(2) errors
explain_getrlimit_or_die - get resource limits and report errors
explain_getsockname - explain getsockname(2) errors
explain_getsockname_or_die - get socket name and report errors
explain_getsockopt - explain getsockopt(2) errors
explain_getsockopt_or_die - get and set options on sockets and report
explain_gettimeofday - explain gettimeofday(2) errors
explain_gettimeofday_or_die - get time and report errors
libexplain - Explain errno values returned by libc functions
explain_ioctl - explain ioctl(2) errors
explain_ioctl_or_die - control device and report errors
explain_kill - explain kill(2) errors
explain_kill_or_die - send signal to a process and report errors
explain_lchown - explain lchown(2) errors
explain_lchown_or_die - change ownership of a file and report errors
explain_link - explain link(2) errors
explain_link_or_die - make a new name for a file and report errors
explain_listen - explain listen(2) errors
explain_listen_or_die - listen for connections on a socket and report
explain_lseek - explain lseek(2) errors
explain_lseek_or_die - reposition file offset and report errors
explain_lstat - explain lstat(3) errors
explain_lstat_or_die - get file status and report errors
explain_malloc - explain malloc(3) errors
explain_malloc_or_die - Allocate and free dynamic memory and report
explain_mkdir - explain mkdir(2) errors
explain_mkdir_or_die - create a directory and report errors
explain_nice - explain nice(2) errors
explain_nice_or_die - change process priority and report errors
explain_opendir - explain opendir(3) errors
explain_opendir_or_die - open a directory and report errors
explain_open - explain open(2) errors
explain_open_or_die - open file and report errors
explain_pathconf - explain pathconf(3) errors
explain_pathconf_or_die - get configuration values and report errors
explain_pclose - explain pclose(3) errors
explain_pclose_or_die - process I/O and report errors
explain_pipe - explain pipe(2) errors
explain_pipe_or_die - create pipe and report errors
explain_popen - explain popen(3) errors
explain_popen_or_die - process I/O and report errors
explain_pread - explain pread(2) errors
explain_pread_or_die - seek and read from a file descriptor and report
explain_program_name - manipulate the program name
explain_putchar - explain putchar(3) errors
explain_putchar_or_die - output of characters and report errors
explain_putc - explain putc(3) errors
explain_putc_or_die - output of characters and report errors
explain_pwrite - explain pwrite(2) errors
explain_pwrite_or_die - seek and write to a file descriptor and report
explain_readdir - explain readdir(2) errors
explain_readdir_or_die - read directory entry and report errors
explain_read - explain read(2) errors
explain_readlink - explain readlink(2) errors
explain_readlink_or_die - read value of a symbolic link and report
explain_read_or_die - read from a file descriptor and report errors
explain_readv - explain readv(2) errors
explain_readv_or_die - read data into multiple buffers and report
explain_realloc - explain realloc(3) errors
explain_realloc_or_die - Allocate and free dynamic memory and report
explain_remove - explain remove(2) errors
explain_remove_or_die - delete a file and report errors
explain_rename - explain rename(2) errors
explain_rename_or_die - change the name of a file and report errors
explain_rmdir - explain rmdir(2) errors
explain_rmdir_or_die - delete a directory and report errors
explain_select - explain select(2) errors
explain_select_or_die - blah blah and report errors
explain_setdomainname - explain setdomainname(2) errors
explain_setdomainname_or_die - set domain name and report errors
explain_setgroups - explain setgroups(2) errors
explain_setgroups_or_die - set supplementary group IDs and report
explain_sethostname - explain sethostname(2) errors
explain_sethostname_or_die - get/set hostname and report errors
explain_setsockopt - explain setsockopt(2) errors
explain_setsockopt_or_die - get and set options on sockets and report
explain_signalfd - explain signalfd(2) errors
explain_signalfd_or_die - create signalable file descriptor and report
explain_socket - explain socket(2) errors
explain_socket_or_die - create an endpoint and report errors
explain_statfs - explain statfs(2) errors
explain_statfs_or_die - get file system statistics and report errors
explain_stat - explain stat(2) errors
explain_stat_or_die - get file status and report errors
explain_strdup - explain strdup(3) errors
explain_strdup_or_die - duplicate a string and report errors
explain_strndup - explain strndup(3) errors
explain_strndup_or_die - duplicate a string and report errors
explain_strtod - explain strtod(3) errors
explain_strtod_or_die - convert string to number and report errors
explain_strtof - explain strtof(3) errors
explain_strtof_or_die - convert string to number and report errors
explain_strtold - explain strtold(3) errors
explain_strtold_or_die - convert string to number and report errors
explain_strtol - explain strtol(3) errors
explain_strtoll - explain strtoll(3) errors
explain_strtoll_or_die - convert a string to a long integer and report
explain_strtol_or_die - convert a string to a long integer and report
explain_strtoul - explain strtoul(3) errors
explain_strtoull - explain strtoull(3) errors
explain_strtoull_or_die - convert string to integer and report errors
explain_strtoul_or_die - convert string to unsigned long and report
explain_symlink - explain symlink(2) errors
explain_symlink_or_die - make a new name for a file and report errors
explain_system - explain system(3) errors
explain_system_or_die - execute a shell command and report errors
explain_tcdrain - explain tcdrain(3) errors
explain_tcdrain_or_die - Execute tcdrain(3) and report errors
explain_tcflow - explain tcflow(3) errors
explain_tcflow_or_die - terminal flow control and report errors
explain_tcflush - explain tcflush(3) errors
explain_tcflush_or_die - discard terminal data and report errors
explain_tcgetattr - explain tcgetattr(3) errors
explain_tcgetattr_or_die - get terminal parameters and report errors
explain_tcsendbreak - explain tcsendbreak(3) errors
explain_tcsendbreak_or_die - send terminal line break and report errors
explain_tcsetattr - explain tcsetattr(3) errors
explain_tcsetattr_or_die - set terminal attributes and report errors
explain_telldir - explain telldir(3) errors
explain_telldir_or_die - current location in directory and report
explain_time - explain time(2) errors
explain_time_or_die - get time in seconds and report errors
explain_timerfd_create - explain timerfd_create(2) errors
explain_timerfd_create_or_die - create file descriptor timers and
explain_truncate - explain truncate(2) errors
explain_truncate_or_die - truncate a file and report errors
explain_unlink - explain unlink(2) errors
explain_unlink_or_die - delete a file and report errors
explain_ustat - explain ustat(2) errors
explain_ustat_or_die - get file system statistics and report errors
explain_utime - explain utime(2) errors
explain_utime_or_die - change file times and report errors
explain_wait3 - explain wait3(2) errors
explain_wait3_or_die - wait for process to change state and report
explain_wait4 - explain wait4(2) errors
explain_wait4_or_die - wait for process to change state and report
explain_wait - explain wait(2) errors
explain_wait_or_die - wait for process to change state and report
explain_waitpid - explain waitpid(2) errors
explain_waitpid_or_die - wait for process to change state and report
explain_write - explain write(2) errors
explain_write_or_die - write to a file descriptor and report errors
explain_writev - explain writev(2) errors
explain_writev_or_die - write data from multiple buffers and report
exp, expf, expl - base-e exponential function
Strings - -
expm1, expm1f, expm1l - exponential minus 1
expm1, expm1f, expm1l - exponential minus 1
expm1, expm1f, expm1l - exponential minus 1
export.h - -
Export - -
ExportModule.h - -
eX_publish.h - eXosip publish request API
eX_refer.h - eXosip transfer outside of calls API
eX_register.h - eXosip registration API
eX_setup.h - eXosip setup API
eX_subscribe.h - eXosip subscribe request API
ExtendedClusterOperation.h - -
ext.h - -
vpExtract - extract one field from a rectangular region of a volume
leptonica - image processing library
fabs, fabsf, fabsl - absolute value of floating-point number
fabs, fabsf, fabsl - absolute value of floating-point number
fabs, fabsf, fabsl - absolute value of floating-point number
Face.h - -
FaceIterator.h - -
fame_close - flush remaining data and cleanup.
fame_encode_frame - encode a single frame (DEPRECATED)
fame_encode_slice - encode a single slice
fame_end_frame - ends encoding of a frame
fame_get_object - get an object from the library
fame_init - initialize the fame library
fame_open - open the fame library
fame_register - register an object to the library
fame_start_frame - starts encoding of a frame
fame_unregister - unregister a type from the library
fam - File Alteration Monitor (FAM) library routines
FAQ - .TH "FAQ" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-libc"
FascistCheck - a pro-active password checker library
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
FcAtomicCreate - create an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicDeleteNew - delete new file
FcAtomicDestroy - destroy an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicLock - lock a file
FcAtomicNewFile - return new temporary file name
FcAtomicOrigFile - return original file name
FcAtomicReplaceOrig - replace original with new
FcAtomicUnlock - unlock a file
FcBlanksAdd - Add a character to an FcBlanks
FcBlanksCreate - Create an FcBlanks
FcBlanksDestroy - Destroy and FcBlanks
FcBlanksIsMember - Query membership in an FcBlanks
FcCacheCopySet - Returns a copy of the fontset from cache
FcCacheDir - Return directory of cache
FcCacheNumFont - Returns the number of fonts in cache.
FcCacheNumSubdir - Return the number of subdirectories in cache.
FcCacheSubdir - Return the i’th subdirectory.
FcCharSetAddChar - Add a character to a charset
FcCharSetCopy - Copy a charset
FcCharSetCount - Count entries in a charset
FcCharSetCoverage - DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page
FcCharSetCreate - Create an empty character set
FcCharSetDestroy - Destroy a character set
FcCharSetEqual - Compare two charsets
FcCharSetFirstPage - Start enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetHasChar - Check a charset for a char
FcCharSetIntersectCount - Intersect and count charsets
FcCharSetIntersect - Intersect charsets
FcCharSetIsSubset - Test for charset inclusion
FcCharSetMerge - Merge charsets
FcCharSetNew - DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate
FcCharSetNextPage - Continue enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetSubtractCount - Subtract and count charsets
FcCharSetSubtract - Subtract charsets
FcCharSetUnion - Add charsets
FcConfigAppFontAddDir - Add fonts from directory to font database
FcConfigAppFontAddFile - Add font file to font database
FcConfigAppFontClear - Remove all app fonts from font database
FcConfigBuildFonts - Build font database
FcConfigCreate - Create a configuration
FcConfigDestroy - Destroy a configuration
FcConfigEnableHome - controls use of the home directory.
FcConfigFilename - Find a config file
FcConfigGetBlanks - Get config blanks
FcConfigGetCacheDirs - return the list of directories searched for
FcConfigGetCache - DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename
FcConfigGetConfigDirs - Get config directories
FcConfigGetConfigFiles - Get config files
FcConfigGetCurrent - Return current configuration
FcConfigGetFontDirs - Get font directories
FcConfigGetFonts - Get config font set
FcConfigGetRescanInterval - Get config rescan interval
FcConfigHome - return the current home directory.
FcConfigParseAndLoad - load a configuration file
FcConfigReference - Increment config reference count
FcConfigSetCurrent - Set configuration as default
FcConfigSetRescanInterval - Set config rescan interval
FcConfigSubstitute - Execute substitutions
FcConfigSubstituteWithPat - Execute substitutions
FcConfigUptoDate - Check timestamps on config files
FcDefaultSubstitute - Perform default substitutions in a pattern
FcDirCacheLoadFile - load a cache file
FcDirCacheLoad - load a directory cache
FcDirCacheRead - read or construct a directory cache
FcDirCacheUnlink - Remove all caches related to dir
FcDirCacheUnload - unload a cache file
FcDirCacheValid - check directory cache
FcDirSave - DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
FcDirScan - scan a font directory without caching it
FcFileIsDir - check whether a file is a directory
FcFileScan - scan a font file
FcFini - finalize fonconfig library
FcFontList - List fonts
FcFontMatch - Return best font
FcFontRenderPrepare - Prepare pattern for loading font file
FcFontSetAdd - Add to a font set
FcFontSetCreate - Create a font set
FcFontSetDestroy - Destroy a font set
FcFontSetList - List fonts from a set of font sets
FcFontSetMatch - Return the best font from a set of font sets
FcFontSetPrint - Print a set of patterns to stdout
FcFontSetSortDestroy - DEPRECATED destroy a font set
FcFontSetSort - Add to a font set
FcFontSort - Return list of matching fonts
FcFreeTypeCharIndex - map Unicode to glyph id
FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing - compute unicode coverage and spacing type
FcFreeTypeCharSet - compute unicode coverage
FcFreeTypeQueryFace - compute pattern from FT_Face
FcFreeTypeQuery - compute pattern from font file (and index)
FcGetLangs - Get list of languages
FcGetVersion - library version number
FcInitBringUptoDate - reload configuration files if needed
FcInit - initialize fontconfig library
FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts - load configuration and font data
FcInitLoadConfig - load configuration
FcInitReinitialize - re-initialize library
FcIsLower - check for lower case ASCII character
FcIsUpper - check for upper case ASCII character
FcLangGetCharSet - Get character map for a language
FcLangSetAdd - add a language to a langset
FcLangSetCompare - compare language sets
FcLangSetContains - check langset subset relation
FcLangSetCopy - copy a langset object
FcLangSetCreate - create a langset object
FcLangSetDestroy - destroy a langset object
FcLangSetEqual - test for matching langsets
FcLangSetGetLangs - get the list of languages in the langset
FcLangSetHash - return a hash value for a langset
FcLangSetHasLang - test langset for language support
fcloseall - close all open streams
fclose - close a stream
FcMatrixCopy - Copy a matrix
FcMatrixEqual - Compare two matrices
FcMatrixInit - initialize an FcMatrix structure
FcMatrixMultiply - Multiply matrices
FcMatrixRotate - Rotate a matrix
FcMatrixScale - Scale a matrix
FcMatrixShear - Shear a matrix
FcNameConstant - Get the value for a symbolic constant
FcNameGetConstant - Lookup symbolic constant
FcNameGetObjectType - Lookup an object type
FcNameParse - Parse a pattern string
FcNameRegisterConstants - Register symbolic constants
FcNameRegisterObjectTypes - Register object types
FcNameUnparse - Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed
FcNameUnregisterConstants - Unregister symbolic constants
FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes - Unregister object types
FcObjectSetAdd - Add to an object set
FcObjectSetBuild, FcObjectSetVaBuild, FcObjectSetVapBuild - Build
FcObjectSetCreate - Create an object set
FcObjectSetDestroy - Destroy an object set
fcoll.cpp - Implementation of FileCollection.
fcollexceptions.cpp - Implementation of a number of Exceptions used by
fcollexceptions.h - Header file that defines a number of exceptions
fcoll.h - Header file that defines FileCollection.
FcPatternAdd - Add a value to a pattern
FcPatternAddInteger, FcPatternAddDouble, FcPatternAddString, -
FcPatternAddWeak - Add a value to a pattern with weak binding
FcPatternBuild, FcPatternVaBuild, FcPatternVapBuild - Create patterns
FcPatternCreate - Create a pattern
FcPatternDel - Delete a property from a pattern
FcPatternDestroy - Destroy a pattern
FcPatternDuplicate - Copy a pattern
FcPatternEqual - Compare patterns
FcPatternEqualSubset - Compare portions of patterns
FcPatternFilter - Filter the objects of pattern
FcPatternFormat - Format a pattern into a string according to a format
FcPatternGet - Return a value from a pattern
FcPatternGetInteger, FcPatternGetDouble, FcPatternGetString, -
FcPatternHash - Compute a pattern hash value
FcPatternPrint - Print a pattern for debugging
FcPatternReference - Increment pattern reference count
FcPatternRemove - Remove one object of the specified type from the
fCreate - create a file lock.
FcStrBasename - last component of filename
FcStrCmp - compare UTF-8 strings
FcStrCmpIgnoreCase - compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case
FcStrCopyFilename - create a complete path from a filename
FcStrCopy - duplicate a string
FcStrDirname - directory part of filename
FcStrDowncase - create a lower case translation of a string
FcStrFree - free a string
FcStrListCreate - create a string iterator
FcStrListDone - destroy a string iterator
FcStrListNext - get next string in iteration
FcStrPlus - concatenate two strings
FcStrSetAddFilename - add a filename to a string set
FcStrSetAdd - add to a string set
FcStrSetCreate - create a string set
FcStrSetDel - delete from a string set
FcStrSetDestroy - destroy a string set
FcStrSetEqual - check sets for equality
FcStrSetMember - check set for membership
FcStrStr - locate UTF-8 substring
FcStrStrIgnoreCase - locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case
FcToLower - convert upper case ASCII to lower case
FcUcs4ToUtf8 - convert UCS4 to UTF-8
FcUtf16Len - count UTF-16 encoded chars
FcUtf16ToUcs4 - convert UTF-16 to UCS4
FcUtf8Len - count UTF-8 encoded chars
FcUtf8ToUcs4 - convert UTF-8 to UCS4
FcValueDestroy - Free a value
FcValueEqual - Test two values for equality
FcValuePrint - Print a value to stdout
FcValueSave - Copy a value
ecvt, fcvt - convert a floating-point number to a string
ecvt_r, fcvt_r, qecvt_r, qfcvt_r - convert a floating-point number to a
fDestroy - destroy a lock.
fdim, fdimf, fdiml - positive difference
fdim, fdimf, fdiml - positive difference
fdim, fdimf, fdiml - positive difference
opendir, fdopendir - open a directory
fopen, fdopen, freopen - stream open functions
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
fec_new, fec_encode, fec_encode, fec_free - An erasure code in GF(2^m)
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno - check and reset stream status
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno - check and reset stream status
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
feclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, -
fexecve - execute program specified via file descriptor
ffi_call - Invoke a foreign function.
FFI - Foreign Function Interface
fFind - find a file lock.
ffi_prep_cif - Prepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call
fflush - flush a stream
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
ffs, ffsl, ffsll - find first bit set in a word
ffs, ffsl, ffsll - find first bit set in a word
ffs, ffsl, ffsll - find first bit set in a word
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc - input of characters and
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fgetgrent - get group file entry
getgrent_r, fgetgrent_r - get group file entry reentrantly
fgetln - get a line from a stream
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind - reposition a stream
fgetpwent - get password file entry
getpwent_r, fgetpwent_r - get passwd file entry reentrantly
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc - input of characters and
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fgetwc, getwc - read a wide character from a FILE stream
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fgetws - read a wide-character string from a FILE stream
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
Field Classes - -
Attributes and Cntls - -
Env Variables - -
Error Types - -
Globus XIO File Driver - -
Opening/Closing - -
Reading/Writing - -
Types - -
fileentry.cpp - Implementation of FileEntry.
fileentry.h - Header file that defines FileEntry.
file.h - -
General purpose - -
leptonica - image processing library
clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno - check and reset stream status
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
filepath.cpp - Implementation of FilePath.
filepath.h - Header file that defines FilePath.
FileSystem.cpp - -
FileSystem - -
filter_create_fd - Create a sub process and return the requested pipes
filter_create_fp - similar to filter_create_fd except with buffered
vpSetFilter - define a resampling filter
filterinputstreambuf.cpp - Implementation of FilterInputStreambuf.
filterinputstreambuf.h - Header file that defines FilterInputStreambuf.
filteroutputstreambuf.cpp - Implementation of FilterOutputStreambuf.
filteroutputstreambuf.h - Header file that defines
vpBoxFilter, vpLinearFilter, vpBicubicFilter, vpGaussianFilter - -
filter_wait - wrap waitpid to decode the exitcode and why your filter
FindSelectionWidget.h - -
finite, finitef, finitel, isinf, isinff, isinfl, isnan, isnanf, isnanl -
finite, finitef, finitel, isinf, isinff, isinfl, isnan, isnanf, isnanl -
finite, finitef, finitel, isinf, isinff, isinfl, isnan, isnanf, isnanl -
firestring_chomp - trim excess whitespace from the end of a string
firestring_chug - trim excess whitespace from the beginning of a string
firestring_concat - concatenate strings
firestring_conf_add - add an entry to a configuration structure
firestring_conf_delete - remove an entry from a configuration structure
firestring_conf_find - retrieve a value from a configuration structure
firestring_conf_find_next - retrieve an array value from a
firestring_conf_free - free memory used by a configuration structure
firestring_conf_parse - read and parse a configuration file
firestring_conf_parse_next - add on to a previously parsed file
firestring_estr_0 - append a trailing nil to an estring
firestring_estr_aestrcat - concatentate an estring onto another
firestring_estr_aestrcpy - copy an estring into another estring,
firestring_estr_alloc - allocate space for an estring
firestring_estr_replace - Replace occurences of one string with
firestring_estr_astrcat - concatenate a string onto an estring
firestring_estr_astrcpy - copy a string into an estring, expanding the
firestring_estr_base64_decode - decode an estring encoded via base64
firestring_estr_base64_encode - encode an estring via base64 into
firestring_estr_chomp - remove whitespace from the end of an estring
firestring_estr_chug - remove whitespace from the beginning of an
firestring_estr_eends - check case-insensitively if an estring ends
firestring_estr_ends - check case-insensitively if an estring ends with
firestring_estr_estarts - check case-insensitively if an estring starts
firestring_estr_estrcasecmp - compare two estrings case-insensitively
firestring_estr_estrcat - concatentate an estring onto another estring
firestring_estr_estrcmp - compare two estrings
firestring_estr_estrcpy - copy an estring into another estring
firestring_estr_estristr - search for an estring case-insensitively in
firestring_estr_estrncasecmp - compare two estring segments case-
firestring_estr_estrstr - search for an estring in an estring
firestring_estr_expand - expand an estring’s space to a minimum length
firestring_estr_free - free space allocated to an estring
firestring_estr_ip_chug - remove whitespace from the beginning of an
firestring_estr_ip_trim - remove whitespace from the beginning and end
firestring_estr_munch - remove characters from the beginning of an
firestring_estr_read - read from a file descriptor into an estring
firestring_estr_replace - Replace occurences of one string with another
firestring_estr_sprintfe - firestring_estr_sprintf(3) with an estring
firestring_estr_sprintf - snprintf(3) into an estring
firestring_estr_starts - check case-insensitively if an estring starts
firestring_estr_strcasecmp - compare an estring and a string case-
firestring_estr_strcat - concatenate a string onto an estring
firestring_estr_strchr - search for a character in an estring
firestring_estr_strcmp - compare an estring and a string
firestring_estr_strcpy - copy a string into an estring
firestring_estr_stristr - search case-insensitively for a string in an
firestring_estr_strstr - search for a string in an estring
firestring_estr_tolower - convert all letters in an estring to lower
firestring_estr_toupper - convert all letters in an estring to upper
firestring_estr_trim - remove whitespace from the beginning and end of
firestring_estr_vsprintfe - firestring_estr_vsprintf(3) with an estring
firestring_estr_vsprintf - snprintf(3) into an estring
firestring_estr_xml_decode - decode an estring from XML quoted data
firestring_estr_xml_encode - encode an estring into another estring for
firestring_fprintfe - fprintf(3) with an estring format
firestring_fprintf - fprintf(3) with extended firestring types
firestring_hextoi - return a numerical value for a 2 digit hex string
firestring_malloc - malloc(3) with internal result checking
firestring_printfe - firestring_printf(3) with an estring format
firestring_printf - printf(3) with extended firestring types
firestring_realloc - realloc(3) with internal result checking
firestring_set_error_handler - set the function to be called on an
firestring_snprintf - snprintf(3) provided as a replacement so programs
firestring_strcasecmp - strcasecmp(3) provided as a replacement so
firestring_strdup - strdup(3) with internal result checking
firestring_strncasecmp - strncasecmp(3) provided as a replacement so
firestring_strncat - strncat(3) with slightly saner semantics
firestring_strncpy - strncpy(3) with slightly saner semantics
firestring_trim - trim excess whitespace from the start and end of a
firestring_vfprintfe - firestring_vfprintf(3) with an estring format
firestring_vfprintf - vfprintf(3) with extended firestring types
FitToLabel.cpp - -
FitToLabel - -
FLayout.h - -
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
flockfile, ftrylockfile, funlockfile - lock FILE for stdio
fLock - acquire file lock.
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
floor, floorf, floorl - largest integral value not greater than
floor, floorf, floorl - largest integral value not greater than
floor, floorf, floorl - largest integral value not greater than
flopen - Reliably open and lock a file
fltk - the fast light tool kit
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
fma, fmaf, fmal - floating-point multiply and add
fma, fmaf, fmal - floating-point multiply and add
fma, fmaf, fmal - floating-point multiply and add
fmax, fmaxf, fmaxl - determine maximum of two floating-point numbers
fmax, fmaxf, fmaxl - determine maximum of two floating-point numbers
fmax, fmaxf, fmaxl - determine maximum of two floating-point numbers
fmemcmp - fuzzy comparison of two memory areas
fmemcmpi - fuzzy comparison of two memory areas
fmemopen, open_memstream, open_wmemstream - open memory as stream
fmin, fminf, fminl - determine minimum of two floating-point numbers
fmin, fminf, fminl - determine minimum of two floating-point numbers
fmin, fminf, fminl - determine minimum of two floating-point numbers
fmod, fmodf, fmodl - floating-point remainder function
fmod, fmodf, fmodl - floating-point remainder function
fmod, fmodf, fmodl - floating-point remainder function
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
fmtcheck - sanitizes user-supplied printf(3)-style format string
fmtmsg - print formatted error messages
fnmatch - match filename or pathname
Fonts.h - -
fopencookie - opening a custom stream
fopen, fdopen, freopen - stream open functions
ForEach.h - -
ForegroundEntity.h - -
foreignfilesupport - Foreign File Format Support This is a page
forker - fork desired number of copies of the current process
openpty, login_tty, forkpty - tty utility functions
formats.h - -
fpathconf, pathconf - get configuration values for files
fpclassify, isfinite, isnormal, isnan, isinf - floating-point
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
fpurge, __fpurge - purge a stream
fpurge, __fpurge - purge a stream
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts - output of characters and strings
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts - output of characters and strings
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fputwc, putwc - write a wide character to a FILE stream
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fputws - write a wide-character string to a FILE stream
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
Frame.h - -
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
fread, fwrite - binary stream input/output
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
read_reading, fread_reading - Read a trace file into a Read structure.
read_scf, fread_scf, read_scf_header - Read SCF files
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
getaddrinfo, freeaddrinfo, gai_strerror - network address and service
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
freecon, freeconary - free memory associated with SELinux security
freecon, freeconary - free memory associated with SELinux security
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
getipnodebyname, getipnodebyaddr, freehostent - get network hostnames
malloc - .TH "malloc" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-libc"
getifaddrs, freeifaddrs - get interface addresses
fopen, fdopen, freopen - stream open functions
frexp, frexpf, frexpl - convert floating-point number to fractional and
frexp, frexpf, frexpl - convert floating-point number to fractional and
frexp, frexpf, frexpl - convert floating-point number to fractional and
fribidi_charset_to_unicode - convert string to Unicode
fribidi_debug_status - FRIBIDI_BEGIN_DECLS should be used at the
fribidi_get_bidi_type - get character bidi type
fribidi_get_bidi_type_name - get bidi type name
fribidi_get_bidi_types - get bidi types for an string of characters
fribidi_get_joining_type - get character joining type
fribidi_get_joining_type_name - get joining type name
fribidi_get_joining_types - get joining types for an string of
fribidi_get_mirror_char - get mirrored character
fribidi_get_par_direction - get base paragraph direction
fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels - get bidi embedding levels of a
fribidi_get_type - get character bidi type
fribidi_get_type_internal - get character bidi type
fribidi_join_arabic - do Arabic joining
fribidi_log2vis_get_embedding_levels - get embedding levels
fribidi_log2vis - get visual string
fribidi_mirroring_status - get current mirroring status
fribidi_parse_charset - parse character set name
fribidi_remove_bidi_marks - remove bidi marks out of an string
fribidi_reorder_line - reorder a line of logical string to visual
fribidi_reorder_nsm_status - get current marks reordering status
fribidi_set_mirroring - set mirroring on or off
fribidi_set_reorder_nsm - set marks reordering on or off
fribidi_shape - do bidi-aware shaping
fribidi_shape_mirroring - do mirroring shaping
fribidi_unicode_to_charset - convert string from Unicode
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input format
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind - reposition a stream
fseeko, ftello - seek to or report file position
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind - reposition a stream
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
fstrcasecmp - fuzzy comparison of two strings ignoring case
fstrcasecmpi - fuzzy comparison of two strings ignoring case
fstrcmp - fuzzy comparison of two strings
fstrcmpi - fuzzy comparison of two strings
fstrcoll - fuzzy comparison of two strings using the current locale
fstrcolli - fuzzy comparison of two strings using the current locale
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind - reposition a stream
fseeko, ftello - seek to or report file position
ftime - return date and time
ftok - convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC
FtpAccess - Open a file or directory on the remote system.
FtpCDUp - Change to parent directory.
FtpChdir - Change working directory on server.
FtpClose - Close a data connection.
FtpConnect - Connect to an FTP server.
FtpDelete - Removes a file from the remote system.
FtpDir - Performs a verbose directory.
FtpGet - Retreive a file from the remote system.
FtpInit - Initialize the library.
FtpLastResponse - Retrieve the last response sent by the server.
FtpLogin - Login to remote system.
FtpMkdir - Create a directory on the remote system.
FtpModDate - Determine last modification time of a remote file.
FtpNlst - Performs a terse directory.
FtpOptions - Set connection options.
FtpPut - Send a file to the remote system.
FtpPwd - Determine current working directory on server.
FtpQuit - Close connection to server.
FtpRead - Read data from a remote file or directory.
FtpRename - Rename a remote file.
FtpRmdir - Remove a directory from the remote file system.
FtpSite - Send a SITE command to the remote server.
FtpSize - Determine size of remote file.
FtpSysType - Determine system type of remote server.
FtpWrite - Write data to a remote file.
flockfile, ftrylockfile, funlockfile - lock FILE for stdio
fts, fts_open, fts_read, fts_children, fts_set, fts_close - traverse a
fts, fts_open, fts_read, fts_children, fts_set, fts_close - traverse a
fts, fts_open, fts_read, fts_children, fts_set, fts_close - traverse a
fts, fts_open, fts_read, fts_children, fts_set, fts_close - traverse a
fts, fts_open, fts_read, fts_children, fts_set, fts_close - traverse a
fts, fts_open, fts_read, fts_children, fts_set, fts_close - traverse a
ftw, nftw - file tree walk
functions.h - -
flockfile, ftrylockfile, funlockfile - lock FILE for stdio
fUnlock - release file lock.
futimes, lutimes - change file timestamps
fwcscmp - fuzzy comparison of two wide-character strings
fwcscmpi - fuzzy comparison of two wide-character strings
fwide - set and determine the orientation of a FILE stream
wprintf, fwprintf, swprintf, vwprintf, vfwprintf, vswprintf - formatted
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
fread, fwrite - binary stream input/output
write_reading, fwrite_reading - Write a Read structure into a trace
write_scf, fwrite_scf, write_scf_header - Write SCF files
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
getaddrinfo, freeaddrinfo, gai_strerror - network address and service
gamma, gammaf, gammal - (logarithm of the) gamma function
gamma, gammaf, gammal - (logarithm of the) gamma function
gamma, gammaf, gammal - (logarithm of the) gamma function
leptonica - image processing library
GC_malloc, GC_malloc_atomic, GC_free, GC_realloc, -
gcpInit, gcpExit, gcpAttach, gcpDetach - Initialize and uninitialize
gcpBlendColor - Color blending
gcp_pixel, gcp_RGBAcolor, gcp_YUVcolor, gcp_CMYKcolor, gcp_HSVcolor, -
gcpInit, gcpExit, gcpAttach, gcpDetach - Initialize and uninitialize
gcpInit, gcpExit, gcpAttach, gcpDetach - Initialize and uninitialize
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpSetIntensity, gcpGetIntensity - Manipulate Lighting
gcpGetLuminance - Manipulate Luminance
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcp_pixel, gcp_RGBAcolor, gcp_YUVcolor, gcp_CMYKcolor, gcp_HSVcolor, -
gcpInit, gcpExit, gcpAttach, gcpDetach - Initialize and uninitialize
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcpMapRGBAColor, gcpPackRGBAColors, gcpMapYUVColor, gcpPackYUVColors, -
gcp_pixel, gcp_RGBAcolor, gcp_YUVcolor, gcp_CMYKcolor, gcp_HSVcolor, -
gcp_pixel, gcp_RGBAcolor, gcp_YUVcolor, gcp_CMYKcolor, gcp_HSVcolor, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpSetColorfulPalette - Set a palette with a full range of all colors
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpSetIntensity, gcpGetIntensity - Manipulate Lighting
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpGetRGBAGamma, gcpSetRGBAGamma, gcpGetRGBAGammaMap, -
gcpSetRGBAPalette, gcpGetRGBAPalette, gcpSetYUVPalette, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcpUnmapRGBAPixel, gcpUnpackRGBAPixels, gcpUnmapYUVPixel, -
gcp_pixel, gcp_RGBAcolor, gcp_YUVcolor, gcp_CMYKcolor, gcp_HSVcolor, -
gcp_pixel, gcp_RGBAcolor, gcp_YUVcolor, gcp_CMYKcolor, gcp_HSVcolor, -
gcvt - convert a floating-point number to a string
GDBM - The GNU database manager. Includes dbm and ndbm compatability.
gearman_bugreport - Gearman Declarations
gearman_client_add_options - Client Declarations
gearman_client_add_server - Client Declarations
gearman_client_add_servers - Client Declarations
gearman_client_add_task_background - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_add_task_high_background - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_add_task_high - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_add_task - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_add_task_low_background - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_add_task_low - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_add_task_status - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_clear_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_clone - Client Declarations
gearman_client_context - Client Declarations
gearman_client_create - Client Declarations
gearman_client_do_background - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_do_high_background - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_do_high - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_do - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_do_job_handle - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_do_low_background - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_do_low - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_do_status - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_echo - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_errno - Client Declarations
gearman_client_error - Client Declarations
gearman_client_free - Client Declarations
gearman_client_job_status - Single Task Interface
gearman_client_options - Client Declarations
gearman_client_remove_options - Client Declarations
gearman_client_remove_servers - Client Declarations
gearman_client_run_tasks - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_complete_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_context - Client Declarations
gearman_client_set_created_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_data_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_exception_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_fail_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_log_fn - Client Declarations
gearman_client_set_options - Client Declarations
gearman_client_set_status_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_task_context_free_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_timeout - Client Declarations
gearman_client_set_warning_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_workload_fn - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_set_workload_free_fn - Client Declarations
gearman_client_set_workload_malloc_fn - Client Declarations
gearman_client_task_free_all - Concurrent Task Interface
gearman_client_timeout - Client Declarations
gearman_client_wait - Client Declarations
gearman_job_free_all - Worker Declarations
gearman_job_free - Job Declarations
gearman_job_function_name - Job Declarations
gearman_job_handle - Job Declarations
gearman_job_send_complete - Job Declarations
gearman_job_send_data - Job Declarations
gearman_job_send_exception - Job Declarations
gearman_job_send_fail - Job Declarations
gearman_job_send_status - Job Declarations
gearman_job_send_warning - Job Declarations
gearman_job_take_workload - Job Declarations
gearman_job_unique - Job Declarations
gearman_job_workload - Job Declarations
gearman_job_workload_size - Job Declarations
gearman_parse_servers - Gearman Declarations
gearman_task_context - Task Declarations
gearman_task_data - Task Declarations
gearman_task_data_size - Task Declarations
gearman_task_denominator - Task Declarations
gearman_task_free - Task Declarations
gearman_task_function_name - Task Declarations
gearman_task_give_workload - Task Declarations
gearman_task_is_known - Task Declarations
gearman_task_is_running - Task Declarations
gearman_task_job_handle - Task Declarations
gearman_task_numerator - Task Declarations
gearman_task_recv_data - Task Declarations
gearman_task_send_workload - Task Declarations
gearman_task_set_context - Task Declarations
gearman_task_take_data - Task Declarations
gearman_task_unique - Task Declarations
gearman_verbose_name - Gearman Declarations
gearman_version - Gearman Declarations
gearman_worker_add_function - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_add_options - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_add_server - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_add_servers - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_clone - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_context - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_create - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_echo - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_errno - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_error - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_free - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_function_exist - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_grab_job - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_options - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_register - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_remove_options - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_remove_servers - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_set_context - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_set_log_fn - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_set_options - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_set_timeout - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_set_workload_free_fn - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_set_workload_malloc_fn - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_timeout - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_unregister_all - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_unregister - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_wait - Worker Declarations
gearman_worker_work - Worker Declarations
GEMLayout.cpp - -
GEMLayout.h - -
GEMLayout - -
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_errnum, genders_strerror, genders_errormsg, genders_perror - -
genders_errnum, genders_strerror, genders_errormsg, genders_perror - -
genders_getattr_all - get all the attributes stored in a genders file
genders_getattr - get attributes from a genders file
genders_getnumnodes, genders_getnumattrs, genders_getmaxattrs, -
genders_getnumnodes, genders_getnumattrs, genders_getmaxattrs, -
genders_getnumnodes, genders_getnumattrs, genders_getmaxattrs, -
genders_getnumnodes, genders_getnumattrs, genders_getmaxattrs, -
genders_getnodename - get the current node name
genders_getnodes - get nodes from the genders file
genders_getnumnodes, genders_getnumattrs, genders_getmaxattrs, -
genders_getnumnodes, genders_getnumattrs, genders_getmaxattrs, -
genders_handle_create - create a genders handle
genders_handle_destroy - destroys a genders handle
libgenders - a library of functions to parse and retrieve genders data
Genders - Perl library for querying a genders file
genders_index_attrvals - internally index attribute values in genders
genders_isnode, genders_isattr, genders_isattrval - node, attribute,
genders_isnode, genders_isattr, genders_isattrval - node, attribute,
genders_isnode, genders_isattr, genders_isattrval - node, attribute,
genders_load_data - read and parse a genders file
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_parse - determine errors with a genders file
genders_errnum, genders_strerror, genders_errormsg, genders_perror - -
genders_query - query genders database for a set of nodes
genders_errnum, genders_strerror, genders_errormsg, genders_perror - -
genders_testattr - test if a node has an attribute
genders_testattr - test if a node has an attribute
genders_testquery - query genders database for a set of nodes
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
genders_nodelist_create, genders_nodelist_clear, -
gendlib - perl library for querying genders file
Miscellaneous Classes - -
leptonica - image processing library
#if xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; #endif xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; #if xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; #endif xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; cdk_xxxxxlt;MODELxxxxxgt;scale -
#if xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; #endif xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; #if xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; #endif xxxxxlt;FLOATxxxxxgt; cdk_xxxxxlt;MODELxxxxxgt;slider -
geoip - A Tcl extension for geographic or organisational lookup of IP
getaddrinfo, freeaddrinfo, gai_strerror - network address and service
setaliasent, endaliasent, getaliasent, getaliasent_r, getaliasbyname, -
setaliasent, endaliasent, getaliasent, getaliasent_r, getaliasbyname, -
setaliasent, endaliasent, getaliasent, getaliasent_r, getaliasbyname, -
setaliasent, endaliasent, getaliasent, getaliasent_r, getaliasbyname, -
get_attrib - Returns needed attributes to execute a command
get_auditfail_action - Get failure_action tunable value
cdk_binding - Curses Development Kit Character Binding Capabilities.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc - input of characters and
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
cdk_binding - Curses Development Kit Character Binding Capabilities.
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc - input of characters and
getconfent, getconfent_r - Get configuration entry
getcon, getprevcon, getpidcon - get SELinux security context of a
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
getcwd, getwd, get_current_dir_name - Get current working directory
getcwd, getwd, get_current_dir_name - Get current working directory
getdate, getdate_r - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down
getdate, getdate_r - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down
getdate, getdate_r - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down
get_ordered_context_list, get_ordered_context_list_with_level, -
getline, getdelim - delimited string input
cdk_compat - Cdk4 compatibility functions
getdirentries - get directory entries in a file system-independent
getenv - get an environment variable
getexeccon, setexeccon - get or set the SELinux security context used
getfilecon, fgetfilecon, lgetfilecon - get SELinux security context of
getfscreatecon, setfscreatecon - get or set the SELinux security
getfsent, getfsspec, getfsfile, setfsent, endfsent - handle fstab
getfsent, getfsspec, getfsfile, setfsent, endfsent - handle fstab
getfsent, getfsspec, getfsfile, setfsent, endfsent - handle fstab
getgrent, setgrent, endgrent - get group file entry
getgrent_r, fgetgrent_r - get group file entry reentrantly
getgrnam, getgrnam_r, getgrgid, getgrgid_r - get group file entry
getgrnam, getgrnam_r, getgrgid, getgrgid_r - get group file entry
getgrnam, getgrnam_r, getgrgid, getgrgid_r - get group file entry
getgrnam, getgrnam_r, getgrgid, getgrgid_r - get group file entry
getgrouplist - get list of groups to which a user belongs
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostid, sethostid - get or set the unique identifier of the current
vpGeti, vpGetd, vpGetp - get the value of an option
getifaddrs, freeifaddrs - get interface addresses
vpGetImage - get a field of the intermediate image
getipnodebyname, getipnodebyaddr, freehostent - get network hostnames
getipnodebyname, getipnodebyaddr, freehostent - get network hostnames
getkeycreatecon, setkeycreatecon - get or set the SELinux security
vpGetLight - get lighting properties
getline, getdelim - delimited string input
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
getloadavg - get system load averages
getlogin, getlogin_r, cuserid - get username
getlogin, getlogin_r, cuserid - get username
vpGetMaterial - get material properties
vpGetMatrix - retrieve the contents of a transformation matrix
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt, getmntent_r - -
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt, getmntent_r - -
getmode, setmode - modify mode bits
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
getnameinfo - address-to-name translation in protocol-independent
getnetent, getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, setnetent, endnetent - get
getnetent_r, getnetbyname_r, getnetbyaddr_r - get network entry
getnetent, getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, setnetent, endnetent - get
getnetent_r, getnetbyname_r, getnetbyaddr_r - get network entry
getnetent, getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, setnetent, endnetent - get
getnetent_r, getnetbyname_r, getnetbyaddr_r - get network entry
setnetgrent, endnetgrent, getnetgrent, getnetgrent_r, innetgr - handle
setnetgrent, endnetgrent, getnetgrent, getnetgrent_r, innetgr - handle
getnodeadd - DECnet address of executor node
getnodebyaddr - DECnet node entry retrieval by address
getnodebyname - DECnet node entry retrieval by address
getopt, getopt_long, getopt_long_only, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - -
getopt, getopt_long, getopt_long_only, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - -
getopt, getopt_long, getopt_long_only, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - -
getopts - libbash library for command line parameters parsing
get_ordered_context_list, get_ordered_context_list_with_level, -
get_ordered_context_list, get_ordered_context_list_with_level, -
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
getpass - get a password
getcon, getprevcon, getpidcon - get SELinux security context of a
getcon, getprevcon, getpidcon - get SELinux security context of a
getcon, getprevcon, getpidcon - get SELinux security context of a
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent -
getprotoent_r, getprotobyname_r, getprotobynumber_r - get protocol
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent -
getprotoent_r, getprotobyname_r, getprotobynumber_r - get protocol
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent -
getprotoent_r, getprotobyname_r, getprotobynumber_r - get protocol
getpt - open the pseudo-terminal master (PTM)
getpwent, setpwent, endpwent - get password file entry
getpwent_r, fgetpwent_r - get passwd file entry reentrantly
getpw - Re-construct password line entry
getpwnam, getpwnam_r, getpwuid, getpwuid_r - get password file entry
getpwnam, getpwnam_r, getpwuid, getpwuid_r - get password file entry
getpwnam, getpwnam_r, getpwuid, getpwuid_r - get password file entry
getpwnam, getpwnam_r, getpwuid, getpwuid_r - get password file entry
getrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, setrpcent, endrpcent - get RPC
getrpcent_r, getrpcbyname_r, getrpcbynumber_r - get RPC entry
getrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, setrpcent, endrpcent - get RPC
getrpcent_r, getrpcbyname_r, getrpcbynumber_r - get RPC entry
getrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, setrpcent, endrpcent - get RPC
getrpcent_r, getrpcbyname_r, getrpcbynumber_r - get RPC entry
getrpcport - get RPC port number
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endservent - get
getservent_r, getservbyname_r, getservbyport_r - get service entry
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endservent - get
getservent_r, getservbyname_r, getservbyport_r - get service entry
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endservent - get
getservent_r, getservbyname_r, getservbyport_r - get service entry
getseuserbyname - get SELinux username and level for a given Linux
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc - input of characters and
getsockcreatecon, setsockcreatecon - get or set the SELinux security
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
getsubopt - parse suboption arguments from a string
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext - translate message
getttyent, getttynam, setttyent, endttyent - get ttys file entry
getttyent, getttynam, setttyent, endttyent - get ttys file entry
getumask - get file creation mask
getusershell, setusershell, endusershell - get permitted user shells
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutmp, getutmpx - copy utmp structure to utmpx, and vice versa
getutmp, getutmpx - copy utmp structure to utmpx, and vice versa
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getwchar - read a wide character from standard input
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fgetwc, getwc - read a wide character from a FILE stream
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
getcwd, getwd, get_current_dir_name - Get current working directory
getw, putw - input and output of words (ints)
gfarm - Gfarm native API library
gfarm_initialize - initialization of Gfarm execution environment
gfarm_strings_free_deeply - free an array of strings
gfarm_terminate - termination of Gfarm execution environment
gfarm_url_fragments_replicate - Create a file replica of a file
gfarm_url_hosts_schedule - schedule filesystem nodes using file-
gfarm_url_section_replicate_from_to - Create a file replica of a file
gfarm_url_section_replicate_to - Create a file replica of a file
gfs_chdir - change working directory
gfs_chmod - change permissions of a file
gfs_closedir - close a directory
gfs_glob_add - adds the type of path name
gfs_glob_free - free memory for types of path names
gfs_glob - find path names matching a pattern
gfs_glob_init - allocates memory for types of path names
gfs_mkdir - create a directory
gfs_opendir - open a directory
gfs_pio_close - close a Gfarm file
gfs_pio_create - create a Gfarm file
gfs_pio_datasync - output a file’s data on memroy to disk
gfs_pio_eof - check file status
gfs_pio_error - check file status
gfs_pio_flush - flush a stream
gfs_pio_getc - input of a charactor
gfs_pio_getline - read a line
gfs_pio_gets - read one line
gfs_pio_open - open a Gfarm file
gfs_pio_putc - output of a character
gfs_pio_putline - output of a line
gfs_pio_puts - output of a string
gfs_pio_readdelim - read one record
gfs_pio_read - binary stream input
gfs_pio_readline - read one line
gfs_pio_seek - reposition a stream
gfs_pio_set_local - initialize the local file view environment
gfs_pio_set_view_index - change file view to an individual fragment
gfs_pio_set_view_local - change file view to the corresponding fragment
gfs_pio_sync - output a file’s data on memroy to disk
gfs_pio_truncate - truncate a file to a specified length
gfs_pio_ungetc - push a character back
gfs_pio_write - write to a file
gfs_readdir - read directory entry
gfs_realpath - resolve pathname in Gfarm filesystem
gfs_rename - change the name or location of a file
gfs_rmdir - delete a directory
gfs_stat_free - free dynamic memory of file status
gfs_stat - get file status
gfs_unlink - delete a file
gfs_unlink_section - delete a file
gfs_utimes - set file access and modification times
ggAddObserver, ggDelObserver, ggNotifyObservers, ggClearPublisher - -
ggAddTask, ggDelTask, ggTimeBase, GG_SCHED_TICKS2USECS, -
ggRegisterCleanup, ggUnregisterCleanup, ggCleanupForceExit - Cleanup
ggAddObserver, ggDelObserver, ggNotifyObservers, ggClearPublisher - -
ggLoadConfig, ggFreeConfig, ggConfigIterTarget, ggConfigIterLocation - -
ggLoadConfig, ggFreeConfig, ggConfigIterTarget, ggConfigIterLocation - -
ggCurTime, ggUSleep, ggUSlumber - Portable Time Routines
ggAddObserver, ggDelObserver, ggNotifyObservers, ggClearPublisher - -
ggGetScope, ggFromScope, ggDelScope, ggNewScope - Portable code module
ggAddTask, ggDelTask, ggTimeBase, GG_SCHED_TICKS2USECS, -
gg-error, gii-error, ggi-error - GGI error definitions
ggInit, ggExit - Initialize and uninitialize LibGG
ggLoadConfig, ggFreeConfig, ggConfigIterTarget, ggConfigIterLocation - -
ggGetScope, ggFromScope, ggDelScope, ggNewScope - Portable code module
ggGetScope, ggFromScope, ggDelScope, ggNewScope - Portable code module
ggGetSwarType - Get CPU features
ggGetUserDir - Get user home directory
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiSetFlags, ggiGetFlags, ggiAddFlags, ggiRemoveFlags - Set or get
ggiCheckMode, ggiCheckTextMode, ggiCheckGraphMode, ggiCheckSimpleMode - -
ggiCheckMode, ggiCheckTextMode, ggiCheckGraphMode, ggiCheckSimpleMode - -
ggiCheckMode, ggiCheckTextMode, ggiCheckGraphMode, ggiCheckSimpleMode - -
ggiCheckMode, ggiCheckTextMode, ggiCheckGraphMode, ggiCheckSimpleMode - -
ggiOpen, ggiClose - Open and close a visual
ggi_color, ggi_pixel - LibGGI color description
ggi_colormap, ggi_colormap_region - LIBGGI colormap
ggi_colormap, ggi_colormap_region - LIBGGI colormap
ggi_mode, ggi_coord, ggi_graphtype - LibGGI mode description
ggiCopyBox - Copy a rectangular area
ggiCrossBlit - Copy a rectangular area between two visuals
ggiDBGetNumBuffers, ggiDBGetBuffer - Get DirectBuffers from a visual
ggiDBGetNumBuffers, ggiDBGetBuffer - Get DirectBuffers from a visual
ggiGetInput, ggiDetachInput - Functions to translate from GGI visuals
ggidev-inc_3, ggidev-dec_3, ggidev-negate_3, ggidev-abs_3 - Unary
ggidev-add_3, ggidev-sub_3, ggidev-mul_3, ggidev-divmod_3 - Binary
ggidev-assign_3, ggidev-assign_int_3, ggidev-assign_unsigned_3 - -
ggidev-assign_3, ggidev-assign_int_3, ggidev-assign_unsigned_3 - -
ggidev-assign_3, ggidev-assign_int_3, ggidev-assign_unsigned_3 - -
ggidev-sign_3, ggidev-bits_3, ggidev-eq0_3, ggidev-gt0_3, ggidev-ge0_3, -
ggidev-inc_3, ggidev-dec_3, ggidev-negate_3, ggidev-abs_3 - Unary
ggidev-add_3, ggidev-sub_3, ggidev-mul_3, ggidev-divmod_3 - Binary
ggidev-sign_3, ggidev-bits_3, ggidev-eq0_3, ggidev-gt0_3, ggidev-ge0_3, -
ggidev-eq_3, ggidev-ge_3 - triple-int comparisons
ggidev-sign_3, ggidev-bits_3, ggidev-eq0_3, ggidev-gt0_3, ggidev-ge0_3, -
ggidev-eq_3, ggidev-ge_3 - triple-int comparisons
ggidev-sign_3, ggidev-bits_3, ggidev-eq0_3, ggidev-gt0_3, ggidev-ge0_3, -
ggidev-inc_3, ggidev-dec_3, ggidev-negate_3, ggidev-abs_3 - Unary
ggidev-invert_3, ggidev-lshift_3, ggidev-rshift_3 - Bitwise triple-int
ggidev-sign_3, ggidev-bits_3, ggidev-eq0_3, ggidev-gt0_3, ggidev-ge0_3, -
ggidev-invert_3, ggidev-lshift_3, ggidev-rshift_3 - Bitwise triple-int
ggidev-sign_3, ggidev-bits_3, ggidev-eq0_3, ggidev-gt0_3, ggidev-ge0_3, -
ggidev-add_3, ggidev-sub_3, ggidev-mul_3, ggidev-divmod_3 - Binary
ggidev-inc_3, ggidev-dec_3, ggidev-negate_3, ggidev-abs_3 - Unary
ggidev-invert_3, ggidev-lshift_3, ggidev-rshift_3 - Bitwise triple-int
ggidev-sign_3, ggidev-bits_3, ggidev-eq0_3, ggidev-gt0_3, ggidev-ge0_3, -
ggidev-add_3, ggidev-sub_3, ggidev-mul_3, ggidev-divmod_3 - Binary
ggi_directbuffer, ggi_pixellinearbuffer, ggi_pixelplanarbuffer, -
ggiDrawBox, ggiPutBox, ggiGetBox - Draw, put, and get a rectangle from
ggiDrawHLine, ggiPutHLine, ggiGetHLine - Draw, put, and get a
ggiDrawLine - Draw a line on a visual
ggiDrawPixel, ggiPutPixel, ggiGetPixel - Draw, put, and get a single
ggiDrawVLine, ggiPutVLine, ggiGetVLine - Draw, put, and get a vertical
gg-error, gii-error, ggi-error - GGI error definitions
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiEventSend - Send commands and events to a LibGGI visual
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiInit, ggiExit - Initialize and uninitialize LibGGI
ggiFillscreen - Fill the entire virtual screen
ggiFlush, ggiFlushRegion - Flush pending output
ggiFlush, ggiFlushRegion - Flush pending output
ggiParseMode, ggiPrintMode, ggiSPrintMode, ggiFPrintMode - Parse and
ggiGetGamma, ggiSetGamma, ggiGetGammaMap, ggiSetGammaMap, ggiGammaMax - -
ggiDrawBox, ggiPutBox, ggiGetBox - Draw, put, and get a rectangle from
ggiPutc, ggiPuts, ggiGetCharSize - Draw one or more characters on
ggiGetc, ggiKbhit - Convenience functions for simplistic keyboard input
ggiSetDisplayFrame, ggiSetWriteFrame, ggiSetReadFrame, -
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiSetFlags, ggiGetFlags, ggiAddFlags, ggiRemoveFlags - Set or get
ggiGetGamma, ggiSetGamma, ggiGetGammaMap, ggiSetGammaMap, ggiGammaMax - -
ggiGetGamma, ggiSetGamma, ggiGetGammaMap, ggiSetGammaMap, ggiGammaMax - -
ggiSetGCForeground, ggiGetGCForeground, ggiSetGCBackground, -
ggiSetGCClipping, ggiGetGCClipping - Set or get the clipping rectangle
ggiSetGCForeground, ggiGetGCForeground, ggiSetGCBackground, -
ggiDrawHLine, ggiPutHLine, ggiGetHLine - Draw, put, and get a
ggiGetInput, ggiDetachInput - Functions to translate from GGI visuals
ggiSetMode, ggiGetMode - Set or get a mode on a visual
ggiSetOrigin, ggiGetOrigin - Set and get origin of virtual screen
ggiSetPalette, ggiGetPalette - Manipulate the palette of a visual
ggiGetPixelFormat - Get a structure describing the format of a
ggiDrawPixel, ggiPutPixel, ggiGetPixel - Draw, put, and get a single
ggiGetRayPos - Find out where the raster beam is
ggiSetDisplayFrame, ggiSetWriteFrame, ggiSetReadFrame, -
ggiDrawVLine, ggiPutVLine, ggiGetVLine - Draw, put, and get a vertical
ggiSetDisplayFrame, ggiSetWriteFrame, ggiSetReadFrame, -
ggi_mode, ggi_coord, ggi_graphtype - LibGGI mode description
ggiInit, ggiExit - Initialize and uninitialize LibGGI
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiGetc, ggiKbhit - Convenience functions for simplistic keyboard input
ggiMapColor, ggiUnmapPixel, ggiPackColors, ggiUnpackPixels - Convert
ggi_mode, ggi_coord, ggi_graphtype - LibGGI mode description
ggInit, ggExit - Initialize and uninitialize LibGG
ggiOpen, ggiClose - Open and close a visual
ggiMapColor, ggiUnmapPixel, ggiPackColors, ggiUnpackPixels - Convert
ggiPanic - Exit LibGGI programs for fatal errors
ggiParseMode, ggiPrintMode, ggiSPrintMode, ggiFPrintMode - Parse and
ggi_pixelformat - LibGGI pixel format description
ggi_color, ggi_pixel - LibGGI color description
ggi_directbuffer, ggi_pixellinearbuffer, ggi_pixelplanarbuffer, -
ggi_directbuffer, ggi_pixellinearbuffer, ggi_pixelplanarbuffer, -
ggiParseMode, ggiPrintMode, ggiSPrintMode, ggiFPrintMode - Parse and
ggiDrawBox, ggiPutBox, ggiGetBox - Draw, put, and get a rectangle from
ggiPutc, ggiPuts, ggiGetCharSize - Draw one or more characters on
ggiDrawHLine, ggiPutHLine, ggiGetHLine - Draw, put, and get a
ggiDrawPixel, ggiPutPixel, ggiGetPixel - Draw, put, and get a single
ggiPutc, ggiPuts, ggiGetCharSize - Draw one or more characters on
ggiDrawVLine, ggiPutVLine, ggiGetVLine - Draw, put, and get a vertical
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiSetFlags, ggiGetFlags, ggiAddFlags, ggiRemoveFlags - Set or get
ggiResourceAcquire, ggiResourceRelease, ggiResourceMustAcquire - -
ggiResourceAcquire, ggiResourceRelease, ggiResourceMustAcquire - -
ggiResourceAcquire, ggiResourceRelease, ggiResourceMustAcquire - -
ggi_directbuffer, ggi_pixellinearbuffer, ggi_pixelplanarbuffer, -
ggi_directbuffer, ggi_pixellinearbuffer, ggi_pixelplanarbuffer, -
ggiSetColorfulPalette - Set a palette with a full range of all colors
ggiSetDisplayFrame, ggiSetWriteFrame, ggiSetReadFrame, -
ggiJoinInputs, ggiEventPoll, ggiEventSelect, ggiEventsQueued, -
ggiSetFlags, ggiGetFlags, ggiAddFlags, ggiRemoveFlags - Set or get
ggiGetGamma, ggiSetGamma, ggiGetGammaMap, ggiSetGammaMap, ggiGammaMax - -
ggiGetGamma, ggiSetGamma, ggiGetGammaMap, ggiSetGammaMap, ggiGammaMax - -
ggiSetGCForeground, ggiGetGCForeground, ggiSetGCBackground, -
ggiSetGCClipping, ggiGetGCClipping - Set or get the clipping rectangle
ggiSetGCForeground, ggiGetGCForeground, ggiSetGCBackground, -
ggiSetTextMode, ggiSetGraphMode, ggiSetSimpleMode - Set a specific type
ggiSetMode, ggiGetMode - Set or get a mode on a visual
ggiSetOrigin, ggiGetOrigin - Set and get origin of virtual screen
ggiSetPalette, ggiGetPalette - Manipulate the palette of a visual
ggiSetDisplayFrame, ggiSetWriteFrame, ggiSetReadFrame, -
ggiSetTextMode, ggiSetGraphMode, ggiSetSimpleMode - Set a specific type
ggiSetSplitline - Set the hardware split line feature
ggiSetTextMode, ggiSetGraphMode, ggiSetSimpleMode - Set a specific type
ggiSetDisplayFrame, ggiSetWriteFrame, ggiSetReadFrame, -
ggiParseMode, ggiPrintMode, ggiSPrintMode, ggiFPrintMode - Parse and
ggiMapColor, ggiUnmapPixel, ggiPackColors, ggiUnpackPixels - Convert
ggiMapColor, ggiUnmapPixel, ggiPackColors, ggiUnpackPixels - Convert
ggiWaitRayPos - Wait for the raster to reach a point
ggiWmhMove, ggiWmhGetPos, ggiWmhResize, ggiWmhGetSize, -
ggiWmhInit, ggiWmhExit, ggiWmhAttach, ggiWmhDetach - Initialize and
ggiWmhInit, ggiWmhExit, ggiWmhAttach, ggiWmhDetach - Initialize and
ggiWmhInit, ggiWmhExit, ggiWmhAttach, ggiWmhDetach - Initialize and
ggiWmhMove, ggiWmhGetPos, ggiWmhResize, ggiWmhGetSize, -
ggiWmhMove, ggiWmhGetPos, ggiWmhResize, ggiWmhGetSize, -
ggiWmhIconify, ggiWmhMoveIcon, ggiWmhSetIconTitle - Modify Icon
ggiWmhInit, ggiWmhExit, ggiWmhAttach, ggiWmhDetach - Initialize and
ggiWmhMove, ggiWmhGetPos, ggiWmhResize, ggiWmhGetSize, -
ggiWmhMove, ggiWmhGetPos, ggiWmhResize, ggiWmhGetSize, -
ggiWmhIconify, ggiWmhMoveIcon, ggiWmhSetIconTitle - Modify Icon
ggiWmhMove, ggiWmhGetPos, ggiWmhResize, ggiWmhGetSize, -
ggiWmhIconify, ggiWmhMoveIcon, ggiWmhSetIconTitle - Modify Icon
ggiWmhSetTitle - Set the window title
ggiWmhZOrder - Raising and lowering a window
ggLoadConfig, ggFreeConfig, ggConfigIterTarget, ggConfigIterLocation - -
ggLockCreate, ggLockDestroy, ggLock, ggUnlock, ggTryLock - Lowest
ggLockCreate, ggLockDestroy, ggLock, ggUnlock, ggTryLock - Lowest
ggLockCreate, ggLockDestroy, ggLock, ggUnlock, ggTryLock - Lowest
ggGetScope, ggFromScope, ggDelScope, ggNewScope - Portable code module
ggAddObserver, ggDelObserver, ggNotifyObservers, ggClearPublisher - -
ggParseOptions - Option parsing
ggRegisterCleanup, ggUnregisterCleanup, ggCleanupForceExit - Cleanup
ggAddTask, ggDelTask, ggTimeBase, GG_SCHED_TICKS2USECS, -
ggAddTask, ggDelTask, ggTimeBase, GG_SCHED_TICKS2USECS, -
ggstrlcpy, ggstrlcat - size-bounded string copying and concatenation
ggstrlcpy, ggstrlcat - size-bounded string copying and concatenation
ggAddTask, ggDelTask, ggTimeBase, GG_SCHED_TICKS2USECS, -
ggLockCreate, ggLockDestroy, ggLock, ggUnlock, ggTryLock - Lowest
gg-types - Portable types defined by libGG
ggLockCreate, ggLockDestroy, ggLock, ggUnlock, ggTryLock - Lowest
ggRegisterCleanup, ggUnregisterCleanup, ggCleanupForceExit - Cleanup
ggCurTime, ggUSleep, ggUSlumber - Portable Time Routines
ggCurTime, ggUSleep, ggUSlumber - Portable Time Routines
ggzcore.h - The interface for the ggzcore library used by GGZ clients.
ggzdmod.h - Common functions for interfacing a game server and GGZ.
ggzmod.h - Common functions for interfacing a game server and GGZ.
gicActionLazyAction, gicActionLazyGetstate, gicActionLazyReset - -
gicActionWrite, gicActionMapActions - Action handling
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gic_context - Group multiple controls
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicContextAllocate, gicContextFree, gicContextAttachControl, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gic_control - Group multiple features
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicControlAllocate, gicControlFree, gicControlAttachFeature, -
gicFeatureActivate, gicFeatureHandleEvent - Event handling
gicFeatureAllocate, gicFeatureFree - Allocate Features
gicFeatureAttachAction, gicFeatureDetachAction, gicFeatureWrite, -
gicFeatureAttachRecognizerDriver, gicFeatureAttachRecognizer, -
gicFeatureAttachRecognizerDriver, gicFeatureAttachRecognizer, -
gicFeatureAllocate, gicFeatureFree - Allocate Features
gicFeatureAttachRecognizerDriver, gicFeatureAttachRecognizer, -
gicFeatureAttachRecognizerDriver, gicFeatureAttachRecognizer, -
gicFeatureActivate, gicFeatureHandleEvent - Event handling
gic_feature - Bind Actions with Recognizers
gicFeatureMapActions, gicFeatureFindConflict - Feature mappings
gicFeatureAttachRecognizerDriver, gicFeatureAttachRecognizer, -
gicFeatureWrite, gicFeatureRead - Load and Save Feature
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gic_head - Group multiple contexts
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicHeadAllocate, gicHeadFree, gicHeadAttachContext, -
gicInit, gicExit - Initialize and uninitialize LibGIIGIC
gicInputRegister - Associate a gii handle with gic
gicOpen, gicClose - Open and close a recognizer
gicRecognizerDriverRegister, gicRecognizerDriverUnregister, -
gicRecognizerDriverRegister, gicRecognizerDriverUnregister, -
gicRecognizerTrain, gicRecognizerTrainStart, gicRecognizerTrainStop, -
gicRecognizerTrain, gicRecognizerTrainStart, gicRecognizerTrainStop, -
gicRecognizerTrain, gicRecognizerTrainStart, gicRecognizerTrainStop, -
gicRecognizerTrain, gicRecognizerTrainStart, gicRecognizerTrainStop, -
gicRecognizerTrain, gicRecognizerTrainStart, gicRecognizerTrainStop, -
gicRecognizerTrain, gicRecognizerTrainStart, gicRecognizerTrainStop, -
gicRecognizerWrite - Recognizer dump
giiSetEventMask, giiGetEventMask, giiAddEventMask, giiRemoveEventMask - -
gii_event, gii_any_event, gii_event_type, gii_event_mask - LibGII event
giiOpen, giiJoinInputs, giiSplitInputs, giiClose - Open, join, split
gii_cmddata_getdevinfo - GII device capabilities description
gii_cmddata_getvalinfo, gii_phystype, gii_valrange - GII valuators
gii_cmd_event, gii_cmd_nodata_event - LibGII commands and information
gii_cmd_event, gii_cmd_nodata_event - LibGII commands and information
gg-error, gii-error, ggi-error - GGI error definitions
gii_event, gii_any_event, gii_event_type, gii_event_mask - LibGII event
gii_event, gii_any_event, gii_event_type, gii_event_mask - LibGII event
giiEventPoll, giiEventSelect, giiEventsQueued, giiEventRead - Wait for
giiEventPoll, giiEventSelect, giiEventsQueued, giiEventRead - Wait for
giiEventPoll, giiEventSelect, giiEventsQueued, giiEventRead - Wait for
giiEventSend - Inject an event into the input
giiEventPoll, giiEventSelect, giiEventsQueued, giiEventRead - Wait for
gii_event, gii_any_event, gii_event_type, gii_event_mask - LibGII event
giiInit, giiExit - Initialize and uninitialize LibGII
gii_expose_event - LibGII expose events
giiSetEventMask, giiGetEventMask, giiAddEventMask, giiRemoveEventMask - -
giiInit, giiExit - Initialize and uninitialize LibGII
giiOpen, giiJoinInputs, giiSplitInputs, giiClose - Open, join, split
gii_key_event - LibGII key events
giiMTInit - Make LibGII thread-safe
giiOpen, giiJoinInputs, giiSplitInputs, giiClose - Open, join, split
giiPanic - Exit LibGII programs for fatal errors
gii_pbutton_event - LibGII pointer button events
gii_cmddata_getvalinfo, gii_phystype, gii_valrange - GII valuators
gii_pmove_event - LibGII pointer movement events
giiQueryDeviceInfo, giiQueryDeviceInfoByNumber - Get information about
giiQueryDeviceInfo, giiQueryDeviceInfoByNumber - Get information about
giiQueryValInfo - Get data about valuators
giiSetEventMask, giiGetEventMask, giiAddEventMask, giiRemoveEventMask - -
giiSetEventMask, giiGetEventMask, giiAddEventMask, giiRemoveEventMask - -
giiOpen, giiJoinInputs, giiSplitInputs, giiClose - Open, join, split
gii_val_event - LibGII valuator events
gii_cmddata_getvalinfo, gii_phystype, gii_valrange - GII valuators
gl_allocatecontext - allocate a graphics context
GlAxis.h - -
gl_bcircle - draw a filled or unfilled Bresenham circle
GlBoundingBoxSceneVisitor.h - -
GlBox.h - -
GlCircle.h - -
gl_circle - draw a circle
gl_clearscreen - clear the screen
gl_colorfont - change the color of a font
GlColorScale.h - -
gl_compileboxmask - compress a masked bitmap
gl_compiledboxmasksize - compute the size of a compiled masked box
GlComplexeEntity.h - -
GlComplexPolygon.h - -
GlComposite.h - -
GlConvexHull.h - -
gl_copyboxfromcontext - copy rectangular area from another context
gl_copybox - copy a rectangular screen area
gl_copyboxtocontext - copy a rectangular area to another context
gl_copyscreen - copy the screen contents of contexts
GlCPULODCalculator.h - -
GlCurve.h - -
gl_disableclipping - disables clipping
GlDisplayListManager.h - -
GlEdge.h - -
gl_enableclipping - enables clipping
gl_enablepageflipping - enables automatic page flipping
GlEntity.h - -
GlEPSFeedBackBuilder.h - -
GlewManager.h - -
gl_expandfont - expand a packed pixel font
GlFeedBackBuilder.h - -
GlFeedBackRecorder.h - -
gl_fillbox - fill a rectangular area
gl_fillcircle - draw a filled circle
gl_font8x8 - a packed 8x8 pixel font
gl_freecontext - free a virtual screen
gl_getbox - copy a rectangular pixmap from the screen to a buffer
gl_getcontext, currentcontext - get the current graphics contents.
gl_getpalettecolor, gl_getpalettecolors, gl_getpalette - read the color
gl_getpalettecolor, gl_getpalettecolors, gl_getpalette - read the color
gl_getpalettecolor, gl_getpalettecolors, gl_getpalette - read the color
gl_getpixel - return the color of a pixel
gl_getpixelrgb - store color components of a pixel
GlGraphComposite.h - -
GlGraphRenderingParameters.h - -
GlGrid.h - -
GlHierarchyConvexHulls.h - -
gl_hline - draw a horizontal line
GlLabel.h - -
GlLayer.h - -
GlLine.h - -
gl_line - draw a line
GlLines.h - -
GlLODCalculator.h - -
GlLODSceneVisitor.h - -
GlMainView.h - -
GlMainWidget.h - -
GlMainWidgetPlugin.h - -
GlMetaNode.h - -
GlMultiPolygon.h - -
GlNode.h - -
GlNominativeAxis.h - -
glob, globfree - find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from
glob, globfree - find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from
Globus Callback API - -
Globus Callback - -
Globus Callback Signal Handling - -
Globus Callback Spaces - -
Activation - -
Callout Invocation - -
Callout Configuration - -
Globus Callout Constants - -
Callout Handle Operations - -
Globus Thread API - -
Error Data Accessors and Modifiers - -
Globus Errno Error API - -
Error Construction - -
Error Handling Helpers - -
Globus Error API - -
Activation - -
Reading and Writing Data - -
Debugging Plugin - -
Handle Attributes - -
Handle Management - -
FTP Operation Attributes - -
FTP Operations - -
Performance Marker Plugin - -
Plugins - -
globus_ftp_client_restart_extended_block_t - -
Restart Markers - -
Restart Marker Plugin - -
globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_t - -
Restart Plugin - -
globus_ftp_client_restart_stream_t - -
Netlogger Throughput Plugin - -
Throughput Performance Plugin - -
globus_ftp_control_auth_info_s - -
globus_ftp_control.c - -
globus_ftp_control_client.c - -
globus_ftp_control_data.c - -
globus_ftp_control_dcau_subject_s - -
globus_ftp_control_dcau_u - -
globus_ftp_control.h - -
globus_ftp_control_layout.c - -
globus_ftp_control_layout_u - -
globus_ftp_control_parallelism_u - -
globus_ftp_control_round_robin_s - -
globus_ftp_control_server.c - -
globus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_automatic_s - -
globus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_default_t - -
globus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_fixed_t - -
globus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_t - -
globus_ftp_extensions - GridFTP: Protocol Extensions to FTP for the
globus_gass_copy.c - -
globus_gass_copy_glob_stat_t - -
globus_gass_copy.h - -
globus_gass_copy_state_s - -
Activation - -
Client-Initiated Operations - -
Sending and Receiving Data - -
Listener attributes - -
globus_gass_transfer_listener_proto_s - -
Protocol Modules - -
globus_gass_transfer_proto_descriptor_t - -
Referrals - -
Request Attributes - -
Implementing Request Attributes - -
Request Handles - -
globus_gass_transfer_request_proto_s - -
globus_gass_transfer_request_t - -
Implementing Servers - -
Error Data Accessors and Modifiers - -
Globus Generic Error API - -
Error Construction - -
Error Handling Helpers - -
GRAM Client Attribute Functions - -
Job state callbacks - -
Other GRAM Client Functions - -
GRAM Job Functions - -
globus_gram_client_job_info_s - -
Globus::GRAM::Error - GRAM Protocol Error Constants
Activation - -
Datatypes - -
globus_gram_job_manager_configuration - Job Manager Configuration The
globus_gram_job_manager_interface_tutorial - GRAM Job Manager Scheduler
globus_gram_job_manager_job_execution_environment - Job Execution
globus_gram_job_manager_rsl - RSL Attributes This page contains a list
globus_gram_job_manager_rsl_validation_file - RSL Validation File
globus_gram_job_manager_script_interface - Job Manager Scheduler
Globus::GRAM::JobSignal - GRAM Protocol JobSignal Constants
Globus::GRAM::JobState - GRAM Protocol JobState Constants
GRAM Error codes - -
Error Messages - -
Message Framing - -
Functions - -
globus_gram_protocol - GRAM Protocol Definition The GRAM Protocol is
Message I/O - -
GRAM Signals - -
GRAM Job States - -
Message Packing - -
Message Unpacking - -
globus_gram_resource_manager_contact - Resource Manager Contact The
Datatypes - -
GSI Credential Constants - -
GSI Authorization API - -
Activation - -
GSI Callback Constants - -
Callback Data Functions - -
Callback Functions - -
Activation - -
Cert Utils Constants - -
Cert Utils Functions - -
Activation - -
Credential Constants - -
Credential Handle Attributes - -
Credential Handle Management - -
Credential Operations - -
Activation - -
GSI GSS-API Constants - -
Activation - -
GSI GSS Assist Constants - -
Utility Functions - -
Security Token Transport - -
GSS Req Flags - -
GSS Ret Flags - -
Activation - -
Activation - -
Proxy Constants - -
Handle Attributes - -
Handle Management - -
Proxy Operations - -
Activation - -
Datatypes - -
Functions for all platforms - -
Functions for UNIX platforms - -
Functions for Win32 platforms - -
Defines - -
Error Data Accessors and Modifiers - -
Globus GSSAPI Error API - -
Error Construction - -
Error Handling Helpers - -
globus_i_gass_copy_buffer_t - -
globus_i_gass_copy_cancel_s - -
globus_i_gass_copy_monitor_t - -
globus_i_gass_copy_state_target_s - -
List Functions - -
Activation - -
Globus OPENSSL Error API - -
Error Construction - -
Error Helper Functions - -
globus_rls_attribute_object_t - -
globus_rls_attribute_t - -
Activation - -
Connection Management - -
LRC Operations - -
Miscellaneous - -
Query Results - -
RLI Operations - -
Status Codes - -
globus_rls_handle_t - -
globus_rls_rli_info_t - -
globus_rls_sender_info_t - -
globus_rls_stats_t - -
globus_rls_string2_bulk_t - -
globus_rls_string2_t - -
RSL Accessor Functions - -
RSL Constructors - -
RSL Memory Management - -
RSL Value Accessors - -
RSL Parsing - -
RSL Predicates - -
RSL Display - -
URL String Parser - -
globus_url_t - -
User API Assistance. - -
The globus_xio user API. - -
Globus XIO Driver - -
globus_xio_file_driver.h - -
globus_xio_http_header_t - -
globus_xio_http.h - -
globus_xio_mode_e_driver.h - -
globus_xio_ordering_driver.h - -
globus_xio_tcp_driver.h - -
globus_xio_udp_driver.h - -
GlPointManager.h - -
GlPolygon.h - -
GlPolyQuad.h - -
gl_printf - write formatted output in graphic mode
GlProgressBar.h - -
gl_putbox - copy a pixmap to a rectangular area
gl_putboxmaskcompiled - copy a compiled masked pixmap to a rectangular
gl_putboxmask - copy a masked pixmap to a rectangular area
gl_putboxpart - copy a partial pixmap to a rectangular area
GlQuad.h - -
GlQuantitativeAxis.h - -
GlRect.h - -
GlRectTextured.h - -
GlRenderer.h - -
gl_rgbcolor - return pixel value corresponding to an rgb color
gl_scalebox - scale a pixmap
GlScene.h - -
GlSceneObserver.h - -
GlSceneVisitor.h - -
GlSelectSceneVisitor.h - -
gl_setclippingwindow - set the clipping window
gl_setcontextwidth, gl_setcontextheight - set the dimension of a
gl_setcontext - set a previously saved context
gl_setcontextvga - set the context to the physical screen
gl_setcontextvgavirtual - set the context to a virtual mode
gl_setcontextvirtual - define a virtual context
gl_setcontextwidth, gl_setcontextheight - set the dimension of a
gl_setdisplaystart - set the start of the screen are displayed
gl_setfontcolors - set the font colors
gl_setfont - set the text font to be used
gl_setpalettecolor, gl_setpalettecolors, gl_setpalette - set the color
gl_setpalettecolor, gl_setpalettecolors, gl_setpalette - set the color
gl_setpalettecolor, gl_setpalettecolors, gl_setpalette - set the color
gl_setpixel, gl_setpixelrgb - draw a pixel
gl_setpixel, gl_setpixelrgb - draw a pixel
gl_setrgbpalette - set a 256-color RGB palette
gl_setscreenoffset - set a memory offset for copyscreen
gl_setwritemode - set the font writemode flags
GlSimpleEntity.h - -
GlSphere.h - -
GlSVGFeedBackBuilder.h - -
GlTextureManager.h - -
GlTLPFeedBackBuilder.h - -
GlTools.h - -
gl_write, gl_writen - write a text string
gl_write, gl_writen - write a text string
GlXMLTools.h - -
Glyph.h - -
Glyph - -
GlyphManager.h - -
GMLBuilder - -
GMLEdgeBuilder - -
GMLEdgeGraphicsBuilder - -
GMLEdgeGraphicsLineBuilder - -
GMLEdgeGraphicsLinePointBuilder - -
GMLExport.cpp - -
GMLExport - -
GMLFalse - -
GMLGraphBuilder - -
GMLImport.cpp - -
GMLImport - -
GMLNodeBuilder - -
GMLNodeGraphicsBuilder - -
GMLParser.h - -
GMLParser - -
GMLTokenParser - -
GMLTrue - -
GMLValue - -
GMLWriter - -
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
makedev, major, minor - manage a device number
makedev, major, minor - manage a device number
makedev, major, minor - manage a device number
gnu_get_libc_version, gnu_get_libc_release - get glibc version and
gnu_get_libc_version, gnu_get_libc_release - get glibc version and
gnutls_alert_get - Returns the last alert number received.
gnutls_alert_get_name - Returns a string describing the alert number
gnutls_alert_send_appropriate - send alert to peer depending on error
gnutls_alert_send - send an alert message to the peer
gnutls_anon_allocate_client_credentials - Used to allocate a
gnutls_anon_allocate_server_credentials - Used to allocate an
gnutls_anon_free_client_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_anon_free_server_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_anon_set_params_function - set the DH or RSA parameters callback
gnutls_anon_set_server_dh_params - set the DH parameters for a server
gnutls_anon_set_server_params_function - set the DH parameters callback
gnutls_auth_client_get_type - Returns the type of credentials for the
gnutls_auth_get_type - Returns the type of credentials for the current
gnutls_auth_server_get_type - Returns the type of credentials for the
gnutls_bye - terminate the current TLS/SSL connection.
gnutls_certificate_activation_time_peers - return the peer’s
gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials - Used to allocate a
gnutls_certificate_client_get_request_status - return the certificate
gnutls_certificate_client_set_retrieve_function - Used to set a
gnutls_certificate_expiration_time_peers - return the peer’s
gnutls_certificate_free_ca_names - Used to free all the CA names from a
gnutls_certificate_free_cas - Used to free all the CAs from a
gnutls_certificate_free_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_certificate_free_crls - Used to free all the CRLs from a
gnutls_certificate_free_keys - Used to free all the keys from a
gnutls_certificate_get_openpgp_keyring - export keyring from a
gnutls_certificate_get_ours - return the raw certificate sent in the
gnutls_certificate_get_peers - return the peer’s raw certificate
gnutls_certificate_get_x509_cas - Used to export all the CAs from a
gnutls_certificate_get_x509_crls - Used to export all the CRLs from a
gnutls_certificate_send_x509_rdn_sequence - order gnutls to send or not
gnutls_certificate_server_set_request - Used to set whether to request
gnutls_certificate_server_set_retrieve_function - Used to set a
gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params - set the DH parameters for a server
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_file2 - Used to set OpenPGP keys
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_file - Used to set OpenPGP keys
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key - Used to set keys in a
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_mem2 - Used to set OpenPGP keys
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_mem - Used to set OpenPGP keys
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_keyring_file - Sets a keyring file for
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_keyring_mem - Add keyring data for
gnutls_certificate_set_params_function - set the DH or RSA parameters
gnutls_certificate_set_rsa_export_params - set the RSA parameters for a
gnutls_certificate_set_verify_flags - set the flags to be used at
gnutls_certificate_set_verify_limits - set the upper limits to be used
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_file - Used to add CRLs in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl - Used to add CRLs in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_mem - Used to add CRLs in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file - Used to set keys in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key - Used to set keys in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_mem - Used to set keys in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_simple_pkcs12_file - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_simple_pkcs12_mem - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file - Used to add trusted CAs in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust - Used to add trusted CAs in a
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_mem - Used to add trusted CAs in a
gnutls_certificate_type_get - Returns the currently used certificate
gnutls_certificate_type_get_id - Returns the gnutls id of the specified
gnutls_certificate_type_get_name - Returns a string with the name of
gnutls_certificate_type_list - Get a list of supported certificate
gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority - Sets the priority on the
gnutls_certificate_verify_peers2 - return the peer’s certificate
gnutls_certificate_verify_peers - return the peer’s certificate
gnutls_check_version - checks the libgnutls version
gnutls_cipher_get - Returns the currently used cipher.
gnutls_cipher_get_id - Returns the gnutls id of the specified in string
gnutls_cipher_get_key_size - Returns the length of the cipher’s key
gnutls_cipher_get_name - Returns a string with the name of the
gnutls_cipher_list - Get a list of supported ciphers
gnutls_cipher_set_priority - Sets the priority on the ciphers supported
gnutls_cipher_suite_get_name - get name of the specified cipher suite
gnutls_cipher_suite_info - API function
gnutls_compression_get - Returns the currently used compression
gnutls_compression_get_id - Returns the gnutls id of the specified in
gnutls_compression_get_name - Returns a string with the name of the
gnutls_compression_list - Get a list of supported compression methods
gnutls_compression_set_priority - Sets the priority on the compression
gnutls_credentials_clear - Clears all the credentials previously set
gnutls_credentials_set - Sets the needed credentials for the specified
gnutls_crypto_bigint_register2 - register a bigint interface
gnutls_crypto_cipher_register2 - register a cipher interface
gnutls_crypto_digest_register2 - register a digest interface
gnutls_crypto_mac_register2 - register a mac interface
gnutls_crypto_pk_register2 - register a public key interface
gnutls_crypto_rnd_register2 - register a random generator
gnutls_crypto_single_cipher_register2 - register a cipher algorithm
gnutls_crypto_single_digest_register2 - register a digest algorithm
gnutls_crypto_single_mac_register2 - register a MAC algorithm
gnutls_db_check_entry - check if the given db entry has expired
gnutls_db_get_ptr - Returns the pointer which is sent to db functions
gnutls_db_remove_session - remove the current session data from the
gnutls_db_set_cache_expiration - Set the expiration time for resumed
gnutls_db_set_ptr - Set a pointer to be sent to db functions
gnutls_db_set_remove_function - Set the function that will be used to
gnutls_db_set_retrieve_function - Set the function that will be used to
gnutls_db_set_store_function - Set the function that will be used to
gnutls_deinit - clear all buffers associated with a session
gnutls_dh_get_group - return the group of the DH authentication
gnutls_dh_get_peers_public_bits - return the bits used in DH
gnutls_dh_get_prime_bits - return the bits used in DH authentication
gnutls_dh_get_pubkey - return the peer’s public key used in DH
gnutls_dh_get_secret_bits - return the bits used in DH authentication
gnutls_dh_params_cpy - copy a DH parameters structure
gnutls_dh_params_deinit - deinitialize the DH parameters
gnutls_dh_params_export_pkcs3 - export DH params to a pkcs3 structure
gnutls_dh_params_export_raw - export the raw DH parameters
gnutls_dh_params_generate2 - generate new DH parameters
gnutls_dh_params_import_pkcs3 - import DH params from a pkcs3 structure
gnutls_dh_params_import_raw - import DH parameters
gnutls_dh_params_init - initialize the DH parameters
gnutls_dh_set_prime_bits - Used to set the bits for a DH ciphersuite
gnutls_error_is_fatal - Returns non-zero in case of a fatal error
gnutls_error_to_alert - return an alert code based on the given error
gnutls_extra_check_version - checks the libgnutls-extra version
gnutls_ext_register - Register a handler for a TLS extension
gnutls_fingerprint - calculate the fingerprint of the given data
gnutls_free - Returns a free() like function
gnutls_global_deinit - deinitialize the global data
gnutls_global_init_extra - initializes the global state of gnutls-extra
gnutls_global_init - initialize the global data to defaults.
gnutls_global_set_log_function - set the logging function
gnutls_global_set_log_level - set the logging level
gnutls_global_set_mem_functions - set the memory allocation functions
gnutls_handshake_get_last_in - Returns the last handshake message
gnutls_handshake_get_last_out - Returns the last handshake message
gnutls_handshake - This is the main function in the handshake protocol.
gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length - set the maximum size of the
gnutls_handshake_set_post_client_hello_function - set callback to be
gnutls_handshake_set_private_extensions - Used to enable the private
gnutls_hex2bin - convert hex string into binary buffer.
gnutls_hex_decode - decode hex encoded data
gnutls_hex_encode - convert raw data to hex encoded
gnutls_ia_allocate_client_credentials - Used to allocate an
gnutls_ia_allocate_server_credentials - Used to allocate an
gnutls_ia_enable - Indicate willingness for TLS/IA application phases
gnutls_ia_endphase_send - API function
gnutls_ia_extract_inner_secret - API function
gnutls_ia_free_client_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_ia_free_server_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_ia_generate_challenge - API function
gnutls_ia_get_client_avp_ptr - Returns the pointer which is sent to
gnutls_ia_get_server_avp_ptr - Returns the pointer which is sent to
gnutls_ia_handshake - API function
gnutls_ia_handshake_p - API function
gnutls_ia_permute_inner_secret - API function
gnutls_ia_recv - read data from the TLS/IA protocol
gnutls_ia_send - API function
gnutls_ia_set_client_avp_function - Used to set a AVP callback
gnutls_ia_set_client_avp_ptr - Sets a pointer to be sent to TLS/IA
gnutls_ia_set_server_avp_function - Used to set a AVP callback
gnutls_ia_set_server_avp_ptr - Sets a pointer to be sent to TLS/IA
gnutls_ia_verify_endphase - API function
gnutls_init - initialize the session to null (null encryption etc...).
gnutls_kx_get - Returns the key exchange algorithm.
gnutls_kx_get_id - Returns the gnutls id of the specified in string
gnutls_kx_get_name - Returns a string with the name of the specified
gnutls_kx_list - Get a list of supported key exchange methods
gnutls_kx_set_priority - Sets the priority on the key exchange
gnutls_mac_get - Returns the currently used mac algorithm.
gnutls_mac_get_id - Returns the gnutls id of the specified in string
gnutls_mac_get_key_size - Returns the length of the MAC’s key size
gnutls_mac_get_name - Returns a string with the name of the specified
gnutls_mac_list - Get a list of supported MAC algorithms
gnutls_mac_set_priority - Sets the priority on the mac algorithms
gnutls_malloc - Allocates and returns data
gnutls_openpgp_crt_check_hostname - compare hostname with the key’s
gnutls_openpgp_crt_deinit - deinitialize memory used by a
gnutls_openpgp_crt_export - export a RAW or BASE64 encoded key
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_auth_subkey - Gets the keyID of an
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_creation_time - Extract the timestamp
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_expiration_time - Extract the expire date
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_fingerprint - Gets the fingerprint
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_key_id - Gets the keyID
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_key_usage - This function returns the key’s
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_name - Extracts the userID
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_pk_algorithm - return the key’s PublicKey
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_pk_dsa_raw - export the DSA public key
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_pk_rsa_raw - export the RSA public key
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_preferred_key_id - Gets the preferred keyID
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_revoked_status - Gets the revoked status of the
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_count - return the number of subkeys
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_creation_time - Extract the timestamp
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_expiration_time - Extract the expire date
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_fingerprint - Gets the fingerprint of a
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_id - Gets the keyID
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_idx - Returns the subkey’s index
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_pk_algorithm - return the subkey’s
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_pk_dsa_raw - export the DSA public key
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_pk_rsa_raw - export the RSA public key
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_revoked_status - Gets the revoked status
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_usage - returns the key’s usage
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_version - Extracts the version of the key.
gnutls_openpgp_crt_import - import a RAW or BASE64 encoded key
gnutls_openpgp_crt_init - initialize a #gnutls_openpgp_crt_t structure
gnutls_openpgp_crt_print - Pretty print OpenPGP certificates
gnutls_openpgp_crt_set_preferred_key_id - Sets the prefered keyID
gnutls_openpgp_crt_verify_ring - Verify all signatures in the key
gnutls_openpgp_crt_verify_self - Verify the self signature on the key
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_check_id - Check if a key id exists in the
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_deinit - deinitializes memory used by a
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_get_crt_count - return the number of
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_get_crt - export an openpgp certificate from a
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_import - Import a raw- or Base64-encoded keyring
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_init - initializes a #gnutls_openpgp_keyring_t
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_deinit - deinitializes memory used by a
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_dsa_raw - This function will export the
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export - export a RAW or BASE64 encoded key
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_rsa_raw - This function will export the
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_subkey_dsa_raw - export the DSA private
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_subkey_rsa_raw - export the RSA private
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_fingerprint - Gets the fingerprint
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_key_id - Gets the keyID
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_pk_algorithm - return the key’s PublicKey
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_preferred_key_id - Gets the preferred keyID
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_revoked_status - Get the revoked status of
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_count - return the number of subkeys
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_creation_time - Extract the timestamp
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_expiration_time - Extract the expire
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_fingerprint - Gets the fingerprint of
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_id - Gets the keyID
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_idx - Returns the subkey’s index
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_pk_algorithm - return the subkey’s
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_revoked_status - Get the revoked
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_import - import a RAW or BASE64 encoded key
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_init - initializes a #gnutls_openpgp_privkey_t
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_set_preferred_key_id - Set the prefered keyID
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_sign_hash - sign the given data using the
gnutls_openpgp_send_cert - order gnutls to send the openpgp fingerprint
gnutls_openpgp_set_recv_key_function - Used to set a key retrieval
gnutls_oprfi_enable_client - API function
gnutls_oprfi_enable_server - API function
gnutls_pem_base64_decode_alloc - decode base64 encoded data
gnutls_pem_base64_decode - decode base64 encoded data
gnutls_pem_base64_encode_alloc - convert raw data to Base64 encoded
gnutls_pem_base64_encode - convert raw data to Base64 encoded
gnutls_perror - prints a string to stderr with a description of an
gnutls_pk_algorithm_get_name - Get string with name of public key
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_decrypt - This function will decrypt an encrypted bag
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_deinit - This function deinitializes memory used by a
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_encrypt - This function will encrypt a bag
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_count - This function returns the bag’s elements
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_data - This function returns the bag’s data
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_friendly_name - This function returns the
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_key_id - This function gets the key ID from the
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_type - This function returns the bag’s type
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_init - This function initializes a
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_crl - insert the CRL into the bag
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_crt - This function inserts a certificate into
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_data - This function inserts data into the bag
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_friendly_name - This function sets a friendly
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_key_id - This function sets a key ID into the bag
gnutls_pkcs12_deinit - This function deinitializes memory used by a
gnutls_pkcs12_export - This function will export the pkcs12 structure
gnutls_pkcs12_generate_mac - This function generates the MAC of the
gnutls_pkcs12_get_bag - This function returns a Bag from a PKCS12
gnutls_pkcs12_import - This function will import a DER or PEM encoded
gnutls_pkcs12_init - This function initializes a gnutls_pkcs12_t
gnutls_pkcs12_set_bag - This function inserts a Bag into a PKCS12
gnutls_pkcs12_verify_mac - This function verifies the MAC of the PKCS12
gnutls_pkcs7_deinit - deinitializes a #gnutls_pkcs7_t structure
gnutls_pkcs7_delete_crl - deletes a CRL from a PKCS7 crl set
gnutls_pkcs7_delete_crt - deletes a certificate from a PKCS7
gnutls_pkcs7_export - export the pkcs7 structure
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crl_count - returns the number of CRLs in a PKCS7 crl
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crl_raw - returns a crl in a PKCS7 crl set
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crt_count - return the number of certificates in a
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crt_raw - get a certificate from a PKCS7 certificate
gnutls_pkcs7_import - import a DER or PEM encoded PKCS7
gnutls_pkcs7_init - initialize a #gnutls_pkcs7_t structure
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crl - add a parsed crl in a PKCS7 crl set
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crl_raw - add a crl in a PKCS7 crl set
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crt - add a parsed certificate in a PKCS7 certificate
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crt_raw - add a certificate in a PKCS7 certificate set
gnutls_pk_get_id - Get #gnutls_pk_algorithm_t from a string
gnutls_pk_get_name - Get name string with #gnutls_pk_algorithm_t
gnutls_pk_list - Get a list of supported public key algorithms
gnutls_prf - derive pseudo-random data using the TLS PRF
gnutls_prf_raw - access the TLS PRF directly
gnutls_priority_deinit - deinitialize the priorities cache
gnutls_priority_init - Sets priorities for the cipher suites supported
gnutls_priority_set_direct - Sets priorities for the cipher suites
gnutls_priority_set - Sets priorities for the cipher suites supported
gnutls_protocol_get_id - Returns the gnutls id of the specified in
gnutls_protocol_get_name - Returns a string with the name of the
gnutls_protocol_get_version - Returns the version of the currently used
gnutls_protocol_list - Get a list of supported protocols
gnutls_protocol_set_priority - Sets the priority on the protocol
gnutls_psk_allocate_client_credentials - Used to allocate an
gnutls_psk_allocate_server_credentials - Used to allocate an
gnutls_psk_client_get_hint - return the PSK identity hint of the peer
gnutls_psk_free_client_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_psk_free_server_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_psk_netconf_derive_key - derive PSK Netconf key from password
gnutls_psk_server_get_username - return the username of the peer
gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials_function - Used to set a callback to
gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials - Used to set the username/password,
gnutls_psk_set_params_function - set the DH or RSA parameters callback
gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_file - Used to set the password
gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_function - Used to set a callback to
gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_hint - Set a identity hint, in a
gnutls_psk_set_server_dh_params - set the DH parameters for a server to
gnutls_psk_set_server_params_function - set the DH parameters callback
gnutls_record_check_pending - checks if there are any data to receive
gnutls_record_disable_padding - Used to disabled padding in TLS 1.0 and
gnutls_record_get_direction - return the direction of the last
gnutls_record_get_max_size - returns the maximum record size
gnutls_record_recv - reads data from the TLS record protocol
gnutls_record_send - sends to the peer the specified data
gnutls_record_set_max_size - sets the maximum record size
gnutls_register_md5_handler - API function
gnutls_rehandshake - renegotiate security parameters
gnutls_rsa_export_get_modulus_bits - return the bits used in RSA-export
gnutls_rsa_export_get_pubkey - return the peer’s public key used in
gnutls_rsa_params_cpy - copy an RSA parameters structure
gnutls_rsa_params_deinit - deinitialize the RSA parameters
gnutls_rsa_params_export_pkcs1 - export RSA params to a pkcs1 structure
gnutls_rsa_params_export_raw - export the RSA parameters
gnutls_rsa_params_generate2 - generate temporary RSA parameters
gnutls_rsa_params_import_pkcs1 - import RSA params from a pkcs1
gnutls_rsa_params_import_raw - set the RSA parameters
gnutls_rsa_params_init - initialize the temporary RSA parameters
gnutls_server_name_get - Used to get the server name indicator send by
gnutls_server_name_set - set a name indicator to be sent as an
gnutls_session_enable_compatibility_mode - disable certain features in
gnutls_session_get_client_random - get the session’s client random
gnutls_session_get_data2 - Returns all session parameters.
gnutls_session_get_data - Returns all session parameters.
gnutls_session_get_id - Returns session id.
gnutls_session_get_master_secret - get the session’s master secret
gnutls_session_get_ptr - Get the user pointer from the session
gnutls_session_get_server_random - get the session’s server random
gnutls_session_is_resumed - check whether this session is a resumed one
gnutls_session_set_data - Sets all session parameters
gnutls_session_set_finished_function - API function
gnutls_session_set_ptr - Used to set the user pointer to the session
gnutls_set_default_export_priority - Sets some default priority on the
gnutls_set_default_priority - Sets some default priority on the cipher
gnutls_sign_algorithm_get_name - Returns a string with the name of the
gnutls_sign_callback_get - API function
gnutls_sign_callback_set - API function
gnutls_sign_get_id - Returns the gnutls id of the specified in
gnutls_sign_get_name - Get name string for a #gnutls_sign_algorithm_t
gnutls_sign_list - Get a list of supported public key signature
gnutls_srp_allocate_client_credentials - Used to allocate an
gnutls_srp_allocate_server_credentials - Used to allocate an
gnutls_srp_base64_decode_alloc - decode SRP-base64 encoded data
gnutls_srp_base64_decode - decode SRP-base64 encoded data
gnutls_srp_base64_encode_alloc - encode raw data using SRP-Base64
gnutls_srp_base64_encode - Encode raw data using SRP-Base64
gnutls_srp_free_client_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_srp_free_server_credentials - Used to free an allocated
gnutls_srp_server_get_username - return the username of the peer
gnutls_srp_set_client_credentials_function - Used to set a callback to
gnutls_srp_set_client_credentials - Used to set the username/password,
gnutls_srp_set_prime_bits - set the minimum bits for a SRP ciphersuite
gnutls_srp_set_server_credentials_file - Used to set the password
gnutls_srp_set_server_credentials_function - Used to set a callback to
gnutls_srp_verifier - Used to calculate an SRP verifier
gnutls_strerror - Returns a string with a description of an error
gnutls_strerror_name - API function
gnutls_transport_get_ptr2 - Used to return the first argument of the
gnutls_transport_get_ptr - Used to return the first argument of the
gnutls_transport_set_errno - API function
gnutls_transport_set_global_errno - API function
gnutls_transport_set_lowat - Used to set the lowat value in order for
gnutls_transport_set_ptr2 - Used to set first argument of the transport
gnutls_transport_set_ptr - Used to set first argument of the transport
gnutls_transport_set_pull_function - set a read like function
gnutls_transport_set_push_function - set the function to send data
gnutls_x509_crl_check_issuer - checks if CRL has given issuer
gnutls_x509_crl_deinit - deinitializes a #gnutls_x509_crl_t structure
gnutls_x509_crl_export - export the CRL
gnutls_x509_crl_get_authority_key_id - get the CRL authority’s
gnutls_x509_crl_get_crt_count - get number of revoked certificates in a
gnutls_x509_crl_get_crt_serial - get the serial number of a revoked
gnutls_x509_crl_get_dn_oid - returns the Certificate request issuer’s
gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_data - Get the specified extension data
gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_info - Get extension id and criticality
gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_oid - get the specified extension OID
gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn_by_oid - return the CRL’s issuer
gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn - returns the CRL’s issuer distinguished
gnutls_x509_crl_get_next_update - return the CRL’s nextUpdate time
gnutls_x509_crl_get_number - get the CRL number (extension)
gnutls_x509_crl_get_signature_algorithm - returns the CRL’s signature
gnutls_x509_crl_get_signature - Returns the CRL’s signature
gnutls_x509_crl_get_this_update - return the CRL’s thisUpdate time
gnutls_x509_crl_get_version - returns the CRL’s version number
gnutls_x509_crl_import - import a DER or PEM encoded CRL
gnutls_x509_crl_init - initializes a #gnutls_x509_crl_t structure
gnutls_x509_crl_print - Pretty print X.509 certificate revocation list
gnutls_x509_crl_set_authority_key_id - Set the CRL’s authority key id
gnutls_x509_crl_set_crt - This function will set a revoked
gnutls_x509_crl_set_crt_serial - This function will set a revoked
gnutls_x509_crl_set_next_update - This function will set the CRL next
gnutls_x509_crl_set_number - Set the CRL’s number extension
gnutls_x509_crl_set_this_update - This function will set the CRL’s
gnutls_x509_crl_set_version - This function will set the CRL version
gnutls_x509_crl_sign2 - This function will sign a CRL with a key
gnutls_x509_crl_sign - This function will sign a CRL with a key
gnutls_x509_crl_verify - This function verifies the given crl against a
gnutls_x509_crq_deinit - This function deinitializes memory used by a
gnutls_x509_crq_export - Export the generated certificate request
gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_by_oid - This function will get an
gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_data - Get the specified attribute data
gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_info - Get attribute id
gnutls_x509_crq_get_basic_constraints - get certificate’s basic
gnutls_x509_crq_get_challenge_password - This function will get the
gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn_by_oid - This function returns the Certificate
gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn - This function returns the Certificate request
gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn_oid - This function returns the Certificate
gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_by_oid - get the specified extension
gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_data - Get the specified extension data
gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_info - Get extension id and criticality
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_id - Return unique ID of public key’s
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_purpose_oid - get Certificate’s key purpose
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_rsa_raw - export the RSA public key
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_usage - return the certificate’s key usage
gnutls_x509_crq_get_pk_algorithm - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_name - Get certificate’s alternative
gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_othername_oid - Get SAN otherName OID
gnutls_x509_crq_get_version - This function returns the Certificate
gnutls_x509_crq_import - This function will import a DER or PEM encoded
gnutls_x509_crq_init - This function initializes a gnutls_x509_crq_t
gnutls_x509_crq_print - Pretty print PKCS 10 certificate request
gnutls_x509_crq_set_attribute_by_oid - This function will set an
gnutls_x509_crq_set_basic_constraints - Set the basicConstraints
gnutls_x509_crq_set_challenge_password - This function will set a
gnutls_x509_crq_set_dn_by_oid - This function will set the Certificate
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key - This function will associate the Certificate
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_purpose_oid - Sets the Certificate’s key
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_rsa_raw - associate Certificate request with a
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_usage - Set the keyUsage extension
gnutls_x509_crq_set_subject_alt_name - Set the subject Alternative Name
gnutls_x509_crq_set_version - This function will set the Certificate
gnutls_x509_crq_sign2 - Sign a Certificate request with a key
gnutls_x509_crq_sign - This function will sign a Certificate request
gnutls_x509_crt_check_hostname - compares the hostname with
gnutls_x509_crt_check_issuer - check if certificate has given issuer
gnutls_x509_crt_check_revocation - This function checks if the given
gnutls_x509_crt_cpy_crl_dist_points - Copy the CRL dist points
gnutls_x509_crt_deinit - This function deinitializes memory used by a
gnutls_x509_crt_export - This function will export the certificate
gnutls_x509_crt_get_activation_time - returns the Certificate’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_key_id - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_basic_constraints - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_ca_status - This function returns the certificate
gnutls_x509_crt_get_crl_dist_points - This function returns the CRL
gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_by_oid - This function returns the Certificate’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn - This function returns the Certificate’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_oid - This function returns the Certificate’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_expiration_time - returns the Certificate’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_by_oid - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_data - Get the specified extension data
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_info - Get extension id and criticality
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_oid - get the specified extension OID
gnutls_x509_crt_get_fingerprint - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn_by_oid - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn - This function returns the Certificate’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn_oid - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_id - Return unique ID of public key’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_purpose_oid - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_usage - return the certificate’s key usage
gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_algorithm - return the certificate’s PublicKey
gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_dsa_raw - This function will export the DSA
gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_rsa_raw - This function will export the RSA
gnutls_x509_crt_get_proxy - This function returns the proxy certificate
gnutls_x509_crt_get_raw_dn - This function returns the subject’s DN DER
gnutls_x509_crt_get_raw_issuer_dn - This function returns the issuer’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_serial - This function returns the certificate’s
gnutls_x509_crt_get_signature_algorithm - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_signature - Returns the Certificate’s signature
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name2 - Get certificate’s alternative
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name - Get certificate’s alternative
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_othername_oid - Get SAN otherName OID
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_key_id - This function returns the
gnutls_x509_crt_get_verify_algorithm - get hash algorithm used to
gnutls_x509_crt_get_version - return the Certificate’s version number
gnutls_x509_crt_import - This function will import a DER or PEM encoded
gnutls_x509_crt_init - This function initializes a gnutls_x509_crt_t
gnutls_x509_crt_list_import - This function will import a PEM encoded
gnutls_x509_crt_list_verify - This function verifies the given
gnutls_x509_crt_print - Pretty print X.509 certificates
gnutls_x509_crt_set_activation_time - Set the Certificate’s activation
gnutls_x509_crt_set_authority_key_id - Set the certificate authority’s
gnutls_x509_crt_set_basic_constraints - Set the basicConstraints
gnutls_x509_crt_set_ca_status - Set the basicConstraints extension
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crl_dist_points2 - Set the CRL dist points
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crl_dist_points - Set the CRL dist points
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crq_extensions - Associate the Certificate with a
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crq - Associate the Certificate with a request
gnutls_x509_crt_set_dn_by_oid - Set the Certificate request subject’s
gnutls_x509_crt_set_expiration_time - Set the Certificate’s expiration
gnutls_x509_crt_set_extension_by_oid - Set an arbitrary extension
gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_dn_by_oid - Set the Certificate request
gnutls_x509_crt_set_key - This function will associate the Certificate
gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_purpose_oid - Sets the Certificate’s key
gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_usage - Set the keyUsage extension
gnutls_x509_crt_set_proxy_dn - Set Proxy Certificate subject’s
gnutls_x509_crt_set_proxy - Set the proxyCertInfo extension
gnutls_x509_crt_set_serial - Set the certificate’s serial number
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alternative_name - Set the subject
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alt_name - Set the subject Alternative Name
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_key_id - Set the certificate’s subject key
gnutls_x509_crt_set_version - Set the Certificate request version
gnutls_x509_crt_sign2 - Sign a certificate with a key
gnutls_x509_crt_sign - Sign a certificate with a key
gnutls_x509_crt_verify_data - verify the given signed data.
gnutls_x509_crt_verify_hash - verify the given signed digest
gnutls_x509_crt_verify - This function verifies the given certificate
gnutls_x509_dn_deinit - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_export - This function will export the DN
gnutls_x509_dn_get_rdn_ava - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_import - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_init - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_oid_known - return true if the given OID is known
gnutls_x509_privkey_cpy - copy a private key
gnutls_x509_privkey_deinit - deinitializes a #gnutls_x509_privkey_t
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_dsa_raw - export the DSA private key
gnutls_x509_privkey_export - export the private key
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_pkcs8 - This function will export the
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_rsa_raw - export the RSA private key
gnutls_x509_privkey_fix - recalculate some parameters of the key.
gnutls_x509_privkey_generate - generate a private key
gnutls_x509_privkey_get_key_id - Return unique ID of the key’s
gnutls_x509_privkey_get_pk_algorithm - returns the key’s PublicKey
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_dsa_raw - import a raw DSA key
gnutls_x509_privkey_import - import a DER or PEM encoded key
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_pkcs8 - This function will import a DER or
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_rsa_raw - import a raw RSA key
gnutls_x509_privkey_init - initialize a #gnutls_privkey_t structure
gnutls_x509_privkey_sign_data - sign data using the private key
gnutls_x509_privkey_sign_hash - sign hash using the private key
gnutls_x509_privkey_verify_data - Verify the signed data using private
gnutls_x509_rdn_get_by_oid - parse an RDN sequence and returns a string
gnutls_x509_rdn_get - parse an RDN sequence and returns a string
gnutls_x509_rdn_get_oid - parse an RDN sequence and returns an OID.
GOto::LDAP - Support library for goto-* scripts to access LDAP
grantpt - grant access to the slave pseudo-terminal
GraphAbstract.h - -
GraphDecorator.h - -
Graph.h - -
libgraph - abstract graph library
leptonica - image processing library
GraphImpl.h - -
GraphIterator.h - -
GraphMeasure.h - -
vga_getgraphmem - returns the address of the VGA memory
GraphPropertiesSelectionWidget.h - -
GraphProperty.h - -
Graphs - -
Graph_test - -
GraphTools.h - -
GraphUpdatesRecorder.h - -
GraphView.h - -
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
greaterRadius - -
GreaterStackEval - -
Grid.cpp - -
Grid - -
GridOptionsWidget.h - -
grml-shlib - Shell script library
gsasl_appinfo_get - API function
gsasl_appinfo_set - API function
gsasl_application_data_get - API function
gsasl_application_data_set - API function
gsasl_base64_decode - API function
gsasl_base64_encode - API function
gsasl_base64_from - API function
gsasl_base64_to - API function
gsasl_callback_hook_get - API function
gsasl_callback_hook_set - API function
gsasl_callback - API function
gsasl_callback_set - API function
gsasl_check_version - API function
gsasl_client_application_data_get - API function
gsasl_client_application_data_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_anonymous_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_anonymous_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_authentication_id_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_authentication_id_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_authorization_id_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_authorization_id_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_maxbuf_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_maxbuf_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_passcode_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_passcode_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_password_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_password_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_pin_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_pin_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_qop_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_qop_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_realm_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_realm_set - API function
gsasl_client_callback_service_get - API function
gsasl_client_callback_service_set - API function
gsasl_client_ctx_get - API function
gsasl_client_finish - API function
gsasl_client_listmech - API function
gsasl_client_mechlist - API function
gsasl_client_start - API function
gsasl_client_step_base64 - API function
gsasl_client_step - API function
gsasl_client_suggest_mechanism - API function
gsasl_client_support_p - API function
gsasl_ctx_get - API function
gsasl_decode - API function
gsasl_decode_inline - API function
gsasl_done - API function
gsasl_encode - API function
gsasl_encode_inline - API function
gsasl_finish - API function
gsasl_free - API function
gsasl_hmac_md5 - API function
gsasl_hmac_sha1 - API function
gsasl_init - API function
gsasl_md5 - API function
gsasl_md5pwd_get_password - API function
gsasl_mechanism_name - API function
gsasl_nonce - API function
gsasl_property_fast - API function
gsasl_property_get - API function
gsasl_property_set - API function
gsasl_property_set_raw - API function
gsasl_random - API function
gsasl_randomize - API function
gsasl_register - API function
gsasl_saslprep - prepare internationalized string
gsasl_server_application_data_get - API function
gsasl_server_application_data_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_anonymous_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_anonymous_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_cipher_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_cipher_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_cram_md5_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_cram_md5_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_digest_md5_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_digest_md5_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_external_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_external_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_gssapi_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_gssapi_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_maxbuf_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_maxbuf_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_qop_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_qop_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_realm_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_realm_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_retrieve_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_retrieve_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_securid_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_securid_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_service_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_service_set - API function
gsasl_server_callback_validate_get - API function
gsasl_server_callback_validate_set - API function
gsasl_server_ctx_get - API function
gsasl_server_finish - API function
gsasl_server_listmech - API function
gsasl_server_mechlist - API function
gsasl_server_start - API function
gsasl_server_step_base64 - API function
gsasl_server_step - API function
gsasl_server_suggest_mechanism - API function
gsasl_server_support_p - API function
gsasl_session_hook_get - API function
gsasl_session_hook_set - API function
gsasl_sha1 - API function
gsasl_simple_getpass - API function
gsasl_step64 - API function
gsasl_step - API function
gsasl_strerror - API function
gsasl_strerror_name - API function
gsasl_stringprep_nfkc - API function
gsasl_stringprep_saslprep - API function
gsasl_stringprep_trace - API function
Attributes and Cntls - -
Env Variables - -
Error Types - -
Globus XIO GSI Driver - -
Opening/Closing - -
Reading/Writing - -
Server - -
Types - -
gsignal, ssignal - software signal facility
gsl - GNU Scientific Library
gsm_create, gsm_destroy, gsm_encode, gsm_decode — GSM 06.10 lossy sound -
gsm_create, gsm_destroy, gsm_encode, gsm_decode — GSM 06.10 lossy sound -
gsm_create, gsm_destroy, gsm_encode, gsm_decode — GSM 06.10 lossy sound -
gsm_create, gsm_destroy, gsm_encode, gsm_decode — GSM 06.10 lossy sound -
gsm_explode, gsm_implode — GSM 06.10 supplementary functions for -
gsm_create, gsm_destroy, gsm_encode, gsm_decode — GSM 06.10 lossy sound -
gsm_explode, gsm_implode — GSM 06.10 supplementary functions for -
gsm_option — customizing the GSM 06.10 implementation -
gsm_print — GSM 06.10 supplementary function for debugging -
gss_accept_sec_context - API function
gss_acquire_cred - API function
gss_add_cred - API function
gss_add_oid_set_member - API function
gssapi - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_canonicalize_name - API function
gss_check_version - API function
gss_compare_name - API function
gss_context_time - API function
gss_create_empty_oid_set - API function
gss_decapsulate_token - API function
gss_delete_sec_context - API function
gss_display_name - API function
gss_display_status - API function
gss_duplicate_name - API function
gss_encapsulate_token - API function
gss_export_name - API function
gss_export_sec_context - API function
gss_get_mic - API function
gss_import_name - API function
gss_import_sec_context - API function
gss_indicate_mechs - API function
gss_init_sec_context - API function
gss_inquire_context - API function
gss_inquire_cred_by_mech - API function
gss_inquire_cred - API function
gss_inquire_mech_for_saslname - API function
gss_inquire_mechs_for_name - API function
gss_inquire_names_for_mech - API function
gss_inquire_saslname_for_mech - API function
gss_oid_equal - API function
gss_process_context_token - API function
gss_release_buffer - API function
gss_release_cred - API function
gss_release_name - API function
gss_release_oid_set - API function
gss_test_oid_set_member - API function
gss_accept_sec_context, gss_acquire_cred, gss_add_cred, -
gss_unwrap - API function
gss_userok - API function
gss_verify_mic - API function
gss_wrap - API function
gss_wrap_size_limit - API function
libgvc - Graphviz context library
GWInteractor.h - -
GWOverviewWidget.h - -
GWOverviewWidgetPlugin.h - -
gzipoutputstreambuf.cpp - Implementation of GZIPOutputStreambuf.
gzipoutputstreambuf.h - Header file that defines ZipOutputStreambuf.
gzipoutputstream.cpp - Implementation of GZIPOutputStream.
gzipoutputstream.h - Header file that defines GZIPOutputStream.
halfcylinder.cpp - -
HalfCylinder - -
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
Vectorized Printing Classes - -
hardcopy_overview - An overview of the hardcopy support. The main API
hash - hash database access method
hashkit_create, hashkit_clone, hashkit_free, hashkit_is_allocated - -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_create, hashkit_clone, hashkit_free, hashkit_is_allocated - -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_create, hashkit_clone, hashkit_free, hashkit_is_allocated - -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_create, hashkit_clone, hashkit_free, hashkit_is_allocated - -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_default, hashkit_fnv1_64, hashkit_fnv1a_64, hashkit_fnv1_32, -
hashkit_value - Generate a value for the given key
hashstash - libbash library that implements hash data structure
hash_string.h - -
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt, getmntent_r - -
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch, hcreate_r, hdestroy_r, hsearch_r - hash
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch, hcreate_r, hdestroy_r, hsearch_r - hash
hdate::Hdate - Hdate class.
src/hdate.h - libhdate C language header.
hdate - the libhdate namespace.
src/hdatepp.h - libhdate C++ language header.
hdate_struct - libhdate Hebrew date struct
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch, hcreate_r, hdestroy_r, hsearch_r - hash
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch, hcreate_r, hdestroy_r, hsearch_r - hash
hdf_copy - copy part of an HDF dataset to another
hdf_destroy - deallocate an HDF data set
hdf_dump_format - dump an HDF dataset to FILE *fp Description: Input:
hdf_dump - dump an HDF dataset to stdout Description: Input: Output:
hdf_dump_str - dump an HDF dataset to STRING Description: Input:
hdf_get_attr - Description: Input: Output: Returns:
hdf_get_child - return the first child of the named node
hdf_get_copy - Returns a copy of a string in the HDF data set
hdf_get_int_value - Return the integer value of a point in the data
hdf_get_node - Similar to hdf_get_obj except all the nodes are created
hdf_get_obj - return the HDF data set node at a named location
hdf_get_valuef - Return the value of a node in the data set
hdf_get_value - Return the value of a node in the data set
hdf_get_valuevf - Return the value of a node in the data set
hdf - Hierarchical Data Format library
hdf_init - Initialize an HDF data set
hdf_obj_attr - Return the HDF Attributes for a node Description:
hdf_obj_child - Return the first child of a dataset node
hdf_obj_name - Return the name of a node
hdf_obj_next - Return the next node of a dataset level
hdf_obj_top - Return the pointer to the top dataset node
hdf_obj_value - Return the value of a node
hdf_read_string - read an HDF string Description: Input: Output:
hdf_read_string_ignore - Read an HDF string and ignore errors
hdf_register_fileload - register a fileload function
hdf_remove_tree - delete a subtree of an HDF dataset Description:
hdf_search_path - Find a file given a search path in HDF
hdf_set_attr - Description: Input: Output: Returns:
hdf_set_buf - Set the value of a node without duplicating the value
hdf_set_copy - Copy a value from one location in the dataset to another
hdf_set_int_value - Set the value of a named node to a number
hdf_set_symlink - Set part of the tree to link to another
hdf_set_valuef - Set the value of a named node
hdf_set_value - Set the value of a named node
hdf_sort_obj - sort the children of an HDF node
hdf_write_file_atomic - write an HDF data file atomically
hdf_write_file - write an HDF data file Description: Input: Output:
hdf_write_string - serialize an HDF dataset to a string Description:
heap - -
leptonica - image processing library
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
hesiod_getmailhost, hesiod_free_postoffice - Hesiod functions for
hesiod_getpwnam, hesiod_getpwuid, hesiod_free_passwd - Hesiod functions
hesiod_getservbyname, hesiod_free_servent - Hesiod functions for
hesiod, hesiod_init, hesiod_resolve, hesiod_free_list, hesiod_to_bind, -
hexagone.cpp - -
Hexagone - -
HierarchicalClustering.cpp - -
HierarchicalClustering.h - -
HierarchicalClustering - -
HierarchicalGraph.cpp - -
HierarchicalGraph.h - -
HierarchicalGraph - -
histogramscreenshots - Histogram
HistogramWidget - -
leptonica - image processing library
Hline.h - -
hosts_access, hosts_ctl, request_init, request_set - access control
hosts_access, hosts_ctl, request_init, request_set - access control
Hovel - the GDBM-compatible API of QDBM
How-To initialize libeXosip2. - When using eXosip, your first task is
How-To initiate, modify or terminate calls. - eXosip2 offers a flexible
How-To send or update registrations. - eXosip2 offers a flexible API to
/home/serge/sources/hyantes/geocode/hyantes.h - declaration of exported
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch, hcreate_r, hdestroy_r, hsearch_r - hash
hcreate, hdestroy, hsearch, hcreate_r, hdestroy_r, hsearch_r - hash
/home/serge/sources/hyantes/geocode/hyantes.h - declaration of exported
hspell - Hebrew spellchecker (C API)
/home/serge/sources/hyantes/geocode/hyantes.h - declaration of exported
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
General purpose - -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs - convert values between host and network
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs - convert values between host and network
HttpContext - -
Attributes and Cntls - -
Error Types - -
Globus XIO HTTP Driver - -
Opening/Closing - -
Reading/Writing - -
Server - -
dehumanize_number, humanize_number - format a number into a human
hunspell - spell checking, stemming, morphological generation and
Binding - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Object/String Conversion - -
The Cpuset API - -
Create and Destroy Topologies - -
Helpers for manipulating glibc sched affinity - -
Binding Helpers - -
Cache-specific Finding Helpers - -
Finding a single Object covering at least CPU set - -
Finding a set of similar Objects covering at least a CPU set - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Advanced Traversal Helpers - -
Object Type Helpers - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma bitmask - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma nodemask_t - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma unsigned long masks - -
Topology Objects - -
Retrieve Objects - -
Topology Object Types - -
Topology Object Types - -
Binding - -
Binding - -
Binding - -
Binding - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
Helpers for manipulating glibc sched affinity - -
The Cpuset API - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma bitmask - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma nodemask_t - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma unsigned long masks - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
Helpers for manipulating glibc sched affinity - -
The Cpuset API - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma bitmask - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma nodemask_t - -
Helpers for manipulating Linux libnuma unsigned long masks - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
The Cpuset API - -
Binding Helpers - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Cache-specific Finding Helpers - -
Finding a single Object covering at least CPU set - -
Advanced Traversal Helpers - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Binding - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Finding a set of similar Objects covering at least a CPU set - -
Finding a set of similar Objects covering at least a CPU set - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Advanced Traversal Helpers - -
Advanced Traversal Helpers - -
Retrieve Objects - -
Retrieve Objects - -
Finding a single Object covering at least CPU set - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Finding Objects Inside a CPU set - -
Binding - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Cache-specific Finding Helpers - -
Binding - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Object Type Helpers - -
Object Type Helpers - -
Object/String Conversion - -
hwloc_obj_attr_u - -
hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_cache_attr_s - -
hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_group_attr_s - -
hwloc_obj_attr_u::hwloc_machine_attr_s - -
Topology Object Types - -
Topology Object Types - -
Object/String Conversion - -
Topology Object Types - -
hwloc_obj - -
Basic Traversal Helpers - -
Topology Object Types - -
hwloc_obj_memory_s - -
Topology Object Types - -
Topology Object Types - -
Topology Object Types - -
Object/String Conversion - -
Topology Object Types - -
Topology Object Types - -
Topology Objects - -
Object/String Conversion - -
Object/String Conversion - -
Object/String Conversion - -
Topology Object Types - -
Binding - -
Binding - -
Binding - -
Create and Destroy Topologies - -
hwloc_topology_cpubind_support - -
Create and Destroy Topologies - -
hwloc_topology_discovery_support - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Create and Destroy Topologies - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Create and Destroy Topologies - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
Configure Topology Detection - -
hwloc_topology_support - -
Get some Topology Information - -
Get some Topology Information - -
/home/serge/sources/hyantes/geocode/hyantes.h - declaration of exported
/home/serge/sources/hyantes/geocode/hyantes.c - front end part
hybrd_, hybrd1_ - find a zero of a system of nonlinear function
hybrd_, hybrd1_ - find a zero of a system of nonlinear function
hybrj_, hybrj1_ - find a zero of a system of nonlinear function
hybrj_, hybrj1_ - find a zero of a system of nonlinear function
hypot, hypotf, hypotl - Euclidean distance function
hypot, hypotf, hypotl - Euclidean distance function
hypot, hypotf, hypotl - Euclidean distance function
ibv_get_async_event, ibv_ack_async_event - get or acknowledge
ibv_get_cq_event, ibv_ack_cq_events - get and acknowledge completion
ibv_alloc_pd, ibv_dealloc_pd - allocate or deallocate a protection
ibv_attach_mcast, ibv_detach_mcast - attach and detach a queue pair
ibv_open_device, ibv_close_device - open and close an RDMA device
ibv_init_ah_from_wc, ibv_create_ah_from_wc - initialize or create an
ibv_create_ah, ibv_destroy_ah - create or destroy an address handle
ibv_create_comp_channel, ibv_destroy_comp_channel - create or destroy a
ibv_create_cq, ibv_destroy_cq - create or destroy a completion queue
ibv_create_qp, ibv_destroy_qp - create or destroy a queue pair (QP)
ibv_create_srq, ibv_destroy_srq - create or destroy a shared receive
ibv_alloc_pd, ibv_dealloc_pd - allocate or deallocate a protection
ibv_reg_mr, ibv_dereg_mr - register or deregister a memory region (MR)
ibv_create_ah, ibv_destroy_ah - create or destroy an address handle
ibv_create_comp_channel, ibv_destroy_comp_channel - create or destroy a
ibv_create_cq, ibv_destroy_cq - create or destroy a completion queue
ibv_create_qp, ibv_destroy_qp - create or destroy a queue pair (QP)
ibv_create_srq, ibv_destroy_srq - create or destroy a shared receive
ibv_attach_mcast, ibv_detach_mcast - attach and detach a queue pair
ibv_event_type_str - Return string describing event_type enum value
ibv_fork_init - initialize libibverbs to support fork()
ibv_get_device_list, ibv_free_device_list - get and release list of
ibv_get_async_event, ibv_ack_async_event - get or acknowledge
ibv_get_cq_event, ibv_ack_cq_events - get and acknowledge completion
ibv_get_device_guid - get an RDMA device’s GUID
ibv_get_device_list, ibv_free_device_list - get and release list of
ibv_get_device_name - get an RDMA device’s name
ibv_init_ah_from_wc, ibv_create_ah_from_wc - initialize or create an
ibv_modify_qp - modify the attributes of a queue pair (QP)
ibv_modify_srq - modify attributes of a shared receive queue (SRQ)
ibv_event_type_str - Return string describing event_type enum value
ibv_open_device, ibv_close_device - open and close an RDMA device
ibv_poll_cq - poll a completion queue (CQ)
ibv_event_type_str - Return string describing event_type enum value
ibv_post_recv - post a list of work requests (WRs) to a receive queue
ibv_post_send - post a list of work requests (WRs) to a send queue
ibv_post_srq_recv - post a list of work requests (WRs) to a shared
ibv_query_device - query an RDMA device’s attributes
ibv_query_gid - query an InfiniBand port’s GID table
ibv_query_pkey - query an InfiniBand port’s P_Key table
ibv_query_port - query an RDMA port’s attributes
ibv_query_qp - get the attributes of a queue pair (QP)
ibv_query_srq - get the attributes of a shared receive queue (SRQ)
ibv_rate_to_mult - convert IB rate enumeration to multiplier of 2.5 Gbit/sec
ibv_reg_mr, ibv_dereg_mr - register or deregister a memory region (MR)
ibv_req_notify_cq - request completion notification on a completion
ibv_resize_cq - resize a completion queue (CQ)
icetAddTile -- add a tile to the logical display. -
icetBoundingBoxd,icetBoundingBoxf -- set bounds of geometry -
icetBoundingBoxd,icetBoundingBoxf -- set bounds of geometry -
icetBoundingBoxd,icetBoundingBoxf -- set bounds of geometry -
icetBoundingVertices -- set bounds of geometry. -
icetCompositeOrder -- specify the order in which images are composited -
icetCopyState -- copy state machine of one context to another. -
icetCreateContext -- creates a new context. -
icetCreateMPICommunicator -- Converts an MPI communicator to an IceT -
icetDataReplicationGroupColor -- define data replication. -
icetDataReplicationGroup -- define data replication. -
icetDestroyContext -- delete a context. -
icetDestroyMPICommunicator -- deletes a MPI communicator -
icetDiagnostics -- change diagnostic reporting level. -
icetEnable,icetDisable-- enable/disable an IceT feature. -
icetDrawFrame -- renders and composites a frame -
icetDrawFunc -- set a callback for drawing. -
icetEnable,icetDisable-- enable/disable an IceT feature. -
icetGet -- get an IceT state parameter -
icetGetColorBuffer,icetGetDepthBuffer-- retrieves the last computed -
icetGetContext -- retrieves the current context -
icetGetColorBuffer,icetGetDepthBuffer-- retrieves the last computed -
icetGet -- get an IceT state parameter -
icetGetError -- return the last error condition. -
icetGet -- get an IceT state parameter -
icetGet -- get an IceT state parameter -
icetGet -- get an IceT state parameter -
icetGet -- get an IceT state parameter -
icetGetStrategyName -- retrieve strategy name. -
icetInputOutputBuffers -- set IceT composition mode. -
icetIsEnabled -- query enabled status of an IceT feature. -
icetResetTiles -- clears out all tile definitions. -
icetSetContext -- changes the current context. -
icetStrategy -- set the strategy used to composite images. -
icetWallTime -- timer function -
iconv_close - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv - perform character set conversion
iconv_open - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
vpIdentityMatrix - load the identity matrix into the current
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
IdManager.h - -
IdMetric.cpp - -
IdMetric.h - -
IdMetric - -
idna_strerror - API function
idna_to_ascii_4i - API function
idna_to_ascii_4z - API function
idna_to_ascii_8z - API function
idna_to_ascii_lz - API function
idna_to_unicode_44i - API function
idna_to_unicode_4z4z - API function
idna_to_unicode_8z4z - API function
idna_to_unicode_8z8z - API function
idna_to_unicode_8zlz - API function
idna_to_unicode_lzlz - API function
idn_free - API function
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
ident_lookup, ident_id, ident_free, id_open, id_close, id_query, -
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_claim - claim access to the port
ieee1284_close - close an open port
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_read_data, ieee1284_write_data, ieee1284_data_dir, -
ieee1284_read_control, ieee1284_write_control, ieee1284_frob_control, -
ieee1284_ecp_fwd_to_rev, ieee1284_ecp_rev_to_fwd - ECP direction
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_ecp_fwd_to_rev, ieee1284_ecp_rev_to_fwd - ECP direction
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_find_ports - find ports on the system
ieee1284_free_ports - safely deallocate a port list
ieee1284_read_control, ieee1284_write_control, ieee1284_frob_control, -
ieee1284_get_deviceid - retrieve an IEEE 1284 Device ID
ieee1284_get_irq_fd, ieee1284_clear_irq - interrupt notification
ieee1284_negotiate, ieee1284_terminate - IEEE 1284 negotiation
ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, -
ieee1284_open - open a port
ieee1284_read_control, ieee1284_write_control, ieee1284_frob_control, -
ieee1284_read_data, ieee1284_write_data, ieee1284_data_dir, -
ieee1284_read_status, ieee1284_wait_status - analyse status lines
ieee1284_ref, ieee1284_unref - modify a port’s reference count
ieee1284_release - release a port
ieee1284_set_timeout - modify inactivity timeout
ieee1284_negotiate, ieee1284_terminate - IEEE 1284 negotiation
ieee1284_ref, ieee1284_unref - modify a port’s reference count
ieee1284_read_data, ieee1284_write_data, ieee1284_data_dir, -
ieee1284_read_status, ieee1284_wait_status - analyse status lines
ieee1284_read_control, ieee1284_write_control, ieee1284_frob_control, -
ieee1284_read_data, ieee1284_write_data, ieee1284_data_dir, -
ifp.h - -
I - verify assertions in C and C++ code
ilogb, ilogbf, ilogbl - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogb, ilogbf, ilogbl - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogb, ilogbf, ilogbl - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
im_abs - finds the absolute value or the magnitude of an image
im_costra, im_sintra, im_tantra, im_acostra, im_asintra, im_atantra - -
im_addgnoise - add gaussian noise to an image
im_add, im_gadd, im_gaddim, im_gfadd - add two images
im_add_close_callback, im_add_eval_callback, im_malloc, im_free, -
im_affine - apply an affine transform to an image
im_affinei - apply an affine transform to an image
im_affinei - apply an affine transform to an image
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
vpSetImage - specify an image array
Image::Magick - call GraphicsMagick routines with ImageMagick interface
im_generate, im_start_one, im_stop_one, im_allocate_input_array, -
im_analyze2vips - convert Analyze 7.5 images to VIPS format
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
IM_ARRAY, IM_NEW, IM_NUMBER - memory allocation macros
im_avg, im_deviate, im_min, im_minpos, im_max, im_maxpos - find the
abs, labs, llabs, imaxabs - compute the absolute value of an integer
div, ldiv, lldiv, imaxdiv - compute quotient and remainder of an
im_bandjoin, im_gbandjoin - join two or more images
im_bandmean - average bands in an image
im_benchmark - do something complicated
im_binfile, im_image - wrap a raw binary file inside an IMAGE
im_bits_of_fmt - return number of bits of band format
im_black - make a black image
im_buildlut - build a LUT from a set of x/y points
im_ceil - for each pixel, find the smallest integral value not less
im_printdesc, im_Type2char, im_char2Type, im_BandFmt2char, -
im_circle - draws a circle within an image file
imclient - (library) authenticating callback interface to IMAP/IMSP
im_c2amph, im_c2imag, im_c2ps, im_c2real, im_clip2fmt, im_ri2c - -
im_c2amph, im_c2imag, im_c2ps, im_c2real, im_clip2fmt, im_ri2c - -
im_close - close an image descriptor
im_cmulnorm, im_multiply - multiply two images
im_cntlines, im_profile - calculate transitions between black and white
im_col_Lab2LCh, im_col_LCh2ab, im_col_Lab2XYZ, im_col_XYZ2Lab, -
im_col_Lab2LCh, im_col_LCh2ab, im_col_Lab2XYZ, im_col_XYZ2Lab, -
im_col_Lab2LCh, im_col_LCh2ab, im_col_Lab2XYZ, im_col_XYZ2Lab, -
im_col_Lab2LCh, im_col_LCh2ab, im_col_Lab2XYZ, im_col_XYZ2Lab, -
im_compass, im_rank_image, im_maxvalue, im_lindetect, im_gradient - -
im_concurrency_set, im_concurrency_get - set and get the number of
im_contrast_surface, im_contrast_surface_raw - Generate contrast
im_contrast_surface, im_contrast_surface_raw - Generate contrast
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_conv, im_conv_raw, im_convf, im_convf_raw, im_convsep, -
im_cooc_matrix, im_cooc_asm, im_cooc_contrast, im_cooc_correlation, -
im_copy, im_copy_set, im_copy_swap, im_copy_morph - copy an image
im_copy, im_copy_set, im_copy_swap, im_copy_morph - copy an image
im_copy, im_copy_set, im_copy_swap, im_copy_morph - copy an image
im_copy, im_copy_set, im_copy_swap, im_copy_morph - copy an image
im_copy, im_copy_set, im_copy_swap, im_copy_morph - copy an image
im_copy, im_copy_set, im_copy_swap, im_copy_morph - copy an image
im_correl - search for image match
im_costra, im_sintra, im_tantra, im_acostra, im_asintra, im_atantra - -
im_cp_desc, im_append_Hist - copy most of an image descriptor to
im_cp_desc, im_append_Hist - copy most of an image descriptor to
im_cp_desc, im_append_Hist - copy most of an image descriptor to
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_create_fmask - create a frequency domain filter mask according to
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_csv2vips, im_vips2csv - read and write CSV (comma separated values)
im_debug, im_printlines - print raw image data pointed by an image
im_dE_fromLab, im_dECMC_fromLab, im_dE00_fromLab - calculate colour
im_dE_fromdisp, im_dE_fromXYZ, im_dECMC_fromdisp - derived colour
im_dE_fromLab, im_dECMC_fromLab, im_dE00_fromLab - calculate colour
im_dE_fromdisp, im_dE_fromXYZ, im_dECMC_fromdisp - derived colour
im_demand_hint - hint on demand style for im_generate(3)
im_demand_hint - hint on demand style for im_generate(3)
im_avg, im_deviate, im_min, im_minpos, im_max, im_maxpos - find the
im_dif_std - calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the
im_dilate, im_dilate_raw, im_erode, im_erode_raw - perform
im_dilate, im_dilate_raw, im_erode, im_erode_raw - perform
im_disp_ps - creates a displayable power spectrum of an one band image
im_divide - divide two images
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_embed - extract a portion of an image
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_dilate, im_dilate_raw, im_erode, im_erode_raw - perform
im_dilate, im_dilate_raw, im_erode, im_erode_raw - perform
im_error_buffer, im_verror, im_error, im_error_clear, im_warn, im_diag, -
im_error_buffer, im_verror, im_error, im_error_clear, im_warn, im_diag, -
im_error_buffer, im_verror, im_error, im_error_clear, im_warn, im_diag, -
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_exr2vips - convert OpenEXR images to VIPS format
im_extract_areabands, im_extract_bands, im_extract_area - extract a
im_extract_areabands, im_extract_bands, im_extract_area - extract a
im_extract_areabands, im_extract_bands, im_extract_area - extract a
im_extract_areabands, im_extract_bands, im_extract_area - extract a
im_eye, im_feye - creates a pattern which shows the spatial response of
im_falsecolour - colour a mono image
im_fastcor, im_spcor - correlate two images
im_fav4 - averages four frames
im_eye, im_feye - creates a pattern which shows the spatial response of
im_rad2float, im_float2rad - convert RAD coded images to float and back
im_flood, im_flood_blob - flood a area
im_flood, im_flood_blob - flood a area
im_floor - for each pixel, find the largest integral value not greater
im_flt_imag_freq - filter a square image in the frequency domain
im_fractsurf - creates a fractal surface
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_freqflt - filters an image with a float filter mask in the frequency
im_fwfft, im_invfft, im_invfftr - forward and inverse fft on an image
im_add, im_gadd, im_gaddim, im_gfadd - add two images
im_add, im_gadd, im_gaddim, im_gfadd - add two images
im_gammacorrect - carry out gamma correction
im_gauss_dmask, im_gauss_imask - create a gaussian DOUBLEMASK or
im_gauss_dmask, im_gauss_imask - create a gaussian DOUBLEMASK or
im_gauss_dmask, im_gauss_imask - create a gaussian DOUBLEMASK or
im_gaussnoise - creates a gaussian noisy picture
im_bandjoin, im_gbandjoin - join two or more images
im_generate, im_start_one, im_stop_one, im_allocate_input_array, -
im_add, im_gadd, im_gaddim, im_gfadd - add two images
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_glds_matrix, im_glds_asm, im_glds_contrast, im_glds_mean, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_global_balance, im_global_balancef - perform global mosaic balancing
im_global_balance, im_global_balancef - perform global mosaic balancing
im_fastcor, im_spcor - correlate two images
im_compass, im_rank_image, im_maxvalue, im_lindetect, im_gradient - -
im_grad_x, im_grad_y - find horizontal or vertical differences
im_grad_x, im_grad_y - find horizontal or vertical differences
im_grey, im_fgrey, im_make_xy - creates a grey scale
im_grid - split a vertical image into a grid of smaller images
im_guess_prefix, im_guess_libdir - try to guess install directory
im_guess_prefix, im_guess_libdir - try to guess install directory
im_header_int, im_header_double, im_header_string, im_header_get, -
im_header_int, im_header_double, im_header_string, im_header_get, -
im_header_int, im_header_double, im_header_string, im_header_get, -
im_header_int, im_header_double, im_header_string, im_header_get, -
im_header_int, im_header_double, im_header_string, im_header_get, -
im_header_int, im_header_double, im_header_string, im_header_get, -
im_header_int, im_header_double, im_header_string, im_header_get, -
im_heq, im_lhisteq, im_lhisteq_raw, im_hsp - process an image using
im_histcum, im_histeq, im_histgr, im_histnD, im_histnorm, im_histspec, -
im_hist - create a displayable histogram from an image
im_histlin, im_updatehist, im_history_get - manage image history
im_histcum, im_histeq, im_histgr, im_histnD, im_histnorm, im_histspec, -
im_histcum, im_histeq, im_histgr, im_histnD, im_histnorm, im_histspec, -
im_histlin, im_updatehist, im_history_get - manage image history
im_histplot - graph an image of one horizontal or vertical line
im_histcum, im_histeq, im_histgr, im_histnD, im_histnorm, im_histspec, -
im_heq, im_lhisteq, im_lhisteq_raw, im_hsp - process an image using
im_icc_present, im_icc_transform, im_icc_import, -
im_icc_present, im_icc_transform, im_icc_import, -
im_histcum, im_histeq, im_histgr, im_histnD, im_histnorm, im_histspec, -
im_histcum, im_histeq, im_histgr, im_histnD, im_histnorm, im_histspec, -
im_ifthenelse - use an unsigned char image to join two images together
im_binfile, im_image - wrap a raw binary file inside an IMAGE
im_image_sanity - check image descriptors for sanity
im_initdesc - initialises an image descriptor to specific values
im_init - make an IMAGE descriptor
im_init_world, im_get_option_group - start up VIPS
im_insert - insert one image into another
im_insertplace - paste small images into big images
im_invalidate - flush caches related to an image
im_invert - inverts an image pointed by an image descriptor.
im_invertlut - turn a set of greyscale measurements into a gamma-
im_fwfft, im_invfft, im_invfftr - forward and inverse fft on an image
im_fwfft, im_invfft, im_invfftr - forward and inverse fft on an image
im_incheck, im_outcheck, im_iocheck - checks image descriptors for WIO
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_isint, im_isuint, im_isfloat, im_isscalar, im_iscomplex, im_isfile, -
im_iterate - PIO input from image
im_jpeg2vips, im_vips2jpeg, im_vips2bufjpeg, im_vips2mimejpeg - convert
im_LabQ2Lab, im_Lab2LabQ, im_LabQ2LabS, im_LabS2LabQ, im_Lab2LabS, -
im_LabQ2Lab, im_Lab2LabQ, im_LabQ2LabS, im_LabS2LabQ, im_Lab2LabS, -
im_Lab2UCS, im_LabQ2XYZ, im_UCS2Lab, im_Lab2disp, im_disp2Lab, -
im_lab_morph - calculate colour differences
im_LabQ2disp, im_LabQ2disp_build_table, im_LabQ2disp_table - convert
im_LabQ2disp, im_LabQ2disp_build_table, im_LabQ2disp_table - convert
im_LabQ2disp, im_LabQ2disp_build_table, im_LabQ2disp_table - convert
im_LabQ2Lab, im_Lab2LabQ, im_LabQ2LabS, im_LabS2LabQ, im_Lab2LabS, -
im_LabQ2Lab, im_Lab2LabQ, im_LabQ2LabS, im_LabS2LabQ, im_Lab2LabS, -
im_Lab2UCS, im_LabQ2XYZ, im_UCS2Lab, im_Lab2disp, im_disp2Lab, -
im_LabQ2Lab, im_Lab2LabQ, im_LabQ2LabS, im_LabS2LabQ, im_Lab2LabS, -
im_LabQ2Lab, im_Lab2LabQ, im_LabQ2LabS, im_LabS2LabQ, im_Lab2LabS, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_heq, im_lhisteq, im_lhisteq_raw, im_hsp - process an image using
im_heq, im_lhisteq, im_lhisteq_raw, im_hsp - process an image using
im_compass, im_rank_image, im_maxvalue, im_lindetect, im_gradient - -
im_line - writes a line on a vasari image
im_lintra, im_lintra_vec - performs a linear transformation on an image
im_lintra, im_lintra_vec - performs a linear transformation on an image
im_litecor - perform light correction
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_log_dmask, im_log_imask - create a laplacian of gaussian (log)
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_lowpass - remove high frequencies quickly
im_lrjoin, im_tbjoin - join two images into one
im_lrmerge, im_tbmerge, im_lrsmerge, im_tbsmerge, im_lrmergeb, -
im_lrmosaic, im_tbmosaic - mosaic two images using a zero order
im_lu_decomp, im_lu_solve - Solve SLEs by LU decomposition
im_lu_decomp, im_lu_solve - Solve SLEs by LU decomposition
IM_RINT, IM_MAX, IM_MIN - misc math macros
im_magick2vips - read images with the libMagick library
im_makerw - make an IMAGE writeable
im_grey, im_fgrey, im_make_xy - creates a grey scale
im_add_close_callback, im_add_eval_callback, im_malloc, im_free, -
im_maplut - map an image through a lookup table
im_match_linear_search, im_match_linear - resample to make a match
im_match_linear_search, im_match_linear - resample to make a match
im_matinv, im_matmul, im_mattrn - matrix operations on DOUBLEMASKs
im_matinv, im_matmul, im_mattrn - matrix operations on DOUBLEMASKs
im_matinv, im_matmul, im_mattrn - matrix operations on DOUBLEMASKs
im_matinv, im_matmul, im_mattrn - matrix operations on DOUBLEMASKs
im_avg, im_deviate, im_min, im_minpos, im_max, im_maxpos - find the
im_avg, im_deviate, im_min, im_minpos, im_max, im_maxpos - find the
im_maxpos_vec, im_minpos_vec - Find highest or lowest pixel values
im_compass, im_rank_image, im_maxvalue, im_lindetect, im_gradient - -
im_mean_std_double_buffer, im_mean_std_int_buffer - calculates the mean
im_measure - measure colour patches off images
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_meta_set_int, im_meta_get_int, im_meta_set_double, -
im_avg, im_deviate, im_min, im_minpos, im_max, im_maxpos - find the
im_avg, im_deviate, im_min, im_minpos, im_max, im_maxpos - find the
im_mmapin - memory maps a VASARI image file (read only) and returns an
im_mmapinrw - memory maps a VASARI image file with read and write
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_mpercent - find threshold corresponding to a percentage of an image
im_msb, im_msb_band - Convert to uchar by discarding bits
im_msb, im_msb_band - Convert to uchar by discarding bits
im_cmulnorm, im_multiply - multiply two images
IM_ARRAY, IM_NEW, IM_NUMBER - memory allocation macros
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
im_equal, im_notequal, im_equalconst, im_equal_vec, im_notequalconst, -
IM_ARRAY, IM_NEW, IM_NUMBER - memory allocation macros
im_offsets45, im_offsets90, im_rotate_imask45, im_rotate_dmask45, -
im_offsets45, im_offsets90, im_rotate_imask45, im_rotate_dmask45, -
im_open, im_open_local, im_open_local_array - open VIPS image
im_open, im_open_local, im_open_local_array - open VIPS image
im_open, im_open_local, im_open_local_array - open VIPS image
im_openout - sets an image descriptor corresponding to an output file
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
im_andimage, im_andconst, im_and_vec, im_orimage, im_orconst, -
im_incheck, im_outcheck, im_iocheck - checks image descriptors for WIO
im_paintrect, im_plotmask, im_readpoint, im_plotpoint, im_fastline, -
im_partial - makes a PIO intermediate image
im_pincheck, im_poutcheck, im_piocheck - checks image descriptors for
im_paintrect, im_plotmask, im_readpoint, im_plotpoint, im_fastline, -
im_paintrect, im_plotmask, im_readpoint, im_plotpoint, im_fastline, -
im_png2vips, im_png2vips - convert PNG images to and from VIPS format
Import - -
ImportModule.h - -
im_pincheck, im_poutcheck, im_piocheck - checks image descriptors for
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_exp10tra, im_exptra, im_expntra, im_expntra_vec, im_log10tra, -
im_ppm2vips, im_vips2ppm - convert PPM/PGM/PBM images to and from VIPS
im_prepare, im_prepare_to - fill region with data
im_prepare, im_prepare_to - fill region with data
im_prepare, im_prepare_to - fill region with data
im_printdesc, im_Type2char, im_char2Type, im_BandFmt2char, -
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_print - print a string to stdout
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_debug, im_printlines - print raw image data pointed by an image
im_cntlines, im_profile - calculate transitions between black and white
im_project - find horizontal and vertical projections
ImprovedWalker.cpp - -
ImprovedWalker.h - -
ImprovedWalker - -
ImprovedWalkerIterator - -
im_quantim, im_quantlut, im_spatres - quantise an image or a lut
im_quantim, im_quantlut, im_spatres - quantise an image or a lut
im_rad2float, im_float2rad - convert RAD coded images to float and back
im_rank, im_rank_raw - rank filter
im_compass, im_rank_image, im_maxvalue, im_lindetect, im_gradient - -
im_raw2vips, im_vips2raw - wrap a raw binary file inside an IMAGE
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_paintrect, im_plotmask, im_readpoint, im_plotpoint, im_fastline, -
im_recomb - matrix recombination of image
im_rect_marginadjust, im_rect_includespoint, im_rect_includesrect, -
im_rect_marginadjust, im_rect_includespoint, im_rect_includesrect, -
im_rect_marginadjust, im_rect_includespoint, im_rect_includesrect, -
im_rect_marginadjust, im_rect_includespoint, im_rect_includesrect, -
im_rect_marginadjust, im_rect_includespoint, im_rect_includesrect, -
im_rect_marginadjust, im_rect_includespoint, im_rect_includesrect, -
im_region_buffer, im_region_image, im_region_region, -
im_region_create, im_region_free - region creation and destruction
im_region_create, im_region_free - region creation and destruction
im_region_buffer, im_region_image, im_region_region, -
im_region_buffer, im_region_image, im_region_region, -
im_region_buffer, im_region_image, im_region_region, -
im_remainder, im_remainderconst, im_remainderconst_vec - remainder
im_remainder, im_remainderconst, im_remainderconst_vec - remainder
im_remainder, im_remainderconst, im_remainderconst_vec - remainder
im_remosaic - rebuild a mosaic, substituting filenames
im_render, im_render_fade, im_cache - make image in the background
im_render, im_render_fade, im_cache - make image in the background
im_replicate - replicate an image horizontally and vertically
im_c2amph, im_c2imag, im_c2ps, im_c2real, im_clip2fmt, im_ri2c - -
im_rightshift_size - Decrease size by a power-of-two factor
im_rint - for each pixel, find the nearest integral value
im_rot180, im_rot270, im_rot90, im_fliphor, im_flipver - rotate and
im_rot180, im_rot270, im_rot90, im_fliphor, im_flipver - rotate and
im_rot180, im_rot270, im_rot90, im_fliphor, im_flipver - rotate and
im_offsets45, im_offsets90, im_rotate_imask45, im_rotate_dmask45, -
im_offsets45, im_offsets90, im_rotate_imask45, im_rotate_dmask45, -
im_offsets45, im_offsets90, im_rotate_imask45, im_rotate_dmask45, -
im_offsets45, im_offsets90, im_rotate_imask45, im_rotate_dmask45, -
im_rotquad - rotates the four quadrants of an image
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_scale, im_scaleps - scale an image to unsigned char image
im_scale, im_scaleps - scale an image to unsigned char image
im_setbuf - sets an image descriptor to keep an image in ram
im_setupout - set up an image descriptor for WIO output
im_sharpen - simple coring edge enhancement
im_shiftleft, im_shiftright - bit shift operations
im_shrink - shrink an image
im_sign - find the unit vector in the direction of value
im_simcontr - shows the effect of simultaneous contrast
im_similarity_area, im_similarity - apply a similarity transform to an
im_sines - creates a spatial sine wave form
im_costra, im_sintra, im_tantra, im_acostra, im_asintra, im_atantra - -
im_thresh, im_slice - threshold an image
im_smudge, im_smear - filter and smudge in place
im_quantim, im_quantlut, im_spatres - quantise an image or a lut
im_fastcor, im_spcor - correlate two images
im_generate, im_start_one, im_stop_one, im_allocate_input_array, -
im_generate, im_start_one, im_stop_one, im_allocate_input_array, -
im_stats - calculate many image statistics in a single pass
im_stdif, im_stdif_raw - statistical differentiation of an image
im_generate, im_start_one, im_stop_one, im_allocate_input_array, -
im_generate, im_start_one, im_stop_one, im_allocate_input_array, -
im_stretch3 - stretch horizontally by 3%, displace sub-pixel mask
im_subsample - subsample image by integer factor
im_subtract - subtracts two images
im_system - run a command on an image
im_costra, im_sintra, im_tantra, im_acostra, im_asintra, im_atantra - -
im_lrjoin, im_tbjoin - join two images into one
im_lrmerge, im_tbmerge, im_lrsmerge, im_tbsmerge, im_lrmergeb, -
im_lrmosaic, im_tbmosaic - mosaic two images using a zero order
im_text - render a utf-8 text string into an image
im_thresh, im_slice - threshold an image
im_tiff2vips, im_tiff2vips - convert TIFF images to and from VIPS
im_tile_cache - cache an image, tilewise
im_tone_build, im_tone_map, im_tone_analyse, im_tone_build_range - -
im_tone_build, im_tone_map, im_tone_analyse, im_tone_build_range - -
im_tone_build, im_tone_map, im_tone_analyse, im_tone_build_range - -
im_printdesc, im_Type2char, im_char2Type, im_BandFmt2char, -
im_Lab2UCS, im_LabQ2XYZ, im_UCS2Lab, im_Lab2disp, im_disp2Lab, -
im_Lab2UCS, im_LabQ2XYZ, im_UCS2Lab, im_Lab2disp, im_disp2Lab, -
im_histlin, im_updatehist, im_history_get - manage image history
im_error_buffer, im_verror, im_error, im_error_clear, im_warn, im_diag, -
im_version, im_version_string - return VIPS version info
im_version, im_version_string - return VIPS version info
im_video_v4l1 - various image grabbers
im_jpeg2vips, im_vips2jpeg, im_vips2bufjpeg, im_vips2mimejpeg - convert
im_csv2vips, im_vips2csv - read and write CSV (comma separated values)
im_jpeg2vips, im_vips2jpeg, im_vips2bufjpeg, im_vips2mimejpeg - convert
im_vips2mask, im_mask2vips - convert between masks and images
im_jpeg2vips, im_vips2jpeg, im_vips2bufjpeg, im_vips2mimejpeg - convert
im_png2vips, im_png2vips - convert PNG images to and from VIPS format
im_ppm2vips, im_vips2ppm - convert PPM/PGM/PBM images to and from VIPS
im_raw2vips, im_vips2raw - wrap a raw binary file inside an IMAGE
im_tiff2vips, im_tiff2vips - convert TIFF images to and from VIPS
im_error_buffer, im_verror, im_error, im_error_clear, im_warn, im_diag, -
im_wrapone, im_wrapmany - easy interface to partial image IO system
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_create_dmask, im_create_imask, im_create_dmaskv, im_create_imaskv, -
im_writeline - writes a line of data in the image descriptor
im_XYZ2disp, im_disp2XYZ, im_Lab2XYZ, im_XYZ2Lab, im_XYZ2Yxy, -
im_XYZ2disp, im_disp2XYZ, im_Lab2XYZ, im_XYZ2Lab, im_XYZ2Yxy, -
im_XYZ2disp, im_disp2XYZ, im_Lab2XYZ, im_XYZ2Lab, im_XYZ2Yxy, -
im_Lab2UCS, im_LabQ2XYZ, im_UCS2Lab, im_Lab2disp, im_disp2Lab, -
im_XYZ2disp, im_disp2XYZ, im_Lab2XYZ, im_XYZ2Lab, im_XYZ2Yxy, -
im_XYZ2disp, im_disp2XYZ, im_Lab2XYZ, im_XYZ2Lab, im_XYZ2Yxy, -
im_zerox - find the zero crossings of an image
im_zone, im_fzone - creates a zone plate
im_zoom - zoom an image
IncomingDataQueueBase - -
IncomingDataQueue - -
IncomingDataQueue::SyncSourcesIterator - -
IncomingRTPPkt - -
index, rindex - locate character in string
InducedSubGraphSelection.cpp - -
InducedSubGraphSelection.h - -
InducedSubGraphSelection - -
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, -
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, -
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, -
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, -
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, -
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, -
inet_aton, inet_addr, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_makeaddr, -
inet_ntop - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from binary to text form
inet_pton - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text to binary form
inflateinputstreambuf.cpp - Implementation of InflateInputStreambuf.
inflateinputstreambuf.h - Header file that defines
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
initgroups - initialize the supplementary group access list
init_selinuxmnt - initialize the global variable selinux_mnt.
random, srandom, initstate, setstate - random number generator
random_r, srandom_r, initstate_r, setstate_r - reentrant random number
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
inline_asm - .TH "inline_asm" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-
inndcomm - INND communication part of InterNetNews library
setnetgrent, endnetgrent, getnetgrent, getnetgrent_r, innetgr - handle
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
insighttoolkit - imaging toolkit for segmentation and registration
insque, remque - insert/remove an item from a queue
install_tools - .TH "install_tools" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8"
IntegerAlgorithm.h - -
IntegerProperty.h - -
InteractorManager.h - -
intersection_overview - Intersection Detection See the documentation
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
intl:gettext - message handling functions
intro - Introduction to library functions
inttypes.h - -
leptonica - image processing library
io_fsync - Synchronize a file’s complete in-core state with that on
io - Asynchronous IO
io_prep_fsync - Synchronize a file’s complete in-core state with that
io_prep_pread - Set up asynchronous read
io_prep_pwrite - Set up iocb for asynchronous writes
ioqueue.h - -
Generic RTP input/output queues. - -
io_set_callback - Set up io completion callback function
ipq_create_handle, ipq_destroy_handle - create and destroy libipq
ipq_create_handle, ipq_destroy_handle - create and destroy libipq
ipq_errstr, ipq_perror - libipq error handling routines
ipq_message_type, ipq_get_packet, ipq_getmsgerr - query queue messages
ipq_message_type, ipq_get_packet, ipq_getmsgerr - query queue messages
ipq_message_type, ipq_get_packet, ipq_getmsgerr - query queue messages
ipq_errstr, ipq_perror - libipq error handling routines
ipq_read - read queue messages from ip_queue and read into supplied
ipq_set_mode - set the ip_queue queuing mode
ipq_set_verdict - issue verdict and optionally modified packet to
ipsec_initaddr - initialize an ip_address
ipsec_initaddr - initialize an ip_address
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_initaddr - initialize an ip_address
ipsec atoaddr, addrtoa - convert Internet addresses to and from ASCII
ipsec_initsubnet - initialize an ip_subnet
ipsec ttoaddr, tnatoaddr, addrtot - convert Internet addresses to and
ipsec_initaddr - initialize an ip_address
ipsec_anyaddr - get "any" address
ipsec atoaddr, addrtoa - convert Internet addresses to and from ASCII
ipsec_atoasr - convert ASCII to Internet address, subnet, or range
ipsec atoaddr, addrtoa - convert Internet addresses to and from ASCII
ipsec atoul, ultoa - convert unsigned-long numbers to and from ASCII
ipsec_goodmask - is this Internet subnet mask a valid one?
ipsec_subnetof - given Internet address and subnet mask, return subnet
ipsec_ipsec_version_code - get IPsec version code
ipsec_goodmask - is this Internet subnet mask a valid one?
ipsec_subnetof - given Internet address and subnet mask, return subnet
ipsec_initaddr - initialize an ip_address
ipsec ttosa, satot - convert IPsec Security Association IDs to and from
ipsec_initsubnet - initialize an ip_subnet
ipsec_anyaddr - get "any" address
ipsec_anyaddr - get "any" address
ipsec_anyaddr - get "any" address
ipsec keyblobtoid, splitkeytoid - generate key IDs from RSA keys
ipsec_anyaddr - get "any" address
ipsec_initsubnet - initialize an ip_subnet
ipsec_goodmask - is this Internet subnet mask a valid one?
ipsec_initsubnet - initialize an ip_subnet
ipsec_initsubnet - initialize an ip_subnet
ipsec_optionsfrom - read additional ‘‘command-line’’ options from file
ipsec_portof - get port field of an ip_address
ipsec_prng_init - initialize IPsec pseudorandom-number generator
ipsec_atoasr - convert ASCII to Internet address, subnet, or range
ipsec_rangetosubnet - convert address range to subnet
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec ttosa, satot - convert IPsec Security Association IDs to and from
_ipsec_set_policy - create an IPsec policy structure from a human
ipsec_portof - get port field of an ip_address
ipsec_portof - get port field of an ip_address
ipsec_portof - get port field of an ip_address
_ipsec_strerror - error messages for the IPsec policy manipulation
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_sameaddr - are two addresses the same?
ipsec_subnetof - given Internet address and subnet mask, return subnet
ipsec atoaddr, addrtoa - convert Internet addresses to and from ASCII
ipsec ttoaddr, tnatoaddr, addrtot - convert Internet addresses to and
ipsec_initsubnet - initialize an ip_subnet
ipsec ttoaddr, tnatoaddr, addrtot - convert Internet addresses to and
ipsec ttoaddr, tnatoaddr, addrtot - convert Internet addresses to and
ipsec ttodata, datatot - convert binary data bytes from and to text
ipsec ttosa, satot - convert IPsec Security Association IDs to and from
ipsec ttoaddr, tnatoaddr, addrtot - convert Internet addresses to and
ipsec ttoul, ultot - convert unsigned-long numbers to and from text
ipsec_anyaddr - get "any" address
ipsec_ipsec_version_code - get IPsec version code
ipsec_ipsec_version_code - get IPsec version code
ipsec_ipsec_version_code - get IPsec version code
iqueue.h - -
Generic RTP input queues. - -
rcmd, rresvport, iruserok, ruserok - routines for returning a stream to
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
isatty - test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
is_context_customizable - check whether SELinux context type is
IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
fpclassify, isfinite, isnormal, isnan, isinf - floating-point
IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, -
isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, -
finite, finitef, finitel, isinf, isinff, isinfl, isnan, isnanf, isnanl -
fpclassify, isfinite, isnormal, isnan, isinf - floating-point
finite, finitef, finitel, isinf, isinff, isinfl, isnan, isnanf, isnanl -
IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, -
isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, -
isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, -
isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, -
IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, -
finite, finitef, finitel, isinf, isinff, isinfl, isnan, isnanf, isnanl -
fpclassify, isfinite, isnormal, isnan, isinf - floating-point
finite, finitef, finitel, isinf, isinff, isinfl, isnan, isnanf, isnanl -
fpclassify, isfinite, isnormal, isnan, isinf - floating-point
IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
is_selinux_enabled - check whether SELinux is enabled
is_selinux_enabled - check whether SELinux is enabled
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, -
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
iswalnum - test for alphanumeric wide character
iswalpha - test for alphabetic wide character
iswblank - test for whitespace wide character
iswcntrl - test for control wide character
iswctype - wide-character classification
iswdigit - test for decimal digit wide character
iswgraph - test for graphic wide character
iswlower - test for lowercase wide character
iswprint - test for printing wide character
iswpunct - test for punctuation or symbolic wide character
iswspace - test for whitespace wide character
iswupper - test for uppercase wide character
iswxdigit - test for hexadecimal digit wide character
isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, -
ItemsListWidget.h - -
Iterator.h - -
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
JudyHS macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudyHS macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudyHS macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudyHS macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
j0, j0f, j0l, j1, j1f, j1l, jn, jnf, jnl - Bessel functions of the
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_close - close a joystick
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getnumaxes, joystick_getnumbuttons - query the capabilities of
joystick_getnumaxes, joystick_getnumbuttons - query the capabilities of
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_init - open a joystick
joystick_sethandler, joystick_setdefaulthandler - set the joystick
joystick_sethandler, joystick_setdefaulthandler - set the joystick
joystick_update - query joysticks for status changes
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
joystick_getaxis, joystick_getbutton - query the current state of a
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
UILib intro — User interface library intro -
UILib intro — User interface library intro -
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
jsv_is_param, jsv_get_param, jsv_add_param, jsv_mod_param, -
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
Judy1 functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyHS functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudyHS functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudyHS functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudyHS functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudyHS macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudyHS functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
Judy arrays - C library functions for creating and accessing dynamic
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array of
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudyL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL macros - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic array,
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
JudySL functions - C library for creating and accessing a dynamic
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
leptonica - image processing library
keyboard_clearstate - reset the state of all keys when in raw keyboard
keyboard_close - return the keyboard to normal operation from raw mode
keyboard_getstate - get a pointer to a buffer holding the state of all
keyboard_init, keyboard_init_return_fd - initialize the keyboard to raw
keyboard_init, keyboard_init_return_fd - initialize the keyboard to raw
keyboard_keypressed - check if a key is pressed when in raw keyboard
keyboard_seteventhandler, keyboard_setdefaulteventhandler - define an
keyboard_seteventhandler, keyboard_setdefaulteventhandler - define an
keyboard_translatekeys - modify scancode mappings in raw keyboard mode
keyboard_update, keyboard_waitforupdate - process raw keyboard events
keyboard_update, keyboard_waitforupdate - process raw keyboard events
keyctl_assume_authority - Assume the authority to instantiate a key
keyctl_chown - Change the ownership of a key
keyctl_clear - Clear a keyring
keyctl_describe - Describe a key
keyctl_describe - Describe a key
keyctl_get_keyring_ID - Get the ID of a special keyring
keyctl_assume_authority - Assume the authority to instantiate a key
keyctl_join_session_keyring - Join a different session keyring
keyctl_link - Link a key to a keyring keyctl_unlink
keyctl_assume_authority - Assume the authority to instantiate a key
keyctl_read - Read a key
keyctl_read - Read a key
keyctl_revoke - Revoke a key
keyctl_search - Search a keyring for a key
keyctl_setperm - Change the permissions mask on a key
keyctl_set_reqkey_keyring - Set the implicit destination keyring
keyctl_set_timeout - Set the expiration timer on a key
keyctl_link - Link a key to a keyring keyctl_unlink
keyctl_update - Update a key
key_decryptsession, key_encryptsession, key_setsecret, key_gendes, -
key_decryptsession, key_encryptsession, key_setsecret, key_gendes, -
key_decryptsession, key_encryptsession, key_setsecret, key_gendes, -
keynote - a trust-management system library
key_decryptsession, key_encryptsession, key_setsecret, key_gendes, -
key_decryptsession, key_encryptsession, key_setsecret, key_gendes, -
knobscreenshots - QwtKnob
krb524_convert_creds_kdc, krb524_convert_creds_kdc_ccache - converts
krb5_425_conv_principal, krb5_425_conv_principal_ext, -
krb5_acl_match_file, krb5_acl_match_string - ACL matching functions
krb5_aname_to_localname - converts a principal to a system local name
krb5_appdefault_boolean, krb5_appdefault_string, krb5_appdefault_time - -
krb5_auth_con_addflags, krb5_auth_con_free, krb5_auth_con_genaddrs, -
krb5_mk_req, krb5_mk_req_exact, krb5_mk_req_extended, krb5_rd_req, -
krb5_check_transited, krb5_check_transited_realms, -
krb5_c_block_size, krb5_c_decrypt, krb5_c_encrypt, krb5_c_encrypt_length, -
krb5_checksum, krb5_checksum_disable, krb5_checksum_is_collision_proof, -
krb5_creds, krb5_copy_creds, krb5_copy_creds_contents, krb5_free_creds, -
krb5_crypto_getblocksize, krb5_crypto_getconfoundersize -
krb5_digest, krb5_digest_alloc, krb5_digest_free, -
krb5_eai_to_heim_errno, krb5_h_errno_to_heim_errno - convert resolver
krb5_find_padata, krb5_padata_add - Kerberos 5 pre-authentication data
krb5_rd_error, krb5_free_error, krb5_free_error_contents, -
krb5_generate_random_block - Kerberos 5 random functions
krb5_get_all_client_addrs, krb5_get_all_server_addrs - return local
krb5_get_credentials, krb5_get_credentials_with_flags, krb5_get_kdc_cred, -
krb5_get_creds, krb5_get_creds_opt_add_options, krb5_get_creds_opt_alloc, -
krb5_get_forwarded_creds, krb5_fwd_tgt_creds - get forwarded credentials
krb5_get_in_tkt, krb5_get_in_cred, krb5_get_in_tkt_with_password, -
krb5_get_krbhst, krb5_get_krb_admin_hst, krb5_get_krb_changepw_hst, -
krb5_getportbyname - get port number by name
krb5_add_et_list, krb5_add_extra_addresses, krb5_add_ignore_addresses, -
krb5_is_thread_safe - is the Kerberos library compiled with multithread
krb5_krbhst_init, krb5_krbhst_init_flags, krb5_krbhst_next, -
krb5_mk_safe, krb5_mk_priv - generates integrity protected and/or
krb5_initlog, krb5_openlog, krb5_closelog, krb5_addlog_dest, -
krb5_get_init_creds, krb5_get_init_creds_keytab, krb5_get_init_creds_opt, -
krb5_pwcheck, kadm5_setup_passwd_quality_check, -
krb5_rcache, krb5_rc_close, krb5_rc_default, krb5_rc_default_name, -
krb5_rd_safe, krb5_rd_priv - verifies authenticity of messages
krb5_copy_host_realm, krb5_free_host_realm, krb5_get_default_realm, -
krb5_change_password, krb5_set_password, krb5_set_password_using_ccache, -
krb5_get_default_principal, krb5_principal, krb5_build_principal, -
krb5_string_to_key, krb5_string_to_key_data, -
krb5_timeofday, krb5_set_real_time, krb5_us_timeofday, krb5_format_time, -
krb5_verify_init_creds_opt_init, -
krb5_verify_user, krb5_verify_user_lrealm, krb5_verify_user_opt, -
Kruskal.cpp - -
Kruskal.h - -
Kruskal - -
k_hasafs, k_hasafs_recheck, k_pioctl, k_unlog, k_setpag, -
a64l, l64a - convert between long and base-64
abs, labs, llabs, imaxabs - compute the absolute value of an integer
A more sophisticated project - This project extends the basic idea of
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
LayoutAlgorithm.h - -
Layout - -
LayoutProperty.h - -
Random.cpp - -
Random.h - -
ber_get_next, ber_skip_tag, ber_peek_tag, ber_scanf, ber_get_int, -
ber_alloc_t, ber_flush, ber_flush2, ber_printf, ber_put_int, -
ber_memalloc, ber_memcalloc, ber_memrealloc, ber_memfree, ber_memvfree -
ber_sockbuf_alloc, ber_sockbuf_free, ber_sockbuf_ctrl, -
ber_int_t, ber_uint_t, ber_len_t, ber_slen_t, ber_tag_t, struct berval, -
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
ldap_abandon_ext - Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
ldap_abandon_ext - Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
ldap_add_ext, ldap_add_ext_s - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_ext, ldap_add_ext_s - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_ext, ldap_add_ext_s - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_ext, ldap_add_ext_s - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_compare, ldap_compare_s, ldap_compare_ext, ldap_compare_ext_s - -
ldap_compare, ldap_compare_s, ldap_compare_ext, ldap_compare_ext_s - -
ldap_compare, ldap_compare_s, ldap_compare_ext, ldap_compare_ext_s - -
ldap_compare, ldap_compare_s, ldap_compare_ext, ldap_compare_ext_s - -
ldap_control_create, ldap_control_find, ldap_control_dup, -
ldap_control_create, ldap_control_find, ldap_control_dup, -
ldap_control_create, ldap_control_find, ldap_control_dup, -
ldap_control_create, ldap_control_find, ldap_control_dup, -
ldap_control_create, ldap_control_find, ldap_control_dup, -
ldap_control_create, ldap_control_find, ldap_control_dup, -
ldap_control_create, ldap_control_find, ldap_control_dup, -
ldap_first_entry, ldap_next_entry, ldap_count_entries - LDAP result
ldap_first_message, ldap_next_message, ldap_count_messages - Stepping
ldap_first_reference, ldap_next_reference, ldap_count_references - -
ldap_get_values, ldap_get_values_len, ldap_count_values - LDAP
ldap_get_values, ldap_get_values_len, ldap_count_values - LDAP
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_delete, ldap_delete_s, ldap_delete_ext, ldap_delete_ext_s - -
ldap_delete, ldap_delete_s, ldap_delete_ext, ldap_delete_ext_s - -
ldap_delete, ldap_delete_s, ldap_delete_ext, ldap_delete_ext_s - -
ldap_delete, ldap_delete_s, ldap_delete_ext, ldap_delete_ext_s - -
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_perror, ld_errno, ldap_result2error, ldap_errlist, ldap_err2string -
ldap_perror, ld_errno, ldap_result2error, ldap_errlist, ldap_err2string -
ldap_perror, ld_errno, ldap_result2error, ldap_errlist, ldap_err2string -
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_extended_operation, ldap_extended_operation_s - Extends the LDAP
ldap_extended_operation, ldap_extended_operation_s - Extends the LDAP
ldap_first_attribute, ldap_next_attribute - step through LDAP entry
ldap_first_entry, ldap_next_entry, ldap_count_entries - LDAP result
ldap_first_message, ldap_next_message, ldap_count_messages - Stepping
ldap_first_reference, ldap_next_reference, ldap_count_references - -
ldap_is_ldap_url, ldap_url_parse, ldap_free_urldesc - LDAP Uniform
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_get_option, ldap_set_option - LDAP option handling routines
ldap_get_values, ldap_get_values_len, ldap_count_values - LDAP
ldap_get_values, ldap_get_values_len, ldap_count_values - LDAP
ldap - OpenLDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol API
ldap_init, ldap_initialize, ldap_open - Initialize the LDAP library and
ldap_init, ldap_initialize, ldap_open - Initialize the LDAP library and
ldap_start_tls, ldap_start_tls_s, ldap_tls_inplace, ldap_install_tls - -
ldap_is_ldap_url, ldap_url_parse, ldap_free_urldesc - LDAP Uniform
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_memfree, ldap_memvfree, ldap_memalloc, ldap_memcalloc, -
ldap_memfree, ldap_memvfree, ldap_memalloc, ldap_memcalloc, -
ldap_memfree, ldap_memvfree, ldap_memalloc, ldap_memcalloc, -
ldap_memfree, ldap_memvfree, ldap_memalloc, ldap_memcalloc, -
ldap_memfree, ldap_memvfree, ldap_memalloc, ldap_memcalloc, -
ldap_memfree, ldap_memvfree, ldap_memalloc, ldap_memcalloc, -
ldap_modify_ext, ldap_modify_ext_s - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_ext, ldap_modify_ext_s - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_ext, ldap_modify_ext_s - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_ext, ldap_modify_ext_s - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modrdn, ldap_modrdn_s, ldap_modrdn2, ldap_modrdn2_s - Perform an
ldap_modrdn, ldap_modrdn_s, ldap_modrdn2, ldap_modrdn2_s - Perform an
ldap_modrdn, ldap_modrdn_s, ldap_modrdn2, ldap_modrdn2_s - Perform an
ldap_modrdn, ldap_modrdn_s, ldap_modrdn2, ldap_modrdn2_s - Perform an
ldap_modify_ext, ldap_modify_ext_s - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_result - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_result - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_result - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_first_attribute, ldap_next_attribute - step through LDAP entry
ldap_first_entry, ldap_next_entry, ldap_count_entries - LDAP result
ldap_first_message, ldap_next_message, ldap_count_messages - Stepping
ldap_first_reference, ldap_next_reference, ldap_count_references - -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_init, ldap_initialize, ldap_open - Initialize the LDAP library and
ldap_parse_result - Parsing results
ldap_parse_reference - Extract referrals and controls from a reference
ldap_parse_result - Parsing results
ldap_parse_result - Parsing results
ldap_parse_sort_control - Decode the information returned from a search
ldap_parse_vlv_control - Decode the information returned from a search
ldap_perror, ld_errno, ldap_result2error, ldap_errlist, ldap_err2string -
ldap_rename, ldap_rename_s - Renames the specified entry.
ldap_rename, ldap_rename_s - Renames the specified entry.
ldap_perror, ld_errno, ldap_result2error, ldap_errlist, ldap_err2string -
ldap_result - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_search, ldap_search_s, ldap_search_st, ldap_search_ext, -
ldap_search, ldap_search_s, ldap_search_st, ldap_search_ext, -
ldap_search, ldap_search_s, ldap_search_st, ldap_search_ext, -
ldap_search, ldap_search_s, ldap_search_st, ldap_search_ext, -
ldap_search, ldap_search_s, ldap_search_st, ldap_search_ext, -
ldap_get_option, ldap_set_option - LDAP option handling routines
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_sort_entries, ldap_sort_values, ldap_sort_strcasecmp - LDAP
ldap_sort_entries, ldap_sort_values, ldap_sort_strcasecmp - LDAP
ldap_sort_entries, ldap_sort_values, ldap_sort_strcasecmp - LDAP
ldap_sort_entries, ldap_sort_values, ldap_sort_strcasecmp - LDAP
ldap_start_tls, ldap_start_tls_s, ldap_tls_inplace, ldap_install_tls - -
ldap_start_tls, ldap_start_tls_s, ldap_tls_inplace, ldap_install_tls - -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_get_dn, ldap_explode_dn, ldap_explode_rdn, ldap_dn2ufn - LDAP DN
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_memfree, ldap_memvfree, ldap_memalloc, ldap_memcalloc, -
ldap_sync_init, ldap_sync_init_refresh_only, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_str2syntax, ldap_syntax2str, ldap_syntax2name, ldap_syntax_free, -
ldap_start_tls, ldap_start_tls_s, ldap_tls_inplace, ldap_install_tls - -
ldap_start_tls, ldap_start_tls_s, ldap_tls_inplace, ldap_install_tls - -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_bind, ldap_bind_s, ldap_simple_bind, ldap_simple_bind_s, -
ldap_is_ldap_url, ldap_url_parse, ldap_free_urldesc - LDAP Uniform
ldap_is_ldap_url, ldap_url_parse, ldap_free_urldesc - LDAP Uniform
ldap_get_values, ldap_get_values_len, ldap_count_values - LDAP
ldap_get_values, ldap_get_values_len, ldap_count_values - LDAP
ldb - A light-weight database library
ldap_perror, ld_errno, ldap_result2error, ldap_errlist, ldap_err2string -
ldexp, ldexpf, ldexpl - multiply floating-point number by integral
ldexp, ldexpf, ldexpl - multiply floating-point number by integral
ldexp, ldexpf, ldexpl - multiply floating-point number by integral
div, ldiv, lldiv, imaxdiv - compute quotient and remainder of an
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_remaining_at, ldns_buffer_remaining, -
ldns_buffer_remaining_at, ldns_buffer_remaining, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_new, ldns_buffer_new_frm_data, ldns_buffer_clear, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_new, ldns_buffer_new_frm_data, ldns_buffer_clear, -
ldns_buffer_flip, ldns_buffer_rewind, ldns_buffer_position, -
ldns_buffer_new, ldns_buffer_new_frm_data, ldns_buffer_clear, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_new, ldns_buffer_new_frm_data, ldns_buffer_clear, -
ldns_buffer_new, ldns_buffer_new_frm_data, ldns_buffer_clear, -
ldns_buffer_flip, ldns_buffer_rewind, ldns_buffer_position, -
ldns_buffer_new, ldns_buffer_new_frm_data, ldns_buffer_clear, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_remaining_at, ldns_buffer_remaining, -
ldns_buffer_remaining_at, ldns_buffer_remaining, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_flip, ldns_buffer_rewind, ldns_buffer_position, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_limit, ldns_buffer_set_limit, ldns_buffer_capacity, -
ldns_buffer_flip, ldns_buffer_rewind, ldns_buffer_position, -
ldns_buffer_flip, ldns_buffer_rewind, ldns_buffer_position, -
ldns_buffer_remaining_at, ldns_buffer_remaining, -
ldns_buffer_remaining_at, ldns_buffer_remaining, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write_at, ldns_buffer_write, -
ldns_verify_rrsig_dsa, ldns_verify_rrsig_rsasha1, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain_new, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_free, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain_new, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_free, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain_new, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_free, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_struct, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain_new, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_free, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain_new, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_free, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_struct, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_zone, ldns_dnssec_name, ldns_dnssec_rrs, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_sign, ldns_dnssec_zone_sign_nsec3, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_name_new, ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_sign, ldns_dnssec_zone_sign_nsec3, -
ldns_dnssec_rrs_new, ldns_dnssec_rrs_free, ldns_dnssec_rrs_add_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_rrsets_new, ldns_dnssec_rrsets_free, -
ldns_dnssec_rrsets_new, ldns_dnssec_rrsets_free, -
ldns_dnssec_zone, ldns_dnssec_name, ldns_dnssec_rrs, -
ldns_dnssec_rrsets_new, ldns_dnssec_rrsets_free, -
ldns_dnssec_rrsets_new, ldns_dnssec_rrsets_free, -
ldns_dnssec_rrsets_new, ldns_dnssec_rrsets_free, -
ldns_dnssec_rrsets_new, ldns_dnssec_rrsets_free, -
ldns_dnssec_rrs_new, ldns_dnssec_rrs_free, ldns_dnssec_rrs_add_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_zone, ldns_dnssec_name, ldns_dnssec_rrs, -
ldns_dnssec_rrs_new, ldns_dnssec_rrs_free, ldns_dnssec_rrs_add_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_rrs_new, ldns_dnssec_rrs_free, ldns_dnssec_rrs_add_rr, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_data_chain, ldns_dnssec_data_chain_struct, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_new, ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset, ldns_dnssec_zone_new, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset, ldns_dnssec_zone_new, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_sign, ldns_dnssec_zone_sign_nsec3, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_sign, ldns_dnssec_zone_sign_nsec3, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset, ldns_dnssec_zone_new, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset, ldns_dnssec_zone_new, -
ldns_dnssec_zone, ldns_dnssec_name, ldns_dnssec_rrs, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_sign, ldns_dnssec_zone_sign_nsec3, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset, ldns_dnssec_zone_new, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset, ldns_dnssec_zone_new, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset, ldns_dnssec_zone_new, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_sign, ldns_dnssec_zone_sign_nsec3, -
ldns_dnssec_zone_sign, ldns_dnssec_zone_sign_nsec3, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_rr2str, ldns_pkt2str, ldns_rdf2str, ldns_rr_list2str, -
ldns_key_rsa_key, ldns_key_dsa_key, ldns_key_algorithm, -
ldns_key_rsa_key, ldns_key_dsa_key, ldns_key_algorithm, -
ldns_key_origttl, ldns_key_inception, ldns_key_expiration, -
ldns_key_origttl, ldns_key_inception, ldns_key_expiration, -
ldns_key_rsa_key, ldns_key_dsa_key, ldns_key_algorithm, -
ldns_key_origttl, ldns_key_inception, ldns_key_expiration, -
ldns_key_origttl, ldns_key_inception, ldns_key_expiration, -
ldns_key_list_key_count, ldns_key_list_key, ldns_key_rsa_key, -
ldns_key_list_key_count, ldns_key_list_key, ldns_key_rsa_key, -
ldns_key_list_key_count, ldns_key_list_key, ldns_key_rsa_key, -
ldns_key_list_key_count, ldns_key_list_key, ldns_key_rsa_key, -
ldns_key_list_key_count, ldns_key_list_key, ldns_key_rsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_origttl, ldns_key_inception, ldns_key_expiration, -
ldns_key_origttl, ldns_key_inception, ldns_key_expiration, -
ldns_key_rsa_key, ldns_key_dsa_key, ldns_key_algorithm, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_key_set_algorithm, ldns_key_set_rsa_key, ldns_key_set_dsa_key, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_rr2str, ldns_pkt2str, ldns_rdf2str, ldns_rr_list2str, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_new, ldns_pkt_free, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_pkt_query_new, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_new, ldns_pkt_free, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_pkt_query_new, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_new, ldns_pkt_free, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_pkt_query_new, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_new, ldns_pkt_free, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_pkt_query_new, -
ldns_pkt_new, ldns_pkt_free, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_pkt_query_new, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_new, ldns_pkt_free, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_pkt_query_new, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_edns, ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size, ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_set_flags, ldns_pkt_set_id, ldns_pkt_set_qr, ldns_pkt_set_aa, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_pkt_id, ldns_pkt_qr, ldns_pkt_aa, ldns_pkt_tc, ldns_pkt_rd, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_rdf2buffer_str_a, ldns_rdf2buffer_str_aaaa, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_native2rdf_int8, ldns_native2rdf_int16, ldns_native2rdf_int32, -
ldns_rr2str, ldns_pkt2str, ldns_rdf2str, ldns_rr_list2str, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rdf_new, ldns_rdf_clone, ldns_rdf_new_frm_data, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_rr2str, ldns_pkt2str, ldns_rdf2str, ldns_rr_list2str, -
ldns_rr_descriptor, ldns_rr_descript, ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum, -
ldns_rr_descriptor, ldns_rr_descript, ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum, -
ldns_rr_descriptor, ldns_rr_descript, ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum, -
ldns_rr_descriptor, ldns_rr_descript, ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum, -
ldns_rr_descriptor, ldns_rr_descript, ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_dnskey_flags, ldns_rr_dnskey_set_flags, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_rr_rdf, ldns_rr_owner, ldns_rr_rd_count, ldns_rr_ttl, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_rr2str, ldns_pkt2str, ldns_rdf2str, ldns_rr_list2str, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_rr_rdf, ldns_rr_owner, ldns_rr_rd_count, ldns_rr_ttl, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_rr_rdf, ldns_rr_owner, ldns_rr_rd_count, ldns_rr_ttl, -
ldns_rr_rdf, ldns_rr_owner, ldns_rr_rd_count, ldns_rr_ttl, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_rrsig_typecovered, ldns_rr_rrsig_set_typecovered, -
ldns_rr_set_owner, ldns_rr_set_ttl, ldns_rr_set_type, -
ldns_rr_set_owner, ldns_rr_set_ttl, ldns_rr_set_type, -
ldns_rr_set_owner, ldns_rr_set_ttl, ldns_rr_set_type, -
ldns_rr_set_owner, ldns_rr_set_ttl, ldns_rr_set_type, -
ldns_rr_set_owner, ldns_rr_set_ttl, ldns_rr_set_type, -
ldns_rr_set_owner, ldns_rr_set_ttl, ldns_rr_set_type, -
ldns_pkt2buffer_str, ldns_pktheader2buffer_str, ldns_rr2buffer_str, -
ldns_rr_rdf, ldns_rr_owner, ldns_rr_rd_count, ldns_rr_ttl, -
ldns_sign_public_dsa, ldns_sign_public_rsamd5, -
ldns_sign_public_dsa, ldns_sign_public_rsamd5, -
ldns_sign_public_dsa, ldns_sign_public_rsamd5, -
ldns_update_zocount, ldns_update_prcount, ldns_update_upcount, -
ldns_update_zocount, ldns_update_prcount, ldns_update_upcount, -
ldns_update_set_zocount, ldns_update_set_prcount, -
ldns_update_set_zocount, ldns_update_set_prcount, -
ldns_update_set_zocount, ldns_update_set_prcount, -
ldns_update_set_zocount, ldns_update_set_prcount, -
ldns_update_zocount, ldns_update_prcount, ldns_update_upcount, -
ldns_update_zocount, ldns_update_prcount, ldns_update_upcount, -
ldns_verify, ldns_verify_rrsig, ldns_verify_rrsig_keylist, -
ldns_verify, ldns_verify_rrsig, ldns_verify_rrsig_keylist, -
ldns_verify_rrsig_dsa, ldns_verify_rrsig_rsasha1, -
ldns_verify, ldns_verify_rrsig, ldns_verify_rrsig_keylist, -
ldns_verify, ldns_verify_rrsig, ldns_verify_rrsig_keylist, -
ldns_verify, ldns_verify_rrsig, ldns_verify_rrsig_keylist, -
ldns_verify_rrsig_dsa, ldns_verify_rrsig_rsasha1, -
ldns_verify_rrsig_dsa, ldns_verify_rrsig_rsasha1, -
ldns_zone_new, ldns_zone_deep_free, ldns_zone_new_frm_fp, -
ldns_zone_new, ldns_zone_deep_free, ldns_zone_new_frm_fp, -
ldns_zone_new, ldns_zone_deep_free, ldns_zone_new_frm_fp, -
ldns_zone_new, ldns_zone_deep_free, ldns_zone_new_frm_fp, -
ldns_rr_print, ldns_rdf_print, ldns_pkt_print, ldns_rr_list_print, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, -
LeafMetric.cpp - -
LeafMetric.h - -
LeafMetric - -
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
leptonica - image processing library
LessThanEdge - -
LessThan - -
LessThanNode2 - -
_Xm* - LessTif Internal Functions
lfc2 - New python interface to the LFC client API
lfc_aborttrans - abort a transaction
lfc_access - check existence/accessibility of a file/directory
lfc_accessr - check existence/accessibility of a file replica
lfc_addreplica - add a replica for a given file
lfc_addreplica - add a replica for a given file
lfc_chdir - change LFC current directory used by the name server
lfc_chmod - change access mode of a LFC directory/file in the name
lfc_chown - change owner and group of a LFC directory/file in the name
lfc_closedir - close LFC directory opened by lfc_opendir in the name
lfc_creatg - create a new LFC file with the specified GUID or reset it
lfc_delcomment - delete the comment associated with a LFC
lfc_delete - logically delete a LFC file entry in the name server
lfc_delfilesbyguid - delete the file entries corresponding to a list of
lfc_delfilesbyname - delete the file entries corresponding to a list of
lfc_delfilesbypattern - delete the file entries selected by pattern
lfc_delreplica - delete a replica for a given file
lfc_delreplicasbysfn - delete entries associated with a list of sfns
lfc_delreplicas - delete replica entries associated with a list of
lfc_endsess - end session
lfc_endtrans - end transaction mode
lfc_entergrpmap - define a new group entry in Virtual Id table
lfc_enterusrmap - define a new user entry in Virtual Id table
lfc_getacl - get LFC directory/file access control lists
lfc_getcomment - get the comment associated with a LFC file/directory
lfc_getcwd - get LFC current directory used by the name server
lfc_getgrpbygid - get group name associated with a given virtual gid
lfc_getgrpbygids - get group names associated with given virtual gids
lfc_getgrpbynam - get virtual gid associated with a given group name
lfc_getgrpmap - get all existing groups from virtual gid table
lfc_getidmap - get virtual uid/gid(s) associated with a given
lfc_getifcevers - get name server client version number
lfc_getlinks - get the link entries associated with a given file
lfc_getreplica - get the replica entries associated with a LFC file in
lfc_getreplicas - get the replica entries associated with a list of
lfc_getreplicasl - get the replica entries associated with a list of
lfc_getreplicass - get the replica entries associated with a list of
lfc_getreplicax - get the replica entries associated with a LFC file in
lfc_getusrbynam - get virtual uid associated with a given user name
lfc_getusrbyuid - get user name associated with a given virtual uid
lfc_getusrmap - get all existing users from virtual uid table
lfc_chown - change owner and group of a LFC directory/file in the name
lfc_listlinks - list link entries for a given file
lfc_listrep4gc - list replica entries that can be garbage collected
lfc_listreplica - list replica entries for a given file
lfc_listreplicax - list replica entries for a given
lfc_listrepset - list replica entries that belong to a given set
lfc_stat - get information about a LFC file or directory in the name
lfc_mkdirg - create a new LFC directory in the name server with the
lfc_mkdir - create a new LFC directory in the name server
lfc_modifygrpmap - modify group entry corresponding to a given virtual
lfc_modifyusrmap - modify user entry corresponding to a given virtual
lfc_modreplica - modify information about a given replica
lfc_modreplica - modify information about a given replica
lfc_opendirg - open a LFC directory, having the specified GUID, in the
lfc_opendirg - open a LFC directory, having the specified GUID, in the
lfc - Perl interface to the LFC
lfc_ping - check if name server is alive and return its version number
lfc - Python interface to the LFC
lfc_readdirc - read LFC directory opened by lfc_opendir in the name
lfc_readdirg - read LFC directory opened by lfc_opendir in the name
lfc_readdir - read LFC directory opened by lfc_opendir in the name
lfc_readdirxc - read LFC directory opened by lfc_opendir in the name
lfc_readdirxp - read LFC directory opened by lfc_opendir in the name
lfc_readdirxr - read LFC directory opened by lfc_opendir in the name
lfc_readlink - read value of a symbolic link in the LFC Name Server
lfc_registerfiles - register list of files with their corresponding
lfc_rename - rename a LFC file or directory in the name server
lfc_rewinddir - reset position to the beginning of a LFC directory
lfc_rmdir - remove a LFC directory in the name server
lfc_rmgrpmap - suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual
lfc_rmusrmap - suppress user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid
lfc_setacl - set LFC directory/file access control lists
lfc_setatime - set last access time for a regular file to the current
lfc_setcomment - add/replace a comment associated with a LFC
lfc_seterrbuf - set receiving buffer for error messages
lfc_setfsize - set filesize for a regular file; set also last
lfc_setfsizeg - set filesize for a regular file having the given GUID;
lfc_setfsize - set filesize for a regular file; set also last
lfc_setptime - set replica pin time
lfc_setratime - set replica last access (read) date
lfc_setrltime - set replica lifetime
lfc_setrstatus - set replica status
lfc_setrtype - set replica type
lfc_startsess - start session
lfc_starttrans - start transaction mode
lfc_statg - get information about a LFC file or directory in the name
lfc_stat - get information about a LFC file or directory in the name
lfc_statg - get information about a LFC file or directory in the name
lfc_symlink - make a symbolic link to a file or a directory in the LFC
lfc_umask - set and get LFC file creation mask used by the name server
lfc_undelete - recover a logically deleted LFC file entry in the name
lfc_unlink - remove a LFC file entry in the name server
lfc_utime - set last access and modification times
lfind, lsearch - linear search of an array
lgamma, lgammaf, lgammal, lgamma_r, lgammaf_r, lgammal_r, signgam - log
lgamma, lgammaf, lgammal, lgamma_r, lgammaf_r, lgammal_r, signgam - log
lgamma, lgammaf, lgammal, lgamma_r, lgammaf_r, lgammal_r, signgam - log
lgamma, lgammaf, lgammal, lgamma_r, lgammaf_r, lgammal_r, signgam - log
lgamma, lgammaf, lgammal, lgamma_r, lgammaf_r, lgammal_r, signgam - log
lgamma, lgammaf, lgammal, lgamma_r, lgammaf_r, lgammal_r, signgam - log
getfilecon, fgetfilecon, lgetfilecon - get SELinux security context of
L - generate logging messages in C and C++.
libacpi - general purpose library for ACPI
libarchive - functions for reading and writing streaming archives
libarchive_internals - description of libarchive internal interfaces
libast-config - libast build information script
libatomic-malloc - Library providing simple almost-lock-free malloc
libatomic-ops - Library providing user level atomic operations
libatomic-stack - Library providing linked stack abstraction
libauth - routines for writing nnrpd resolvers and authenticators
bitmask, bitmask_alloc, bitmask_free, bitmask_displayhex, -
libblkid - block device identification library
cap_clear, cap_clear_flag, cap_compare, cap_copy_ext, cap_copy_int, -
CGI manipulation - -
Cookies - -
General purpose - -
Session Handling - -
Strings - -
cpuset, cpuset_version, cpuset_pin, cpuset_size, cpuset_where, -
libcurl-easy - easy interface overview
libcurl-errors - error codes in libcurl
libcurl - client-side URL transfers
libcurl-multi - how to use the multi interface
libcurl-share - how to use the share interface
libcurl-tutorial - libcurl programming tutorial
libdieharder - A testing and benchmarking library for random number
libdlm - dlm_get_fd, dlm_dispatch, dlm_pthread_init,
libdmtx - Data Matrix Encoding yyyyyamp; Decoding Library 0.7.2
libdnet - DECnet database functions library
libdoodle - multi-suffix tree based file search library 0.5.5
libdspam, dspam_init, dspam_create, dspam_addattribute, dspam_attach, -
efence - Electric Fence Malloc Debugger
libewf.h - Library to read from and write to the Expert Witness
The eXtented eXosip stack - libeXosip2 Version 3.3.0
libexpect - programmed dialogue library with interactive programs
libexslt - extension library for XSLT
libextractor - meta-information extraction library 0.5.11
libfirestring - library for safe, fast string handling
libfiu - Fault injection in userspace
libfreeipmi - FreeIPMI library
libg15render - Render text and graphics to a buffer usable by libg15(3)
libgenders - a library of functions to parse and retrieve genders data
libgphoto2 - cross-platform digital camera library
libgphoto2_port - cross-platform port access library
libgps - C service library for communicating with the GPS daemon
libgpsmm - C++ class wrapper for the GPS daemon
libguestlib - vmware shared library
libhandoff - handoff library for GPE calendar.
libieee1284 - IEEE1284 communications library
his - routines for managing INN history
libinn - InterNetNews library routines
libipmiconsole - IPMI SOL library
libipmidetect - a library of functions to determine if a node is
libipmimonitoring - a library for IPMI sensor monitoring
libipq - iptables userspace packet queuing library.
lockdev, liblockdev, dev_testlock, dev_lock, dev_relock, dev_unlock - -
liblv2dynparamhost1-1 - LV2 plugin interface extension
liblv2dynparamplugin1-0 - LV2 plugin interface extension
magic_open, magic_close, magic_error, magic_file, magic_buffer, -
libmapiadmin/libmapiadmin.h - -
libmcrypt - encryption/decryption library
libmemcached_examples - Examples for libmemcached
libmemcached - Client library for memcached
libmemcachedutil - Utility library for libmemcached
libmicrohttpd - library for embedding HTTP servers
libmng - Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) Reference Library 1.0.9
libnet-functions.h - libnet exported function prototypes
libnet.h - toplevel libnet header file
libnetlink - A library for accessing the netlink service
libnet-macros.h - libnet macros and symbolic constants
libnids - network intrusion detection system E-box library
libnuclient - NUFW client authentication library
liboping - Library to send ICMPv4/ICMPv6 echo packets to multiple hosts
libpbm - functions to read and write PBM image files
libpfm_core - support for Intel Core processor family
libpfm - a helper library to program the hardware performance counters
libpfm_itanium2 - support for Itanium2 specific PMU features
libpfm_itanium - support for Itanium specific PMU features
libpfm_montecito - support for Itanium 2 9000 (Montecito) processor
libpfm_i386_p6 - support for Intel P6 processor family
libpfm_i386_p6 - support for AMD X86-64 processor family
libpgm - functions to support portable graymap (PGM) programs
Libploticus - C language API library for ploticus
libpng - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Reference Library 1.2.44
libpnm - functions to support pnm and pam programs
libppl_c - the C interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
libppl - the C++ interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
libppm - functions to support portable pixmap (PPM) programs
libprinterconf - A C library of routines for autodetecting printers in
puzzle_init_cvec, puzzle_init_dvec, puzzle_fill_dvec_from_file, -
libraptor - Raptor RDF parser and serializer library
libraries - Coin use of 3rd party libraries. Coin may use a wide
library - .TH "library" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-libc"
librasqal - Rasqal RDF query library
librrd - RRD library functions
librsync - library for delta compression of streams
libsensors - publicly accessible functions provided by the sensors
LibSerial - -
LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf - -
LibSerial::SerialStream - -
libsmi - library to access SMI management information
snmpkit - SNMP communication library
libsox - SoX, an audio file-format and effect library
libsp - Spread Group Communication Client Library
libssh2_agent_connect - connect to an ssh-agent
libssh2_agent_disconnect - close a connection to an ssh-agent
libssh2_agent_free - free an ssh-agent handle
libssh2_agent_get_identity - get a public key off the collection of
libssh2_agent_init - init an ssh-agent handle
libssh2_agent_list_identities - request an ssh-agent to list of public
libssh2_agent_userauth - authenticate a session with a public key, with
libssh2_banner_set - set the SSH prococol banner for the local client
libssh2_base64_decode - decode a base64 encoded string
libssh2_channel_close - close a channel
libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex - Tunnel a TCP connection through an
libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_eof - check a channel’s EOF status
libssh2_channel_exec - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_flush_ex - flush a channel
libssh2_channel_flush - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_flush_stderr - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_forward_accept - accept a queued connection
libssh2_channel_forward_cancel - cancel a forwarded TCP port
libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex - listen to inbound connections
libssh2_channel_forward_listen - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_free - free all resources associated with a channel
libssh2_channel_get_exit_status - get the remote exit code
libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2 - set extended data handling mode
libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data - set extended data handling mode
libssh2_channel_ignore_extended_data - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_open_ex - establish a generic session channel
libssh2_channel_open_session - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_process_startup - request a shell on a channel
libssh2_channel_read_ex - read data from a channel stream
libssh2_channel_read - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_read_ex(3)
libssh2_channel_read_stderr - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2 - adjust the channel window
libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust - adjust the channel window
libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex - short function description
libssh2_channel_request_pty - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex - TODO
libssh2_channel_request_pty_size - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_send_eof - send EOF to remote server
libssh2_channel_set_blocking - set or clear blocking mode on channel
libssh2_channel_setenv_ex - set an environment variable on the channel
libssh2_channel_setenv - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_shell - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_subsystem - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_wait_closed - wait for the remote to close the channel
libssh2_channel_wait_eof - wait for the remote to reply to an EOF
libssh2_channel_window_read_ex - Check the status of the read window
libssh2_channel_window_read - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_window_write_ex - Check the status of the write window
libssh2_channel_window_write - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_write_ex - write data to a channel stream blocking
libssh2_channel_write - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_write_stderr - convenience macro for
libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex - request an X11 forwarding channel
libssh2_channel_x11_req - convenience macro for
libssh2_exit - global library deinitialization
libssh2_free_host_entry - TODO
libssh2_host_entry_match - TODO
libssh2_hostkey_hash - return a hash of the remote host’s key
libssh2_init - global library initialization
libssh2_knownhost_add - add a known host
libssh2_knownhost_add - add a known host
libssh2_knownhost_check - check a host+key against the list of known
libssh2_knownhost_checkp - check a host+key against the list of known
libssh2_knownhost_del - delete a known host entry
libssh2_knownhost_free - free a collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_get - get a known host off the collection of known
libssh2_knownhost_init - init a collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_readfile - parse a file of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_readline - read a known host line
libssh2_knownhost_writefile - write a collection of known hosts to a
libssh2_knownhost_writeline - convert a known host to a line for
libssh2_new_host_entry - TODO
libssh2_poll_channel_read - check if data is available
libssh2_poll - poll for activity on a socket, channel or listener
libssh2_publickey_add_ex - TODO
libssh2_publickey_add - convenience macro for
libssh2_publickey_init - TODO
libssh2_publickey_list_fetch - TODO
libssh2_publickey_list_free - TODO
libssh2_publickey_list_remove_ex - TODO
libssh2_publickey_remove - convenience macro for
libssh2_publickey_shutdown - TODO
libssh2_scp_recv - request a remote file via SCP
libssh2_scp_send64 - Send a file via SCP
libssh2_scp_send_ex - Send a file via SCP
libssh2_scp_send - convenience macro for libssh2_scp_send_ex(3) calls
libssh2_session_abstract - return a pointer to a session’s abstract
libssh2_session_block_directions - get directions that socket should
libssh2_session_callback_set - set a callback function
libssh2_session_disconnect_ex - terminate transport layer
libssh2_session_disconnect - convenience macro for
libssh2_session_flag - TODO
libssh2_session_free - frees resources associated with a session
libssh2_session_get_blocking - TODO
libssh2_session_hostkey - get the remote key
libssh2_session_init_ex - initializes an SSH session object
libssh2_session_init - convenience macro for libssh2_session_init_ex(3)
libssh2_session_last_errno - get the most recent error number
libssh2_session_last_error - get the most recent error
libssh2_session_method_pref - set preferred key exchange method
libssh2_session_methods - return the currently active algorithms
libssh2_session_set_blocking - set or clear blocking mode on session
libssh2_session_startup - begin transport layer
libssh2_sftp_closedir - convenience macro for
libssh2_sftp_close_handle - close filehandle
libssh2_sftp_close - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_close_handle(3)
libssh2_sftp_fsetstat - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex - get or set attributes on an SFTP file handle
libssh2_sftp_fstat - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_statvfs, libssh2_sftp_fstatvfs - get file system
libssh2_sftp_init - open SFTP channel for the given SSH session.
libssh2_sftp_last_error - return the last SFTP-specific error code
libssh2_sftp_lstat - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_stat_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex - create a directory on the remote file system
libssh2_sftp_mkdir - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_opendir - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_open_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_open - open filehandle for file on SFTP.
libssh2_sftp_open - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_open_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_readdir_ex - read directory data from an SFTP handle
libssh2_sftp_readdir - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_readdir_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_read - read data from an SFTP handle
libssh2_sftp_readlink - convenience macro for
libssh2_sftp_realpath - convenience macro for
libssh2_sftp_rename_ex - rename an SFTP file
libssh2_sftp_rename - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_rename_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_rewind - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_seek64(3)
libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex - remove an SFTP directory
libssh2_sftp_rmdir - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_seek - set the read/write position indicator within a file
libssh2_sftp_setstat - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_stat_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_shutdown - shut down an SFTP session
libssh2_sftp_stat_ex - get status about an SFTP file
libssh2_sftp_stat - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_statvfs, libssh2_sftp_fstatvfs - get file system
libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex - read or set a symbolic link
libssh2_sftp_symlink - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_tell64 - get the current read/write position indicator for
libssh2_sftp_tell - get the current read/write position indicator for a
libssh2_sftp_unlink_ex - unlink an SFTP file
libssh2_sftp_unlink - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_unlink_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_write - write SFTP data
libssh2_trace - enable debug info from inside libssh2
libssh2_trace_sethandler - set a trace output handler
libssh2_userauth_authenticated - return authentication status
libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex - TODO
libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile - convenience macro for
libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex - authenticate a session using
libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive - convenience macro for
libssh2_userauth_list - list the authentication methods supported by a
libssh2_userauth_password_ex - authenticate a session with username and
libssh2_userauth_password - convenience macro for
libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile - authenticate a session with a
libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile - convenience macro for
libssh2_version - return the libssh2 version number
libstorage - InterNetNews Storage API library routines
libtar_hash_new, libtar_hash_free, libtar_hash_next, libtar_hash_prev, -
libtar_list_new, libtar_list_free, libtar_list_next, libtar_list_prev, -
libtasn1_perror - API function
libtasn1_strerror - API function
libtomcrypt - public domain open source crypthographic toolkit
libunbound, unbound.h, ub_ctx, ub_result, ub_callback_t, ub_ctx_create, -
libunwind-dynamic -- libunwind-support for runtime-generated code -
libunwind -- a (mostly) platform-independent unwind API -
libunwind-ia64 -- IA-64-specific support in libunwind -
libunwind-ptrace -- ptrace() support in libunwind -
libunwind-setjmp -- libunwind-based non-local gotos -
libvmtools - vmware shared library
libwulf - xmlsysd client library
libxml - library used to parse XML files
libxslt - library used to do XSL transformations on XML documents
libzip - library for manipulating zip archives
vpSetLight - set lighting properties
vpIdentity3, vpIdentity4, vpNormalize3, vpMatrixVectorMult4, -
leptonica - image processing library
lio_listio64 - List directed I/O
lio_listio - List directed I/O
list - list routines
abs, labs, llabs, imaxabs - compute the absolute value of an integer
div, ldiv, lldiv, imaxdiv - compute quotient and remainder of an
lrint, lrintf, lrintl, llrint, llrintf, llrintl - round to nearest
lrint, lrintf, lrintl, llrint, llrintf, llrintl - round to nearest
lrint, lrintf, lrintl, llrint, llrintf, llrintl - round to nearest
lround, lroundf, lroundl, llround, llroundf, llroundl - round to
lround, lroundf, lroundl, llround, llroundf, llroundl - round to
lround, lroundf, lroundl, llround, llroundf, llroundl - round to
lmbench - benchmarking toolbox
lmder_, lmder1_ - minimize the sum of squares of m nonlinear functions,
lmder_, lmder1_ - minimize the sum of squares of m nonlinear functions,
lmdif_, lmdif1_ - minimize the sum of squares of m nonlinear functions
lmdif_, lmdif1_ - minimize the sum of squares of m nonlinear functions
lmstr_, lmstr1_ - minimize the sum of squares of m nonlinear functions,
lmstr_, lmstr1_ - minimize the sum of squares of m nonlinear functions,
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
vpLoadRawVolume, vpLoadMinMaxOctree, vpLoadClassifiedVolume, -
localeconv - get numeric formatting information
Locale::Po4a::BibTeX - Convert BibTeX documents from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Chooser - Manage po4a modules
Locale::Po4a::Common - Common parts of the po4a scripts and utils
Locale::Po4a::Debconf - Convert debconf templates from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Dia - Convert uncompressed Dia diagrams from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Docbook - Convert Docbook XML documents from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Guide - Convert Guide XML documents from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Halibut - Convert Halibut documents and derivates from/to
Locale::Po4a::Html - Convert html documents from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Ini - Convert ini files from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::KernelHelp - Convert kernel configuration help from/to PO
Locale::Po4a::LaTeX - Convert LaTeX documents and derivates from/to PO
Locale::Po4a::Man - Convert manual pages from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::NewsDebian - Convert NEWS.Debian documents from/to PO
Locale::Po4a::Pod - Convert POD data from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Po - po file manipulation module
Locale::Po4a::Sgml - Convert sgml documents from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::TeX - Convert TeX documents and derivates from/to PO
Locale::Po4a::Texinfo - Convert Texinfo documents and derivates from/to
Locale::Po4a::Text - Convert text documents from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::TransTractor - Generic trans(lator ex)tractor.
Locale::Po4a::Wml - Convert wml (web markup language) documents from/to
Locale::Po4a::Xhtml - Convert Xhtml documents from/to PO files
Locale::Po4a::Xml - Convert XML documents and derivates from/to PO
LocalHSOSContribution - -
LocalHSOSEnergyContribution - -
LocalHSOSGradContribution - -
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
lockdev, liblockdev, dev_testlock, dev_lock, dev_relock, dev_unlock - -
lockf - apply, test or remove a POSIX lock on an open file
lockfile_create, lockfile_remove, lockfile_touch, lockfile_check - -
lockfile_create, lockfile_remove, lockfile_touch, lockfile_check - -
lockfile_create, lockfile_remove, lockfile_touch, lockfile_check - -
lockfile_create, lockfile_remove, lockfile_touch, lockfile_check - -
locks - libbash library that implements locking (directory based).
log10, log10f, log10l - base-10 logarithmic function
log10, log10f, log10l - base-10 logarithmic function
log10, log10f, log10l - base-10 logarithmic function
log1p, log1pf, log1pl - logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1p, log1pf, log1pl - logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1p, log1pf, log1pl - logarithm of 1 plus argument
log2, log2f, log2l - base-2 logarithmic function
log2, log2f, log2l - base-2 logarithmic function
log2, log2f, log2l - base-2 logarithmic function
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
log4c_appender_type - log4c appender type class
appender_type_mmap.h - Log4c mmap(2) appender interface.
appender_type_mmap.h - Log4c mmap(2) appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender.h - Implement this interface for your own strategies for
appender_type_stream2.h - Log4c stream2 appender interface.
appender_type_stream2.h - Log4c stream2 appender interface.
appender_type_stream.h - Log4c stream appender interface.
appender_type_stream.h - Log4c stream appender interface.
appender_type_syslog.h - Log4c syslog(3) appender interface.
appender_type_syslog.h - Log4c syslog(3) appender interface.
buffer.h - log4c buffer
log4c_buffer_t - buffer object
bug - Bug List
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
deprecated - Deprecated List
init.h - log4c constructors and destructors
init.h - log4c constructors and destructors
init.h - log4c constructors and destructors
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout_type_basic.h - Implement a basic layout.
layout_type_basic_r.h - Implement a basic_r layout.
layout_type_dated.h - Implement a dated layout.
layout_type_dated_r.h - Implement a dated_r layout.
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
log4c_layout_type - log4c layout type class
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
layout.h - Interface for user specific layout format of
rc.h - log4c resource configuration
location_info.h - The internal representation of caller location
location_info.h - The internal representation of caller location
log4c_location_info_t - logging location information
category.h - central class in the log4c package.
location_info.h - The internal representation of caller location
version.h - log4c version information
version.h - log4c version information
version.h - log4c version information
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
logging_event.h - the internal representation of logging events.
logging_event.h - the internal representation of logging events.
logging_event.h - the internal representation of logging events.
log4c_logging_event_t - logging event object
version.h - log4c version information
version.h - log4c version information
version.h - log4c version information
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
priority.h - The priority class provides importance levels with which
rc.h - log4c resource configuration
rc.h - log4c resource configuration
log4c_rc_t - resource configuration object
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
appender_type_rollingfile.h - Log4c rolling file appender interface.
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy_type_sizewin.h - Log4c rolling file size-win interface.
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
log4c_rollingpolicy_type - log4c rollingpolicy type. Defines the
rollingpolicy.h - Log4c rolling policy interface. Defines the interface
rollingpolicy_type_sizewin.h - Log4c rolling file size-win interface.
rollingpolicy_type_sizewin.h - Log4c rolling file size-win interface.
rollingpolicy_type_sizewin.h - Log4c rolling file size-win interface.
rollingpolicy_type_sizewin.h - Log4c rolling file size-win interface.
rollingpolicy_type_sizewin.h - Log4c rolling file size-win interface.
appender_type_stream2.h - Log4c stream2 appender interface.
appender_type_stream2.h - Log4c stream2 appender interface.
appender_type_stream2.h - Log4c stream2 appender interface.
appender_type_stream2.h - Log4c stream2 appender interface.
todo - Todo List
version.h - log4c version information
version.h - log4c version information
logb, logbf, logbl - get exponent of a floating-point value
logb, logbf, logbl - get exponent of a floating-point value
logb, logbf, logbl - get exponent of a floating-point value
log, logf, logl - natural logarithmic function
log, logf, logl - natural logarithmic function
login, logout - write utmp and wtmp entries
openpty, login_tty, forkpty - tty utility functions
log, logf, logl - natural logarithmic function
Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout::Multiline - Multiline Pattern
login, logout - write utmp and wtmp entries
updwtmp, logwtmp - append an entry to the wtmp file
longjmp, siglongjmp - nonlocal jump to a saved stack context
vpSetLookupShader - specify shading lookup tables
LoopSelection.cpp - -
LoopSelection.h - -
LoopSelection - -
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
lqr_carver_attach - attach an LqrCarver to another LqrCarver
lqr_carver_bias_add_xy, lqr_carver_bias_add_area, lqr_carver_bias_add, -
lqr_carver_bias_add_xy, lqr_carver_bias_add_area, lqr_carver_bias_add, -
lqr_carver_bias_add_xy, lqr_carver_bias_add_area, lqr_carver_bias_add, -
lqr_carver_bias_add_xy, lqr_carver_bias_add_area, lqr_carver_bias_add, -
lqr_carver_bias_add_xy, lqr_carver_bias_add_area, lqr_carver_bias_add, -
lqr_carver_bias_clear - clear an LqrCarver bias
lqr_carver_bias_set_energy_function_builtin - set a builtin energy
lqr_carver_bias_set_energy_function - set a custom energy function for
lqr_carver_cancel - cancel ongoing operations on a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_destroy - the LqrCarver object destructor
lqr_carver_flatten - flatten a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_get_channels, lqr_carver_get_bpp - get the number of
lqr_carver_get_channels, lqr_carver_get_bpp - get the number of
lqr_carver_get_col_depth - get the colour depth of a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_get_depth - get the depth of a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_get_energy, lqr_carver_get_true_energy, -
lqr_carver_get_energy, lqr_carver_get_true_energy, -
lqr_carver_get_enl_step - get the enlargement step of a LqrCarver
lqr_carver_get_height - get the current height of a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_get_image_type - get the image type of a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_get_orientation - get the orientation of a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_get_ref_height - get the reference height of a LqrCarver
lqr_carver_get_ref_width - get the reference width of a LqrCarver
lqr_carver_get_energy, lqr_carver_get_true_energy, -
lqr_carver_get_width - get the current width of a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_init - activates an LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_list_current - get current LqrCarver object in a
lqr_carver_list_foreach - perform operations on all LqrCarver objects
lqr_carver_list_next - advance the LqrCarverList object
lqr_carver_list_start - get the staritng point of the attachement list
lqr_carver_new, lqr_carver_new_ext - the LqrCarver object constructors
lqr_carver_new, lqr_carver_new_ext - the LqrCarver object constructors
lqr_carver_resize - liquid rescale a LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_rigmask_add_xy, lqr_carver_rigmask_add_area, -
lqr_carver_rigmask_add_xy, lqr_carver_rigmask_add_area, -
lqr_carver_rigmask_add_xy, lqr_carver_rigmask_add_area, -
lqr_carver_rigmask_add_xy, lqr_carver_rigmask_add_area, -
lqr_carver_rigmask_add_xy, lqr_carver_rigmask_add_area, -
lqr_carver_rigmask_clear - clear an LqrCarver rigidity mask
lqr_carver_scan_by_row - tells if the image in LqrCarver will be
lqr_carver_scan, lqr_carver_scan_ext - read out a multi-size image one
lqr_carver_scan, lqr_carver_scan_ext - read out a multi-size image one
lqr_carver_scan_line, lqr_carver_scan_line_ext - read out a multi-size
lqr_carver_scan_line, lqr_carver_scan_line_ext - read out a multi-size
lqr_carver_scan_reset - reset the readout cursor of a multi-size image
lqr_carver_set_alpha_channel - sets the alpha channel index in a
lqr_carver_set_black_channel - sets the black channel index in a
lqr_carver_set_dump_vmaps, lqr_carver_set_no_dump_vmaps - set the
lqr_carver_set_enl_step - set the enlargement step of a LqrCarver
lqr_carver_set_gradient_function - set the gradient function for an
lqr_carver_set_image_type - sets the image type of an LqrCarver object
lqr_carver_set_dump_vmaps, lqr_carver_set_no_dump_vmaps - set the
lqr_carver_set_preserve_input_image - set a flag to preserve the buffer
lqr_carver_set_progress - set the progress report function for an
lqr_carver_set_resize_order - set LqrCarver object resize order
lqr_carver_set_side_switch_frequency - set LqrCarver object side switch
lqr_carver_set_use_cache - enable/disable LqrCarver object cache
LqrColDepth - carver objects colour depth specification
LqrImageType - carver objects image type (colour model) specification
lqr_progress_new - the LqrProgress object constructor
lqr_progress_set_end_height_message - setup height message for end
lqr_progress_set_end - execude custom code after each rescaling
lqr_progress_set_end_width_message - setup width message for end hooks
lqr_progress_set_init_height_message - setup height message for init
lqr_progress_set_init - execude custom code before each rescaling
lqr_progress_set_init_width_message - setup width message for init
lqr_progress_set_update - execude custom code at regular steps during
lqr_progress_set_update_step - setup update step for LqrProgress
LqrRetVal - the return value of many Liquid Rescale library functions
lqr_rwindow_get_channels - get the number of channels of a
lqr_rwindow_get_radius - get the size of the region accessible from a
lqr_rwindow_get_read_t - get the reader type of a LqrReadingWindow
lqr_rwindow_read - read the content of a LqrReadingWindow object
lqr_vmap_destroy - the LqrVMap object destructor
lqr_vmap_dump - dump an LqrVMap object
lqr_vmap_get_data - get varous LqrVMap object quantities
lqr_vmap_get_depth - get the depth of an LqrVMap object
lqr_vmap_get_height - get the height of an LqrVMap object
lqr_vmap_get_orientation - get the orientation of an LqrVMap object
lqr_vmap_get_width - get the width of an LqrVMap object
lqr_vmap_internal_dump - dump an LqrVMap objects into an LqrCarver
lqr_vmap_list_current - get current LqrVMap object in a LqrVMapList
lqr_vmap_list_foreach - perform operations on all LqrVMap objects in an
lqr_vmap_list_next - advance the LqrVMapList object
lqr_vmap_list_start - get the LqrVMapList list attached to an LqrCarver
lqr_vmap_load - load an LqrVMap object into an LqrCarver object
lqr_vmap_new - the LqrVMap object constructor
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
LR - -
lrint, lrintf, lrintl, llrint, llrintf, llrintl - round to nearest
lrint, lrintf, lrintl, llrint, llrintf, llrintl - round to nearest
lrint, lrintf, lrintl, llrint, llrintf, llrintl - round to nearest
lround, lroundf, lroundl, llround, llroundf, llroundl - round to
lround, lroundf, lroundl, llround, llroundf, llroundl - round to
lround, lroundf, lroundl, llround, llroundf, llroundl - round to
LSAME - return .TRUE
lfind, lsearch - linear search of an array
lseek64 - reposition 64-bit read/write file offset
Strings - -
futimes, lutimes - change file timestamps
lwres_string_parse, lwres_addr_parse, lwres_getaddrsbyname, -
lwres_buffer_init, lwres_buffer_invalidate, lwres_buffer_add, -
lwres_conf_init, lwres_conf_clear, lwres_conf_parse, lwres_conf_print, -
lwres_context_create, lwres_context_destroy, lwres_context_nextserial, -
lwres_gabnrequest_render, lwres_gabnresponse_render, -
lwres_gai_strerror - print suitable error string
lwres_getaddrinfo, lwres_freeaddrinfo - socket address structure to
lwres_gethostbyname, lwres_gethostbyname2, lwres_gethostbyaddr, -
lwres_getipnodebyname, lwres_getipnodebyaddr, lwres_freehostent - -
lwres_getnameinfo - lightweight resolver socket address structure to
lwres_getrrsetbyname, lwres_freerrset - retrieve DNS records
lwres_gnbarequest_render, lwres_gnbaresponse_render, -
lwres_herror, lwres_hstrerror - lightweight resolver error message
lwres - introduction to the lightweight resolver library
lwres_net_ntop - lightweight resolver IP address presentation
lwres_nooprequest_render, lwres_noopresponse_render, -
lwres_lwpacket_renderheader, lwres_lwpacket_parseheader - lightweight
Miscellaneous Macros - When extending Coin, there are a number of
maillock, mailunlock, touchlock - manage mailbox lockfiles
maillock, mailunlock, touchlock - manage mailbox lockfiles
MainController.h - -
mainpage.dox - -
makedev, major, minor - manage a device number
makecontext, swapcontext - manipulate user context
makedev, major, minor - manage a device number
Strings - -
__malloc_hook, __malloc_initialize_hook, __memalign_hook, __free_hook, -
__malloc_hook, __malloc_initialize_hook, __memalign_hook, __free_hook, -
malloc - .TH "malloc" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-libc"
Manipulator Classes - -
get_ordered_context_list, get_ordered_context_list_with_level, -
mapiadmin_ctx - -
mapiconcepts - MAPI Concepts
mapi_obj_bookmark - -
mapi_obj_store - -
MapIterator.h - -
matchmediacon - get the default SELinux security context for the
matchpathcon_checkmatches, matchpathcon_filespec_add, -
matchpathcon, matchpathcon_index - get the default SELinux security
matchpathcon, matchpathcon_index - get the default SELinux security
matchpathcon, matchpathcon_index - get the default SELinux security
matchpathcon, matchpathcon_index - get the default SELinux security
vpSetMaterial - set material properties
matherr - SVID math library exception handling
math.h - -
Matrix.h - -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
MB_CUR_MAX - maximum length of a multibyte character in the current
mblen - determine number of bytes in next multibyte character
MB_LEN_MAX - maximum multibyte length of a character across all locales
mbrlen - determine number of bytes in next multibyte character
mbrtowc - convert a multibyte sequence to a wide character
mbsinit - test for initial shift state
mbsnrtowcs - convert a multibyte string to a wide-character string
mbsrtowcs - convert a multibyte string to a wide-character string
mbstowcs - convert a multibyte string to a wide-character string
mbtowc - convert a multibyte sequence to a wide character
mCreate - initialize a mutex.
General purpose - -
mDestroy - destroy a mutex.
medcon - MedCon C project for conversion of medical images
megahal interfaces - C, Python and Tcl interfaces to Megahal
posix_memalign, memalign, valloc - Allocate aligned memory
MembershipBookkeeping - -
MembershipBookkeeping::IncomingRTPPktLink - -
MembershipBookkeeping::SyncSourceLink - -
Members - -
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_analyze - Analyze server information
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_behavior_get, memcached_behavior_set - Manipulate behavior
memcached_behavior_get, memcached_behavior_set - Manipulate behavior
memcached_callback_get, memcached_callback_set - Get and set a callback
memcached_callback_get, memcached_callback_set - Get and set a callback
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_create, memcached_free, memcached_clone, -
memcached_create, memcached_free, memcached_clone, -
memcached_increment, memcached_decrement, -
memcached_increment, memcached_decrement, -
memcached_delete - Delete a key
memcached_delete - Delete a key
memcached_dump - get a list of keys found on memcached servers
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_flush_buffers - Flush buffers and send buffered commands
memcached_create, memcached_free, memcached_clone, -
memcached_generate_hash_value - Hash a key value
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_set_memory_allocators, memcached_get_memory_allocators, -
memcached_set_user_data, memcached_get_user_data - Manage user specific
memcached_increment, memcached_decrement, -
memcached_increment, memcached_decrement, -
memcached_lib_version, memcached_version - Get library version
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_get, memcached_mget, memcached_fetch, memcached_mget_execute, -
memcached_pool_create, memcached_pool_destroy, memcached_pool_push, -
memcached_pool_create, memcached_pool_destroy, memcached_pool_push, -
memcached_pool_create, memcached_pool_destroy, memcached_pool_push, -
memcached_pool_create, memcached_pool_destroy, memcached_pool_push, -
memcached_pool_create, memcached_pool_destroy, memcached_pool_push, -
memcached_pool_create, memcached_pool_destroy, memcached_pool_push, -
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_quit - Disconnect from all servers
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_server_count, memcached_server_list, memcached_server_add, -
memcached_server_count, memcached_server_list, memcached_server_add, -
memcached_server_count, memcached_server_list, memcached_server_add, -
memcached_server_list_free, memcached_server_list_append, -
memcached_server_list_free, memcached_server_list_append, -
memcached_server_list_free, memcached_server_list_append, -
memcached_server_count, memcached_server_list, memcached_server_add, -
memcached_server_count, memcached_server_list, memcached_server_add, -
memcached_server_list_free, memcached_server_list_append, -
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_set, memcached_add, memcached_replace - Store value on server
memcached_set_memory_allocators, memcached_get_memory_allocators, -
memcached_set_user_data, memcached_get_user_data - Manage user specific
memcached_stat, memcached_stat_servername, memcached_stat_get_value, -
memcached_stat, memcached_stat_servername, memcached_stat_get_value, -
memcached_stat, memcached_stat_servername, memcached_stat_get_value, -
memcached_stat, memcached_stat_servername, memcached_stat_get_value, -
memcached_strerror - Get error string
memcached_verbosity - Modifiy verbosity of servers
memcached_lib_version, memcached_version - Get library version
memccpy - copy memory area
memchr, memrchr, rawmemchr - scan memory for a character
memcmp - compare memory areas
memcpy - copy memory area
mem_d - AA-lib memory driver.
memfrob - frobnicate (encrypt) a memory area
memmem - locate a substring
memmove - copy memory area
mempcpy, wmempcpy - copy memory area
memchr, memrchr, rawmemchr - scan memory for a character
mem_sections - .TH "mem_sections" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8"
memset - fill memory with a constant byte
XtPopdown, XtCallbackPopdown - unmap a pop-up
XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, -
messages - libbash library that implements a set of functions to print
_metadata_t - -
MetaEdge - -
libmeta.a - simplified interface to metafile(5)
MethodFactory.h - -
MetricColorMapping - -
Metric - -
Random.cpp - -
Random.h - -
MetricSizeMapping - -
mhash - Hash Library
mime.h - -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
vpCreateMinMaxOctree, vpMinMaxOctreeThreshold, vpDestroyMinMaxOctree - -
makedev, major, minor - manage a device number
misc_conv - text based conversation function
misc.h - -
Miscellaneous Classes - -
missing.h - -
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
MixedModel.cpp - -
MixedModel.h - -
MixedModel - -
mkdtemp - create a unique temporary directory
mkfifoat - make a FIFO (named pipe) relative to a directory file
mkfifo - make a FIFO special file (a named pipe)
mkstemp, mkostemp - create a unique temporary file
mkstemp, mkostemp - create a unique temporary file
mktemp - make a unique temporary filename
asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, asctime_r, ctime_r, -
mLock - lock a mutex.
OSSP mm - Shared Memory Allocation
mmv_inc_value - update a value in a Memory Mapped Value file
mmv_lookup_value_desc - find a value in the Memory Mapped Value file
mmv_stats_init - create and initialize Memory Mapped Value file
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
Attributes and Cntls - -
Env Variables - -
Error Types - -
Globus XIO MODE_E Driver - -
Opening/Closing - -
Reading/Writing - -
Server - -
Types - -
modf, modff, modfl - extract signed integral and fractional values from
modf, modff, modfl - extract signed integral and fractional values from
modf, modff, modfl - extract signed integral and fractional values from
Moosic_API - How to write your own Moosic client.
Morphing.h - -
MouseBoxZoomer.h - -
mouse_close - explicitly close a mouse
MouseEdgeBendEditor.h - -
MouseEdgeBuilder.h - -
MouseEdgeSelector.h - -
mouse_getx, mouse_gety, mouse_getbutton - query the mouse state
mouse_getcaps - returns the capabilities of the mouse
mouse_getposition_6d, mouse_setposition_6d, mouse_setrange_6d - provide
mouse_getx, mouse_gety, mouse_getbutton - query the mouse state
mouse_getx, mouse_gety, mouse_getbutton - query the mouse state
mouse_init, mouse_init_return_fd - specifically initialize a mouse
mouse_init, mouse_init_return_fd - specifically initialize a mouse
Mouse_interactor - -
MouseInteractors.h - -
MouseMagicSelector.h - -
MouseNodeBuilder.h - -
MouseSelectionEditor.h - -
MouseSelector.h - -
mouse_seteventhandler, mouse_setdefaulteventhandler - set a mouse event
mouse_seteventhandler, mouse_setdefaulteventhandler - set a mouse event
mouse_getposition_6d, mouse_setposition_6d, mouse_setrange_6d - provide
mouse_setposition - set the current mouse position
mouse_getposition_6d, mouse_setposition_6d, mouse_setrange_6d - provide
mouse_setscale - sets a mouse scale factor
mouse_setwrap - set what happens at the mouse boundaries
mouse_setxrange, mouse_setyrange - define the boundaries for the mouse
mouse_setxrange, mouse_setyrange - define the boundaries for the mouse
MouseShowElementInfos.h - -
mouse_update - updates the mouse state
mouse_waitforupdate - wait for an mouse update
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
MP4AddAudioTrack - Add an audio track
MP4AddHintTrack - Add a hint track
MP4AddODTrack - Add a object descriptor (OD) track
MP4AddRtpESConfigurationPacket - Add ES configuration information to an
MP4AddRtpHint - Add an RTP hint
MP4AddRtpImmediateData - Add immediate data to an RTP packet
MP4AddRtpPacket - Add an RTP packet
MP4AddRtpSampleData - Add media sample data to an RTP packet
MP4AddRtpVideoHint - Add an RTP video specific hint
MP4AddSceneTrack - Add a scene (BIFS) track
MP4AddSystemsTrack - Add an MPEG-4 systems track
MP4AddTrackEdit - Add an edit segment to a track
MP4AddTrack - Add a user defined track
MP4AddVideoTrack - Add a video track
MP4AppendHintTrackSdp - Add to the SDP media level description of the
MP4AppendSessionSdp - Add to the SDP session level description of the
MP4BinaryToBase16 - Convert binary data to a base 16 string
MP4BinaryToBase64 - Convert binary data to a base 64 string
MP4CloneTrack - Make a clone of a specified track
MP4Close - Close an mp4 file
MP4ConvertFromMovieDuration - Convert a duration from the movie (file)
MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration - Convert a duration from the track time
MP4ConvertFromTrackTimestamp - Convert a timestamp from the track time
MP4ConvertToTrackDuration - Convert a duration from a specified time
MP4ConvertToTrackTimestamp - Convert a timestamp from a specified time
MP4CopySample - Make a copy of a specified sample
MP4CopyTrack - Make a copy of a specified track
MP4Create - Create a new mp4 file
MP4DeleteTrackEdit - Delete a track edit segment
MP4DeleteTrack - Delete a track
MP4Dump - Print a text version of an mp4 file
MP4FileInfo - Return a textual summary of an mp4 file
MP4FindTrackId - Find a track id
MP4FindTrackIndex - Find a track index
MP4GetAudioProfileLevel - Gets the minimum MPEG-4 audio profile and
MP4GetDuration - Get the duration of the movie (file)
MP4GetGraphicsProfileLevel - Gets the minimum MPEG-4 graphics profile
MP4GetHintTrackReferenceTrackId - Get the reference track id for a hint
MP4GetHintTrackRtpPayload - Get the RTP payload parameters of the hint
MP4GetHintTrackSdp - Get the SDP media level description associated
MP4GetNumberOfTracks - Get the number of tracks
MP4GetODProfileLevel - Gets the minimum MPEG-4 object descriptor
MP4GetRtpHintNumberOfPackets - Get the number of packets in an RTP hint
MP4GetRtpPacketBFrame - Get the B frame flag of an RTP packet
MP4GetRtpPacketTransmitOffset - Get the transmit offset of an RTP
MP4GetRtpTimestampStart - Get the RTP start time of a hint track
MP4GetSampleDuration - Get the duration of a track sample
MP4GetSampleIdFromEditTime - Get the sample id of a specified time in
MP4GetSampleIdFromTime - Get the sample id of a specified time
MP4GetSampleRenderingOffset - Get the rendering offset of a track
MP4GetSampleSize - Get the size of a track sample
MP4GetSampleSync - Get the state of the sample sync flag
MP4GetSampleTime - Get the start time of a track sample
MP4GetSceneProfileLevel - Gets the minimum MPEG-4 scene graph profile
MP4GetSessionSdp - Get the SDP session level description of the file
MP4GetTimeScale - Get the time scale of the movie (file)
MP4GetTrackAudioMpeg4Type - Get the encoding type of an MPEG-4 audio
MP4GetTrackAudioType - Get the encoding type of an audio track
MP4GetTrackBitRate - Get the average bit rate in bits per second of the
MP4GetTrackDuration - Get the duration of a track
MP4GetTrackEditDuration - Get the duration of a track edit segment
MP4GetTrackEditDwell - Get the dwell value of a track edit segment
MP4GetTrackEditMediaStart - Get the media start time of a track edit
MP4GetTrackEditStart - Get the start time of a track edit segment
MP4GetTrackEditTotalDuration - Get the total duration of a sequence of
MP4GetTrackESConfiguration - Get the elementary stream (ES)
MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration - Get the fixed duration of samples in a
MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize - Get the maximum sample size of a track
MP4GetTrackNumberOfEdits - Get the number of edit segments for a track
MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples - Get the number of samples in a track
MP4GetTrackTimeScale - Get the time scale of a track
MP4GetTrackType - Get the track type
MP4GetTrackVideoFrameRate - Get the video frame rate of the specified
MP4GetTrackVideoHeight - Get the video height in pixels of the
MP4GetTrackVideoType - Get the encoding type of a video track
MP4GetTrackVideoWidth - Get the video width in pixels of the specified
MP4GetVerbosity - Gets the current level of diagnostic information
MP4GetVideoProfileLevel - Gets the minimum MPEG-4 video profile and
The MP4 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files as -
MP4Info - Return a textual summary of an mp4 file
MP4MakeIsmaCompliant - Add ISMA compliant OD and Scene tracks
MP4Modify - Modify an existing mp4 file
MP4Optimize - Optimize the layout of an mp4 file
MP4Read - Read an existing mp4 file
MP4ReadRtpHint - Read an RTP hint
MP4ReadRtpPacket - Read an RTP packet
MP4ReadSampleFromEditTime - Read a track sample based on a specified
MP4ReadSampleFromTime - Read a track sample based on a specified time
MP4ReadSample - Read a track sample
MP4SetAudioProfileLevel - Sets the minimum MPEG-4 audio profile and
MP4SetGraphicsProfileLevel - Sets the minimum MPEG-4 graphics profile
MP4SetHintTrackRtpPayload - Set the RTP payload parameters of the hint
MP4SetHintTrackSdp - Set the SDP media level description of the hint
MP4SetODProfileLevel - Sets the minimum MPEG-4 object descriptor
MP4SetRtpTimestampStart - Set the RTP start time of a hint track
MP4SetSampleRenderingOffset - Set the rendering offset of a track
MP4SetSceneProfileLevel - Sets the minimum MPEG-4 scene graph profile
MP4SetSessionSdp - Set the SDP session level description of the file
MP4SetTimeScale - Set the time scale of the movie (file)
MP4SetTrackEditDuration - Set the duration of a track edit segment
MP4SetTrackEditDwell - Set the dwell value of a track edit segment
MP4SetTrackEditMediaStart - Set the media start time of a track edit
MP4SetTrackESConfiguration - Set the elementary stream (ES)
MP4SetTrackTimeScale - Set the time scale of a track
MP4SetVerbosity - Sets the level of diagnostic information
MP4SetVideoProfileLevel - Sets the minimum MPEG-4 video profile and
MP4WriteRtpHint - Write an RTP hint
MP4WriteSample - Write a track sample
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Abort - Terminates MPI execution environment
MPI_Accumulate - Accumulates data into a window
MPI_Add_error_class - Creates a new error class and returns its value
MPI_Add_error_code - Creates a new error code associated with
MPI_Add_error_string - Associates a string with an error code or class
MPI_Address - Gets the address of a location in memory
MPI_Allgather - Gathers data from all tasks and distribute it to all
MPI_Allgatherv - Gathers data from all tasks and deliver it to all
MPI_Alloc_mem - Allocate memory for use by MPI message passing.
MPI_Allreduce - Combines values from all processes and distribute the
MPI_Alltoall - Sends data from all to all processes
MPI_Alltoallv - Sends data from all to all processes, with a
MPI_Alltoallw - All processes send data of different types to, and
MPI_Attr_delete - Deletes communicator attribute value associated with
MPI_Attr_get - Retrieves communicator attribute value by key
MPI_Attr_put - Stores a communicator attribute value associated with a
MPI_Barrier - Blocks until all process have reached this routine.
MPI_Bcast - Broadcasts a message from the process with rank "root" to
MPI_Bsend - Basic send with user-specified buffering
MPI_Bsend_init - Builds a handle for a buffered send
MPI_Buffer_attach - Attaches a user-defined buffer for sending
MPI_Buffer_detach - Removes an existing buffer (for use in MPI_Bsend
MPI_Cancel - Cancels a communication request
MPI_Cart_coords - Determines process coords in cartesian topology
MPI_Cart_create - Makes a new communicator to which topology
MPI_Cartdim_get - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated
MPI_Cart_get - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated
MPI_Cart_map - Maps process to Cartesian topology information
MPI_Cart_rank - Determines process rank in communicator given
MPI_Cart_shift - Returns the shifted source and destination ranks,
MPI_Cart_sub - Partitions a communicator into subgroups which form
MPI_Close_port - Close a server port
MPI_Comm_accept - Accept a connection from another MPI process
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Comm_call_errhandler - Passes the supplied error code to the error
MPI_Comm_compare - Compares two communicators
MPI_Comm_connect - Make a connection to another MPI process
MPI_Comm_create_errhandler - Create communicator error handler
MPI_Comm_create - Creates a new communicator
MPI_Comm_create_keyval - Create a communicator attribute key
MPI_Comm_delete_attr - Delete an attribute
MPI_Comm_disconnect - Disconnect a client and server
MPI_COMM_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Comm_dup - Duplicates an existing communicator with all its cached
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Comm_free - Marks the communicator object for deallocation
MPI_Comm_free_keyval - Free communicator attribute key
MPI_Comm_get_attr - Get communicator attribute value
MPI_Comm_get_errhandler - Get error handler of communicator
MPI_Comm_get_name - Get the name associated with a communicator
MPI_Comm_get_parent - Get the parent communicator of a spawned MPI
MPI_Comm_group - Accesses the group associated with given communicator
MPI_Comm_join - Connect two MPI processed joined by a socket
MPI_Comm_rank - Determines the rank of the calling process in the
MPI_Comm_remote_group - Accesses the remote group associated with the
MPI_Comm_remote_size - Determines the size of the remote group
MPI_Comm_ser_errhandler - Set error handler of communicator
MPI_Comm_set_attr - MPI_ATTR_PUT replacement
MPI_Comm_set_errhandler - Attaches a new error handler to a
MPI_Comm_set_name - Set a name on a communicator
MPI_Comm_set_name - give a print name to the communicator
MPI_Comm_size - Determines the size of the group associated with a
MPI_Comm_spawn - Spawn a dynamic MPI process
MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple - Spawn a dynamic MPI process from multiple
MPI_Comm_split - Creates new communicators based on colors and keys
MPI_Comm_test_inter - Tests to see if a comm is an inter-communicator
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Dims_create - Creates a division of processors in a cartesian grid
MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent - returns a handle to a new
MPI_Dist_graph_create - MPI_DIST_GRAPH_CREATE returns a handle to a
MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count - Provides adjacency information for a
MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors - Provides adjacency information for a
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Errhandler_c2f - Convert an error handler from its C
MPI_Errhandler_create - Creates an MPI-style error handler on a
MPI_Errhandler_f2c - Convert a error handler from its Fortran
MPI_Errhandler_free - Frees an MPI-style errorhandler
MPI_Errhandler_get - Gets the error handler for a communicator
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Errhandler_set - Sets the error handler for a communicator
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Error_class - Converts an error code into an error class
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Error_string - Return a string for a given error code
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Exscan - Computes an exclusive scan (partial reduction)
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_File_call_errhandler - Passes the supplied error code to the error
MPI_File_close - Closes a file
MPI_File_create_errhandler - Creates an MPI-style error handler that
MPI_File_delete - Deletes a file
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_File_get_amode - Returns the file access mode
MPI_File_get_atomicity - Returns the atomicity mode
MPI_File_get_byte_offset - Returns the absolute byte position in the
MPI_File_get_errhandler - Returns the error handler for a file
MPI_File_get_group - Returns the group of processes that opened the
MPI_File_get_info - Returns the hints for a file that are actually
MPI_File_get_position - Returns the current position of the
MPI_File_get_position_shared - Returns the current position of the
MPI_File_get_size - Returns the file size
MPI_File_get_type_extent - Returns the extent of datatype in the file
MPI_File_get_view - Returns the file view
MPI_File_iread_at - Nonblocking read using explict offset
MPI_File_iread - Nonblocking read using individual file pointer
MPI_File_iread_shared - Nonblocking read using shared file pointer
MPI_File_iwrite_at - Nonblocking write using explict offset
MPI_File_iwrite - Nonblocking write using individual file pointer
MPI_File_iwrite_shared - Nonblocking write using shared file pointer
MPI_File_open - Opens a file
MPI_File_preallocate - Preallocates storage space for a file
MPI_File_read_all_begin - Begin a split collective read using
MPI_File_read_all_end - Complete a split collective read using
MPI_File_read_all - Collective read using individual file pointer
MPI_File_read_at_all_begin - Begin a split collective read using
MPI_File_read_at_all_end - Complete a split collective read using
MPI_File_read_at_all - Collective read using explict offset
MPI_File_read_at - Read using explict offset
MPI_File_read - Read using individual file pointer
MPI_File_read_ordered_begin - Begin a split collective read using
MPI_File_read_ordered_end - Complete a split collective read using
MPI_File_read_ordered - Collective read using shared file pointer
MPI_File_read_shared - Read using shared file pointer
MPI_File_seek - Updates the individual file pointer
MPI_File_seek_shared - Updates the shared file pointer
MPI_File_set_atomicity - Sets the atomicity mode
MPI_File_set_errhandler - Sets the error handler for a file
MPI_File_set_info - Sets new values for the hints associated with a
MPI_File_set_size - Sets the file size
MPI_File_set_view - Sets the file view
MPI_File_sync - Causes all previous writes to be transferred to the
MPI_File_write_all_begin - Begin a split collective write using
MPI_File_write_all_end - Complete a split collective write using
MPI_File_write_all - Collective write using individual file pointer
MPI_File_write_at_all_begin - Begin a split collective write using
MPI_File_write_at_all_end - Complete a split collective write using
MPI_File_write_at_all - Collective write using explict offset
MPI_File_write_at - Write using explict offset
MPI_File_write - Write using individual file pointer
MPI_File_write_ordered_begin - Begin a split collective write using
MPI_File_write_ordered_end - Complete a split collective write using
MPI_File_write_ordered - Collective write using shared file pointer
MPI_File_write_shared - Write using shared file pointer
MPI_Finalized - Indicates whether MPI_Finalize has completed.
MPI_Finalize - Terminates MPI execution environment
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Free_mem - Free memory that was previously allocated by
MPI_Gather - Gathers together values from a group of processes
MPI_Gatherv - Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a
MPI_Get_address - obtain the address of a location in caller memory
MPI_Get_count - Gets the number of "top level" elements
MPI_Get_elements - Returns the number of basic elements in a datatype
MPI_Get - One Sided data fetch
MPI_Get_processor_name - Gets the name of the processor
MPI_Get_version - obtain the version number of MPI that LAM/MPI
MPI_Graph_create - Makes a new communicator to which topology
MPI_Graphdims_get - Retrieves graph topology information associated
MPI_Graph_get - Retrieves graph topology information associated with a
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Graph_map - Maps process to graph topology information
MPI_Graph_neighbors_count - Returns the number of neighbors of a node
MPI_Graph_neighbors - Returns the neighbors of a node associated with
MPI_Grequest_complete - Reports that a generalized request is
MPI_Grequest_start - Starts a generalized request and returns a handle
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Group_compare - Compares two groups
MPI_Group_difference - Makes a group from the difference of two groups
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Group_excl - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Group_free - Frees a group
MPI_Group_incl - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and
MPI_Group_intersection - Produces a group as the intersection of two
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Group_range_excl - Produces a group by excluding ranges of
MPI_Group_range_incl - Creates a new group from ranges of ranks in an
MPI_Group_rank - Returns the rank of this process in the given group
MPI_Group_size - Returns the size of a group
MPI_Group_translate_ranks - Translates the ranks of processes in one
MPI_Group_union - Produces a group by combining two groups
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI - General information Open MPI 1.4.1.
MPI_Ibsend - Starts a nonblocking buffered send
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Info_create - Create and initialize an empty MPI_Info object
MPI_Info_delete - Delete a (key, value) pair from an MPI_Info object
MPI_Info_dup - Duplicate an MPI_Info object
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Info_free - Free an MPI_Info object.
MPI_Info_get - Get a (key, value) pair from an MPI_Info object
MPI_Info_get_nkeys - Returns the number of keys defined on an MPI_Info
MPI_Info_get_nthkey - Get a key indexed by integer from an MPI_Info
MPI_Info_get_valuelen - Get the length of a value for a given key in
MPI_Info_set - Set a (key, value) pair in an MPI_Info object
MPI_Init - Initialize the MPI execution environment
MPI_Initialized - Indicates whether MPI_Init has been called.
MPI_Init_thread - Initialize the MPI execution environment
MPI_Int2handle - Convert an integer (Fortran) MPI handle to a C handle
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Intercomm_create - Creates an intercommuncator from two
MPI_Intercomm_merge - Creates an intracommuncator from an
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Iprobe - Nonblocking test for a message
MPI_Irecv - Begins a non-blocking receive
MPI_Irsend - Starts a nonblocking ready send
MPI_Isend - Begins a nonblocking send
MPI_Issend - Starts a nonblocking synchronous send
MPI_Is_thread_main - determine if the caller is the main thread
MPI_Keyval_create - Generates a new communicator attribute key
MPI_Keyval_free - Frees attribute key for communicator cache attribute
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPIL_Comm_gps - LAM/MPI-specific function to return the GPS
MPIL_Comm_id - LAM/MPI-specific function to return the context ID of
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Lookup_name - Lookup a previously published name
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPIL_Request_get_name - LAM/MPI-specific function to get a string name
MPIL_Request_set_name - LAM/MPI-specific function to set a string name
MPIL_Signal - LAM/MPI-specific function to send a LAM signal to a rank
MPIL_Trace_off - LAM/MPI-specific function to disable run-time tracing
MPIL_Trace_on - LAM/MPI-specific function to enable run-time tracing
MPIL_Type_id - LAM/MPI-specific function to return the type ID of an
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Op_commute - Queries an MPI reduction operation for its
MPI_Op_create - Creates a user-defined combination function handle
MPI_Open_port - Establish a server port for client MPI connections
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Op_free - Frees a user-defined combination function handle
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPIO_Request_c2f - Translates a C I/O-request handle to a Fortran
MPIO_Request_f2c - Translates a Fortran I/O-request handle to a C
MPIO_Test - Test the completion of a nonblocking read or write
MPIO_Wait - Waits for the completion of a nonblocking read or write
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Pack_external - Writes data to a portable format
MPI_Pack_external_size - Calculates upper bound on space needed to
MPI_Pack - Packs a datatype into contiguous memory
MPI_Pack_size - Returns the upper bound on the amount of space needed
MPI_Pcontrol - Controls profiling
MPI_Probe - Blocking test for a message
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Publish_name - Publish a service name for dynamic process control
MPI_Put - One Sided data placement operation
MPI_Query_thread - Check level of thread support in MPI
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Recv - Basic receive
MPI_Recv_init - Builds a handle for a receive
MPI_Reduce - Reduces values on all processes to a single value
MPI_Reduce_local - Applies a reduction operator to local arguments.
MPI_Reduce_scatter_block - Combines values and scatters the results
MPI_Reduce_scatter - Combines values and scatters the results
MPI_Register_datarep - Defines data representation.
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Request_free - Frees a communication request object
MPI_Request_get_status - Access information associated with a request
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Rsend - Basic ready send
MPI_Rsend_init - Builds a handle for a ready send
MPI_Scan - Computes the scan (partial reductions) of data on a
MPI_Scatter - Sends data from one task to all other tasks in a group
MPI_Scatterv - Scatters a buffer in parts to all tasks in a group
MPI_Send - Performs a basic send
MPI_Send_init - Builds a handle for a standard send
MPI_Sendrecv - Sends and receives a message
MPI_Sendrecv_replace - Sends and receives using a single buffer
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Sizeof - Returns the size, in bytes, of the given type
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Ssend - Basic synchronous send
MPI_Ssend_init - Builds a handle for a synchronous send
MPI_Startall - Starts a collection of requests
MPI_Start - Initiates a communication with a persistent request handle
MPI_Status_f2c - Convert a status from its Fortran representation to
MPI_Status_f2c - Convert a status from its Fortran representation to
MPI_Status_set_cancelled - Sets status to indicate a request has been
MPI_Status_set_elements - Modifies opaque part of status to allow
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Testall - Tests for the completion of all previously initiated
MPI_Testany - Tests for completion of any previdously initiated
MPI_Test_cancelled - Tests to see if a request was cancelled
MPI_Test - Tests for the completion of a send or receive
MPI_Testsome - Tests for some given communications to complete
MPI_Topo_test - Determines the type of topology (if any) associated
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Type_commit - Commits the datatype
MPI_Type_contiguous - Creates a contiguous datatype
MPI_Type_create_darray - create distributed array derived datatype
MPI_Type_create_extent - Create a resized datatype
MPI_Type_create_f90_complex - Returns a bounded MPI complex datatype
MPI_Type_create_f90_integer - Returns a bounded MPI integer datatype
MPI_Type_create_f90_real - Returns a bounded MPI real datatype
MPI_Type_create_hindexed - Create extended hindexed derived datatype
MPI_Type_create_hvector - Create extended hvector derived datatype
MPI_Type_create_indexed_block - Creates an indexed data type with the
MPI_Type_create_keyval - Create a datatype attribute key
MPI_Type_create_resized - Returns a new data type with new extent and
MPI_Type_create_struct - Create extended struct derived datatype
MPI_Type_create_subarray - Create local array derived datatype
MPI_Type_delete_attr - Delete attribue
MPI_TYPE_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Type_dup - Duplicate a datatype
MPI_Type_extent - Returns the extent of a datatype
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Type_free - Frees the datatype
MPI_Type_free_keyval - Free datatype attribuet key
MPI_Type_get_attr - Get datatype attribute value
MPI_Type_get_contents - Get datatype contents
MPI_Type_get_envelope - Get datatype envelope contents
MPI_Type_get_extent - Get lower bound and extent of datatype
MPI_Type_get_name - Get the name associated with a datatype
MPI_Type_get_true_extent - Get true lower bound and extent of datatype
MPI_Type_hindexed - Creates an indexed datatype with offsets in bytes
MPI_Type_hvector - Creates a vector (strided) datatype with offset in
MPI_Type_indexed - Creates an indexed datatype
MPI_Type_lb - Returns the lower-bound of a datatype
MPI_Type_match_size - Returns an MPI datatype of a given type and size
MPI_Type_set_attr - Put value in datatype attribute
MPI_Type_set_name - Set a name on a datatype
MPI_Type_size - Return the number of bytes occupied by entries in the
MPI_Type_struct - Creates a struct datatype
MPI_Type_ub - Returns the upper bound of a datatype
MPI_Type_vector - Creates a vector (strided) datatype
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Unpack_external - Reads data from a portable format
MPI_Unpack - Unpack a datatype into contiguous memory
MPI_Unpublish_name - Unpublishes a service name
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
MPI_Waitall - Waits for all given communications to complete
MPI_Waitany - Waits for any specified send or receive to complete
MPI_Wait - Waits for an MPI send or receive to complete
MPI_Waitsome - Waits for some given communications to complete
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Win_call_errhandler - Invokes error handler assigned to the window
MPI_Win_complete - Completes an RMA access epoch
MPI_Win_create_errhandler - Creates a window error handler
MPI_Win_create - Specifies an window accessible by remote processes
MPI_Win_create_keyval - Create a window attribute key
MPI_Win_delete_attr - Delete an attribute
MPI_WIN_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy window
MPI_Win_f2c - Convert a window handle from its Fortran representation
MPI_Win_fence - Synchronizes one-sided communications on a window
MPI_Win_free - Frees a window object
MPI_Win_free_keyval - Free window attribute key
MPI_Win_get_attr - Get window attribute value
MPI_Win_get_errhandler - Get an errorhandler for a window
MPI_Win_get_group - Returns a duplicate of the group of a window
MPI_Win_get_name - Get the name associated with a window
MPI_Win_lock - Starts an RMA access epoch locking access to a
MPI_Win_Lock - Starts an RMA access epoch
MPI_Win_post - Starts an RMA exposure epoch for a local window
MPI_Win_set_attr - Set attribute on a window
MPI_Win_set_errhandler - Sets a window error handler
MPI_Win_set_name - Set a name on a window
MPI_Win_start - Starts an RMA access epoch
MPI_Win_test - Attempts to complete an RMA exposure epoch; a
MPI_Win_Test - Test for progress on a window
MPI_Win_unlock - Completes an RMA access epoch started by a call to
MPI_Win_wait - Completes an RMA exposure epoch
MPI_Wtick - Returns the resolution of MPI_Wtime
MPI_Wtime - Returns an elapsed time on the calling processor
MPI_DUP_FN - Built-in MPI function to simple-mindedly copy
mpm_stream - -
mpool - shared memory buffer pool
MPQC::CartesianIterCCA - -
mq_close - close a message queue descriptor
mq_getattr, mq_setattr - get/set message queue attributes
mq_notify - register for notification when a message is available
mq_open - open a message queue
mq_receive, mq_timedreceive - receive a message from a message queue
mq_send, mq_timedsend - send a message to a message queue
mq_getattr, mq_setattr - get/set message queue attributes
mq_receive, mq_timedreceive - receive a message from a message queue
mq_send, mq_timedsend - send a message to a message queue
mq_unlink - remove a message queue
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
MrmCloseHierarchy — Closes a UID hierarchy -
MrmFetchBitmapLiteral — Fetches a bitmap literal from a hierarchy -
MrmFetchColorLiteral — Fetches a named color literal from a UID file -
MrmFetchIconLiteral — Fetches an icon literal from a hierarchy -
MrmFetchLiteral — Fetches a literal from a UID file -
MrmFetchSetValues — Fetches the values to be set from literals stored -
MrmFetchWidget — Fetches and creates an indexed (UIL named) application -
MrmFetchWidgetOverride — Fetches any indexed (UIL named) application -
MrmInitialize — Prepares an application to use MRM widget-fetching -
MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer — Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens a -
MrmOpenHierarchy — Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files -
MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay — Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the -
MrmRegisterClass — Saves the information needed for MRM to access the -
MrmRegisterNames — Registers the values associated with the names -
MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy — Registers the values associated with the -
libmtp - The audio/video album management API.
libmtp - The basic device management API.
libmtp - device-flags.h
libmtp - filemap_struct
libmtp - The file management API.
libmtp - The folder management API.
libmtp - The libmtp internals API.
libmtp - LIBMTP_album_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_allowed_values_struct
libmtp - libmtp.c
libmtp - LIBMTP_device_entry_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_devicestorage_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_error_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_filesampledata_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_file_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_folder_struct
libmtp - libmtp.h
libmtp - LIBMTP_mtpdevice_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_playlist_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_raw_device_struct
libmtp - LIBMTP_track_struct
libmtp - libusb-glue.h
libmtp - mtpdevice_list_struct
libmtp - music-players.h
libmtp - The object management API.
libmtp - The audio/video playlist management API.
libmtp - propertymap_struct
libmtp - PTPFDHandlerPrivate
libmtp - PTPMemHandlerPrivate
libmtp - libmtp data structures
libmtp - text_struct
libmtp - The track management API.
libmtp - libmtp global type definitions
libmtp - unicode.c
libmtp - unicode.h
libmtp - util.c
mtrace, muntrace - malloc debugging
MultipleEdgeSelection.cpp - -
MultipleEdgeSelection.h - -
MultipleEdgeSelection - -
multithreading_support - Multithreading Support in Coin The support in
vpMultMatrix - multiply the current transformation matrix by another
ibv_rate_to_mult - convert IB rate enumeration to multiplier of 2.5 Gbit/sec
munge_ctx_create, munge_ctx_copy, munge_ctx_destroy, -
munge_ctx_create, munge_ctx_copy, munge_ctx_destroy, -
munge_ctx_create, munge_ctx_copy, munge_ctx_destroy, -
munge_ctx_create, munge_ctx_copy, munge_ctx_destroy, -
munge_ctx_create, munge_ctx_copy, munge_ctx_destroy, -
munge_ctx_create, munge_ctx_copy, munge_ctx_destroy, -
munge_ctx_create, munge_ctx_copy, munge_ctx_destroy, -
munge_encode, munge_decode, munge_strerror - MUNGE primary functions
munge_encode, munge_decode, munge_strerror - MUNGE primary functions
munge_enum_is_valid, munge_enum_int_to_str, munge_enum_str_to_int - -
munge_enum_is_valid, munge_enum_int_to_str, munge_enum_str_to_int - -
munge_enum_is_valid, munge_enum_int_to_str, munge_enum_str_to_int - -
munge_enum_is_valid, munge_enum_int_to_str, munge_enum_str_to_int - -
munge_encode, munge_decode, munge_strerror - MUNGE primary functions
munge_encode, munge_decode, munge_strerror - MUNGE primary functions
mUnlock - unlock a mutex.
mtrace, muntrace - malloc debugging
muroar_beep - Send notify beep to RoarAudio sound daemon
muroar_close - Disconnect stream from RoarAudio sound server
muroar_connect - Opens a connection to a RoarAudio sound daemon
muroar_quit - Disconnect from RoarAudio sound server
muroar_read - Read data from a stream in a portable way
muroar_stream - Create a stream connected to a RoarAudio sound server
muroar_write - Write data to a stream in a portable way
MutableContainer.h - -
mxml - Mini-XML API
mysqltcl - MySQL server access commands for Tcl
NANA - verify assertions in C and C++ code
nan, nanf, nanl - return ’Not a Number’
nan, nanf, nanl - return ’Not a Number’
nan, nanf, nanl - return ’Not a Number’
nbp_name - NBP name parsing
ncap - network data capture
ne_addr_resolve, ne_addr_result, ne_addr_first, ne_addr_next, -
ne_add_request_header, ne_print_request_header - add headers to a
ne_addr_resolve, ne_addr_result, ne_addr_first, ne_addr_next, -
ne_addr_resolve, ne_addr_result, ne_addr_first, ne_addr_next, -
ne_addr_resolve, ne_addr_result, ne_addr_first, ne_addr_next, -
ne_addr_resolve, ne_addr_result, ne_addr_first, ne_addr_next, -
ne_addr_resolve, ne_addr_result, ne_addr_first, ne_addr_next, -
nearbyint, nearbyintf, nearbyintl, rint, rintf, rintl - round to
nearbyint, nearbyintf, nearbyintl, rint, rintf, rintl - round to
nearbyint, nearbyintf, nearbyintl, rint, rintf, rintl - round to
ne_buffer_clear, ne_buffer_grow, ne_buffer_altered - general purpose of
ne_buffer_append, ne_buffer_zappend, ne_buffer_concat - append data to
ne_buffer_clear, ne_buffer_grow, ne_buffer_altered - general purpose of
ne_buffer_append, ne_buffer_zappend, ne_buffer_concat - append data to
ne_buffer_create, ne_buffer_ncreate - general purpose of group of
ne_buffer_destroy, ne_buffer_finish - destroy a buffer object
ne_buffer_destroy, ne_buffer_finish - destroy a buffer object
ne_buffer_clear, ne_buffer_grow, ne_buffer_altered - general purpose of
ne_buffer - string buffer handling
ne_buffer_create, ne_buffer_ncreate - general purpose of group of
ne_buffer_append, ne_buffer_zappend, ne_buffer_concat - append data to
ne_malloc, ne_calloc, ne_realloc, ne_strdup, ne_strndup, -
ne_session_create, ne_close_connection, ne_session_proxy, -
ne_set_server_auth, ne_set_proxy_auth, ne_forget_auth - register
ne_get_error, ne_set_error - error handling for HTTP sessions
ne_set_request_flag, ne_get_request_flag - set and retrieve per-request
ne_get_response_header, ne_response_header_iterate - functions to
ne_set_useragent, ne_set_persist, ne_set_read_timeout, ne_get_scheme, -
ne_set_useragent, ne_set_persist, ne_set_read_timeout, ne_get_scheme, -
ne_set_session_flag, ne_get_session_flag - set and retrieve session
ne_get_status - retrieve HTTP response status for request
ne_has_support - determine feature support status
ne_i18n_init - functions to initialize internationalization support
ne_iaddr_make, ne_iaddr_cmp, ne_iaddr_print, ne_iaddr_typeof, -
ne_iaddr_make, ne_iaddr_cmp, ne_iaddr_print, ne_iaddr_typeof, -
ne_iaddr_make, ne_iaddr_cmp, ne_iaddr_print, ne_iaddr_typeof, -
ne_iaddr_make, ne_iaddr_cmp, ne_iaddr_print, ne_iaddr_typeof, -
ne_iaddr_make, ne_iaddr_cmp, ne_iaddr_print, ne_iaddr_typeof, -
ne_malloc, ne_calloc, ne_realloc, ne_strdup, ne_strndup, -
neon - HTTP and WebDAV client library
ne_malloc, ne_calloc, ne_realloc, ne_strdup, ne_strndup, -
ne_add_request_header, ne_print_request_header - add headers to a
ne_token, ne_qtoken - string tokenizers
ne_malloc, ne_calloc, ne_realloc, ne_strdup, ne_strndup, -
ne_request_create, ne_request_dispatch, ne_request_destroy - low-level
ne_request_create, ne_request_dispatch, ne_request_destroy - low-level
ne_request_create, ne_request_dispatch, ne_request_destroy - low-level
ne_get_response_header, ne_response_header_iterate - functions to
nerr_error_string - return the string associated with a clearsilver
nerr_error_traceback - return the full traceback of a clearsilver error
nerr_handle - walk the NEOERR chain for a matching error (clearsilver)
nerr_ignore - free the clearsilver error chain
nerr_init - initialize clearsilver error chain
nerr_log_error - print the error to stderr
nerr_match - walk the NEOERR chain for a matching error (clearsilver)
nerr_pass_ctx - pass a clearsilver error up a level in the call chain
nerr_pass - pass a clearsilver error up a level in the call chain
nerr_register - register a clearsilver error type
ne_session_create, ne_close_connection, ne_session_proxy, -
ne_session_create, ne_close_connection, ne_session_proxy, -
ne_session_create, ne_close_connection, ne_session_proxy, -
ne_set_useragent, ne_set_persist, ne_set_read_timeout, ne_get_scheme, -
ne_get_error, ne_set_error - error handling for HTTP sessions
ne_set_useragent, ne_set_persist, ne_set_read_timeout, ne_get_scheme, -
ne_set_server_auth, ne_set_proxy_auth, ne_forget_auth - register
ne_set_useragent, ne_set_persist, ne_set_read_timeout, ne_get_scheme, -
ne_set_request_body_buffer, ne_set_request_body_fd, -
ne_set_request_body_buffer, ne_set_request_body_fd, -
ne_set_request_body_buffer, ne_set_request_body_fd, -
ne_set_request_expect100 - function to enable Expect: 100-continue
ne_set_request_flag, ne_get_request_flag - set and retrieve per-request
ne_set_server_auth, ne_set_proxy_auth, ne_forget_auth - register
ne_set_session_flag, ne_get_session_flag - set and retrieve session
ne_set_useragent, ne_set_persist, ne_set_read_timeout, ne_get_scheme, -
ne_shave - trim whitespace from a string
ne_sock_init, ne_sock_exit - perform library initialization
ne_sock_init, ne_sock_exit - perform library initialization
ne_ssl_cert_cmp, ne_ssl_cert_free - functions to operate on certificate
ne_ssl_cert_read, ne_ssl_cert_write, ne_ssl_cert_import, -
ne_ssl_cert_cmp, ne_ssl_cert_free - functions to operate on certificate
ne_ssl_cert_identity, ne_ssl_cert_signedby, ne_ssl_cert_issuer, -
ne_ssl_cert_read, ne_ssl_cert_write, ne_ssl_cert_import, -
ne_ssl_cert_identity, ne_ssl_cert_signedby, ne_ssl_cert_issuer, -
ne_ssl_cert_read, ne_ssl_cert_write, ne_ssl_cert_import, -
ne_ssl_cert_identity, ne_ssl_cert_signedby, ne_ssl_cert_issuer, -
ne_ssl_cert_identity, ne_ssl_cert_signedby, ne_ssl_cert_issuer, -
ne_ssl_cert_read, ne_ssl_cert_write, ne_ssl_cert_import, -
ne_ssl_clicert_read, ne_ssl_clicert_name, ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted, -
ne_ssl_clicert_read, ne_ssl_clicert_name, ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted, -
ne_ssl_clicert_read, ne_ssl_clicert_name, ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted, -
ne_ssl_clicert_read, ne_ssl_clicert_name, ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted, -
ne_ssl_clicert_read, ne_ssl_clicert_name, ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted, -
ne_ssl_clicert_read, ne_ssl_clicert_name, ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted, -
ne_ssl_readable_dname, ne_ssl_dname_cmp - SSL distinguished name
ne_ssl_readable_dname, ne_ssl_dname_cmp - SSL distinguished name
ne_ssl_set_verify - register an SSL certificate verification callback
ne_ssl_trust_cert, ne_ssl_trust_default_ca - functions to indicate that
ne_ssl_trust_cert, ne_ssl_trust_default_ca - functions to indicate that
ne_status - HTTP status structure
ne_malloc, ne_calloc, ne_realloc, ne_strdup, ne_strndup, -
ne_malloc, ne_calloc, ne_realloc, ne_strdup, ne_strndup, -
netcdf - Unidata’s Network Common Data Form (netCDF) library interface
netcdf - Unidata’s Network Common Data Form (netCDF) library interface
netclose - close an existing socket
netlink - Netlink macros
ne_token, ne_qtoken - string tokenizers
netread - receive a message from a socket
network.h - -
netwrite - send a message on a socket
ne_version_match, ne_version_string - library versioning
ne_version_match, ne_version_string - library versioning
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
ne_xml_create, ne_xml_destroy - create and destroy an XML parser
ne_xml_create, ne_xml_destroy - create and destroy an XML parser
nextafter, nextafterf, nextafterl, nexttoward, nexttowardf, nexttowardl -
nextafter, nextafterf, nextafterl, nexttoward, nexttowardf, nexttowardl -
nextafter, nextafterf, nextafterl, nexttoward, nexttowardf, nexttowardl -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
nextafter, nextafterf, nextafterl, nexttoward, nexttowardf, nexttowardl -
nextafter, nextafterf, nextafterl, nexttoward, nexttowardf, nexttowardl -
nextafter, nextafterf, nextafterl, nexttoward, nexttowardf, nexttowardl -
ftw, nftw - file tree walk
ngettext, dngettext, dcngettext - translate message and choose plural
The basic device management and information API - -
Codec types - -
njb_datafile_struct - -
The datafile tag (metadata) retrieveal API - -
Debug flags - -
njb_device_entry - -
The EAX (and volume) manipulation API - -
njb_eax_struct - -
Error codes - -
njb_error_stack_struct - -
Song ID frame types - -
Frame types for different song ID frames - -
The libnjb configuration API - -
njb_keyval_struct - -
njb3_state_t - -
Enumerators to identify different jukeboxes - -
njbdfhdr_t - -
njblibctr_t - -
njbplhdr_t - -
njbttaghdr_t - -
The track playback (listening) API - -
The playlist manipulation API - -
njb_playlist_struct - -
njb_playlist_track_struct - -
njb_songid_frame_struct - -
njb_songid_struct - -
njb_state_t - -
njb_struct - -
The track and tag (song ID metadata) manipulation API - -
The time manipulation API - -
njb_time_struct - -
Turbo flags - -
libnjb global type definitions - -
Unicode flags - -
nlist - retrieve symbol table name list from an executable file
nl_langinfo - query language and locale information
vpNormalIndex, vpNormal - encode/decode a surface normal vector
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs - convert values between host and network
htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs - convert values between host and network
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
leptonica - image processing library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
numa - NUMA policy library
Number.cpp - -
Number.h - -
Number - -
numbers.h - -
objcount.h - -
object.h - -
Object — The Object widget class -
objlink.h - -
objmap.h - -
objsync.h - -
ObservableGraph.h - -
Observable.h - -
ObservableProperty.h - -
OcclusionTest.h - -
vpOctreeMask - compute a mask representing one level of a min-max
Odeum - the inverted API of QDBM
Odeum - the inverted API of QDBM
offsetof - offset of a structure member
OMAPI - Object Management Application Programming Interface
on_exit - register a function to be called at normal process
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
opendir, fdopendir - open a directory
OpenDKIM Lua programming - programming the OpenDKIM filter using Lua
closelog, openlog, syslog, vsyslog - send messages to the system logger
fmemopen, open_memstream, open_wmemstream - open memory as stream
MPI - General information Open MPI 1.4.1.
openpty, login_tty, forkpty - tty utility functions
fmemopen, open_memstream, open_wmemstream - open memory as stream
getopt, getopt_long, getopt_long_only, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - -
getopt, getopt_long, getopt_long_only, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - -
getopt, getopt_long, getopt_long_only, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - -
optionFileLoad - Load the locatable config files, in order
optionFindNextValue - find a hierarcicaly valued option instance
optionFindValue - find a hierarcicaly valued option instance
optionFree - free allocated option processing memory
optionGetValue - get a specific value from a hierarcical list
optionLoadLine - process a string for an option name and value
optionNextValue - get the next value from a hierarchical list
optionOnlyUsage - Print usage text for just the options
optionProcess - this is the main option processing routine
optionRestore - restore option state from memory copy
optionSaveFile - saves the option state to a file
optionSaveState - saves the option state to memory
optionUnloadNested - Deallocate the memory for a nested value
optionVersion - return the compiled AutoOpts version number
getopt, getopt_long, getopt_long_only, optarg, optind, opterr, optopt - -
oqueue.h - -
Generic RTP output queues. - -
Ora2Pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
Attributes and Cntls - -
Env Variables - -
Error Types - -
Globus XIO ORDERING Driver - -
Opening/Closing - -
Reading/Writing - -
Types - -
Ordering.h - -
OrientableConstants.h - -
OrientableCoord.cpp - -
OrientableCoord.h - -
OrientableCoord - -
OrientableLayout.cpp - -
OrientableLayout.h - -
OrientableLayout - -
OrientableLayoutInterface.h - -
OrientableLayoutInterface - -
OrientableSize.cpp - -
OrientableSize.h - -
OrientableSize - -
OrientableSizeProxy.cpp - -
OrientableSizeProxy.h - -
OrientableSizeProxy - -
Orientation.cpp - -
Orientation.h - -
ost::Assoc - -
ost::AtomicCounter - -
ost::AudioBase - AudioBase base class for many other audio classes
ost::AudioBuffer - The AudioBuffer class is for mixing one-to-one soft
ost::AudioCodec - The codec class is a virtual used for transcoding
ost::AudioDevice - -
ost::Audio::dtmf_detect_state_t - -
ost::AudioFile - A class used to manipulate audio data.
ost::Audio::goertzel_state_t - -
ost::Audio - Generic audio class to hold master data types and various
ost::Audio::Info - Audio source description.
ost::Audio::mpeg_audio - -
ost::Audio::mpeg_tagv1 - -
ost::AudioResample - The AudioResample class is used to manage linear
ost::AudioStream - AudioStream accesses AudioFile base class content as
ost::Audio::tone_detection_descriptor_t - -
ost::AudioTone - The AudioTone class is used to create a frame of audio
ost::BaseObject - -
ost::Buffer - -
ost::Cancellation - -
ost::ChecksumDigest - -
ost::cistring_char_traits - -
ost::CommandOptionArg - -
ost::CommandOptionCollect - -
ost::CommandOption - -
ost::CommandOptionNoArg - -
ost::CommandOptionParse - -
ost::CommandOptionRest - -
ost::CommandOptionWithArg - -
ost::Conditional - -
ost::Counter - -
ost::CRC16Digest - -
ost::CRC32Digest - -
ost::Date - -
ost::DateNumber - -
ost::Datetime - -
ost::DCCPSocket - -
ost::Digest - -
ost::DirException - -
ost::Dir - -
ost::DirTree - -
ost::DSOException - -
ost::DSO - -
ost::DTMFDetect - DTMFDetect is used for detecting DTMF tones in a
ost::DTMFTones - DTMFTones is used to generate a series of dtmf audio
ost::Engine - -
ost::Event - -
ost::Exception - -
ost::FileException - -
ost::File::_fcb - -
ost::File - -
ost::FixedBuffer - -
ost - -
ost::InterruptException - -
ost::IOException - -
ost::IOZException - -
ost::IPV4Address - -
ost::IPV4Broadcast - -
ost::IPV4Cidr - -
ost::IPV4Host - -
ost::IPV4Mask - -
ost::IPV4Multicast - -
ost::IPV4MulticastValidator - -
ost::IPV4Validator - -
ost::IPV6Address - -
ost::IPV6Broadcast - -
ost::IPV6Cidr - -
ost::IPV6Host - -
ost::IPV6Mask - -
ost::IPV6Multicast - -
ost::IPV6MulticastValidator - -
ost::IPV6Validator - -
ost::IZStream - -
ost::Keydata::Define - -
ost::Keydata - -
ost::Keydata::Keysym - -
ost::Keydata::Keyval - -
ost::keyMap - -
ost::LinkedDouble - -
ost::LinkedSingle - -
ost::Lockfile - -
ost::MapIndex - -
ost::MapObject - -
ost::MappedFile - -
ost::MapTable - -
ost::MD5Digest - -
ost::MemPager - -
ost::MemPagerObject - -
ost::MFTones - MFTones is used to generate a series of mf audio data
ost::MIMEFormData - -
ost::MIMEItemPart - -
ost::MIMEMultipartForm - -
ost::MIMEMultipart - -
ost::MutexCounter - -
ost::Mutex - -
ost::MutexLock - -
ost::NetworkDeviceInfo - -
ost::Number - -
ost::objCounter - -
ost::objList - -
ost::objMap - -
ost::objSync - -
ost::OZStream - -
ost::PersistException - -
ost::Pointer - -
ost::PosixThread - -
ost::Process - -
ost::RandomFile - -
ost::ReadLock - -
ost::RefObject - -
ost::RefPointer - -
ost::Runable - -
ost::Runlist - -
ost::Semaphore - -
ost::SemaphoreLock - -
ost::SerException - -
ost::Serial - -
ost::SerialPort - -
ost::SerialService - -
ost::SharedFile - -
ost::SharedMemPager - -
ost::SimpleTCPStream - -
ost::Slog - -
ost::Socket - -
ost::SocketPort - -
ost::SocketService - -
ost::SockException - -
ost::SSLStream - -
ost::SString - -
ost::StackPager - -
oststring.h - -
ost::String - -
ost::StringObject - -
ost::StringTokenizer - -
ost::StringTokenizer::iterator - -
ost::StringTokenizer::NoSuchElementException - -
ost::SyncException - -
ost::SysTime - -
ost::TCPSession - -
ost::TCPSocket - -
ost::TCPStream - -
ost::TCPV6Socket - -
ost::TelTone - An object that is used to sequence and extract telephony
ost::TelTone::_tonedef - -
ost::TelTone::_tonekey - -
ost::ThreadFile - -
ost::Thread - -
ost::ThreadKey - -
ost::ThreadLock - -
ost::ThreadQueue::_data - -
ost::ThreadQueue - -
ost::ThrException - -
ost::Time - -
ost::TimerPort - -
ost::TTYSession - -
ost::ttystream - -
ost::TTYStream - -
ost::TypeManager - -
ost::TypeManager::Registration - -
ost::UDPBroadcast - -
ost::UDPDuplex - -
ost::UDPReceive - -
ost::UDPSocket - -
ost::UDPTransmit - -
ost::UnixSession - -
ost::UnixSocket - -
ost::unixstream - -
ost::UnixStream - -
ost::URLStream - -
ost::WriteLock - -
ost::XMLRPC - -
ost::XMLStream - -
ost::ZNumber - -
OuterPlanarTest.h - -
OutgoingDataQueueBase - -
OutgoingDataQueue - -
OutgoingDataQueue::OutgoingRTPPktLink - -
OutgoingRTPPkt - -
outputstringstream.h - Header file that defines OutputStringStream.
OverrideShell — The OverrideShell widget class -
overview - .TH "overview" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
pam_acct_mgmt - PAM account validation management
pam_authenticate - account authentication
pam_chauthtok - updating authentication tokens
pam_close_session - terminate PAM session management
pam_conv - PAM conversation function
pam_end - termination of PAM transaction
pam_error, pam_verror - display error messages to the user
pam_fail_delay - request a delay on failure
pam_get_authtok - get authentication token
pam_get_authtok - get authentication token
pam_get_authtok - get authentication token
pam_get_data - get module internal data
pam_getenv - get a PAM environment variable
pam_getenvlist - getting the PAM environment
pam_get_item - getting PAM informations
pam_get_user - get user name
pam - Pluggable Authentication Modules Library
pam_info, pam_vinfo - display messages to the user
pam_misc_drop_env - liberating a locally saved environment
pam_misc_paste_env - transcribing an environment to that of PAM
pam_misc_setenv - BSD like PAM environment variable setting
pam_open_session - start PAM session management
pam_prompt, pam_vprompt - interface to conversation function
pam_putenv - set or change PAM environment variable
pam_setcred - establish / delete user credentials
pam_set_data - set module internal data
pam_set_item - set and update PAM informations
pam_sm_acct_mgmt - PAM service function for account management
pam_sm_authenticate - PAM service function for user authentication
pam_sm_chauthtok - PAM service function for authentication token
pam_sm_close_session - PAM service function to terminate session
pam_sm_open_session - PAM service function to start session management
pam_sm_setcred - PAM service function to alter credentials
pam_start - initialization of PAM transaction
pam_strerror - return string describing PAM error code
pam_syslog, pam_vsyslog - send messages to the system logger
pam_error, pam_verror - display error messages to the user
pam_info, pam_vinfo - display messages to the user
pam_prompt, pam_vprompt - interface to conversation function
pam_syslog, pam_vsyslog - send messages to the system logger
pam_xauth_data - structure containing X authentication data
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
paperinit, paperdone - begin and end using the paper library
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
paperinfo, paperwithsize, paperfirst, paperlast, papernext, paperprev - -
Paragraph.h - -
ParallelAxis.cpp - -
ParallelAxis.h - -
ParallelCoordinatesConfigDialog.cpp - -
ParallelCoordinatesConfigDialog.h - -
ParallelCoordinatesDrawing.cpp - -
ParallelCoordinatesDrawing.h - -
ParallelCoordinatesGraphProxy.cpp - -
ParallelCoordinatesGraphProxy.h - -
ParallelCoordinatesView.cpp - -
ParallelCoordinatesView.h - -
ParallelCoordsAxisBoxPlot.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsAxisSliders.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsAxisSwapper.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsElementDeleter.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsElementHighlighter.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsElementShowInfos.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsElementsSelector.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsGlEntitiesSelector.cpp - -
ParallelCoordsGlEntitiesSelector.h - -
ParallelTools.h - -
parport - representation of a parallel port
parport_list - a collection of parallel ports
ParseArgv - process command-line options
parsedate - convert time and date string to number
parse_open_flags - converts open flag symbols into bitmask
parse_opts - parse standard and user options for LTP test programs
parse_ranges - function to parse a string formatted like
ParserError - -
Parser.h - -
ParticipantHandler - -
Participant - -
leptonica - image processing library
xencrypt, xdecrypt, passwd2des - RFS password encryption
pathclient - pathfinder command line Certificate Validation tool.
fpathconf, pathconf - get configuration values for files
PathLengthMetric.cpp - -
PathLengthMetric.h - -
PathLengthMetric - -
libpathplan - finds and smooths shortest paths
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
pathverify - stand alone RFC3280 path validation and discovery tool.
pattern_fill - Fill a buffer with copies of a pattern
PayloadFormat - -
Payload types and formats. - -
pcapnav-config - write libpcapnav compiler and linker flags to standard
PCDBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N complex banded
PCDBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PCDTTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N complex tridiagonal
PCDTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
PCGBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N complex banded
PCGEBD2 - reduce a complex general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PCGEBRD - reduce a complex general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PCGECON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general
PCGEEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an M-
PCGEHD2 - reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PCGEHRD - reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PCGELQ2 - compute a LQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGELQF - compute a LQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGELS - solve overdetermined or underdetermined complex linear systems
PCGEQL2 - compute a QL factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGEQLF - compute a QL factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGEQPF - compute a QR factorization with column pivoting of a M-by-N
PCGEQR2 - compute a QR factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGEQRF - compute a QR factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGERFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PCGERQ2 - compute a RQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGERQF - compute a RQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PCGESV - compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations
PCGESVX - use the LU factorization to compute the solution to a complex
PCGETF2 - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PCGETRF - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PCGETRI - compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the LU
PCGETRS - solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( A )
PCGGQRF - compute a generalized QR factorization of an N-by-M matrix
PCGGRQF - compute a generalized RQ factorization of an M-by-N matrix
PCHEEVX - compute selected eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of
PCHEGS2 - reduce a complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem
PCHEGST - reduce a complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem
PCHEGVX - compute all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors
PCHETD2 - reduce a complex Hermitian matrix sub( A ) to Hermitian
PCHETRD - reduce a complex Hermitian matrix sub( A ) to Hermitian
PCLABRD - reduce the first NB rows and columns of a complex general M-
PCLACGV - conjugate a complex vector of length N, sub( X ), where sub(
PCLACON - estimate the 1-norm of a square, complex distributed matrix A
PCLACP2 - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PCLACPY - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PCLAEVSWP - move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where
PCLAHRD - reduce the first NB columns of a complex general N-by-(N-K+1)
PCLANGE - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PCLANHE - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PCLANHS - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PCLANSY - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PCLANTR - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PCLAPIV - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PCLAPV2 - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PCLAQGE - equilibrate a general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PCLAQSY - equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PCLARFB - applie a complex block reflector Q or its conjugate transpose
PCLARFC - applie a complex elementary reflector Q**H to a complex M-by-
PCLARFG - generate a complex elementary reflector H of order n, such
PCLARF - applie a complex elementary reflector Q to a complex M-by-N
PCLARFT - form the triangular factor T of a complex block reflector H
PCLARZB - applie a complex block reflector Q or its conjugate transpose
PCLARZC - applie a complex elementary reflector Q**H to a complex M-by-
PCLARZ - applie a complex elementary reflector Q to a complex M-by-N
PCLARZT - form the triangular factor T of a complex block reflector H
PCLASCL - multiplie the M-by-N complex distributed matrix sub( A )
PCLASE2 - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PCLASET - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PCLASSQ - return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq =
PCLASWP - perform a series of row or column interchanges on the
PCLATRA - compute the trace of an N-by-N distributed matrix sub( A )
PCLATRD - reduce NB rows and columns of a complex Hermitian distributed
PCLATRS - solve a triangular system
PCLATRZ - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix
co_create, co_call, co_resume, co_delete, co_exit_to, co_exit, -
popen, pclose - pipe stream to or from a process
PCMAX1 - compute the global index of the maximum element in absolute
PComm - The Primitive Communications Object.
pconf_autodetect_pport - Autodetect printer on a parallel port using
pconf_detect_printer - Return array of strings containing printer
pconf_get_detection_methods - List autodetection methods.
PCPBTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N complex banded
PCPBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PCP - PCP is the Main API for documentation of the class.
PCPIntro - introduction to the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) libraries
PCPOCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the
PCPOEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a
PCPORFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PCPOSV - compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations
PCPOSVX - use the Cholesky factorization A = U**H*U or A = L*L**H to
PCPOTF2 - compute the Cholesky factorization of a complex hermitian
PCPOTRF - compute the Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N complex
PCPOTRI - compute the inverse of a complex Hermitian positive definite
PCPTTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N complex
PCPTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
pcrdef.h - -
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
Pcre - -
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
PCSRSCL - multiplie an N-element complex distributed vector sub( X ) by
PCSTEIN - compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in
PCTRCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a
PCTRRFS - provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the
PCTRTI2 - compute the inverse of a complex upper or lower triangular
PCTRTRI - compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular
PCTZRZF - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix
PCUNG2L - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNG2R - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNGL2 - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNGLQ - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNGQL - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNGQR - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNGR2 - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNGRQ - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PCUNM2L - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNM2R - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMBR - VECT = ’Q’, PCUNMBR overwrites the general complex
PCUNMHR - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNML2 - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMLQ - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMQL - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMQR - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMR2 - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMR3 - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMRQ - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMRZ - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PCUNMTR - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PDDBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real banded
PDDBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PDDTTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real tridiagonal
PDDTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
PDGBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real banded
PDGEBD2 - reduce a real general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PDGEBRD - reduce a real general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PDGECON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general
PDGEEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an M-
PDGEHD2 - reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PDGEHRD - reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PDGELQ2 - compute a LQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGELQF - compute a LQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGELS - solve overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems
PDGEQL2 - compute a QL factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGEQLF - compute a QL factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGEQPF - compute a QR factorization with column pivoting of a M-by-N
PDGEQR2 - compute a QR factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGEQRF - compute a QR factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGERFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PDGERQ2 - compute a RQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGERQF - compute a RQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PDGESVD - compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) of an M-by-N
PDGESV - compute the solution to a real system of linear equations
PDGESVX - use the LU factorization to compute the solution to a real
PDGETF2 - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PDGETRF - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PDGETRI - compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the LU
PDGETRS - solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( A )
PDGGQRF - compute a generalized QR factorization of an N-by-M matrix
PDGGRQF - compute a generalized RQ factorization of an M-by-N matrix
PDLABAD - take as input the values computed by PDLAMCH for underflow
PDLABRD - reduce the first NB rows and columns of a real general M-by-N
PDLACON - estimate the 1-norm of a square, real distributed matrix A
PDLACONSB - look for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements by
PDLACP2 - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PDLACP3 - i an auxiliary routine that copies from a global parallel
PDLACPY - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PDLAEVSWP - move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where
PDLAHQR - i an auxiliary routine used to find the Schur decomposition
PDLAHRD - reduce the first NB columns of a real general N-by-(N-K+1)
PDLAMCH - determine double precision machine parameters
PDLANGE - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PDLANHS - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PDLANSY - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PDLANTR - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PDLAPIV - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PDLAPV2 - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PDLAQGE - equilibrate a general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PDLAQSY - equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PDLARED1D - redistribute a 1D array It assumes that the input array,
PDLARED2D - redistribute a 1D array It assumes that the input array,
PDLARFB - applie a real block reflector Q or its transpose Q**T to a
PDLARFG - generate a real elementary reflector H of order n, such that
PDLARF - applie a real elementary reflector Q (or Q**T) to a real M-by-
PDLARFT - form the triangular factor T of a real block reflector H of
PDLARZB - applie a real block reflector Q or its transpose Q**T to a
PDLARZ - applie a real elementary reflector Q (or Q**T) to a real M-by-
PDLARZT - form the triangular factor T of a real block reflector H of
PDLASCL - multiplie the M-by-N real distributed matrix sub( A )
PDLASE2 - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PDLASET - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PDLASMSUB - look for a small subdiagonal element from the bottom of
PDLASSQ - return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq =
PDLASWP - perform a series of row or column interchanges on the
PDLATRA - compute the trace of an N-by-N distributed matrix sub( A )
PDLATRD - reduce NB rows and columns of a real symmetric distributed
PDLATRS - solve a triangular system
PDLATRZ - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub(
PDLAWIL - get the transform given by H44,H33, yyyyyamp; H43H34 into V starting
PDORG2L - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORG2R - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORGL2 - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORGLQ - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORGQL - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORGQR - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORGR2 - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORGRQ - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PDORM2L - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORM2R - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMBR - VECT = ’Q’, PDORMBR overwrites the general real distributed
PDORMHR - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORML2 - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMLQ - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMQL - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMQR - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMR2 - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMR3 - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMRQ - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMRZ - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDORMTR - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PDPBTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N real banded
PDPBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PDPOCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the
PDPOEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a
PDPORFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PDPOSV - compute the solution to a real system of linear equations
PDPOSVX - use the Cholesky factorization A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T to
PDPOTF2 - compute the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric
PDPOTRF - compute the Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N real
PDPOTRI - compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive definite
PDPTTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N real
PDPTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
PDRSCL - multiplie an N-element real distributed vector sub( X ) by the
PDSTEBZ - compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in
PDSTEIN - compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in
PDSYEV - compute all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a
PDSYEVX - compute selected eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of
PDSYGS2 - reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to
PDSYGST - reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to
PDSYGVX - compute all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors
PDSYTD2 - reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( A ) to symmetric
PDSYTRD - reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( A ) to symmetric
PDTRCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a
PDTRRFS - provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the
PDTRTI2 - compute the inverse of a real upper or lower triangular block
PDTRTRI - compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular
PDTZRZF - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub(
PDZSUM1 - return the sum of absolute values of a complex distributed
pentagone.cpp - -
Pentagone - -
PerlPanel::DesktopEntry - an interface to .desktop files for the
PerlPanel::MenuBase - a base class for PerlPanel menu applets.
perror - print a system error message
persist.h - -
pfm_dispatch_events - determine PMC registers values for a set of
pfm_find_event, pfm_find_full_event, pfm_find_event_bycode, -
pfm_find_event, pfm_find_full_event, pfm_find_event_bycode, -
pfm_find_event, pfm_find_full_event, pfm_find_event_bycode, -
pfm_find_event, pfm_find_full_event, pfm_find_event_bycode, -
pfm_find_event, pfm_find_full_event, pfm_find_event_bycode, -
pfm_get_pmu_name, pfm_get_pmu_type, pfm_get_pmu_name_bytype, -
pfm_get_cycle_event, pfm_get_inst_retired_event - get basic event
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_impl_pmcs, pfm_get_impl_pmds, pfm_get_impl_counters, -
pfm_get_impl_pmcs, pfm_get_impl_pmds, pfm_get_impl_counters, -
pfm_get_impl_pmcs, pfm_get_impl_pmds, pfm_get_impl_counters, -
pfm_get_impl_pmcs, pfm_get_impl_pmds, pfm_get_impl_counters, -
pfm_get_cycle_event, pfm_get_inst_retired_event - get basic event
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_impl_pmcs, pfm_get_impl_pmds, pfm_get_impl_counters, -
pfm_get_event_name, pfm_get_full_event_name, pfm_get_event_mask_name, -
pfm_get_impl_pmcs, pfm_get_impl_pmds, pfm_get_impl_counters, -
pfm_get_impl_pmcs, pfm_get_impl_pmds, pfm_get_impl_counters, -
pfm_get_pmu_name, pfm_get_pmu_type, pfm_get_pmu_name_bytype, -
pfm_get_pmu_name, pfm_get_pmu_type, pfm_get_pmu_name_bytype, -
pfm_get_pmu_name, pfm_get_pmu_type, pfm_get_pmu_name_bytype, -
pfm_get_version - get performance monitoring library version
pfm_initialize - initialize performance monitoring library
pfm_get_pmu_name, pfm_get_pmu_type, pfm_get_pmu_name_bytype, -
pfm_get_pmu_name, pfm_get_pmu_type, pfm_get_pmu_name_bytype, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_regmask_set, pfm_regmask_isset, pfm_regmask_clr, -
pfm_self_start, pfm_self_stop - start and stop monitoring for a self-
pfm_self_start, pfm_self_stop - start and stop monitoring for a self-
pfm_set_options - set performance monitoring library debug options
pfm_strerror - return string describing error code
PGAClearDebugLevelByName - Turn off debugging of the named function.
PGAClearDebugLevel - Turn off a debul level.
PGACrossover - performs crossover on two parent strings to create two
PGADebugPrint - Write debugging information
PGAGetCrossoverProb - Returns the crossover probability
PGAGetCrossoverType - Returns the type of crossover selected
PGAGetMutationBoundedFlag - returns PGA_TRUE or PGA_FALSE to indicate
PGAGetMutationIntegerValue - Returns the value of the multiplier used
PGAGetMutationProb - Returns the probability of mutation.
PGAGetMutationRealValue - Returns the value of the multiplier used to
PGAGetMutationType - Returns the type of mutation used
PGAGetPTournamentProb - returns the probability of selecting the best
PGAGetRestartAlleleChangeProb - returns the probability with which an
PGAGetRestartFlag - returns whether the algorithm should employ the
PGAGetRestartFrequencyValue - returns the number of iterations of no
PGAGetSelectType - Returns the type of selection selected
PGAGetUniformCrossoverProb - returns the probability of a bit being
PGAMutate - This routine performs mutation on a string.
PGARestart - reseeds a population from the best string
PGASelect - performs genetic algorithm selection using either the
PGASelectNextIndex - returns the index of next individual in internal
PGASetCrossoverProb - Probability that a selected string will undergo
PGASetCrossoverType - specify the type of crossover to use.
PGASetDebugLevelByName - Turn on debugging of the named function.
PGASetDebugLevel - Turn on a debug level.
PGASetMutationBoundedFlag - If this flag is set to PGA_TRUE, then for
PGASetMutationIntegerValue - Set multiplier to mutate
PGASetMutationProb - Specifies the probability that a given allele will
PGASetMutationRealValue - Set multiplier to mutate PGA_DATATYPE_REAL
PGASetPTournamentProb - Specifies the probability that the string that
PGASetRestartAlleleChangeProb - specifies the probability with which an
PGASetRestartFlag - specifies whether the algorithm should employ the
PGASetRestartFrequencyValue - specifies the number of iterations of no
PGASetSelectType - specify the type of selection to use.
PGASetUniformCrossoverProb - Probability used in uniform crossover to
pgmspace.h - -
pgmspace - .TH "pgmspace" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-
PHYSFS_Allocator - -
PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo - -
PHYSFS_File - -
PHYSFS_Version - -
pidfile_open, pidfile_write, pidfile_close, pidfile_remove - library for
ping_construct - Constructor for the liboping class
ping_get_error - Return the last error message
ping_host_add - Add a host to a liboping object
ping_iterator_get_context, ping_iterator_set_context - Store
ping_iterator_get, ping_iterator_next - Iterate over all hosts of a
ping_iterator_get_info - Receive information about a host
ping_send - Send ICMP echo requests to all associated hosts and wait
ping_setopt - Set options for a liboping object
pixmap - image type for the XPM file format.
pj_init - initialize cartographic projection
PlanarConMap.h - -
PlanarGraph.cpp - -
PlanarGraph - -
PlanarityTest.h - -
PlanarityTestImpl.h - -
Plane.h - -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
plotscreenshots - QwtPlot
leptonica - image processing library
PluginContext.h - -
Plugin.h - -
PluginLibraryLoader.h - -
PluginLoader.h - -
PluginLoaderTxt.h - -
PluginProgress.h - -
Plugins - -
__pmAddIPC, __pmLookupIPC, __pmFdLookupIPC, __pmOverrideLastFd, -
pmAddProfile - add instance(s) to the current PMAPI instance profile
__pmAFregister, __pmAFunregister, __pmAFblock, __pmAFunblock, -
__pmAFregister, __pmAFunregister, __pmAFblock, __pmAFunblock, -
__pmAFregister, __pmAFunregister, __pmAFblock, __pmAFunblock, -
__pmAFregister, __pmAFunregister, __pmAFblock, __pmAFunblock, -
__pmAFregister, __pmAFunregister, __pmAFblock, __pmAFunblock, -
__pmAFregister, __pmAFunregister, __pmAFblock, __pmAFunblock, -
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
PMAPI - introduction to the Performance Metrics Application Programming
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmAtomStr - convert a performance metric value into a string
__pmConnectLogger - connect to a performance metrics logger control
__pmConnectLogger - connect to a performance metrics logger control
pmContextConnectTo, pmContextChangeState - connect to a PMCD
pmContextConnectTo, pmContextChangeState - connect to a PMCD
pmContextConnectTo, pmContextChangeState - connect to a PMCD
pmContextUndef - change current PMAPI context
__pmControlLog - enable, disable or enquire about logging of
__pmControlLog - enable, disable or enquire about logging of
__pmConvertTime - convert tm structure to timeval structure
__pmConvertTime - convert tm structure to timeval structure
pmConvScale - rescale a performance metric value
pmCtime - format the date and time for a reporting timezone
pmdaCacheStore, pmdaCacheLookup, pmdaCacheLookupName, pmdaCacheOp, -
pmdaCacheStore, pmdaCacheLookup, pmdaCacheLookupName, pmdaCacheOp, -
pmdaCacheStore, pmdaCacheLookup, pmdaCacheLookupName, pmdaCacheOp, -
pmdaCacheStore, pmdaCacheLookup, pmdaCacheLookupName, pmdaCacheOp, -
pmdaCacheStore, pmdaCacheLookup, pmdaCacheLookupName, pmdaCacheOp, -
pmdaCacheStore, pmdaCacheLookup, pmdaCacheLookupName, pmdaCacheOp, -
pmdaChildren - translate a PMID to a set of dynamic performance metric
pmdaOpenHelp, pmdaGetHelp, pmdaGetInDomHelp, pmdaCloseHelp, - help text
pmdaConnect - establish a connection between a daemon PMDA and PMCD
pmdaDaemon - initialize the PMDA to run as a daemon
pmdaDesc - get the description of a metric from a PMDA
pmdaDSO - initialize the PMDA to run as a DSO
pmdaFetch, pmdaSetFetchCallBack - fill a pmResult structure with the
pmdaOpenHelp, pmdaGetHelp, pmdaGetInDomHelp, pmdaCloseHelp, - help text
pmdaOpenHelp, pmdaGetHelp, pmdaGetInDomHelp, pmdaCloseHelp, - help text
pmdaGetOpt - get options from argument vector, trapping generic PMDA
pmdaOpenHelp, pmdaGetHelp, pmdaGetInDomHelp, pmdaCloseHelp, - help text
PMDA - introduction to the Performance Metrics Domain Agent support
pmdaInit - initialize a PMDA
pmdaInstance - return instance descriptions for a PMDA
pmdaMain, pmdaMainLoop, pmdaSetResultCallBack, pmdaSetCheckCallBack, -
pmdaMain, pmdaMainLoop, pmdaSetResultCallBack, pmdaSetCheckCallBack, -
pmdaMain, pmdaMainLoop, pmdaSetResultCallBack, pmdaSetCheckCallBack, -
pmdaName - translate a PMID to a set of dynamic performance metric
pmdaOpenHelp, pmdaGetHelp, pmdaGetInDomHelp, pmdaCloseHelp, - help text
pmdaOpenLog - redirect stderr to a logfile
pmdaPMID - translate a dynamic performance metric name into a PMID
pmdaProfile - update instance profile for PMDA in preparation for the
pmdaMain, pmdaMainLoop, pmdaSetResultCallBack, pmdaSetCheckCallBack, -
pmdaMain, pmdaMainLoop, pmdaSetResultCallBack, pmdaSetCheckCallBack, -
pmdaFetch, pmdaSetFetchCallBack - fill a pmResult structure with the
pmdaMain, pmdaMainLoop, pmdaSetResultCallBack, pmdaSetCheckCallBack, -
pmdaStore - store a value into a metric for a PMDA
pmdaText - extract metric help text for a PMDA
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmDelProfile - delete instance(s) from the current PMAPI instance
pmDerivedErrStr - return error message from failure to parse derived
pmDestroyContext - destroy a PMAPI context
pmDupContext - duplicate a PMAPI context
pmErrStr - convert a PMAPI error code into a string
pmExtractValue - extract a performance metric value from a pmResult
__pmAddIPC, __pmLookupIPC, __pmFdLookupIPC, __pmOverrideLastFd, -
pmFetchArchive - get performance metrics directly from an archive log
pmFetch, pmRequestFetch, pmReceiveFetch - get performance metric values
pmprintf, pmflush - print formatted output in a window or to standard
__pmParseHostSpec, __pmFreeHostSpec - uniform host specification parser
pmParseMetricSpec, pmFreeMetricSpec - uniform metric specification
__pmFreeProfile - free a PMAPI instance profile
__pmFreeProfile - free a PMAPI instance profile
pmFreeResult - release storage allocated for performance metrics values
pmGetArchiveEnd - locate logical end of file for an archive log
pmGetArchiveLabel - fetch the label record from a performance metrics
pmGetChildren, pmRequestNamesOfChildren, pmReceiveNamesOfChildren - -
pmGetChildrenStatus - return the descendent nodes of a PMNS node and
pmGetConfig - return Performance Co-Pilot configuration variable
pmGetContextFD, pmGetContextTimeout - get file descriptor associated
pmGetContextHostName - return the hostname associated with a
pmGetContextFD, pmGetContextTimeout - get file descriptor associated
pmGetInDomArchive - get instance identifiers for a performance metrics
pmGetInDom, pmRequestInDom, pmReceiveIndom - get instance identifiers
pmGetPMNSLocation - determine the location of the currently used PMNS
pmIDStr - convert a performance metric identifier into a string
pmInDomStr - convert a performance metric instance domain identifier
pmLoadASCIINameSpace - establish a local PMNS for an application
pmLoadDerivedConfig - load derived metric definitions from a file
pmLoadNameSpace - load a local PMNS for an application
__pmLocalPMDA - change the table of DSO PMDAs for PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL
__pmLocalPMDA - change the table of DSO PMDAs for PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL
pmLocaltime - convert the date and time for a reporting timezone
pmLookupDesc, pmReceiveDesc, pmRequestDesc - obtain a description for a
pmLookupInDomArchive - translate an instance name into an instance
pmLookupInDom, pmRequestInDomInst, pmReceiveInDomInst - translate an
pmLookupInDomText, pmRequestInDomText - return text describing a
__pmAddIPC, __pmLookupIPC, __pmFdLookupIPC, __pmOverrideLastFd, -
__pmAddIPC, __pmLookupIPC, __pmFdLookupIPC, __pmOverrideLastFd, -
pmLookupName, pmRequestNames, pmReceiveNames - translate performance
pmLookupText, pmRequestText, pmReceiveText - return text describing a
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
pmLoopRegisterChild, pmLoopRegisterIdle, pmLoopRegisterInput, -
__pmMktime - convert a tm structure to a calendar time
__pmMktime - convert a tm structure to a calendar time
pmNameAll, pmRequestNameAll, pmReceiveNameAll - translate a PMID to a
pmNameID, pmRequestNameID, pmReceiveNameID - translate a PMID to a
pmNameInDomArchive - translate an instance identifier into an instance
pmNameInDom, pmRequestInDomName, pmReceiveInDomName - translate an
pmNewContext - establish a new PMAPI context
pmNewContextZone - establish a reporting timezone based on a PMAPI
pmNewZone - establish a reporting timezone
pmNumberStr - fixed width output format for numbers
__pmOpenLog - create a log file for diagnostics and debug output
__pmOpenLog - create a log file for diagnostics and debug output
__pmAddIPC, __pmLookupIPC, __pmFdLookupIPC, __pmOverrideLastFd, -
__pmParseCtime - convert ctime(3) string to tm structure
__pmParseCtime - convert ctime(3) string to tm structure
__pmParseDebug - convert a list of debug flags into an integer
__pmParseDebug - convert a list of debug flags into an integer
__pmParseHostSpec, __pmFreeHostSpec - uniform host specification parser
__pmParseHostSpec, __pmFreeHostSpec - uniform host specification parser
pmParseInterval - convert interval string to timeval structure
pmParseMetricSpec, pmFreeMetricSpec - uniform metric specification
pmParseMetricSpec, pmFreeMetricSpec - uniform metric specification
__pmParseTime - parse time point specification
__pmParseTime - parse time point specification
pmParseTimeWindow - parse time window command line arguments
pmprintf, pmflush - print formatted output in a window or to standard
__pmAddIPC, __pmLookupIPC, __pmFdLookupIPC, __pmOverrideLastFd, -
pmPrintValue - print a performance metric value
pmLookupDesc, pmReceiveDesc, pmRequestDesc - obtain a description for a
pmFetch, pmRequestFetch, pmReceiveFetch - get performance metric values
pmGetInDom, pmRequestInDom, pmReceiveIndom - get instance identifiers
pmLookupInDom, pmRequestInDomInst, pmReceiveInDomInst - translate an
pmNameInDom, pmRequestInDomName, pmReceiveInDomName - translate an
pmNameAll, pmRequestNameAll, pmReceiveNameAll - translate a PMID to a
pmNameID, pmRequestNameID, pmReceiveNameID - translate a PMID to a
pmLookupName, pmRequestNames, pmReceiveNames - translate performance
pmGetChildren, pmRequestNamesOfChildren, pmReceiveNamesOfChildren - -
pmStore, pmRequestStore, pmReceiveStore - modify values of performance
pmLookupText, pmRequestText, pmReceiveText - return text describing a
pmTraversePMNS, pmRequestTraversePMNS, pmReceiveTraversePMNS - traverse
pmReconnectContext - reconnect to a PMAPI context
pmafm, pmRecordSetup, pmRecordAddHost, pmRecordControl - record mode
pmafm, pmRecordSetup, pmRecordAddHost, pmRecordControl - record mode
pmafm, pmRecordSetup, pmRecordAddHost, pmRecordControl - record mode
pmRegisterDerived - register a derived metric name and definition
pmLookupDesc, pmReceiveDesc, pmRequestDesc - obtain a description for a
pmFetch, pmRequestFetch, pmReceiveFetch - get performance metric values
pmGetInDom, pmRequestInDom, pmReceiveIndom - get instance identifiers
pmLookupInDom, pmRequestInDomInst, pmReceiveInDomInst - translate an
pmNameInDom, pmRequestInDomName, pmReceiveInDomName - translate an
pmLookupInDomText, pmRequestInDomText - return text describing a
pmNameAll, pmRequestNameAll, pmReceiveNameAll - translate a PMID to a
pmNameID, pmRequestNameID, pmReceiveNameID - translate a PMID to a
pmLookupName, pmRequestNames, pmReceiveNames - translate performance
pmGetChildren, pmRequestNamesOfChildren, pmReceiveNamesOfChildren - -
pmStore, pmRequestStore, pmReceiveStore - modify values of performance
pmLookupText, pmRequestText, pmReceiveText - return text describing a
pmTraversePMNS, pmRequestTraversePMNS, pmReceiveTraversePMNS - traverse
__pmAddIPC, __pmLookupIPC, __pmFdLookupIPC, __pmOverrideLastFd, -
pmSetMode - set collection time parameters for the current PMAPI
pmSortInstances - sort performance metric values on instance identifier
__pmSpecLocalPMDA - process command-line argument for the table of DSO
__pmSpecLocalPMDA - process command-line argument for the table of DSO
pmStore, pmRequestStore, pmReceiveStore - modify values of performance
pmStore, pmRequestStore, pmReceiveStore - modify values of performance
pmtime, pmTimeConnect, pmTimeDisconnect, pmTimeRecv, pmTimeSendAck, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmtracebegin, pmtraceend, pmtraceabort, pmtracepoint, pmtraceobs, -
pmTraversePMNS, pmRequestTraversePMNS, pmReceiveTraversePMNS - traverse
pmTraversePMNS, pmRequestTraversePMNS, pmReceiveTraversePMNS - traverse
pmTrimNameSpace - prune a performance metrics name space
pmTypeStr - convert a performance metric type into a string
pmUnitsStr - convert a performance metric’s units into a string
pmUnloadNameSpace - unload a local performance metrics name space for
pmUseContext - change current PMAPI context
pmUseZone - re-establish a reporting timezone
pmWhichContext - identify the current PMAPI context
pmWhichZone - return current reporting timezone
Pod::Webserver -- minimal web server to serve local Perl documentation -
pointer.h - -
point - -
Point - -
Polynome.h - -
pool.h - -
popen, pclose - pipe stream to or from a process
popt - Parse command line options
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
porting - .TH "porting" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-libc"
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
posix_fallocate - allocate file space
posix_memalign, memalign, valloc - Allocate aligned memory
posix_openpt - open a pseudo-terminal device
PosixSignalDispatcher::CannotAttachHandler - -
PosixSignalDispatcher::CannotDetachHandler - -
PosixSignalDispatcher.h - -
PosixSignalDispatcher - -
PosixSignalHandler.h - -
PosixSignalHandler - -
pow10, pow10f, pow10l - base-10 power functions
pow10, pow10f, pow10l - base-10 power functions
pow10, pow10f, pow10l - base-10 power functions
pow, powf, powl - power functions
pow, powf, powl - power functions
pow, powf, powl - power functions
ppd_check_option_is_marked, ppd_mark_defaults, ppd_mark_option - a set
ppd_emit_to_file, ppd_emit_to_fd - Output device specific code.
ppd_file_free - Free memory used by a ppd structure
ppd_file_new_from_filep, ppd_file_new_from_fd, ppd_file_new - Parse a
ppd_find_choice, ppd_find_marked_choice, ppd_find_option_by_keyword - -
ppd_get_num_conflicts - Check a PPD file for conflicts
ppd_get_page_length, ppd_get_page_size, ppd_get_page_width - set of
pr29_4 - API function
pr29_4z - API function
pr29_8z - API function
pr29_strerror - API function
PRadInf - Holds radio information.
PredEquals - -
Prima::Application - root of widget objects hierarchy
Prima::Buttons - button widgets and grouping widgets.
Prima::Calendar - standard calendar widget
Prima::Classes - binder module for the built-in classes.
Prima::Clipboard - GUI interprocess data exchange
Prima::codecs - How to write a codec for Prima image subsystem
Prima::ColorDialog - standard color selection facilities
Prima::ComboBox - standard combo box widget
Prima::Const - predefined constants
Prima::CurvedText - fit text to path
Prima::DetailedList - a multi-column list viewer with controlling
Prima::DetailedOutline - a multi-column outline viewer with controlling
Prima::DockManager - advanced dockable widgets
Prima::Docks - dockable widgets
Prima::Drawable - 2-D graphic interface
Prima::FindDialog, Prima::ReplaceDialog - standard interface dialogs to
Prima::Edit - standard text editing widget
Prima::EventHook - event filtering
Prima::ExtLists - extended functionality for list boxes
Prima::faq - Frequently asked questions about Prima
Prima::FileDialog - File system related widgets and dialogs.
Prima::File - asynchronous stream I/O.
Prima::FontDialog - standard font dialog
Prima::FrameSet - standard frameset widget
Prima::gp-problems - Problems, questionable or intricate topics in 2-D
Prima::Grids - grid widgets
Prima::Header - a multi-tabbed header widget.
Prima::HelpViewer - the built-in pod file browser
Prima - a perl graphic toolkit
Prima::Image::AnimateGIF - animate gif files
Prima::ImageDialog - file open and save dialogs.
Prima::Image - Bitmap routines
Prima::image-load - Using image subsystem
Prima::Image::TransparencyControl - standard dialog for transparent
Prima::ImageViewer - standard image, icon, and bitmap viewer class.
Prima::IniFile - support of Windows-like initialization files
Prima::InputLine - standard input line widget
Prima::internals - Prima internal architecture
Prima::IntUtils - internal functions
Prima::KeySelector - key combination widget and routines
Prima::Label - static text widget
Prima::Lists - user-selectable item list widgets
Prima::MDI - top-level windows emulation classes
Prima::Menu - pull-down and pop-up menu objects
Prima::MsgBox - standard message and input dialog boxes
Prima::Notebooks - multipage widgets
Prima::noX11 - Use Prima without X11
Prima::Object - Prima toolkit base classes
Prima::Outlines - tree view widgets
Prima::PodView - POD browser widget
Prima::PrintDialog - standard printer setup dialog
Prima::Printer - system printing services
Prima::PS::Drawable - PostScript interface to Prima::Drawable
Prima::PS::Encodings - manage latin-based encodings
Prima::PS::Fonts - PostScript device fonts metrics
Prima::PS::Printer - PostScript interface to Prima::Printer
Prima::ScrollBar - standard scroll bars class
Prima::ScrollWidget - scrollable generic document widget.
Prima::Sliders - sliding bars, spin buttons and input lines, dial
Prima::StartupWindow - a simplistic startup banner window
Prima::StdBitmap - shared access to the standard toolkit bitmaps
Prima::StdDlg - wrapper module to the toolkit standard dialogs
Prima::Stress - stress test module
Prima::sys::gtk2::FileDialog - GTK2 file system dialogs.
Prima::sys::win32::FileDialog - Windows file system dialogs.
Prima::TextView - rich text browser widget
Prima::Themes - object themes management
Prima::Tie - tie widget properties to scalars or arrays.
Prima::Timer - programmable periodical events
Prima::tutorial - introductory tutorial
Prima::Utils - miscellanneous routines
Prima::VB::CfgMaint - maintains visual builder widget palette
Prima::VB::Classes - Visual Builder widgets and types
Prima::VB::VBLoader - Visual Builder file loader
Prima::Widget - window management
Prima::Widget::pack - Geometry manager that packs around edges of
Prima::Widget::place - Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet
Prima::Widgets - miscellaneous widget classes
Prima::Window - top-level window management
Prima::X11 - usage guide for X11 environment
messages - libbash library that implements a set of functions to print
messages - libbash library that implements a set of functions to print
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
leptonica - image processing library
messages - libbash library that implements a set of functions to print
messages - libbash library that implements a set of functions to print
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
parse_time, print_time_table, unparse_time, unparse_time_approx, - parse
messages - libbash library that implements a set of functions to print
private.h - -
process.h - -
Scene Graph Profiling - -
profil - execution time profile
program_invocation_name, program_invocation_short_name - obtain name
program_invocation_name, program_invocation_short_name - obtain name
Projector Classes - -
pj_init - initialize cartographic projection
Properties - -
PropertyAlgorithm.h - -
PropertyDialog.h - -
PropertyManager.h - -
PropertyWidget.h - -
PropertyWidget - -
PropertyWidgetPlugin.h - -
PropertyWidgetPlugin - -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
ProxyCertInfo - -
ProxyPolicy - -
PS_add_bookmark — Add bookmark to current page -
PS_add_kerning — Add new kerning to font -
PS_add_launchlink — Adds link which launches file -
PS_add_ligature — Add new ligature to font -
PS_add_locallink — Adds link to a page in the same document -
PS_add_note — Adds note to current page -
PS_add_pdflink — Adds link to a page in a second pdf document -
PS_add_weblink — Adds link to a web location -
PS_arc — Draws an arc counterclockwise -
PS_arcn — Draws an arc clockwise -
PS_begin_font — Starts a new Type3 font -
PS_begin_glyph — Starts a new glyph in a Type3 font -
PS_begin_page — Start a new page -
PS_begin_pattern — Starts a new pattern -
PS_begin_template — Starts a new template -
PS_boot — Initialize library -
PS_circle — Draws a circle -
PS_clip — Clips drawing to current path -
PS_close — Closes a PostScript document -
PS_close_image — Closes image and frees memory -
PS_closepath — Closes path -
PS_closepath_stroke — Closes and strokes path -
PS_continue_text2 — Continue text in next line -
PS_continue_text — Continue text in next line -
PS_create_gstate — Creates a new graphic state -
PSCSUM1 - return the sum of absolute values of a complex distributed
PS_curveto — Draws a curve -
PSDBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real banded
PSDBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PS_delete — Deletes all resources of a PostScript document -
PSDTTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real tridiagonal
PSDTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
PS_end_font — Ends a Type3 font -
PS_end_glyph — Ends a Type3 font -
PS_end_page — End a page -
PS_end_pattern — Ends a pattern -
PS_end_template — Ends a template -
PS_fill — Fills the current path -
PS_fill_stroke — Fills and strokes the current path -
PS_findfont — Loads a font -
PS_free_glyph_list — Frees memory allocated for glyph list -
PSGBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real banded
PSGEBD2 - reduce a real general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PSGEBRD - reduce a real general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PSGECON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general
PSGEEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an M-
PSGEHD2 - reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PSGEHRD - reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PSGELQ2 - compute a LQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGELQF - compute a LQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGELS - solve overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems
PSGEQL2 - compute a QL factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGEQLF - compute a QL factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGEQPF - compute a QR factorization with column pivoting of a M-by-N
PSGEQR2 - compute a QR factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGEQRF - compute a QR factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGERFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PSGERQ2 - compute a RQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGERQF - compute a RQ factorization of a real distributed M-by-N
PSGESVD - compute the singular value decomposition (SVD) of an M-by-N
PSGESV - compute the solution to a real system of linear equations
PSGESVX - use the LU factorization to compute the solution to a real
PS_get_buffer — Returns internal memory buffer -
PSGETF2 - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PS_get_majorversion — returns the major version number of the -
PS_get_minorversion — returns the minor version number of the -
PS_get_opaque — Returns pointer which has been passed to PS_new2() -
PS_get_parameter — Gets certain parameters -
PSGETRF - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PSGETRI - compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the LU
PSGETRS - solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( A )
PS_get_subminorversion — returns the subminor version number of the -
PS_get_value — Gets certain values -
PSGGQRF - compute a generalized QR factorization of an N-by-M matrix
PSGGRQF - compute a generalized RQ factorization of an M-by-N matrix
PS_glyph_list — Returns list of glyph names in font -
PS_glyph_show — Output glyph by name -
PS_hyphenate — Hyphenates a word -
psignal - print signal message
PS_include_file — Include external PostScript file -
PSLABAD - take as input the values computed by PSLAMCH for underflow
PSLABRD - reduce the first NB rows and columns of a real general M-by-N
PSLACON - estimate the 1-norm of a square, real distributed matrix A
PSLACONSB - look for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements by
PSLACP2 - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PSLACP3 - i an auxiliary routine that copies from a global parallel
PSLACPY - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PSLAEVSWP - move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where
PSLAHQR - i an auxiliary routine used to find the Schur decomposition
PSLAHRD - reduce the first NB columns of a real general N-by-(N-K+1)
PSLAMCH - determine single precision machine parameters
PSLANGE - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PSLANHS - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PSLANSY - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PSLANTR - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PSLAPIV - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PSLAPV2 - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PSLAQGE - equilibrate a general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PSLAQSY - equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PSLARED1D - redistribute a 1D array It assumes that the input array,
PSLARED2D - redistribute a 1D array It assumes that the input array,
PSLARFB - applie a real block reflector Q or its transpose Q**T to a
PSLARFG - generate a real elementary reflector H of order n, such that
PSLARF - applie a real elementary reflector Q (or Q**T) to a real M-by-
PSLARFT - form the triangular factor T of a real block reflector H of
PSLARZB - applie a real block reflector Q or its transpose Q**T to a
PSLARZ - applie a real elementary reflector Q (or Q**T) to a real M-by-
PSLARZT - form the triangular factor T of a real block reflector H of
PSLASCL - multiplie the M-by-N real distributed matrix sub( A )
PSLASE2 - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PSLASET - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PSLASMSUB - look for a small subdiagonal element from the bottom of
PSLASSQ - return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq =
PSLASWP - perform a series of row or column interchanges on the
PSLATRA - compute the trace of an N-by-N distributed matrix sub( A )
PSLATRD - reduce NB rows and columns of a real symmetric distributed
PSLATRS - solve a triangular system
PSLATRZ - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub(
PSLAWIL - get the transform given by H44,H33, yyyyyamp; H43H34 into V starting
pslib - Library to create PostScript files
PS_lineto — Draws a line -
PS_list_parameters — List all set parameters -
PS_list_resources — List all resources -
PS_list_values — List all set values -
PS_makespotcolor — Create a spotcolor -
PS_moveto — Sets current point -
PS_new2 — Creates a new PostScript document object -
PS_new — Creating a new PostScript document object -
PS_open_file — Opens a file for output -
PS_open_fp — Uses an already open file pointer as the output file -
PS_open_image_file — Opens an image from file -
PS_open_image — Reads an image for later placement -
PS_open_mem — Creates a PostScript document in memory -
PSORG2L - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORG2R - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORGL2 - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORGLQ - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORGQL - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORGQR - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORGR2 - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORGRQ - generate an M-by-N real distributed matrix Q denoting
PSORM2L - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORM2R - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMBR - VECT = ’Q’, PSORMBR overwrites the general real distributed
PSORMHR - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORML2 - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMLQ - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMQL - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMQR - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMR2 - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMR3 - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMRQ - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMRZ - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSORMTR - overwrite the general real M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C )
PSPBTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N real banded
PSPBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PS_place_image — Places image on the page -
PSPOCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the
PSPOEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a
PSPORFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PSPOSV - compute the solution to a real system of linear equations
PSPOSVX - use the Cholesky factorization A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T to
PSPOTF2 - compute the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric
PSPOTRF - compute the Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N real
PSPOTRI - compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive definite
PSPTTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N real
PSPTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
PS_rect — Draws a rectangle -
PS_restore — Restore previously save context -
PS_rotate — Sets rotation factor -
PSRSCL - multiplie an N-element real distributed vector sub( X ) by the
PS_save — Save current context -
PS_scale — Sets scaling factor -
PS_set_border_color — Sets color of border for annotations -
PS_set_border_dash — Sets length of dashes for border of annotations -
PS_set_border_style — Sets border style of annotations -
PS_setcolor — Sets current color -
PS_setdash — Sets appearance of a dashed line -
PS_setflat — Sets flatness -
PS_setfont — Sets font to use for following output -
PS_setgray — Sets gray value -
PS_set_gstate — Sets a previously created graphic state -
PS_set_info — Sets information fields of document -
PS_setlinecap — Sets appearance of line ends -
PS_setlinejoin — Sets how contected lines are joined -
PS_setlinewidth — Sets width of a line -
PS_setmiterlimit — Sets the miter limit -
PS_set_parameter — Sets certain parameters -
PS_setpolydash — Sets appearance of a dashed line -
PS_set_text_pos — Sets position for text output -
PS_set_value — Sets certain values -
PS_shading — Create shading -
PS_shading_pattern — Create a shading pattern -
PS_shfill — Draws a shading -
PS_show2 — Output text with given length -
PS_show_boxed — Output text in a box -
PS_show — Output text at current position -
PS_show_xy2 — Output text at given position -
PS_show_xy — Output text at given position -
PS_shutdown — Final clean up of library -
PSSTEBZ - compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in
PSSTEIN - compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in
PS_string_geometry — Gets geometry of a string -
PS_stringwidth2 — Gets width of a string -
PS_stringwidth — Get width of a string -
PS_stroke — Draws the current path -
PSSYEV - compute all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a
PSSYEVX - compute selected eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of
PSSYGS2 - reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to
PSSYGST - reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to
PSSYGVX - compute all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors
PS_symbol — Output glyph at a certain position in the font encoding -
PS_symbol_name — Get name of a glyph -
PS_symbol_width — Get width of a glyph -
PSSYTD2 - reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( A ) to symmetric
PSSYTRD - reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( A ) to symmetric
PS_translate — Sets translation -
PSTRCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a
pstream.h - Declares all PStreams classes.
deprecated - Deprecated List
PSTRRFS - provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the
PSTRTI2 - compute the inverse of a real upper or lower triangular block
PSTRTRI - compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular
PSTZRZF - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub(
pth - GNU Portable Threads
pthread_atfork - register handlers to be called at fork(2) time
pthread_attr_setaffinity_np, pthread_attr_getaffinity_np - set/get CPU
pthread_attr_setguardsize, pthread_attr_getguardsize - set/get guard
pthread_attr_setstackaddr, pthread_attr_getstackaddr - set/get stack
pthread_attr_setstack, pthread_attr_getstack - set/get stack attributes
pthread_attr_setstacksize, pthread_attr_getstacksize - set/get stack
pthread_attr_setaffinity_np, pthread_attr_getaffinity_np - set/get CPU
pthread_attr_setguardsize, pthread_attr_getguardsize - set/get guard
pthread_attr_setstackaddr, pthread_attr_getstackaddr - set/get stack
pthread_attr_setstack, pthread_attr_getstack - set/get stack attributes
pthread_attr_setstacksize, pthread_attr_getstacksize - set/get stack
pthread_cancel - cancel execution of a thread
pthread_cleanup_pop, pthread_cleanup_push - establish cancellation
pthread_cleanup_pop, pthread_cleanup_push - establish cancellation
pthread_condattr_init, pthread_condattr_destroy - condition creation
pthread_condattr_init, pthread_condattr_destroy - condition creation
pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_cond_signal, -
pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_cond_signal, -
pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_cond_signal, -
pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_cond_signal, -
pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_cond_signal, -
pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_cond_signal, -
pthread_create - thread creation
pthread_exit - thread termination
pthread_setaffinity_np, pthread_getaffinity_np - set/get CPU affinity
pthread_getattr_np - get attributes of created thread
pthread_setconcurrency, pthread_getconcurrency - set/get the
pthread_getcpuclockid - retrieve ID of a thread’s CPU time clock
pthread_key_create, pthread_key_delete, pthread_setspecific, -
pthread_join - wait for thread termination
pthread_key_create, pthread_key_delete, pthread_setspecific, -
pthread_key_create, pthread_key_delete, pthread_setspecific, -
pthread_sigmask, pthread_kill, sigwait - handling of signals in threads
pthread_kill_other_threads_np - terminate all threads in program except
pthread_mutexattr_init, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, -
pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np, pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np - deprecated
pthread_mutexattr_init, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, -
pthread_mutexattr_init, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, -
pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np, pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np - deprecated
pthread_mutexattr_init, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, -
pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_trylock, -
pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_trylock, -
pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_trylock, -
pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_trylock, -
pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_trylock, -
pthread_once - once-only initialization
pthread_setaffinity_np, pthread_getaffinity_np - set/get CPU affinity
pthread_setconcurrency, pthread_getconcurrency - set/get the
pthread_setschedprio - set scheduling priority of a thread
pthread_key_create, pthread_key_delete, pthread_setspecific, -
pthread_sigmask, pthread_kill, sigwait - handling of signals in threads
pthread_setcancelstate, pthread_setcanceltype, pthread_testcancel - set
pthread_tryjoin_np, pthread_timedjoin_np - try to join with a
pthread_tryjoin_np, pthread_timedjoin_np - try to join with a
pthread_yield - yield the processor
ptsname, ptsname_r - get the name of the slave pseudo-terminal
ptsname, ptsname_r - get the name of the slave pseudo-terminal
punycode_decode - API function
punycode_encode - API function
punycode_strerror - API function
pushbuttonscreenshots - QwtPushButton
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts - output of characters and strings
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts - output of characters and strings
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
putenv - change or add an environment variable
putgrent - write a group database entry to a file
putpwent - write a password file entry
fputc, fputs, putc, putchar, puts - output of characters and strings
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
putwchar - write a wide character to standard output
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
fputwc, putwc - write a wide character to a FILE stream
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
getw, putw - input and output of words (ints)
puzzle_set_max_width, puzzle_set_max_height, puzzle_set_lambdas, -
PX_add_primary_index — Assigns primary index to database file -
PX_close_blob — Closes Paradox blob file (deprecated) -
PX_close — Closes instance of Paradox file -
PX_create_blob_file — Creates Paradox blob file -
PX_create_file — create a new Paradox file -
PX_create_fp — create a new Paradox file -
PX_date2string — Convert paradox date into formated string -
PX_delete — Deletes instance of Paradox file -
PX_delete_record — Removes a record from a Paradox file -
PX_get_data_alpha — Get alpha data field -
PX_get_data_bcd — Get bcd data field -
PX_get_data_blob — Get blob data field -
PX_get_data_byte — Get value from byte data field -
PX_get_data_bytes — Get value from bytes data field -
PX_get_data_double — Get double data field -
PX_get_data_graphic — Get graphic data field -
PX_get_data_long — Get long data field -
PX_get_data_short — Get value from short data field -
PX_get_field — Returns single field definition in Paradox file -
PX_get_fields — Returns array of field definitions in Paradox file -
PX_get_majorversion — returns the major version number of the paradox -
PX_get_minorversion — returns the minor version number of the paradox -
PX_get_num_fields — Returns number of fields in a Paradox file -
PX_get_num_records — Returns number of records in a Paradox file -
PX_get_opaque — return data passed to error handler -
PX_get_parameter — Get various parameter values -
PX_get_record2 — Returns record in Paradox file -
PX_get_record — Returns record in Paradox file -
PX_get_recordsize — Returns size of a record in bytes in a Paradox file -
PX_get_subminorversion — returns the subminor version number of the -
PX_get_value — Get various parameter values -
PX_insert_record — Inserts a new record in the Paradox file -
pxlib - Library to read and write Paradox databases
PX_new2 — create new instance of Paradox file -
PX_new3 — create new instance of Paradox file -
PX_new_blob — Create new instance of Paradox blob file (deprecated) -
PX_new — create new instance of Paradox file -
PX_open_blob_file — Opens Paradox blob file (deprecated) -
PX_open_blob_fp — Opens Paradox blob file (deprecated) -
PX_open_file — read a Paradox file -
PX_open_fp — read a Paradox file -
PX_open_gsf — read a Paradox file -
PX_put_data_alpha — Put value into an alpha data field -
PX_put_data_bcd — Put value into a bcd data field -
PX_put_data_byte — Put value into a byte data field -
PX_put_data_bytes — Put value into a bytes data field -
PX_put_data_double — Put value into a double data field -
PX_put_data_long — Put value into a long data field -
PX_put_data_short — Put value into a short integer data field -
PX_put_record — Stores record in Paradox file -
PX_put_recordn — Stores record in Paradox file at certain position -
PX_read_blobdata — Read blob from file (deprecated) -
PX_read_primary_index — Reads the primary index into an internal buffer -
PX_retrieve_record — Returns record in Paradox file -
PX_set_blob_file — Associate blob file with database -
PX_set_inputencoding — Set encoding for output -
PX_set_parameter — Sets various parameters -
PX_set_tablename — Set name of table -
PX_set_targetencoding — Set encoding for output -
PX_set_value — Sets various float parameters -
PX_strdup — duplicate a string -
PX_time2string — Convert paradox time into formated string -
PX_timestamp2string — Convert paradox timestamp into formated string -
PX_update_record — Updates an exiting record in the Paradox file -
PX_write_primary_index — Write primary index into a file -
pydhcplib - une librarie dhcp en python
pydhcplib.ipv4 - Type for IP addresses version 4
pydhcplib.strlist - Internal type of pydhcplib for lists of bytes
PZDBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N complex banded
PZDBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PZDRSCL - multiplie an N-element complex distributed vector sub( X ) by
PZDTTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N complex tridiagonal
PZDTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
PZGBTRF - compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N complex banded
PZGEBD2 - reduce a complex general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PZGEBRD - reduce a complex general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PZGECON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general
PZGEEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an M-
PZGEHD2 - reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PZGEHRD - reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( A ) to upper
PZGELQ2 - compute a LQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGELQF - compute a LQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGELS - solve overdetermined or underdetermined complex linear systems
PZGEQL2 - compute a QL factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGEQLF - compute a QL factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGEQPF - compute a QR factorization with column pivoting of a M-by-N
PZGEQR2 - compute a QR factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGEQRF - compute a QR factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGERFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PZGERQ2 - compute a RQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGERQF - compute a RQ factorization of a complex distributed M-by-N
PZGESV - compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations
PZGESVX - use the LU factorization to compute the solution to a complex
PZGETF2 - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PZGETRF - compute an LU factorization of a general M-by-N distributed
PZGETRI - compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the LU
PZGETRS - solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( A )
PZGGQRF - compute a generalized QR factorization of an N-by-M matrix
PZGGRQF - compute a generalized RQ factorization of an M-by-N matrix
PZHEEVX - compute selected eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of
PZHEGS2 - reduce a complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem
PZHEGST - reduce a complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem
PZHEGVX - compute all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors
PZHETD2 - reduce a complex Hermitian matrix sub( A ) to Hermitian
PZHETRD - reduce a complex Hermitian matrix sub( A ) to Hermitian
PZLABRD - reduce the first NB rows and columns of a complex general M-
PZLACGV - conjugate a complex vector of length N, sub( X ), where sub(
PZLACON - estimate the 1-norm of a square, complex distributed matrix A
PZLACP2 - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PZLACPY - copie all or part of a distributed matrix A to another
PZLAEVSWP - move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where
PZLAHRD - reduce the first NB columns of a complex general N-by-(N-K+1)
PZLANGE - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PZLANHE - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PZLANHS - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PZLANSY - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PZLANTR - return the value of the one norm, or the Frobenius norm,
PZLAPIV - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PZLAPV2 - applie either P (permutation matrix indicated by IPIV) or
PZLAQGE - equilibrate a general M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PZLAQSY - equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( A ) =
PZLARFB - applie a complex block reflector Q or its conjugate transpose
PZLARFC - applie a complex elementary reflector Q**H to a complex M-by-
PZLARFG - generate a complex elementary reflector H of order n, such
PZLARF - applie a complex elementary reflector Q to a complex M-by-N
PZLARFT - form the triangular factor T of a complex block reflector H
PZLARZB - applie a complex block reflector Q or its conjugate transpose
PZLARZC - applie a complex elementary reflector Q**H to a complex M-by-
PZLARZ - applie a complex elementary reflector Q to a complex M-by-N
PZLARZT - form the triangular factor T of a complex block reflector H
PZLASCL - multiplie the M-by-N complex distributed matrix sub( A )
PZLASE2 - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PZLASET - initialize an M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) denoting
PZLASSQ - return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq =
PZLASWP - perform a series of row or column interchanges on the
PZLATRA - compute the trace of an N-by-N distributed matrix sub( A )
PZLATRD - reduce NB rows and columns of a complex Hermitian distributed
PZLATRS - solve a triangular system
PZLATRZ - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix
PZMAX1 - compute the global index of the maximum element in absolute
PZPBTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N complex banded
PZPBTRSV - solve a banded triangular system of linear equations
PZPOCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the
PZPOEQU - compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a
PZPORFS - improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations
PZPOSV - compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations
PZPOSVX - use the Cholesky factorization A = U**H*U or A = L*L**H to
PZPOTF2 - compute the Cholesky factorization of a complex hermitian
PZPOTRF - compute the Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N complex
PZPOTRI - compute the inverse of a complex Hermitian positive definite
PZPTTRF - compute a Cholesky factorization of an N-by-N complex
PZPTTRSV - solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations
PZSTEIN - compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in
PZTRCON - estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a
PZTRRFS - provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the
PZTRTI2 - compute the inverse of a complex upper or lower triangular
PZTRTRI - compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular
PZTZRZF - reduce the M-by-N ( Myyyyylt;=N ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix
PZUNG2L - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNG2R - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNGL2 - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNGLQ - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNGQL - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNGQR - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNGR2 - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNGRQ - generate an M-by-N complex distributed matrix Q denoting
PZUNM2L - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNM2R - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMBR - VECT = ’Q’, PZUNMBR overwrites the general complex
PZUNMHR - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNML2 - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMLQ - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMQL - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMQR - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMR2 - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMR3 - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMRQ - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMRZ - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
PZUNMTR - overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub(
QDBM - quick database manager
qecvt, qfcvt, qgcvt - convert a floating-point number to a string
ecvt_r, fcvt_r, qecvt_r, qfcvt_r - convert a floating-point number to a
qecvt, qfcvt, qgcvt - convert a floating-point number to a string
ecvt_r, fcvt_r, qecvt_r, qfcvt_r - convert a floating-point number to a
qecvt, qfcvt, qgcvt - convert a floating-point number to a string
Q - support for Forall, Exists, etc in GNU C and C++
qio - Quick I/O routines for reading files
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
qsort - sorts an array
Qstl - support for Forall, Exists, etc in GNU C++ using STL
QtCPULODCalculator.h - -
QtProgress.h - -
QuantitativeParallelAxis.cpp - -
QuantitativeParallelAxis.h - -
get_ordered_context_list, get_ordered_context_list_with_level, -
queuebase.h - -
Base classes for RTP queues. - -
Queue - -
QueueRTCPManager - -
QuotientClustering.cpp - -
QuotientClustering.h - -
QuotientClustering - -
QwtAbstractScaleDraw - A abstract base class for drawing scales.
QwtAbstractScale - An abstract base class for classes containing a
QwtAbstractSlider - An abstract base class for slider widgets.
QwtAlphaColorMap - QwtAlphaColorMap variies the alpha value of a color.
QwtAnalogClock - -
QwtArrayData - -
QwtArrowButton - -
QwtAutoScale - -
QwtClipper - Some clipping algos.
QwtColorMap - QwtColorMap is used to map values into colors.
QwtCompass - -
QwtCompassMagnetNeedle - -
QwtCompassRose - Abstract base class for a compass rose.
QwtCompassWindArrow - -
QwtCounter - -
QwtCPointerData - -
QwtCurveFitter - Abstract base class for a curve fitter.
QwtCurve - -
QwtData - -
QwtDblRange - -
QwtDial - -
QwtDialNeedle - -
QwtDialScaleDraw - -
QwtDialSimpleNeedle - -
QwtDiMap - -
QwtDoubleInterval - A class representing an interval.
QwtDoublePointData - -
QwtDoublePoint - -
QwtDoubleRange - A class which controls a value within an interval.
QwtDoubleRect - -
QwtDoubleSize - -
QwtDynGridLayout - -
QwtEventPattern - -
QwtEventPattern::KeyPattern - A pattern for key events.
QwtEventPattern::MousePattern - A pattern for mouse events.
QwtGrid - -
qwtinstall - INSTALL
QwtIntervalData - Series of samples of a value and an interval.
QwtKnob - -
QwtLegendButton - -
QwtLegend - -
QwtLegendItem - -
QwtLegendItemManager - Abstract API to bind plot items to the legend.
QwtLegendLabel - -
qwtlicense - Qwt License, Version 1.0
QwtLinearColorMap - QwtLinearColorMap builds a color map from color
QwtLinearScaleEngine - A scale engine for linear scales.
QwtLog10ScaleEngine - A scale engine for logarithmic (base 10) scales.
QwtMagnifier - QwtMagnifier provides zooming, by magnifying in steps.
QwtMarker - -
qwt_math.h - -
QwtMathMLTextEngine - Text Engine for the MathML renderer of the Qt
QwtMetricsMap - A Map to translate between layout, screen and paint
QwtPaintBuffer - -
QwtPainter - -
QwtPanner - QwtPanner provides panning of a widget.
QwtPickerClickPointMachine - -
QwtPickerClickRectMachine - -
QwtPickerDragPointMachine - -
QwtPickerDragRectMachine - -
QwtPicker - -
QwtPickerMachine - -
QwtPickerPolygonMachine - -
QwtPlainTextEngine - A text engine for plain texts.
QwtPlainText - -
QwtPlotCanvas - -
QwtPlotCurve - -
QwtPlotDict - A dictionary for plot items.
QwtPlotGrid - -
QwtPlot - -
QwtPlotItem - -
QwtPlotLayout - -
QwtPlotMagnifier - QwtPlotMagnifier provides zooming, by magnifying in
QwtPlotMappedItem - -
QwtPlotMarker - -
QwtPlotPanner - QwtPlotPanner provides panning of a plot canvas.
QwtPlotPicker - -
QwtPlotPrintFilter - -
QwtPlotRasterItem - A class, which displays raster data.
QwtPlotRescaler - QwtPlotRescaler takes care of fixed aspect ratios for
QwtPlotScaleItem - A class which draws a scale inside the plot canvas.
QwtPlotSpectrogram - A plot item, which displays a spectrogram.
QwtPlotSvgItem - A plot item, which displays data in Scalable Vector
QwtPlotZoomer - -
QwtPolygonFData - Data class containing a single
QwtPushButton - -
QwtRasterData - QwtRasterData defines an interface to any type of
QwtRect - -
QwtRichTextEngine - A text engine for Qt rich texts.
QwtRichText - -
QwtRoundScaleDraw - A class for drawing round scales.
QwtScaleArithmetic - Arithmetic including a tolerance.
QwtScaleDiv - -
QwtScaleDraw - -
QwtScaleEngine - Base class for scale engines.
QwtScale - -
QwtScaleIf - -
QwtScaleMap - A scale map.
QwtScaleTransformation - Operations for linear or logarithmic (base 10)
QwtScaleWidget - A Widget which contains a scale.
QwtSimpleCompassRose - A simple rose for QwtCompass.
QwtSliderBase - -
QwtSlider - -
qwtspec - qwt.spec
QwtSplineCurveFitter - A curve fitter using cubic splines.
QwtSpline - -
QwtSymbol - -
QwtTextEngine - Abstract base class for rendering text strings.
QwtText - -
QwtTextLabel - A Widget which displays a QwtText.
QwtThermo - -
QwtWheel - -
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
raise - send a signal to the caller
vpRamp - initialize an array with a piecewise-linear ramp
rand, rand_r, srand - pseudo-random number generator
RandomGraph.cpp - -
RandomGraph - -
random, srandom, initstate, setstate - random number generator
Random - -
RandomMetric - -
random_range - a set of routines for dealing with integer ranges, and
random_range - a set of routines for dealing with integer ranges, and
random_r, srandom_r, initstate_r, setstate_r - reentrant random number
RandomSimpleGraph.cpp - -
RandomSimpleGraph - -
RandomTree.cpp - -
RandomTreeGeneral.cpp - -
RandomTreeGeneral - -
RandomTree - -
rand, rand_r, srand - pseudo-random number generator
leptonica - image processing library
leptonica - image processing library
rapi_connection_from_name - obtain connection for RAPI function calls
memchr, memrchr, rawmemchr - scan memory for a character
vpSetRawVoxels - specify an array of volume data
rcmd, rresvport, iruserok, ruserok - routines for returning a stream to
rdma_accept - Called to accept a connection request.
rdma_ack_cm_event - Free a communication event.
rdma_bind_addr - Bind an RDMA identifier to a source address.
rdma_connect - Initiate an active connection request.
rdma_create_event_channel - Open a channel used to report communication
rdma_create_id - Allocate a communication identifier.
rdma_create_qp - Allocate a QP.
rdma_destroy_event_channel - Close an event communication channel.
rdma_destroy_id - Release a communication identifier.
rdma_destroy_qp - Deallocate a QP.
rdma_disconnect - This function disconnects a connection.
rdma_event_str - Returns a string representation of an rdma cm event.
rdma_free_devices - Frees the list of devices returned by
rdma_get_cm_event - Retrieves the next pending communication event.
rdma_get_devices - Get a list of RDMA devices currently available.
rdma_get_dst_port - Returns the remote port number of a bound
rdma_get_local_addr - Returns the local IP address of a bound
rdma_get_peer_addr - Returns the remote IP address of a bound
rdma_get_src_port - Returns the local port number of a bound
rdma_join_multicast - Joins a multicast group.
rdma_leave_multicast - Leaves a multicast group.
rdma_listen - Listen for incoming connection requests.
rdma_migrate_id - Move a communication identifer to a different event
rdma_notify - Notifies the librdmacm of an asynchronous event.
rdma_reject - Called to reject a connection request.
rdma_resolve_addr - Resolve destination and optional source addresses.
rdma_resolve_route - Resolve the route information needed to establish
rdma_set_option - Set communication options for an rdma_cm_id.
ReachableSubGraphSelection.cpp - -
ReachableSubGraphSelection.h - -
ReachableSubGraphSelection - -
scf2read, read2scf, exp2read, read2exp - Translate to and from the Read
scf2read, read2scf, exp2read, read2exp - Translate to and from the Read
read_allocate, read_deallocate - Allocate and deallocate the Read
read_allocate, read_deallocate - Allocate and deallocate the Read
readdir, readdir_r - read a directory
readdir, readdir_r - read a directory
cdk_compat - Cdk4 compatibility functions
path_to_handle, path_to_fshandle, fd_to_handle, handle_to_fshandle, -
readpassphrase - get a passphrase from the user
read_reading, fread_reading - Read a trace file into a Read structure.
read_scf, fread_scf, read_scf_header - Read SCF files
read_scf, fread_scf, read_scf_header - Read SCF files
malloc - .TH "malloc" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8" "avr-libc"
realpath - return the canonicalized absolute pathname
recno - record number database access method
re_comp, re_exec - BSD regex functions
RectangleArea.h - -
Rectangle.h - -
RectanglePacking.cpp - -
rectanglePackingFonctions.cpp - -
rectanglePackingFonctions.h - -
RectanglePacking.h - -
RectanglePacking - -
RectangleRelativePosition - -
RectangleRelativePositionList.cpp - -
RectangleRelativePositionList.h - -
RectangleRelativePositionList - -
Rect - Rect from X Toolkit
RectObj — The RectObj widget class -
Strings - -
redi::basic_ipstream - Class template for Input PStreams.
redi::basic_opstream - Class template for Output PStreams.
redi::basic_pstreambuf - Class template for stream buffer.
redi::basic_pstream - Class template for Bidirectional PStreams.
redi::basic_rpstream - template for Restricted PStreams.
redi - All PStreams classes are declared in namespace redi.
redi::pstream_common - Class template for common base class.
redi::pstreams - Common base class providing constants and typenames.
Redland Resource Description Framework (RDF) Library -
re_comp, re_exec - BSD regex functions
Reflect.h - -
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree - POSIX regex functions
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree - POSIX regex functions
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree - POSIX regex functions
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree - POSIX regex functions
regcomp, regexec, regsub, regerror - regular expression handler
regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree - POSIX regex functions
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
release_method - .TH "release_method" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version
Relic - the NDBM-compatible API of QDBM
drem, dremf, dreml, remainder, remainderf, remainderl - floating-point
drem, dremf, dreml, remainder, remainderf, remainderl - floating-point
drem, dremf, dreml, remainder, remainderf, remainderl - floating-point
remctl_close - Close a remctl connection and free the client object
remctl_command, remctl_commandv - Send a command to a remctl server
remctl_command, remctl_commandv - Send a command to a remctl server
remctl_error - Retrieve the error from a failed remctl operation
remctl, remctl_result_free - Simple remctl call to a remote server
remctl_new - Create a new remctl client
remctl_open - Connect to a remote remctl server
remctl_output - Retrieve the results of a remctl command
remctl, remctl_result_free - Simple remctl call to a remote server
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
leptonica - image processing library
remove - remove a file or directory
insque, remque - insert/remove an item from a queue
remquo, remquof, remquol - remainder and part of quotient
remquo, remquof, remquol - remainder and part of quotient
remquo, remquof, remquol - remainder and part of quotient
Renderer.h - -
vpRenderRawVolume, vpRenderClassifiedVolume - render a volume
RenderingParametersDialog.h - -
milli, micro, nano, mb, kb - the lmbench reporting subsystem
hosts_access, hosts_ctl, request_init, request_set - access control
hosts_access, hosts_ctl, request_init, request_set - access control
vpResample, vpResample2D, vpResample3D - resample an array
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
res_init, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, -
insertinit, insertsort, get_results, set_results, save_median, -
ReturnType.h - -
rewinddir - reset directory stream
fgetpos, fseek, fsetpos, ftell, rewind - reposition a stream
rexec - return stream to a remote command
rfio_access - check existence/accessibility of a file/directory
rfio_chmod, rfio_fchmod - change access mode of a directory/file
rfio_chown - change owner and group of a directory/file
rfio_closedir - close directory opened by rfio_opendir
rfio_close - closes a file
rfio_chmod, rfio_fchmod - change access mode of a directory/file
rfio_fclose - closes a file
rfio_ferror, rfio_eof - checks file status
rfio_ferror, rfio_eof - checks file status
rfio_fflush - flush a file
rfio_fileno - maps stream pointer to file descriptor
rfio_fopen - opens a file
rfio_fopen - opens a file
rfio_fread - reads in a file
rfio_fseek - positions/repositions a file
rfio_fseek - positions/repositions a file
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_ftell - tells the position in a stream
rfio_ftell - tells the position in a stream
rfio_fwrite - writes to a file
rfio_lockf - provide record locking on files
rfio_lockf - provide record locking on files
rfio_lseek - positions/repositions a file
rfio_lseek - positions/repositions a file
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_mkdir - create a new directory
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_symlink - create a symbolic link to a file
rfio_unlink - remove a file entry
rfio_open - opens a file
rfio_opendir - open a directory
rfio_open - opens a file
rfio_popen, rfio_pclose - start a process and open a pipe to it
rfio_perror - print error message corresponding to the last RFIO
rfio_popen, rfio_pclose - start a process and open a pipe to it
rfio_pread - reads in a file
rfio_preseek - prefetch chunks of data from a file
rfio_preseek - prefetch chunks of data from a file
rfio_pwrite - writes to a file
rfio_readdir - read directory opened by rfio_opendir
rfio_read - reads in a file
rfio_readlink - get the content of a symbolic link
rfioreadopt - get RFIO options
rfio_rename - rename a file or directory
rfio_rewinddir - reset position to the beginning of a directory opened
rfio_rmdir - remove a directory
rfio_perror - print error message corresponding to the last RFIO
rfiosetopt - set RFIO options
rfiosetopt - set RFIO options
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_statfs - get information about a mounted filesystem
rfio_statfs - get information about a mounted filesystem
rfio_stat - get information about a file or directory
rfio_symlink - create a symbolic link to a file
rfio_unlink - remove a file entry
rfio_write - writes to a file
index, rindex - locate character in string
ring.cpp - -
Ring - -
nearbyint, nearbyintf, nearbyintl, rint, rintf, rintl - round to
nearbyint, nearbyintf, nearbyintl, rint, rintf, rintl - round to
nearbyint, nearbyintf, nearbyintl, rint, rintf, rintl - round to
RkBgnBun / RkwBgnBun - convert the reading of a specified length to
RkCloseRoma / RkwCloseRoma - close the dictionary used for Romaji-kana
RkCvtEuc - convert shift JIS code to EUC code
RkCvtHan / RkwCvtHan - convert double-width symbols, alphanumeric
RkCvtHira - convert double-width katakana to double-width hiragana
RkCvtKana - convert double-width hiragana to double-width katakana
RkCvtRoma - convert an entire character string from Romaji to kana by
RkCvtZen - convert ASCII characters and single-width katakana to
RkDefineDic - define specified candidates in the dictionary
RkDeleteDic - delete specified candidates from a dictionary
RkEndBun - terminate kana-kanji conversion
RkEnlarge - enlarge the reading of the current clause
RkFinalize - terminate the kana-kanji conversion functions
RkGetDicList - get the name of a dictionary that can be added to the
RkGetKanji - get the current candidate for the current clause
RkGetLex - get morphemic information on each word that makes up the
RkGetStat - get analysis information about the current candidate
RkGetYomi - get the reading of the current clause
RkGoTo - change the current clause
RkInitialize - initialize the kana-kanji conversion functions
DICLib intro - dictionary access library introduction
RkLeft - move the current clause to the clause to its left
RkMapPhonogram - perform Romaji-kana conversion by using a specified
RkMapRoma - perform Romaji-kana conversion by using a specified Romaji-
RkMountDic - mount a dictionary in the dictionary list
RkNext - set the next candidate as the current candidate
RkNfer - set a reading itself as the current candidate
RkOpenRoma - open the dictionary to use for Romaji-kana conversion
RkPrev - set the previous candidate as the current candidate
RkRemountDic - modify the priority order of a dictionary already in the
RkResize - change the reading length of the current clause to len bytes
RkRight - move the current clause to the clause to its right
RkShorten - shorten the reading of the current clause
RkStoreYomi - change the reading of the current clause, reconverting
RkUnmountDic - unmount a dictionary from the dictionary list
RkXfer - change the current candidate
rmobj - Remove a file, or a directory and all its subdirectories
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
rose_aton, rose_ntoa, rose_cmp - ROSE Address manipulation routines
rose_aton, rose_ntoa, rose_cmp - ROSE Address manipulation routines
rose_aton, rose_ntoa, rose_cmp - ROSE Address manipulation routines
rose_aton, rose_ntoa, rose_cmp - ROSE Address manipulation routines
vpRotate - multiply the current transformation matrix by a rotation
round, roundf, roundl - round to nearest integer, away from zero
round, roundf, roundl - round to nearest integer, away from zero
round, roundf, roundl - round to nearest integer, away from zero
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpmatch - determine if the answer to a question is affirmative or
getexeccon, setexeccon - get or set the SELinux security context used
rquota - implement quotas on remote machines
rcmd, rresvport, iruserok, ruserok - routines for returning a stream to
rtbl_create, rtbl_destroy, rtbl_set_flags, rtbl_get_flags, -
RTCPCompoundHandler::APPPacket - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::BYEPacket - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::FIRPacket - -
RTCPCompoundHandler - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::NACKPacket - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::ReceiverInfo - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::RecvReport - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::RRBlock - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPFixedHeader - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::SDESChunk - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::SDESItem - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::SenderInfo - -
RTCPCompoundHandler::SendReport - -
RTCP compound packets manipulation. - -
rtcppkt.h - -
RTCPReceiverInfo - -
RTCPSenderInfo - -
rtime - get time from a remote machine
rtnetlink - macros to manipulate rtnetlink messages
RTPApplication - -
RTPApplication::ParticipantsIterator - -
RTPBaseUDPIPv4Socket - -
RTPDataQueue - -
RTPDuplex - -
ccRTP Extension classes - -
rtp.h - -
RTP data packets manipulation. - -
RTPPacket - -
RTPPacket::RFC2833Payload - -
rtppkt.h - -
RTPQueueBase - -
RTPSessionBaseHandler - -
RTPSessionBase - -
RTPSessionPool - -
Strings - -
ruli - Library for querying DNS SRV resource records (RFC 2782)
rcmd, rresvport, iruserok, ruserok - routines for returning a stream to
s3d_angle_to_cam - calculate angle between vector and cam
s3d_clear_callback - clears a callback
s3d_clone - clone object
s3d_clone_target - changes the target of a clone-object
s3d_delete_event - delete event from stack
s3d_del_object - delete an object
s3d_draw_string - draw a simple string
s3d_find_event - find eevnt on stack
s3d_flags_off - disable flags of object
s3d_flags_on - enable flags of object
s3d_get_callback - get callback of event
s3d_ignore_callback - ignores an event
s3d_import_model_file - read model from file
s3d_init - initialize s3d library
s3d_link - link object to another one
s3d_load_line_normals - add normals to line
s3d_load_materials_a - add materials with alpha to polygons
s3d_load_polygon_normals - add normals to polygon
s3d_load_polygon_tex_coords - add texture coordinates to polygons
s3d_load_texture - load texture from memory
s3d_mainloop - set mainloop of program
s3d_mcp_focus - focus mcp object
s3d_net_check - get events from server
s3d_new_object - create new object
s3d_open_file - copy file into memory
s3d_pep_line - rewrite line
s3d_pep_line_normals - add normals to lines
s3d_pep_lines - rewrite lines
s3d_pep_material_a - rewrite material with alpha
s3d_pep_material - rewrite material
s3d_pep_materials_a - rewrite materials with alpha
s3d_pep_material_texture - add texture to material
s3d_pep_polygon_normals - add normals to polygon
s3d_pep_polygon_tex_coord - add texture coordinates to polygon
s3d_pep_polygon_tex_coords - add texture coordinates to polygons
s3d_pep_vertex - rewrite vertex
s3d_pep_vertices - rewrite lines
s3d_pop_event - pop event from stack
s3d_pop_line - remove lines
s3d_pop_material - remove materials
s3d_pop_polygon - remove polygons
s3d_pop_texture - remove textures
s3d_pop_vertex - remove vertices
s3d_process_stack - process all events on stack
s3d_push_event - push event onto stack
s3d_push_line - push line
s3d_push_lines - push many lines
s3d_push_material_a - push material with alpha
s3d_push_material - push material
s3d_push_materials_a - push many materials
s3d_push_polygon - push polygon
s3d_push_polygons - push many polygons
s3d_push_texture - push texture
s3d_push_textures - push many textures
s3d_push_vertex - push vertex
s3d_push_vertices - push many vertices
s3d_quit - shutdown s3d library
s3d_rotate - rotate object
s3d_scale - scale object
s3d_select_font - select font
s3d_set_callback - sets a callback
s3d_strlen - get rendered string size
s3d_translate - move object to absolute position
s3d_unlink - removes link from another object
s3d_usage - print s3d parameter
s3d_vector_angle - calculate angle between two vectors
s3d_vector_cross_product - calculate cross product of two vectors
s3d_vector_dot_product - calculate dot product of two vectors
s3d_vector_length - calculate length of vector
s3d_vector_subtract - substract two vectors
s3dw_ani_mate - doing the whole animation thing
s3dw_button_new - create a new button in the surface
s3dw_delete - delete widget
s3dw_focus - give widget focus
s3dw_getroot - get the root
s3dw_handle_click - handle click on widget
s3dw_handle_key - handle key input on widget
s3dw_input_change_text - changes the text of the input
s3dw_input_gettext - get text of input
s3dw_input_new - create a new input in the surface
s3dw_label_change_text - change label text
s3dw_label_new - create a new label in the surface
s3dw_moveit - apply widgets moving function
s3dw_object_info - handle object info events
s3dw_show - make widget visible
s3dw_surface_new - create a new surface
s3dw_textbox_change_text - change text
s3dw_textbox_new - create a new textbox in the surface
s3dw_textbox_scrolldown - scroll text down
s3dw_textbox_scrollleft - scroll text left
s3dw_textbox_scrollright - scroll text right
s3dw_textbox_scrollto - scroll text to position
s3dw_textbox_scrollup - scroll text up
sage - The SDL library for OpenGL extensions.
sage_init - initialize sage library
OSSP sa - Socket Abstraction
sam_finalize - Terminate SAM service
sam_hc_callback_register - Register health check callback
sam_hc_send - Send health check confirmation
sam_initialize - Initialize health checking
sam_rehister - Register component for health checking
sam_start - Start health checking
sam_stop - Stop health checking
sasl_authorize_t - The SASL authorization callback
sasl_auxprop_getctx - Acquire an auxiliary property context
sasl_auxprop - How to work with SASL auxiliary properties
sasl_auxprop_request - Request Auxiliary Properties from SASL
sasl_callbacks - How to work with SASL callbacks
sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t - Plaintext Password Verification
sasl_chalprompt_t - Realm Acquisition Callback
sasl_checkapop - Check an APOP challenge/response
sasl_checkpass - Check a plaintext password
sasl_client_init - SASL client authentication initialization
sasl_client_new - Create a new client authentication object
sasl_client_start - Begin an authentication negotiation
sasl_client_step - Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
sasl_decode - Decode data received
sasl_dispose - Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_done - Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_encode - Encode data for transport to authenticated host
sasl_encode - Encode data for transport to authenticated host
sasl_errdetail - Retrieve detailed information about an error
sasl_errors - SASL error codes
sasl_errstring - Translate a SASL return code to a human-readable form
sasl_getconfpath_t - The SASL callback to indicate location of the
sasl_getopt_t - The SASL get option callback
sasl_getpath_t - The SASL callback to indicate location of the
sasl_getprop - Get a SASL property
sasl_getrealm_t - Realm Acquisition Callback
sasl_getsecret_t - The SASL callback for secrets (passwords)
sasl_getsimple_t - The SASL callback for username/authname/realm
sasl_listmech - Retrieve a list of the supported SASL mechanisms
SASL - SASL authentication library
sasl_idle - Perform precalculations during an idle period
sasl_listmech - Retrieve a list of the supported SASL mechanisms
sasl_log_t - The SASL logging callback
sasl_server_init - SASL server authentication initialization
sasl_server_new - Create a new server authentication object
sasl_server_start - Begin an authentication negotiation
sasl_server_step - Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t - Plaintext Password Verification
sasl_server_userdb_setpass_t - UserDB Plaintext Password Setting
sasl_setpass - Check a plaintext password
sasl_setprop - Set a SASL property
sasl_user_exists - Check if a user exists on server
sasl_verifyfile_t - The SASL file verification
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
save_d - AA-lib driver used to save ascii-art image into file in used
SbBarrier - -
SbBox2d - -
SbBox2f - -
SbBox2i32 - -
SbBox2s - -
SbBox3d - -
SbBox3f - -
SbBox3i32 - -
SbBox3s - -
SbBSPTree - -
SbClip - -
SbColor4f - -
SbColor - -
SbCondVar - -
SbCylinder - -
SbCylinderPlaneProjector - -
SbCylinderProjector - -
SbCylinderSectionProjector - -
SbCylinderSheetProjector - -
SbDict - -
SbDPLine - -
SbDPMatrix - -
SbDPRotation - -
SbDPViewVolume - -
SbFifo - -
SbHeapFuncs - -
SbHeap - -
SbImage - -
SbIntList - -
SbLine - -
SbLineProjector - -
SbList - -
SbMatrix - -
SbMutex - -
SbName - -
SbOctTreeFuncs - -
SbOctTree - -
SbPlane - -
SbPlaneProjector - -
SbPList - -
SbProfilingData - -
SbProjector - -
SbRotation - -
SbRWMutex - -
SbSphere - -
SbSpherePlaneProjector - -
SbSphereProjector - -
SbSphereSectionProjector - -
SbSphereSheetProjector - -
SbStorage - -
SbString - -
SbStringList - -
SbTesselator - -
SbThreadAutoLock - -
SbThread - -
SbTime - -
SbTypedStorage - -
SbTypeInfo - -
SbVec2b - -
SbVec2d - -
SbVec2f - -
SbVec2i32 - -
SbVec2s - -
SbVec2ub - -
SbVec2ui32 - -
SbVec2us - -
SbVec3b - -
SbVec3d - -
SbVec3f - -
SbVec3fList - -
SbVec3i32 - -
SbVec3s - -
SbVec3ub - -
SbVec3ui32 - -
SbVec3us - -
SbVec4b - -
SbVec4d - -
SbVec4f - -
SbVec4i32 - -
SbVec4s - -
SbVec4ub - -
SbVec4ui32 - -
SbVec4us - -
SbViewportRegion - -
SbViewVolume - -
SbXfBox3d - -
SbXfBox3f - -
sc::AccResult - -
sc::AccResultInfo - -
sc::AccumEffectiveH - -
sc::AccumH - -
sc::AccumHNull - -
sc::ActiveMsgMemoryGrp - -
sc::AggregateKeyVal - -
scalb, scalbf, scalbl - multiply floating-point number by integral
scalb, scalbf, scalbl - multiply floating-point number by integral
scalb, scalbf, scalbl - multiply floating-point number by integral
scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl, scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl - multiply
scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl, scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl - multiply
scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl, scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl - multiply
scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl, scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl - multiply
scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl, scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl - multiply
scalbn, scalbnf, scalbnl, scalbln, scalblnf, scalblnl - multiply
vpScale - multiply the current transformation matrix by a scaling
leptonica - image processing library
scalescreenshots - QwtScaleDraw
sc::ALevelShift - -
sc::AlgorithmException - -
scandir, alphasort, versionsort - scan a directory for matching entries
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input format
sc::AngularIntegrator - -
sc::AnimatedObject - -
vpScanlineNormals - compute surface normal vectors and gradient
sc::Appearance - -
sc_append_record - Append a record to a file
sc_app_info_t - OpenSC application structure
sc::ARMCIMemoryGrp - -
sc_asn1_decode - Extract entries from an ASN.1 stream
sc_asn1_encode - Encode ASN.1 entries into a stream
sc_asn1_entry - OpenSC ASN1 entry structure
sc_asn1_find_tag - Find a tag in an ASN.1 stream
sc_asn1_print_tags - Print an ASN.1 stream to stdout
sc_asn1_put_tag - Construct an ASN.1 entry in a buffer
sc_asn1_read_tag - Extract a tag from an ASN.1 entry
sc_asn1_skip_tag -
sc_asn1_verify_tag - Verify validity of an ASN.1 tag
sc::AssignedKeyVal - -
sc::AtomInfo - -
sc::AtomProximityColorizer - -
scatterscreenshots - Scatter Plot
sc::auto_vec - -
sc::AVLMap - -
sc::AVLMap::iterator - -
sc::AVLMapNode - -
sc::AVLSet - -
sc::AVLSet::iterator - -
sc::Backtrack - -
sc_base64_decode - Decode a base64 stream
sc_base64_encode - Encode a stream to base64
sc::BasisFileSet - -
sc::BatchElectronDensity - -
sc::BcastState - -
sc::BcastStateInBin - -
sc::BcastStateRecv - -
sc::BcastStateSend - -
sc::Becke88XFunctional - -
sc::BeckeIntegrationWeight - -
sc::BEMSolventH - -
sc::BEMSolvent - -
sc::BendSimpleCo - -
sc::BFGSUpdate - -
sc::BiggestContribs - -
sc::BitArrayLTri - -
sc::BLevelShift - -
sc::BlockedDiagSCMatrix - -
sc::BlockedSCElementOp2 - -
sc::BlockedSCElementOp3 - -
sc::BlockedSCElementOp - -
sc::BlockedSCMatrix - -
sc::BlockedSCMatrixKit - -
sc::BlockedSCVector - -
sc::BlockedSymmSCMatrix - -
sc::BuildIntV3 - -
sc::canonical_aaaa - -
sc::canonical_aabb - -
sc::canonical_aabc - -
sc::canonical_abcd - -
sc_card_ctl - Send a control command to a card
sc_card_t - OpenSC card structure
sc_card_valid - Check if a card is valid
sc::CartesianIterCCA - -
sc::CartesianIterCints - -
sc::CartesianIter - -
sc::CartesianIterV3 - -
sc::CartMolecularCoor - -
sc::CCAEnv - -
sc::CharacterTable - -
sc_check_sw - Check return status from a card transaction
sc::ClassDesc - -
sc::CLHF - -
sc::CLKS - -
sc::CLSCF - -
sc::Color - -
sc::commbuf_struct - -
sc::Compute - -
sc_connect_card - Connect to smart card in reader
sc::ConnollyShape - -
sc::contribution - -
sc::Convergence - -
sc_copy_asn1_entry - Copy an ASN.1 entry
sc::CorrelationTable - -
sc_create_file - Create a file object
sc::CS2Sphere - -
sc::CSGrad34Qbtr - -
sc::CSGradErep12Qtr - -
sc::CSGradS2PDM - -
sc::Debugger - -
sc_delete_file - Delete a file
sc_delete_record - Delete a record from a file
sc::DenFunctional - -
sc::DenIntegrator - -
sc::DensityColorizer - -
sc::der_centersv3_t - -
sc_der_clear - Clear DER structure
sc_der_copy - Copy a DER structure
sc::DerivCenters - -
sc::DescribedClass - -
sc::DescribedClassProxy - -
sc::DescribedMemberDatum - -
sc_detect_card_presence - Detect presence of smart card in a reader
sc::DFPUpdate - -
sc::DiagMolecularHessian - -
sc::DiagSCMatrixdouble - -
sc::DiagSCMatrix - -
sc::DIIS - -
sc::DipoleData - -
sc::DipoleIntV3 - -
sc_disconnect_card - Disconnect from a smart card
sc::DiscreteConnollyShape - -
sc::DistDiagSCMatrix - -
sc::DistSCMatrix - -
sc::DistSCMatrixKit - -
sc::DistSCMatrixListSubblockIter - -
sc::DistSCVector - -
sc::DistShellPair - -
sc::DistShellPair::SharedData - -
sc::distsize_t - -
sc::DistSymmSCMatrix - -
sc::EAVLMMap - -
sc::EAVLMMap::iterator - -
sc::EAVLMMapNode - -
sc::Edge - -
sc::EFCOpt - -
sc::EfieldDotVectorData - -
sc::EfieldDotVectorIntV3 - -
sc::ElectronDensity - -
sc_enum_apps - Enumerate the applications on a card
sc::EriCints - -
sc_establish_context - Establish an OpenSC context
sc::EulerMaclaurinRadialIntegrator - -
sc::ExEnv - -
sc::ExtendedHuckelWfn - -
sc::ExtentData - -
scf2read, read2scf, exp2read, read2exp - Translate to and from the Read
sc::FeatureNotImplemented - -
sc_file_dup - Duplicate a file object
sc_file_free - Free file object
sc::FileGrp - -
sc_file_new - Create a file object
sc::FileOperationFailed - -
sc::FileRender - -
sc_file_t - OpenSC file structure
sc_find_app_by_aid - Find an application on a card
sc::FinDispMolecularHessian - -
sc_find_pkcs15_app - Find a PKCS#15 application on a card
sc::FJT - -
sc::ForceLinkBase - -
sc::ForceLink - -
sc_format_apdu - Populate an APDU structure
sc_format_asn1_entry - Fill in an ASN.1 entry structure
sc_free_apps - Free application list
sc::FreeData - -
sc::Function - -
sc::G96XFunctional - -
sc::GaussianBasisSet - -
sc::GaussianBasisSet::ValueData - -
sc::GaussianShell - -
sc::GaussLegendreAngularIntegrator - -
sc::GaussTriangleIntegrator - -
sc::GBuild - -
sc::GDIISOpt - -
sc::GenPetite4 - -
sc_get_cache_dir - Get the OpenSC cache directory
sc_get_challenge - Request a challenge from a card
sc_get_data - Get a primitive data object from a card
sc::GetLongOpt - -
sc::GlobalCounter - -
sc::GlobalMsgIter - -
sc::GPetite4 - -
sc::GradDensityColorizer - -
sc::GrpArithmeticAndReduce - -
sc::GrpArithmeticOrReduce - -
sc::GrpArithmeticXOrReduce - -
sc::GrpFunctionReduce - -
sc::GrpMaxReduce - -
sc::GrpMinReduce - -
sc::GrpProductReduce - -
sc::GrpReduce - -
sc::GrpSumReduce - -
sc::GRTCints - -
sc::GSGeneralEffH - -
sc::GSHighSpinEffH - -
sc::GuessMolecularHessian - -
sc::HCoreWfn - -
sched_getcpu - determine CPU on which the calling thread is running
sc::HessianUpdate - -
sc::HSOSHF - -
sc::HSOSKS - -
sc::HSOSSCF - -
sc::HSOSV1Erep1Qtr - -
sc::HypercubeGMI - -
sc::HypercubeTopology - -
sc::Identifier - -
sc::Identity - -
sc::IdentityTransform - -
sc::ImplicitSurfacePolygonizer - -
sc::InputError - -
sc::Int1eCCA - -
sc::Int1eCints - -
sc::Int1eV3 - -
sc::Int2eCCA - -
sc::Int2eCints - -
sc::Int2eV3 - -
sc::Int2eV3::store_list - -
sc::IntCoorGen - -
sc::IntCoor - -
sc::IntegralCCA - -
sc::IntegralCints - -
sc::Integral - -
sc::IntegralKey - -
sc::IntegralLink - -
sc::IntegralStorer - -
sc::IntegralV3 - -
sc::IntegrationWeight - -
sc::intlist_struct - -
sc::intMessageGrp - -
sc::IntMolecularCoor - -
sc::IntV3Arraydouble2 - -
sc::IntV3Arraydouble3 - -
sc::IntV3Arraydoublep2 - -
sc::IntV3Arraydoublep3 - -
sc::IntV3Arraydoublep4 - -
sc::IntV3Arrayint3 - -
sc::IntV3Arrayint4 - -
sc::ip_cwk_stack_struct - -
sc::ip_keyword_tree_list_struct - -
sc::ip_keyword_tree_struct - -
sc::ip_string_list_struct - -
sc::IPV2 - -
sc::IrreducibleRepresentation - -
sc::IsosurfaceGen - -
sc::ISphericalTransformCCA - -
sc::ISphericalTransformCints - -
sc::ISphericalTransform - -
sc::ISphericalTransformV3 - -
sc::KeyVal - -
sc::KeyValValueboolean - -
sc::KeyValValuechar - -
sc::KeyValValuedouble - -
sc::KeyValValuefloat - -
sc::KeyValValue - -
sc::KeyValValueint - -
sc::KeyValValuepchar - -
sc::KeyValValueRefDescribedClass - -
sc::KeyValValuesize - -
sc::KeyValValuestring - -
sc::KeyValValueString - -
sc::LebedevLaikovIntegrator - -
sc::LevelShift - -
sc::LibintStaticInterface - -
sc::Libr12StaticInterface - -
sc::LimitExceeded - -
sc::LineOpt - -
sc::LinIPSimpleCo - -
sc::LinOPSimpleCo - -
sc_list_files - List files
sc::LocalCLHFContribution - -
sc::LocalCLHFEnergyContribution - -
sc::LocalCLHFGradContribution - -
sc::LocalCLKSContribution - -
sc::LocalCLKSEnergyContribution - -
sc::LocalDiagSCMatrix - -
sc::LocalGBuild - -
sc::LocalHSOSKSContribution - -
sc::LocalHSOSKSEnergyContribution - -
sc::LocalLBGBuild - -
sc::LocalOSSContribution - -
sc::LocalOSSEnergyContribution - -
sc::LocalOSSGradContribution - -
sc::LocalSCMatrix - -
sc::LocalSCMatrixKit - -
sc::LocalSCVector - -
sc::LocalSymmSCMatrix - -
sc::LocalTBGrad - -
sc::LocalTCContribution - -
sc::LocalTCEnergyContribution - -
sc::LocalTCGradContribution - -
sc::LocalUHFContribution - -
sc::LocalUHFEnergyContribution - -
sc::LocalUHFGradContribution - -
sc::LocalUKSContribution - -
sc::LocalUKSEnergyContribution - -
sc_lock - Lock a card for exclusive use
sc::LSDACFunctional - -
sc::LYPCFunctional - -
sc::MachineTopology - -
sc_make_cache_dir - Create the OpenSC cache directory
sc::mat3 - -
sc::mat4 - -
sc::Material - -
sc::MaxIterExceeded - -
sc::MBPT2 - -
sc::MBPT2_R12 - -
sc::MCSearch - -
sc::MemAllocFailed - -
sc::MemoryDataRequest - -
sc::MemoryDataRequestQueue - -
sc::MemoryGrpBuf - -
sc::MemoryGrp - -
sc::MemoryIter - -
sc::MessageGrp - -
sc::message_struct - -
sc::MOIndexSpace - -
sc::MOIntsTransformFactory - -
sc::MOLagrangian - -
sc::MolecularCoor - -
sc::MolecularEnergy - -
sc::MolecularFormula - -
sc::MolecularFrequencies - -
sc::MolecularHessian - -
sc::MoleculeColorizer - -
sc::Molecule - -
sc::MolEnergyConvergence - -
sc::MolFreqAnimate - -
sc::MOPairIterFactory - -
sc::MOPairIter - -
sc::MP2BasisExtrap - -
sc::MP2R12Energy - -
sc::MPIMessageGrp - -
sc::mPW91XFunctional - -
sc::msgbuf_struct - -
sc::MsgMemoryGrp - -
sc::MsgStateBufRecv - -
sc::MsgStateRecv - -
sc::MsgStateSend - -
sc::MTMPIMemoryGrp - -
sc::NCAccResult - -
sc::NCResult - -
sc::NElFunctional - -
sc::NewP86CFunctional - -
sc::NewtonOpt - -
sc::NonlinearTransform - -
sc::NonreentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape - -
sc::OneBody3IntOp - -
sc::OneBodyDerivIntCCA - -
sc::OneBodyDerivInt - -
sc::OneBodyDerivIntV3 - -
sc::OneBodyIntCCA - -
sc::OneBodyIntCints - -
sc::OneBodyInt - -
sc::OneBodyIntIter - -
sc::OneBodyIntOp - -
sc::OneBodyIntV3 - -
sc::OneBodyOneCenterDerivInt - -
sc::OneBodyOneCenterInt - -
sc::OneBodyOneCenterWrapper - -
sc::OneBodySOInt - -
sc::OneBodyWavefunction - -
sc::OOGLRender - -
sc::Optimize - -
sc::Orbital - -
sc::OSSHF - -
sc::OSSSCF - -
sc::OutSimpleCo - -
sc::OverlapOrthog - -
sc::P86CFunctional - -
sc::ParallelRegionTimer - -
sc::Parameter - -
sc::ParentClasses - -
sc::ParentClass - -
sc::ParsedKeyVal - -
sc::PBECFunctional - -
sc::PBEXFunctional - -
sc::PetiteList - -
sc::PointChargeData - -
sc::PointChargeIntV3 - -
sc::PointGroup - -
sc::PointInputData - -
sc::PointInputData::SpinData - -
sc::PointOutputData - -
sc::PoolData - -
sc::Pool - -
sc::PowellUpdate - -
sc::PrefixKeyVal - -
sc::PrimPairsCints - -
sc::prim_pair_t - -
sc::ProcFileGrp - -
sc::ProcMemoryGrp - -
sc::ProcMessageGrp - -
sc::ProcThreadGrp - -
sc::ProgrammingError - -
sc::PsiCCSD - -
sc::PsiCCSD_T - -
sc::PsiCLHF - -
sc::PsiEffH - -
sc::PsiExEnv - -
sc::PsiFile11 - -
sc::PsiHSOSHF - -
sc::PsiInput - -
sc::PsiSCF - -
sc::PsiUHF - -
sc::PsiWavefunction - -
sc::PthreadThreadGrp - -
sc::PumaThreadGrp - -
sc_put_data - Store a primitive data object on a card
sc::PW86XFunctional - -
sc::PW91CFunctional - -
sc::PW91XFunctional - -
sc::PW92LCFunctional - -
sc::PZ81LCFunctional - -
sc::QNewtonOpt - -
sc::R12Amplitudes - -
sc::R12IntEval - -
sc::R12IntEvalInfo - -
sc::R12IntsAcc - -
sc::R12IntsAcc_MemoryGrp - -
sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile - -
sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile_Ind - -
sc::R12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile::PairBlkInfo - -
sc::R12IntsAcc_Node0File - -
sc::RadialAngularIntegrator - -
sc::RadialIntegrator - -
sc::RangeLock - -
sc::RangeLockItem - -
sc::RDMAMemoryGrp - -
sc_read_binary - Read a file
sc::ReadMolecularHessian - -
sc_read_record - Read a record from a file
sc::RedundantCartesianIterCCA - -
sc::RedundantCartesianIterCints - -
sc::RedundantCartesianIter - -
sc::RedundantCartesianIterV3 - -
sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterCCA - -
sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterCints - -
sc::RedundantCartesianSubIter - -
sc::RedundantCartesianSubIterV3 - -
sc::RedundMolecularCoor - -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
sc::ReentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape - -
DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, -
sc::RefBase - -
sc::RefCount - -
sc::RefDiagSCMatrix - -
sc::Ref - -
sc::RefSCDimension - -
sc::RefSCMatrix - -
sc::RefSCVector - -
sc::RefSymmSCMatrix - -
sc::RegionTimer - -
sc_release_context - Release an OpenSC context
sc::RenderedBallMolecule - -
sc::RenderedMolecularSurface - -
sc::RenderedMolecule - -
sc::RenderedObject - -
sc::RenderedObjectSet - -
sc::RenderedPolygons - -
sc::RenderedPolylines - -
sc::RenderedSphere - -
sc::RenderedStickMolecule - -
sc::Render - -
sc::ReplDiagSCMatrix - -
sc::ReplSCMatrix - -
sc::ReplSCMatrixKit - -
sc::ReplSCMatrixListSubblockIter - -
sc::ReplSCVector - -
sc::ReplSymmSCMatrix - -
sc::Result - -
sc::ResultInfo - -
sc::SavableState - -
sc::SavableStateProxy - -
sc::ScaledTorsSimpleCo - -
sc::SCBlockInfo - -
sc::SCDestructiveElementProduct - -
sc::SCDimension - -
sc::SCElementAccumulateDiagSCMatrix - -
sc::SCElementAccumulateSCMatrix - -
sc::SCElementAccumulateSCVector - -
sc::SCElementAccumulateSymmSCMatrix - -
sc::SCElementAssign - -
sc::SCElementDot - -
sc::SCElementInvert - -
sc::SCElementKNorm - -
sc::SCElementMaxAbs - -
sc::SCElementMinAbs - -
sc::SCElementOp2 - -
sc::SCElementOp3 - -
sc::SCElementOp - -
sc::SCElementRandomize - -
sc::SCElementScalarProduct - -
sc::SCElementScaleDiagonal - -
sc::SCElementScale - -
sc::SCElementShiftDiagonal - -
sc::SCElementSquareRoot - -
sc::SCElementSumAbs - -
sc::SCException - -
sc::SCExtrapData - -
sc::SCExtrapError - -
sc::SCFEnergy - -
sc::SCF - -
sc::SCFormIO - -
sc::SCMatrix3 - -
sc::SCMatrixBlock - -
sc::SCMatrixBlockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixBlockList - -
sc::SCMatrixBlockListIter - -
sc::SCMatrixBlockListLink - -
sc::SCMatrixCompositeSubblockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixDiagBlock - -
sc::SCMatrixDiagBlockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixDiagSubBlock - -
sc::SCMatrixDiagSubBlockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixdouble - -
sc::SCMatrix - -
sc::SCMatrixJointSubblockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixKit - -
sc::SCMatrixListSubblockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixLTriBlock - -
sc::SCMatrixLTriBlockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixLTriSubBlock - -
sc::SCMatrixLTriSubBlockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixNullSubblockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixRectBlock - -
sc::SCMatrixRectBlockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixRectSubBlock - -
sc::SCMatrixRectSubBlockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixSimpleSubblockIter - -
sc::SCMatrixSubblockIter - -
sc::scprintf - -
sc::SCVector3 - -
sc::SCVectordouble - -
sc::SCVector - -
sc::SCVectorSimpleBlock - -
sc::SCVectorSimpleBlockIter - -
sc::SCVectorSimpleSubBlock - -
sc::SCVectorSimpleSubBlockIter - -
sc_select_file - Select a file on a smart card
sc::SelfConsistentExtrapolation - -
sc_set_card_driver - Force the use of a specified smart card driver
sc::SetIntCoor - -
sc::Shape - -
sc::ShellExtent - -
sc::ShellPairCints - -
sc::ShellPairIter - -
sc::ShellPairsCints - -
sc::ShellQuartetIter - -
sc::ShellRotation - -
sc::ShmMemoryGrp - -
sc::ShmMessageGrp - -
sc::SimpleCo - -
sc::SlaterXFunctional - -
sc::SOBasis - -
sc::SO_block - -
sc::SO - -
sc::SOTransformFunction - -
sc::SOTransform - -
sc::SOTransformShell - -
sc::SpatialMOPairIter_eq - -
sc::SpatialMOPairIter - -
sc::SpatialMOPairIter_neq - -
sc::SphereShape - -
sc::SphericalTransformCCA - -
sc::SphericalTransformCints - -
sc::SphericalTransformComponentCCA - -
sc::SphericalTransformComponentCints - -
sc::SphericalTransformComponent - -
sc::SphericalTransformComponentV3 - -
sc::SphericalTransform - -
sc::SphericalTransformIter - -
sc::SphericalTransformV3 - -
sc::SSAccResult - -
sc::Stack - -
sc::StateClassData - -
sc::StateInBin - -
sc::StateInData - -
sc::StateInFile - -
sc::StateIn - -
sc::StateInText - -
sc::StateOutBin - -
sc::StateOutData - -
sc::StateOutFile - -
sc::StateOut - -
sc::StateOutText - -
sc::StateRecv - -
sc::StateSend - -
sc::StdDenFunctional - -
sc::SteepestDescentOpt - -
sc_strerror - Return string describing error code
sc::StreSimpleCo - -
sc::StringKeyVal - -
sc::SumAccumH - -
sc::SumDenFunctional - -
sc::SumIntCoor - -
sc::SumMolecularEnergy - -
sc::SymmetryOperation - -
sc::SymmMolecularCoor - -
sc::SymmOneBodyIntIter - -
sc::SymmSCMatrix2SCExtrapData - -
sc::SymmSCMatrix4SCExtrapData - -
sc::SymmSCMatrixdouble - -
sc::SymmSCMatrix - -
sc::SymmSCMatrixNSCExtrapData - -
sc::SymmSCMatrixSCExtrapData - -
sc::SymmSCMatrixSCExtrapError - -
sc::SymmTwoBodyIntIter - -
sc::SymRep - -
sc::SyscallFailed - -
sc::SystemException - -
sc::TaylorMolecularEnergy - -
sc::TBGrad - -
sc::TCHF - -
sc::TCSCF - -
sc::TestEffH - -
sc::ThreadGrp - -
sc::Thread - -
sc::ThreadLockHolder - -
sc::ThreadLock - -
sc::TimedRegion - -
sc::Timer - -
sc::ToleranceExceeded - -
sc::TorsSimpleCo - -
sctp_bindx - Add or remove bind addresses on a socket.
sctp_connectx - initiate a connection on an SCTP socket using multiple
sctp_getladdrs - Returns all locally bound addresses on a socket.
sctp_getpaddrs - Returns all peer addresses in an association.
sctp_optinfo - Get options on a SCTP socket.
sctp_peeloff - Branch off an association into a separate socket.
sctp_recvmsg - Receive a message from a SCTP socket.
sctp_send - Send a message from a SCTP socket.
sctp_sendmsg - Send a message from a SCTP socket.
sc::Transform - -
sc::TranslateDataByteSwap - -
sc::TranslateData - -
sc::TranslateDataIn - -
sc::TranslateDataOut - -
sc_transmit_apdu - Transmit an APDU structure
sc::Triangle - -
sc::TriangleIntegrator - -
sc::TriangulatedImplicitSurface - -
sc::TriangulatedSurface - -
sc::TriangulatedSurfaceIntegrator - -
sc::TriInterpCoef - -
sc::TriInterpCoefKey - -
sc::TwoBodyDerivIntCCA - -
sc::TwoBodyDerivIntCints - -
sc::TwoBodyDerivInt - -
sc::TwoBodyDerivIntV3 - -
sc::TwoBodyGrid - -
sc::TwoBodyIntCCA - -
sc::TwoBodyIntCints - -
sc::TwoBodyInt - -
sc::TwoBodyIntIter - -
sc::TwoBodyIntV3 - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_123Inds - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_12Inds - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_13Inds - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ijxy - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ikjy - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ixjy - -
sc::TwoBodyMOIntsTransform::MOSpaces - -
sc::TwoBodySOInt - -
sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterDerivInt - -
sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterInt - -
sc::TwoBodyThreeCenterIntV3 - -
sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterDerivInt - -
sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterInt - -
sc::TwoBodyTwoCenterIntV3 - -
sc::type_info_key - -
sc::UHF - -
sc::UKS - -
sc::Uncapped5SphereExclusionShape - -
sc::UncappedTorusHoleShape - -
sc::UnionShape - -
sc::Units - -
sc_unlock - Unlock a card
sc::UnrestrictedSCF - -
sc_update_binary - Write to an existing file
sc_update_dir - Update application directory on a card
sc_update_record - Write a record to an existing file
sc::UsedData - -
sc::VDWShape - -
sc::vec2 - -
sc::vec3 - -
sc::vec4 - -
sc::Vertex - -
sc::Volume - -
sc::VWN1LCFunctional - -
sc::VWN2LCFunctional - -
sc::VWN3LCFunctional - -
sc::VWN4LCFunctional - -
sc::VWN5LCFunctional - -
sc::VWNLCFunctional - -
sc_wait_for_event - Wait for an event on a smart card reader
sc::Wavefunction - -
sc_write_binary - Write to a new file
sc_write_record - Write a record to a file
sc::XalphaFunctional - -
sc::X - -
ScXMLEvent - -
State Chart XML Classes - -
ScXML - -
ScXMLInvoke - -
ScXMLObject - -
ScXMLStateMachine - -
sc::Y - -
SDESItemsHolder - -
SDL_ActiveEvent - Application visibility event structure
SDL_AddTimer - Add a timer which will call a callback after the
SDL_AudioCVT - Audio Conversion Structure
SDL_AudioSpec - Audio Specification Structure
SDL_BlitSurface - This performs a fast blit from the source surface to
SDL_BuildAudioCVT - Initializes a SDL_AudioCVT structure for conversion
SDL_CDClose - Closes a SDL_CD handle
SDL_CDEject - Ejects a CDROM
SDL_CD - CDROM Drive Information
SDL_CDName - Returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for
SDL_CDNumDrives - Returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system.
SDL_CDOpen - Opens a CD-ROM drive for access.
SDL_CDPause - Pauses a CDROM
SDL_CDPlay - Play a CD
SDL_CDPlayTracks - Play the given CD track(s)
SDL_CDResume - Resumes a CDROM
SDL_CDStatus - Returns the current status of the given drive.
SDL_CDStop - Stops a CDROM
SDL_CDtrack - CD Track Information Structure
SDL_CloseAudio - Shuts down audio processing and closes the audio
SDL_Color - Format independent color description
SDL_CondBroadcast - Restart all threads waiting on a condition variable
SDL_CondSignal - Restart a thread wait on a condition variable
SDL_CondWait - Wait on a condition variable
SDL_CondWaitTimeout - Wait on a condition variable, with timeout
SDL_ConvertAudio - Convert audio data to a desired audio format.
SDL_ConvertSurface - Converts a surface to the same format as another
SDL_CreateCond - Create a condition variable
SDL_CreateCursor - Creates a new mouse cursor.
SDL_CreateMutex - Create a mutex
SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom - Create an SDL_Surface from pixel data
SDL_CreateRGBSurface - Create an empty SDL_Surface
SDL_CreateSemaphore - Creates a new semaphore and assigns an initial
SDL_CreateThread - Creates a new thread of execution that shares its
SDL_CreateYUVOverlay - Create a YUV video overlay
SDL_Delay - Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning.
SDL_DestroyCond - Destroy a condition variable
SDL_DestroyMutex - Destroy a mutex
SDL_DestroySemaphore - Destroys a semaphore that was created by
SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha - Convert a surface to the display format
SDL_DisplayFormat - Convert a surface to the display format
SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay - Blit the overlay to the display
SDL_EnableKeyRepeat - Set keyboard repeat rate.
SDL_EnableUNICODE - Enable UNICODE translation
SDL_Event - General event structure
SDL_EventState - This function allows you to set the state of
SDL_ExposeEvent - Quit requested event
SDL_FillRect - This function performs a fast fill of the given
SDL_Flip - Swaps screen buffers
SDL_FreeCursor - Frees a cursor created with SDL_CreateCursor.
SDL_FreeSurface - Frees (deletes) a SDL_Surface
SDL_FreeWAV - Frees previously opened WAV data
SDL_FreeYUVOverlay - Free a YUV video overlay
SDL_GetAppState - Get the state of the application
SDL_GetAudioStatus - Get the current audio state
SDL_GetClipRect - Gets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
SDL_GetCursor - Get the currently active mouse cursor.
SDL_GetError - Get SDL error string
SDL_GetEventFilter - Retrieves a pointer to he event filter
SDL_GetGamma - Gets the gamma of the display
SDL_GetGammaRamp - Gets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
SDL_GetKeyName - Get the name of an SDL virtual keysym
SDL_GetKeyState - Get a snapshot of the current keyboard state
SDL_GetModState - Get the state of modifier keys.
SDL_GetMouseState - Retrieve the current state of the mouse
SDL_GetRelativeMouseState - Retrieve the current state of the mouse
SDL_GetRGBA - Get RGBA values from a pixel in the specified pixel
SDL_GetRGB - Get RGB values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
SDL_GetRowStretchCode, SDL_NewRowStretchCode - (SDL_stretchcode.h)
SDL_GetThreadID - Get the SDL thread ID of a SDL_Thread
SDL_GetTicks - Get the number of milliseconds since the SDL library
SDL_GetVideoInfo - returns a pointer to information about the video
SDL_GetVideoSurface - returns a pointer to the current display surface
SDL_GLattr - SDL GL Attributes
SDL_GL_GetAttribute - Get the value of a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
SDL_GL_GetProcAddress - Get the address of a GL function
SDL_GL_LoadLibrary - Specify an OpenGL library
SDL_GL_SetAttribute - Set a special SDL/OpenGL attribute
SDL_GL_SwapBuffers - Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update Display
SDL_Init - Initializes SDL
SDL_InitSubSystem - Initialize subsystems
SDL_JoyAxisEvent - Joystick axis motion event structure
SDL_JoyBallEvent - Joystick trackball motion event structure
SDL_JoyButtonEvent - Joystick button event structure
SDL_JoyHatEvent - Joystick hat position change event structure
SDL_JoystickClose - Closes a previously opened joystick
SDL_JoystickEventState - Enable/disable joystick event polling
SDL_JoystickGetAxis - Get the current state of an axis
SDL_JoystickGetBall - Get relative trackball motion
SDL_JoystickGetButton - Get the current state of a given button on a
SDL_JoystickGetHat - Get the current state of a joystick hat
SDL_JoystickIndex - Get the index of an SDL_Joystick.
SDL_JoystickName - Get joystick name.
SDL_JoystickNumAxes - Get the number of joystick axes
SDL_JoystickNumBalls - Get the number of joystick trackballs
SDL_JoystickNumButtons - Get the number of joysitck buttons
SDL_JoystickNumHats - Get the number of joystick hats
SDL_JoystickOpened - Determine if a joystick has been opened
SDL_JoystickOpen - Opens a joystick for use.
SDL_JoystickUpdate - Updates the state of all joysticks
SDL_KeyboardEvent - Keyboard event structure
SDLKey - SDL Keysym Definitions
SDL_keysym - Keysym structure
SDL_KillThread - Gracelessly terminates the thread.
SDL_ListModes - Returns a pointer to an array of available screen
SDL_LoadBMP - Load a Windows BMP file into an SDL_Surface.
SDL_LoadWAV - Load a WAVE file
SDL_LockAudio - Lock out the callback function
SDL_LockSurface - Lock a surface for directly access.
SDL_LockYUVOverlay - Lock an overlay
SDL_MapRGBA - Map a RGBA color value to a pixel format.
SDL_MapRGB - Map a RGB color value to a pixel format.
SDL_MixAudio - Mix audio data
SDL_MouseButtonEvent - Mouse button event structure
SDL_MouseMotionEvent - Mouse motion event structure
SDL_mutexP - Lock a mutex
SDL_mutexV - Unlock a mutex
SDL_GetRowStretchCode, SDL_NewRowStretchCode - (SDL_stretchcode.h)
SDL_NumJoysticks - Count available joysticks.
SDL_OpenAudio - Opens the audio device with the desired parameters.
SDL_Overlay - YUV video overlay
SDL_Palette - Color palette for 8-bit pixel formats
SDL_PauseAudio - Pauses and unpauses the audio callback processing
SDL_PeepEvents - Checks the event queue for messages and optionally
SDL_PixelFormat - Stores surface format information
SDL_PollEvent - Polls for currently pending events.
SDL_PumpEvents - Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input
SDL_PushEvent - Pushes an event onto the event queue
SDL_SetRowStretchCode, SDL_PutRowStretchCode, SDL_RunRowStretchCode, -
SDL_QuitEvent - Quit requested event
SDL_Quit - Shut down SDL
SDL_QuitSubSystem - Shut down a subsystem
SDL_Rect - Defines a rectangular area
SDL_RemoveTimer - Remove a timer which was added with SDL_AddTimer.
SDL_ResizeEvent - Window resize event structure
SDL_SetRowStretchCode, SDL_PutRowStretchCode, SDL_RunRowStretchCode, -
SDL_FunctionName - Short description of function
SDL_SaveBMP - Save an SDL_Surface as a Windows BMP file.
SDL_SemPost - Unlock a semaphore.
SDL_SemTryWait - Attempt to lock a semaphore but don’t suspend the
SDL_SemValue - Return the current value of a semaphore.
SDL_SemWait - Lock a semaphore and suspend the thread if the semaphore
SDL_SemWaitTimeout - Lock a semaphore, but only wait up to a specified
SDL_SetAlpha - Adjust the alpha properties of a surface
SDL_SetClipRect - Sets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
SDL_SetColorKey - Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable
SDL_SetColors - Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit
SDL_SetCursor - Set the currently active mouse cursor.
SDL_SetEventFilter - Sets up a filter to process all events before they
SDL_SetGamma - Sets the color gamma function for the display
SDL_SetGammaRamp - Sets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
SDL_SetModState - Set the current key modifier state
SDL_SetPalette - Sets the colors in the palette of an 8-bit surface.
SDL_SetRowStretchCode, SDL_PutRowStretchCode, SDL_RunRowStretchCode, -
SDL_SetTimer - Set a callback to run after the specified number of
SDL_SetVideoMode - Set up a video mode with the specified width, height
SDL_ShowCursor - Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the
SDL_stretch.h - library
SDL_StretchInfo - (SDL_stretch.h)
SDL_SetRowStretchCode, SDL_PutRowStretchCode, SDL_RunRowStretchCode, -
SDL_SetRowStretchCode, SDL_PutRowStretchCode, SDL_RunRowStretchCode, -
SDL_SetRowStretchCode, SDL_PutRowStretchCode, SDL_RunRowStretchCode, -
SDL_SetRowStretchCode, SDL_PutRowStretchCode, SDL_RunRowStretchCode, -
SDL_StretchRowInfo - (SDL_stretchcode.h)
SDL_StretchSurface_23 - (SDL_stretch.h)
SDL_StretchSurfaceBlit - Perform a stretch blit between two surfaces of
SDL_StretchSurfaceRect - Perform a stretch blit between two surfaces of
SDL_Surface - Graphical Surface Structure
SDL_SysWMEvent - Platform-dependent window manager event.
SDL_ThreadID - Get the 32-bit thread identifier for the current thread.
SDL_UnlockAudio - Unlock the callback function
SDL_UnlockSurface - Unlocks a previously locked surface.
SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay - Unlock an overlay
SDL_UpdateRect - Makes sure the given area is updated on the given
SDL_UpdateRects - Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on
SDL_UserEvent - A user-defined event type
SDL_VideoDriverName - Obtain the name of the video driver
SDL_VideoInfo - Video Target information
SDL_VideoModeOK - Check to see if a particular video mode is supported.
SDL_WaitEvent - Waits indefinitely for the next available event.
SDL_WaitThread - Wait for a thread to finish.
SDL_WarpMouse - Set the position of the mouse cursor.
SDL_WasInit - Check which subsystems are initialized
SDL_WM_GetCaption - Gets the window title and icon name.
SDL_WM_GrabInput - Grabs mouse and keyboard input.
SDL_WM_IconifyWindow - Iconify/Minimise the window
SDL_WM_SetCaption - Sets the window tile and icon name.
SDL_WM_SetIcon - Sets the icon for the display window.
SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen - Toggles fullscreen mode
SDTTRF - compute an LU factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix A
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
security_check_context - check the validity of a SELinux context
security_class_to_string, security_av_perm_to_string, -
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
security_disable - disable the SELinux kernel code at runtime.
security_load_booleans, security_set_boolean, security_commit_booleans, -
security_getenforce, security_setenforce, security_deny_unknown - get
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
security_load_booleans, security_set_boolean, security_commit_booleans, -
security_load_policy - load a new SELinux policy
security_load_policy - load a new SELinux policy
security_policyvers - get the version of the SELinux policy
security_load_booleans, security_set_boolean, security_commit_booleans, -
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
seekdir - set the position of the next readdir() call in the directory
Scheduler Implementation API - -
seg_protocol - SEG Protocol The general form for the SEG protocol
selabel_lookup - obtain SELinux security context from a string label.
selabel_open, selabel_close - userspace SELinux labeling interface.
selabel_stats - obtain SELinux labeling statistics.
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
Selection - -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
security_compute_av, security_compute_av_flags, -
selinux_check_securetty_context - check whether a SELinux tty security
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_file_context_cmp, selinux_file_context_verify - comparison of
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_file_context_cmp, selinux_file_context_verify - comparison of
selinux_getenforcemode - get the enforcing state of SELinux
selinux_getpolicytype - get the type of SELinux policy running on the
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_lsetfilecon_default - set the file context to the system
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_policy_root - return the path of the SELinux policy files for
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_set_callback - userspace SELinux callback facilities.
selinux_set_mapping - establish dynamic object class and permission
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
selinux_path, selinux_policy_root, selinux_binary_policy_path, -
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_bool - SELinux Policy Booleans Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_bool_set_active - update an existing SELinux boolean in the
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_del - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_del - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_fcontext - SELinux File Context Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_del - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_iface - SELinux Network Interfaces Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_modify - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_del - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_node - SELinux Network Nodes Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_modify - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_del - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_port - SELinux Network Ports Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_modify - SELinux Management API
semanage_query - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_del - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_seuser - Linux UID to SELinux User Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_modify - SELinux Management API
semanage_query - SELinux Management API
semanage_query - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_count - SELinux Management API
semanage_del - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_exists - SELinux Management API
semanage_user - SELinux User Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_iterate - SELinux Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_list - SELinux Lists Management API
semanage_modify - SELinux Management API
semanage_query - SELinux Management API
semanage_query - SELinux Management API
sem_close - close a named semaphore
sem_destroy - destroy an unnamed semaphore
sem_getvalue - get the value of a semaphore
sem_init - initialize an unnamed semaphore
sem_open - initialize and open a named semaphore
sem_post - unlock a semaphore
sem_wait, sem_timedwait, sem_trywait - lock a semaphore
sem_wait, sem_timedwait, sem_trywait - lock a semaphore
sem_unlink - remove a named semaphore
sem_wait, sem_timedwait, sem_trywait - lock a semaphore
Sensor Classes - -
sepol_check_context - Check the validity of a security context against
sepol_genbools - Rewrite a binary policy with different boolean
sepol_genusers - Generate a new binary policy image with a customized
serial.h - -
SerialPort::AlreadyOpen - -
SerialPort.h - -
SerialPort - -
SerialPort::NotOpen - -
SerialPort::OpenFailed - -
SerialPort::ReadTimeout - -
SerialPort::UnsupportedBaudRate - -
SerialStreamBuf.h - -
SerialStream.h - -
serrno - LCG internal error variable
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
SessionListElement - -
RTP sessions. - -
setaliasent, endaliasent, getaliasent, getaliasent_r, getaliasbyname, -
set_message_mode - Sets the message mode
setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering operations
setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering operations
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_alphalist - curses sorted list widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_buttonbox - Creates a managed curses buttonbox widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_button - create and manage a curses button widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_calendar - curses calendar widget.
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dialog - curses dialog widget
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_dscale - curses scale widget (type double).
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_entry - curses text-entry widget.
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fscale - curses scale widget (type float).
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fselect - curses file selector widget.
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_fslider - curses slider widget (type float)
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_graph - curses graph widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_histogram - curses histogram widget
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_itemlist - curses itemlist widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_marquee - curses marquee widget
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_matrix - curses matrix widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_mentry - curses multiple line entry widget.
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_radio - curses radio list widget.
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scale - curses scale widget (type int).
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_scroll - curses scrolling list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_selection - curses selection list widget.
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_slider - curses slider widget (type int)
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uscale - curses scale widget (type unsigned).
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_uslider - curses slider widget (type unsigned)
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
cdk_viewer - curses viewer list widget.
getcon, getprevcon, getpidcon - get SELinux security context of a
setenv - change or add an environment variable
getexeccon, setexeccon - get or set the SELinux security context used
setfilecon, fsetfilecon, lsetfilecon - set SELinux security context of
__setfpucw - set FPU control word on i386 architecture (obsolete)
getfscreatecon, setfscreatecon - get or set the SELinux security
getfsent, getfsspec, getfsfile, setfsent, endfsent - handle fstab
getgrent, setgrent, endgrent - get group file entry
gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, gethostent, endhostent, -
gethostid, sethostid - get or set the unique identifier of the current
vpSeti, vpSetd - set the value of an option
setjmp, sigsetjmp - save stack context for nonlocal goto
getkeycreatecon, setkeycreatecon - get or set the SELinux security
encrypt, setkey, encrypt_r, setkey_r - encrypt 64-bit messages
encrypt, setkey, encrypt_r, setkey_r - encrypt 64-bit messages
setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering operations
setlocale - set the current locale
setlogmask - set log priority mask
set_matchpathcon_flags, set_matchpathcon_invalidcon, -
vpSetMatrix - load a matrix into the current transformation matrix
getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt, getmntent_r - -
getmode, setmode - modify mode bits
getnetent, getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, setnetent, endnetent - get
setnetgrent, endnetgrent, getnetgrent, getnetgrent_r, innetgr - handle
setnodeent - DECnet database seek function
getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent -
getpwent, setpwent, endpwent - get password file entry
getrpcent, getrpcbyname, getrpcbynumber, setrpcent, endrpcent - get RPC
init_selinuxmnt - initialize the global variable selinux_mnt.
getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, endservent - get
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
random, srandom, initstate, setstate - random number generator
random_r, srandom_r, initstate_r, setstate_r - reentrant random number
getttyent, getttynam, setttyent, endttyent - get ttys file entry
getusershell, setusershell, endusershell - get permitted user shells
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering operations
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
SGBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
SGEMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*op( A
SGEMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
SGER - perform the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y’ + A,
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
sg_get_cpu_stats, sg_get_cpu_stats_diff, sg_get_cpu_percents - get cpu
sg_get_cpu_stats, sg_get_cpu_stats_diff, sg_get_cpu_percents - get cpu
sg_get_cpu_stats, sg_get_cpu_stats_diff, sg_get_cpu_percents - get cpu
sg_get_disk_io_stats, sg_get_disk_io_stats_diff - get disk io
sg_get_disk_io_stats, sg_get_disk_io_stats_diff - get disk io
sg_get_fs_stats - get filesystem statistics
sg_get_host_info - get general operating system statistics
sg_get_load_stats - get system load
sg_get_mem_stats, sg_get_swap_stats - get VM statistics
sg_get_network_iface_stats - get network interface statistics
sg_get_network_io_stats, sg_get_network_io_stats_diff - get network
sg_get_network_io_stats, sg_get_network_io_stats_diff - get network
sg_get_page_stats, sg_get_page_stats_diff - get paging statistics
sg_get_page_stats, sg_get_page_stats_diff - get paging statistics
sg_get_process_stats, sg_get_process_count, sg_process_compare_name, -
sg_get_process_stats, sg_get_process_count, sg_process_compare_name, -
sg_get_mem_stats, sg_get_swap_stats - get VM statistics
sg_get_user_stats - get the current logged in users
SGHierarchyWidget.h - -
SGHierarchyWidgetPlugin.h - -
Shader Classes - -
vpShadeTable - compute the contents of the shading lookup table
vpSetShadowLookupShader - specify shading lookup tables for rendering
ShapeAttr - -
leptonica - image processing library
shellexp - match string against a cruft filter pattern
Shell — The Shell widget class -
shisa_cfg_db - API function
shisa_cfg_default_systemfile - API function
shisa_cfg_from_file - API function
shisa_cfg - API function
shisa_done - API function
shisa_enumerate_principals - API function
shisa_enumerate_realms - API function
shisa - API function
shisa_info - API function
shisa_init - API function
shisa_init_with_paths - API function
shisa_key_add - API function
shisa_key_free - API function
shisa_key_remove - API function
shisa_keys_find - API function
shisa_keys_free - API function
shisa_key_update - API function
shisa_principal_add - API function
shisa_principal_find - API function
shisa_principal_remove - API function
shisa_principal_update - API function
shisa_strerror - API function
shishi_3des - API function
shishi_aes_cts - API function
shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumdata - API function
shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumdata_set - API function
shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumraw_set - API function
shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumtype - API function
shishi_ap_authenticator_cksumtype_set - API function
shishi_ap_authenticator - API function
shishi_ap_authenticator_set - API function
shishi_ap_done - API function
shishi_ap_encapreppart - API function
shishi_ap_encapreppart_set - API function
shishi_ap_etype - API function
shishi_ap_etype_tktoptionsdata - API function
shishi_ap - API function
shishi_ap_key - API function
shishi_ap_nosubkey - API function
shishi_ap_option2string - API function
shishi_ap_rep_asn1 - API function
shishi_ap_rep_build - API function
shishi_ap_rep_der - API function
shishi_ap_rep_der_set - API function
shishi_aprep_from_file - API function
shishi_aprep_get_enc_part_etype - API function
shishi_ap_rep - API function
shishi_aprep - API function
shishi_aprep_parse - API function
shishi_aprep_print - API function
shishi_aprep_read - API function
shishi_aprep_save - API function
shishi_ap_rep_set - API function
shishi_aprep_to_file - API function
shishi_ap_rep_verify_asn1 - API function
shishi_ap_rep_verify_der - API function
shishi_ap_rep_verify - API function
shishi_apreq_add_authenticator - API function
shishi_ap_req_asn1 - API function
shishi_ap_req_build - API function
shishi_ap_req_decode - API function
shishi_ap_req_der - API function
shishi_ap_req_der_set - API function
shishi_apreq_from_file - API function
shishi_apreq_get_authenticator_etype - API function
shishi_apreq_get_ticket - API function
shishi_ap_req - API function
shishi_apreq - API function
shishi_apreq_mutual_required_p - API function
shishi_apreq_options_add - API function
shishi_apreq_options - API function
shishi_apreq_options_remove - API function
shishi_apreq_options_set - API function
shishi_apreq_parse - API function
shishi_apreq_print - API function
shishi_ap_req_process - API function
shishi_ap_req_process_keyusage - API function
shishi_apreq_read - API function
shishi_apreq_save - API function
shishi_apreq_set_authenticator - API function
shishi_ap_req_set - API function
shishi_apreq_set_ticket - API function
shishi_apreq_to_file - API function
shishi_apreq_use_session_key_p - API function
shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsasn1usage - API function
shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsdata - API function
shishi_ap_set_tktoptions - API function
shishi_ap_set_tktoptionsraw - API function
shishi_ap_string2option - API function
shishi_ap_tkt - API function
shishi_ap_tktoptionsasn1usage - API function
shishi_ap_tktoptionsdata - API function
shishi_ap_tktoptions - API function
shishi_ap_tktoptionsraw - API function
shishi_ap_tkt_set - API function
shishi_arcfour - API function
shishi_as_check_cname - API function
shishi_as_check_crealm - API function
shishi_as_derive_salt - API function
shishi_as_done - API function
shishi_as - API function
shishi_as_krberror_der - API function
shishi_as_krberror - API function
shishi_as_krberror_set - API function
shishi_asn1_aprep - API function
shishi_asn1_apreq - API function
shishi_asn1_asrep - API function
shishi_asn1_asreq - API function
shishi_asn1_authenticator - API function
shishi_asn1_done - API function
shishi_asn1_encapreppart - API function
shishi_asn1_encasreppart - API function
shishi_asn1_enckdcreppart - API function
shishi_asn1_encprivpart - API function
shishi_asn1_encrypteddata - API function
shishi_asn1_encticketpart - API function
shishi_asn1_etype_info2 - API function
shishi_asn1_etype_info - API function
shishi_asn1_krberror - API function
shishi_asn1_krbsafe - API function
shishi_asn1_methoddata - API function
shishi_asn1_msgtype - API function
shishi_asn1_padata - API function
shishi_asn1_pa_enc_ts_enc - API function
shishi_asn1_print - API function
shishi_asn1_priv - API function
shishi_asn1_read - API function
shishi_asn1_read_inline - API function
shishi_asn1_read_optional - API function
shishi_asn1_tgsrep - API function
shishi_asn1_tgsreq - API function
shishi_asn1_ticket - API function
shishi_asn1_to_der_field - API function
shishi_asn1_to_der - API function
shishi_as_process - API function
shishi_as_rep_build - API function
shishi_as_rep_der - API function
shishi_as_rep_der_set - API function
shishi_as_rep - API function
shishi_asrep - API function
shishi_as_rep_process - API function
shishi_as_rep_set - API function
shishi_as_req_build - API function
shishi_asreq_clientrealm - API function
shishi_as_req_der - API function
shishi_as_req_der_set - API function
shishi_as_req - API function
shishi_asreq - API function
shishi_as_req_set - API function
shishi_as_sendrecv_hint - API function
shishi_as_sendrecv - API function
shishi_as_tkt - API function
shishi_as_tkt_set - API function
shishi_authenticator_add_authorizationdata - API function
shishi_authenticator_add_cksum - API function
shishi_authenticator_add_cksum_type - API function
shishi_authenticator_add_random_subkey_etype - API function
shishi_authenticator_add_random_subkey - API function
shishi_authenticator_add_subkey - API function
shishi_authenticator_authorizationdata - API function
shishi_authenticator_cksum - API function
shishi_authenticator_clear_authorizationdata - API function
shishi_authenticator_client - API function
shishi_authenticator_clientrealm - API function
shishi_authenticator_client_set - API function
shishi_authenticator_ctime - API function
shishi_authenticator_ctime_set - API function
shishi_authenticator_cusec_get - API function
shishi_authenticator_cusec_set - API function
shishi_authenticator_from_file - API function
shishi_authenticator_get_subkey - API function
shishi_authenticator - API function
shishi_authenticator_parse - API function
shishi_authenticator_print - API function
shishi_authenticator_read - API function
shishi_authenticator_remove_subkey - API function
shishi_authenticator_save - API function
shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_get - API function
shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_remove - API function
shishi_authenticator_seqnumber_set - API function
shishi_authenticator_set_cksum - API function
shishi_authenticator_set_cname - API function
shishi_authenticator_set_crealm - API function
shishi_authenticator_set_subkey - API function
shishi_authenticator_subkey - API function
shishi_authenticator_to_file - API function
shishi_authorization_parse - API function
shishi_authorized_p - API function
shishi_cfg_authorizationtype_set - API function
shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype_fast - API function
shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype - API function
shishi_cfg_clientkdcetype_set - API function
shishi_cfg_default_systemfile - API function
shishi_cfg_default_userdirectory - API function
shishi_cfg_default_userfile - API function
shishi_cfg_from_file - API function
shishi_cfg - API function
shishi_cfg_print - API function
shishi_cfg_userdirectory_file - API function
shishi_checksum_cksumlen - API function
shishi_checksum - API function
shishi_checksum_name - API function
shishi_checksum_parse - API function
shishi_checksum_supported_p - API function
shishi_check_version - API function
shishi_cipher_blocksize - API function
shishi_cipher_confoundersize - API function
shishi_cipher_defaultcksumtype - API function
shishi_cipher_keylen - API function
shishi_cipher_name - API function
shishi_cipher_parse - API function
shishi_cipher_randomlen - API function
shishi_cipher_supported_p - API function
shishi_crc - API function
shishi_crypto_close - API function
shishi_crypto_decrypt - API function
shishi_crypto_encrypt - API function
shishi_crypto - API function
shishi_ctime - API function
shishi_decrypt_etype - API function
shishi_decrypt - API function
shishi_decrypt_iv_etype - API function
shishi_decrypt_iv - API function
shishi_decrypt_ivupdate_etype - API function
shishi_decrypt_ivupdate - API function
shishi_der2asn1_aprep - API function
shishi_der2asn1_apreq - API function
shishi_der2asn1_asrep - API function
shishi_der2asn1_asreq - API function
shishi_der2asn1_authenticator - API function
shishi_der2asn1_encapreppart - API function
shishi_der2asn1_encasreppart - API function
shishi_der2asn1_enckdcreppart - API function
shishi_der2asn1_encprivpart - API function
shishi_der2asn1_enctgsreppart - API function
shishi_der2asn1_encticketpart - API function
shishi_der2asn1_etype_info2 - API function
shishi_der2asn1_etype_info - API function
shishi_der2asn1 - API function
shishi_der2asn1_kdcrep - API function
shishi_der2asn1_kdcreq - API function
shishi_der2asn1_krberror - API function
shishi_der2asn1_krbsafe - API function
shishi_der2asn1_methoddata - API function
shishi_der2asn1_padata - API function
shishi_der2asn1_priv - API function
shishi_der2asn1_tgsrep - API function
shishi_der2asn1_tgsreq - API function
shishi_der2asn1_ticket - API function
shishi_derive_default_salt - API function
shishi_der_msgtype - API function
shishi_des_cbc_mac - API function
shishi_des - API function
shishi_dk - API function
shishi_done - API function
shishi_dr - API function
shishi_encapreppart_ctime - API function
shishi_encapreppart_ctime_set - API function
shishi_encapreppart_cusec_get - API function
shishi_encapreppart_cusec_set - API function
shishi_encapreppart_from_file - API function
shishi_encapreppart_get_key - API function
shishi_encapreppart - API function
shishi_encapreppart_parse - API function
shishi_encapreppart_print - API function
shishi_encapreppart_read - API function
shishi_encapreppart_save - API function
shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_get - API function
shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_remove - API function
shishi_encapreppart_seqnumber_set - API function
shishi_encapreppart_time_copy - API function
shishi_encapreppart_to_file - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_authtime_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_endtime_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_flags_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_get_key - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_key_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_nonce_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_populate_encticketpart - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_renew_till_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_sname_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_srealm_set - API function
shishi_enckdcreppart_starttime_set - API function
shishi_encprivpart_set_user_data - API function
shishi_encprivpart_user_data - API function
shishi_encrypt_etype - API function
shishi_encrypt - API function
shishi_encrypt_iv_etype - API function
shishi_encrypt_iv - API function
shishi_encrypt_ivupdate_etype - API function
shishi_encrypt_ivupdate - API function
shishi_encticketpart_authtime_set - API function
shishi_encticketpart_client - API function
shishi_encticketpart_clientrealm - API function
shishi_encticketpart_cname_set - API function
shishi_encticketpart_crealm_set - API function
shishi_encticketpart_endtime_set - API function
shishi_encticketpart_flags_set - API function
shishi_encticketpart_get_key - API function
shishi_encticketpart_key_set - API function
shishi_encticketpart_transited_set - API function
shishi_error_clear - API function
shishi_error - API function
shishi_error_outputtype - API function
shishi_error_printf - API function
shishi_error_set - API function
shishi_error_set_outputtype - API function
shishi_generalize_ctime - API function
shishi_generalize_now - API function
shishi_generalize_time - API function
shishi_hmac_md5 - API function
shishi_hmac_sha1 - API function
shishi_hostkeys_default_file - API function
shishi_hostkeys_default_file_set - API function
shishi_hostkeys_for_localservice - API function
shishi_hostkeys_for_localservicerealm - API function
shishi_hostkeys_for_server - API function
shishi_hostkeys_for_serverrealm - API function
shishi - API function
shishi_info - API function
shishi_init - API function
shishi_init_server - API function
shishi_init_server_with_paths - API function
shishi_init_with_paths - API function
shishi_kdc_check_nonce - API function
shishi_kdc_copy_cname - API function
shishi_kdc_copy_crealm - API function
shishi_kdc_copy_nonce - API function
shishi_kdc_process - API function
shishi_kdcrep_add_enc_part - API function
shishi_kdcrep_clear_padata - API function
shishi_kdcrep_client_set - API function
shishi_kdcrep_cname_set - API function
shishi_kdcrep_crealm_set - API function
shishi_kdcrep_from_file - API function
shishi_kdcrep_get_enc_part_etype - API function
shishi_kdcrep_get_ticket - API function
shishi_kdcrep_parse - API function
shishi_kdcrep_print - API function
shishi_kdcrep_read - API function
shishi_kdcrep_save - API function
shishi_kdcrep_set_enc_part - API function
shishi_kdcrep_set_ticket - API function
shishi_kdcrep_to_file - API function
shishi_kdcreq_add_padata - API function
shishi_kdcreq_add_padata_preauth - API function
shishi_kdcreq_add_padata_tgs - API function
shishi_kdcreq_allow_postdate_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_clear_padata - API function
shishi_kdcreq_client - API function
shishi_kdcreq_disable_transited_check_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_enc_tkt_in_skey_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_etype - API function
shishi_kdcreq_forwardable_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_forwarded_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_from_file - API function
shishi_kdcreq_get_padata - API function
shishi_kdcreq_get_padata_tgs - API function
shishi_kdcreq_nonce_set - API function
shishi_kdcreq_options_add - API function
shishi_kdcreq_options - API function
shishi_kdcreq_options_set - API function
shishi_kdcreq_parse - API function
shishi_kdcreq_postdated_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_print - API function
shishi_kdcreq_proxiable_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_proxy_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_read - API function
shishi_kdcreq_realm - API function
shishi_kdcreq_renewable_ok_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_renewable_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_renew_p - API function
shishi_kdcreq_save - API function
shishi_kdcreq_server - API function
shishi_kdcreq_set_cname - API function
shishi_kdcreq_set_etype - API function
shishi_kdcreq_set_realm - API function
shishi_kdcreq_set_sname - API function
shishi_kdcreq_tillc - API function
shishi_kdcreq_till - API function
shishi_kdcreq_to_file - API function
shishi_kdcreq_validate_p - API function
shishi_kdc_sendrecv_hint - API function
shishi_kdc_sendrecv - API function
shishi_key_copy - API function
shishi_key_done - API function
shishi_key_from_base64 - API function
shishi_key_from_name - API function
shishi_key_from_random - API function
shishi_key_from_string - API function
shishi_key_from_value - API function
shishi_key - API function
shishi_key_length - API function
shishi_key_name - API function
shishi_key_principal - API function
shishi_key_principal_set - API function
shishi_key_print - API function
shishi_key_random - API function
shishi_key_realm - API function
shishi_key_realm_set - API function
shishi_keys_add - API function
shishi_keys_add_keytab_file - API function
shishi_keys_add_keytab_mem - API function
shishi_keys_done - API function
shishi_keys_for_localservicerealm_in_file - API function
shishi_keys_for_server_in_file - API function
shishi_keys_for_serverrealm_in_file - API function
shishi_keys_from_file - API function
shishi_keys_from_keytab_file - API function
shishi_keys_from_keytab_mem - API function
shishi_keys - API function
shishi_keys_nth - API function
shishi_keys_print - API function
shishi_keys_remove - API function
shishi_keys_size - API function
shishi_keys_to_file - API function
shishi_keys_to_keytab_file - API function
shishi_keys_to_keytab_mem - API function
shishi_key_timestamp - API function
shishi_key_timestamp_set - API function
shishi_key_to_file - API function
shishi_key_type - API function
shishi_key_type_set - API function
shishi_key_value - API function
shishi_key_value_set - API function
shishi_key_version - API function
shishi_key_version_set - API function
shishi_krberror_build - API function
shishi_krberror_client - API function
shishi_krberror_client_set - API function
shishi_krberror_crealm - API function
shishi_krberror_ctime - API function
shishi_krberror_ctime_set - API function
shishi_krberror_cusec - API function
shishi_krberror_cusec_set - API function
shishi_krberror_der - API function
shishi_krberror_edata - API function
shishi_krberror_errorcode_fast - API function
shishi_krberror_errorcode - API function
shishi_krberror_errorcode_message - API function
shishi_krberror_errorcode_set - API function
shishi_krberror_etext - API function
shishi_krberror_from_file - API function
shishi_krberror - API function
shishi_krberror_message - API function
shishi_krberror_methoddata - API function
shishi_krberror_parse - API function
shishi_krberror_pretty_print - API function
shishi_krberror_print - API function
shishi_krberror_read - API function
shishi_krberror_realm - API function
shishi_krberror_remove_cname - API function
shishi_krberror_remove_crealm - API function
shishi_krberror_remove_ctime - API function
shishi_krberror_remove_cusec - API function
shishi_krberror_remove_edata - API function
shishi_krberror_remove_etext - API function
shishi_krberror_remove_sname - API function
shishi_krberror_save - API function
shishi_krberror_server - API function
shishi_krberror_server_set - API function
shishi_krberror_set_cname - API function
shishi_krberror_set_crealm - API function
shishi_krberror_set_edata - API function
shishi_krberror_set_etext - API function
shishi_krberror_set_realm - API function
shishi_krberror_set_sname - API function
shishi_krberror_stime - API function
shishi_krberror_stime_set - API function
shishi_krberror_susec - API function
shishi_krberror_susec_set - API function
shishi_krberror_to_file - API function
shishi_md4 - API function
shishi_md5 - API function
shishi_n_fold - API function
shishi_parse_name - API function
shishi_pbkdf2_sha1 - API function
shishi_principal_default_guess - API function
shishi_principal_default - API function
shishi_principal_default_set - API function
shishi_principal_name - API function
shishi_principal_name_realm - API function
shishi_principal_name_set - API function
shishi_principal_set - API function
shishi_priv_build - API function
shishi_priv_done - API function
shishi_priv_enc_part_etype - API function
shishi_priv_encprivpart_der - API function
shishi_priv_encprivpart_der_set - API function
shishi_priv_encprivpart - API function
shishi_priv_encprivpart_set - API function
shishi_priv_from_file - API function
shishi_priv - API function
shishi_priv_key - API function
shishi_priv_key_set - API function
shishi_priv_parse - API function
shishi_priv_print - API function
shishi_priv_priv_der - API function
shishi_priv_priv_der_set - API function
shishi_priv_priv - API function
shishi_priv_priv_set - API function
shishi_priv_process - API function
shishi_priv_read - API function
shishi_priv_save - API function
shishi_priv_set_enc_part - API function
shishi_priv_to_file - API function
shishi_prompt_password_callback_get - API function
shishi_prompt_password_callback_set - API function
shishi_prompt_password - API function
shishi_randomize - API function
shishi_random_to_key - API function
shishi_realm_default_guess - API function
shishi_realm_default - API function
shishi_realm_default_set - API function
shishi_realm_for_server_dns - API function
shishi_realm_for_server_file - API function
shishi_realm_for_server - API function
shishi_resolv_free - API function
shishi_resolv - API function
shishi_safe_build - API function
shishi_safe_cksum - API function
shishi_safe_done - API function
shishi_safe_from_file - API function
shishi_safe - API function
shishi_safe_key - API function
shishi_safe_key_set - API function
shishi_safe_parse - API function
shishi_safe_print - API function
shishi_safe_read - API function
shishi_safe_safe_der - API function
shishi_safe_safe_der_set - API function
shishi_safe_safe - API function
shishi_safe_safe_set - API function
shishi_safe_save - API function
shishi_safe_set_cksum - API function
shishi_safe_set_user_data - API function
shishi_safe_to_file - API function
shishi_safe_user_data - API function
shishi_safe_verify - API function
shishi_server_for_local_service - API function
shishi_server - API function
shishi_strerror - API function
shishi_string_to_key - API function
shishi_tgs_ap - API function
shishi_tgs_done - API function
shishi_tgs - API function
shishi_tgs_krberror_der - API function
shishi_tgs_krberror - API function
shishi_tgs_krberror_set - API function
shishi_tgs_process - API function
shishi_tgs_rep_build - API function
shishi_tgs_rep_der - API function
shishi_tgs_rep - API function
shishi_tgsrep - API function
shishi_tgs_rep_process - API function
shishi_tgs_req_build - API function
shishi_tgs_req_der - API function
shishi_tgs_req_der_set - API function
shishi_tgs_req - API function
shishi_tgsreq - API function
shishi_tgs_req_process - API function
shishi_tgs_req_set - API function
shishi_tgs_sendrecv_hint - API function
shishi_tgs_sendrecv - API function
shishi_tgs_set_realm - API function
shishi_tgs_set_realmserver - API function
shishi_tgs_set_server - API function
shishi_tgs_tgtkt - API function
shishi_tgs_tgtkt_set - API function
shishi_tgs_tkt - API function
shishi_tgs_tkt_set - API function
shishi_ticket_add_enc_part - API function
shishi_ticket_get_enc_part_etype - API function
shishi_ticket - API function
shishi_ticket_realm_get - API function
shishi_ticket_realm_set - API function
shishi_ticket_server - API function
shishi_ticket_set_enc_part - API function
shishi_ticket_sname_set - API function
shishi_time - API function
shishi_tkt2 - API function
shishi_tkt_authctime - API function
shishi_tkt_client - API function
shishi_tkt_client_p - API function
shishi_tkt_clientrealm - API function
shishi_tkt_clientrealm_p - API function
shishi_tkt_done - API function
shishi_tkt_enckdcreppart - API function
shishi_tkt_enckdcreppart_set - API function
shishi_tkt_encticketpart - API function
shishi_tkt_encticketpart_set - API function
shishi_tkt_endctime - API function
shishi_tkt_expired_p - API function
shishi_tkt_flags_add - API function
shishi_tkt_flags - API function
shishi_tkt_flags_set - API function
shishi_tkt_forwardable_p - API function
shishi_tkt_forwarded_p - API function
shishi_tkt - API function
shishi_tkt_hw_authent_p - API function
shishi_tkt_initial_p - API function
shishi_tkt_invalid_p - API function
shishi_tkt_kdcrep - API function
shishi_tkt_key - API function
shishi_tkt_key_set - API function
shishi_tkt_keytype_fast - API function
shishi_tkt_keytype - API function
shishi_tkt_keytype_p - API function
shishi_tkt_lastreqc - API function
shishi_tkt_lastreq_pretty_print - API function
shishi_tkt_match_p - API function
shishi_tkt_may_postdate_p - API function
shishi_tkt_ok_as_delegate_p - API function
shishi_tkt_postdated_p - API function
shishi_tkt_pre_authent_p - API function
shishi_tkt_pretty_print - API function
shishi_tkt_proxiable_p - API function
shishi_tkt_proxy_p - API function
shishi_tkt_realm - API function
shishi_tkt_renewable_p - API function
shishi_tkt_renew_tillc - API function
shishi_tkts_add_ccache_file - API function
shishi_tkts_add_ccache_mem - API function
shishi_tkts_add - API function
shishi_tkts_default_ccache_guess - API function
shishi_tkts_default_ccache - API function
shishi_tkts_default_ccache_set - API function
shishi_tkts_default_file_guess - API function
shishi_tkts_default_file - API function
shishi_tkts_default_file_set - API function
shishi_tkts_default - API function
shishi_tkts_done - API function
shishi_tkt_server - API function
shishi_tkt_server_p - API function
shishi_tkts_expire - API function
shishi_tkts_find_for_clientserver - API function
shishi_tkts_find_for_server - API function
shishi_tkts_find - API function
shishi_tkts_from_ccache_file - API function
shishi_tkts_from_ccache_mem - API function
shishi_tkts_from_file - API function
shishi_tkts_get_for_clientserver - API function
shishi_tkts_get_for_server - API function
shishi_tkts_get - API function
shishi_tkts_get_tgs - API function
shishi_tkts_get_tgt - API function
shishi_tkts - API function
shishi_tkts_new - API function
shishi_tkts_nth - API function
shishi_tkts_print_for_service - API function
shishi_tkts_print - API function
shishi_tkts_read - API function
shishi_tkts_remove - API function
shishi_tkts_size - API function
shishi_tkt_startctime - API function
shishi_tkts_to_file - API function
shishi_tkts_write - API function
shishi_tkt_ticket - API function
shishi_tkt_ticket_set - API function
shishi_tkt_transited_policy_checked_p - API function
shishi_tkt_valid_at_time_p - API function
shishi_tkt_valid_now_p - API function
shishi_verbose - API function
shishi_verify - API function
shishi_warn - API function
shishi_x509ca_default_file_guess - API function
shishi_x509ca_default_file - API function
shishi_x509ca_default_file_set - API function
shishi_x509cert_default_file_guess - API function
shishi_x509cert_default_file - API function
shishi_x509cert_default_file_set - API function
shishi_x509key_default_file_guess - API function
shishi_x509key_default_file - API function
shishi_x509key_default_file_set - API function
shm_open, shm_unlink - Create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory
shm_open, shm_unlink - Create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory
avc_context_to_sid, avc_sid_to_context, avc_get_initial_sid - obtain
avc_context_to_sid, avc_sid_to_context, avc_get_initial_sid - obtain
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigvec, sigblock, sigsetmask, siggetmask, sigmask - BSD signal API
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigvec, sigblock, sigsetmask, siggetmask, sigmask - BSD signal API
sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore - System V signal API
sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore - System V signal API
siginterrupt - allow signals to interrupt system calls
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
longjmp, siglongjmp - nonlocal jump to a saved stack context
sigvec, sigblock, sigsetmask, siggetmask, sigmask - BSD signal API
signbit - test sign of a real floating-point number
lgamma, lgammaf, lgammal, lgamma_r, lgammaf_r, lgammal_r, signgam - log
significand, significandf, significandl - get mantissa of floating-
significand, significandf, significandl - get mantissa of floating-
significand, significandf, significandl - get mantissa of floating-
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigpause - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt
sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore - System V signal API
sigset, sighold, sigrelse, sigignore - System V signal API
setjmp, sigsetjmp - save stack context for nonlocal goto
sigvec, sigblock, sigsetmask, siggetmask, sigmask - BSD signal API
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember - POSIX
sigvec, sigblock, sigsetmask, siggetmask, sigmask - BSD signal API
pthread_sigmask, pthread_kill, sigwait - handling of signals in threads
simplesmartptr.h - Header file that defines SimpleSmartPointer and
SimpleTest.h - -
SimpleVector.h - -
sincos, sincosf, sincosl - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sincos, sincosf, sincosl - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sincos, sincosf, sincosl - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sin, sinf, sinl - sine function
SingleRTPSessionPool - -
SingleThreadRTPSession - -
sinh, sinhf, sinhl - hyperbolic sine function
sinh, sinhf, sinhl - hyperbolic sine function
sinh, sinhf, sinhl - hyperbolic sine function
sin, sinf, sinl - sine function
sin, sinf, sinl - sine function
SizeAlgorithm.h - -
Size.h - -
Size - -
SizeProperty.h - -
MetricMapping.cpp - -
skipDelete - delete an item.
skipFreeList - free a skip list.
skipInsert - insert an item.
skipNewList - create a skip list.
skipNext - find next item.
skipRelease - release lock on value.
skipSearch - search a skip list.
sk_new_session - create a new SNMPSESSION
SLAMSH - send multiple shifts through a small (single node) matrix to
SLAREF - applie one or several Householder reflectors of size 3 to one
SLASORTE - sort eigenpairs so that real eigenpairs are together and
SLASRT2 - the numbers in D in increasing order (if ID = ’I’) or in
sleep - Sleep for the specified number of seconds
sl - a small and flexible linked list implementation
sliderscreenshots - QwtSlider
slog.h - -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_free_ctl_conf, slurm_load_ctl_conf, slurm_print_ctl_conf - Slurm
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_checkpoint_able, slurm_checkpoint_complete, -
slurm_clear_trigger, slurm_free_trigger_msg, slurm_get_triggers, -
slurm_complete_job - Slurm job completion call
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_free_ctl_conf, slurm_load_ctl_conf, slurm_print_ctl_conf - Slurm
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_step_create_response_msg, slurm_job_step_create - Slurm
slurm_free_job_step_info_response_msg, slurm_get_job_steps, -
slurm_free_node_info, slurm_load_node, slurm_print_node_info_msg, -
slurm_free_node_info, slurm_load_node, slurm_print_node_info_msg, -
slurm_free_partition_info_msg, slurm_load_partitions, -
slurm_free_partition_info_msg, slurm_load_partitions, -
slurm_load_reservations, slurm_free_reservation_info_msg, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_free_slurmd_status, slurm_load_slurmd_status, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_clear_trigger, slurm_free_trigger_msg, slurm_get_triggers, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_get_errno, slurm_perror, slurm_strerror - Slurm error handling
slurm_free_job_step_info_response_msg, slurm_get_job_steps, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_clear_trigger, slurm_free_trigger_msg, slurm_get_triggers, -
slurm_hostlist_create, slurm_hostlist_shift, slurm_hostlist_destroy - -
slurm_hostlist_create, slurm_hostlist_shift, slurm_hostlist_destroy - -
slurm_hostlist_create, slurm_hostlist_shift, slurm_hostlist_destroy - -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_step_ctx_create, slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc, -
slurm_free_job_step_create_response_msg, slurm_job_step_create - Slurm
slurm_step_launch_params_t_init, slurm_step_launch, -
slurm_free_job_step_info_response_msg, slurm_get_job_steps, -
slurm_free_job_step_info_response_msg, slurm_get_job_steps, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_kill_job, slurm_kill_job_step, slurm_signal_job, -
slurm_kill_job, slurm_kill_job_step, slurm_signal_job, -
slurm_free_ctl_conf, slurm_load_ctl_conf, slurm_print_ctl_conf - Slurm
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_node_info, slurm_load_node, slurm_print_node_info_msg, -
slurm_free_partition_info_msg, slurm_load_partitions, -
slurm_load_reservations, slurm_free_reservation_info_msg, -
slurm_free_slurmd_status, slurm_load_slurmd_status, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_get_errno, slurm_perror, slurm_strerror - Slurm error handling
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_free_ctl_conf, slurm_load_ctl_conf, slurm_print_ctl_conf - Slurm
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_step_info_response_msg, slurm_get_job_steps, -
slurm_free_job_step_info_response_msg, slurm_get_job_steps, -
slurm_free_node_info, slurm_load_node, slurm_print_node_info_msg, -
slurm_free_node_info, slurm_load_node, slurm_print_node_info_msg, -
slurm_free_partition_info_msg, slurm_load_partitions, -
slurm_free_partition_info_msg, slurm_load_partitions, -
slurm_load_reservations, slurm_free_reservation_info_msg, -
slurm_load_reservations, slurm_free_reservation_info_msg, -
slurm_free_slurmd_status, slurm_load_slurmd_status, -
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_suspend, slurm_resume, slurm_requeue - Slurm suspend, resume and
slurm_suspend, slurm_resume, slurm_requeue - Slurm suspend, resume and
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_clear_trigger, slurm_free_trigger_msg, slurm_get_triggers, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_kill_job, slurm_kill_job_step, slurm_signal_job, -
slurm_kill_job, slurm_kill_job_step, slurm_signal_job, -
slurm_free_slurmd_status, slurm_load_slurmd_status, -
slurm_free_job_alloc_info_response_msg, slurm_free_job_info_msg, -
slurm_free_job_step_info_response_msg, slurm_get_job_steps, -
slurm_free_node_info, slurm_load_node, slurm_print_node_info_msg, -
slurm_free_partition_info_msg, slurm_load_partitions, -
slurm_load_reservations, slurm_free_reservation_info_msg, -
slurm_step_ctx_create, slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc, -
slurm_step_ctx_create, slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc, -
slurm_step_ctx_create, slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc, -
slurm_step_ctx_create, slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc, -
slurm_step_ctx_create, slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc, -
slurm_step_ctx_create, slurm_step_ctx_create_no_alloc, -
slurm_step_launch_params_t_init, slurm_step_launch, -
slurm_step_launch_params_t_init, slurm_step_launch, -
slurm_step_launch_params_t_init, slurm_step_launch, -
slurm_step_launch_params_t_init, slurm_step_launch, -
slurm_step_launch_params_t_init, slurm_step_launch, -
slurm_get_errno, slurm_perror, slurm_strerror - Slurm error handling
slurm_allocate_resources, slurm_allocate_resources_blocking, -
slurm_suspend, slurm_resume, slurm_requeue - Slurm suspend, resume and
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_kill_job, slurm_kill_job_step, slurm_signal_job, -
slurm_kill_job, slurm_kill_job_step, slurm_signal_job, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
slurm_create_partition, slurm_create_reservation, -
Collections_of_values/objects - Ordered collections of typed values
Plugin_data_access - These functions work exclusively with the plugin's
SLV2 - SLV2 is a host library to simplify the discovery, loading, and
Plugin_library_access - An SLV2Instance is an instantiated SLV2Plugin
Utility_functions - Convert a full URI to a local path
Global_library_state - The 'world' represents all library state, and
SmallWorldGraph.cpp - -
SmallWorldGraph - -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetClass smiGetFirstClass, smiGetNextClass, smiGetClassModule, -
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiGetEvent, smiGetFirstEvent, smiGetNextEvent - SMI identity
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetClass smiGetFirstClass, smiGetNextClass, smiGetClassModule, -
smiGetClass smiGetFirstClass, smiGetNextClass, smiGetClassModule, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetEvent, smiGetFirstEvent, smiGetNextEvent - SMI identity
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetClass smiGetFirstClass, smiGetNextClass, smiGetClassModule, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetEvent, smiGetFirstEvent, smiGetNextEvent - SMI identity
smiGetIdentity, smiGetFirstIdentity, smiGetNextIdentity, -
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetMacro, smiGetFirstMacro, smiGetNextMacro, smiGetMacroModule - SMI
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiGetIdentity, smiGetFirstIdentity, smiGetNextIdentity, -
smiGetIdentity, smiGetFirstIdentity, smiGetNextIdentity, -
smiGetMacro, smiGetFirstMacro, smiGetNextMacro, smiGetMacroModule - SMI
smiGetMacro, smiGetFirstMacro, smiGetNextMacro, smiGetMacroModule - SMI
smiGetMinSize, smiGetMaxSize, smiPack, smiUnpack - SMI type utility
smiGetMinSize, smiGetMaxSize, smiPack, smiUnpack - SMI type utility
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetClass smiGetFirstClass, smiGetNextClass, smiGetClassModule, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetEvent, smiGetFirstEvent, smiGetNextEvent - SMI identity
smiGetIdentity, smiGetFirstIdentity, smiGetNextIdentity, -
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetMacro, smiGetFirstMacro, smiGetNextMacro, smiGetMacroModule - SMI
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetAttribute, smiGetFirstAttribute, smiGetNextAttribute, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetClass smiGetFirstClass, smiGetNextClass, smiGetClassModule, -
smiGetIdentity, smiGetFirstIdentity, smiGetNextIdentity, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetIdentity, smiGetFirstIdentity, smiGetNextIdentity, -
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiGetClass smiGetFirstClass, smiGetNextClass, smiGetClassModule, -
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiGetMacro, smiGetFirstMacro, smiGetNextMacro, smiGetMacroModule - SMI
smiGetModule, smiGetFirstModule, smiGetNextModule, -
smiGetNode, smiGetNodeByOID, smiGetFirstNode, smiGetNextNode, -
smiGetMinSize, smiGetMaxSize, smiPack, smiUnpack - SMI type utility
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiRenderOID, smiRenderValue, smiRenderNode, smiRenderType - SMI data
smiRenderOID, smiRenderValue, smiRenderNode, smiRenderType - SMI data
smiRenderOID, smiRenderValue, smiRenderNode, smiRenderType - SMI data
smiRenderOID, smiRenderValue, smiRenderNode, smiRenderType - SMI data
smiRenderOID, smiRenderValue, smiRenderNode, smiRenderType - SMI data
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiInit, smiExit, smiSetErrorLevel, smiGetFlags, smiSetFlags, -
smiGetType, smiGetFirstType, smiGetNextType, smiGetParentType, -
smiGetMinSize, smiGetMaxSize, smiPack, smiUnpack - SMI type utility
smiGetMinSize, smiGetMaxSize, smiPack, smiUnpack - SMI type utility
Smokeping::Examples - A module for generating the smokeping_examples - SmokePing Perl Module
Smokeping::matchers::Avgratio - detect changes in average median
Smokeping::matchers::base - Base Class for implementing SmokePing
Smokeping::matchers::CheckLatency - Edge triggered alert to check
Smokeping::matchers::CheckLoss - Edge triggered alert to check loss is
Smokeping::matchers::Median - Find persistant changes in latency
Smokeping::matchers::Medratio - detect changes in the latency median
Smokeping::probes::AnotherDNS - Alternate DNS Probe
Smokeping::probes::AnotherSSH - Another SSH probe
Smokeping::probes::basefork - Yet Another Base Class for implementing
Smokeping::probes::base - Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
Smokeping::probes::basevars - Another Base Class for implementing - Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP - Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::CiscoRTTMonTcpConnect - Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::Curl - a curl(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::DNS - Name Service Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingChargen - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingDiscard - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingDNS - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPing - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingHttp - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingHttps - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingIcp - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingLDAP - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingPlugin - a basis for using echoping(1)
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingSmtp - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::EchoPingWhois - an echoping(1) probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::FPing6 - FPing6 Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::FPing - FPing Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::FTPtransfer - intrusive bandwidth probe
Smokeping::probes::IOSPing - Cisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::LDAP - a LDAP probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::passwordchecker - A Base Class for implementing
Smokeping::probes::Radius - a RADIUS authentication probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::RemoteFPing - Remote FPing Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::skel - a skeleton for Smokeping Probes
Smokeping::probes::SSH - Secure Shell Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::TacacsPlus - a TacacsPlus authentication probe for
Smokeping::probes::TCPPing - TCPPing Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::TelnetIOSPing - Cisco IOS Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::TelnetJunOSPing - Juniper JunOS Probe for SmokePing
Smokeping::probes::WebProxyFilter - tests webproxy filter performance
Smokeping::RRDtools - Tools for RRD file handling
Smokeping::sorters::base - Base Class for implementing SmokePing
Smokeping::sorters::Loss - Order the target charts by loss
Smokeping::sorters::Max - Order the target charts by Max RTT
Smokeping::sorters::Median - Order the target charts by Median RTT
Smokeping::sorters::StdDev - Order the target charts by StdDev
snmpsession - snmpkit functions dealing with a particular snmpsession.
SNMP_session - C++ object for specifying an SNMP Agent which can then
snmpstrucfiller - snmpkit functions for taking making snmp requests
snmpstrucfiller - snmpkit functions for taking making snmp requests
SNMP_structFiller - C++ object to contain data for SNMP queries
SNMP_table - C++ object for requesting and storing a table of SNMP
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
SoAccumulatedElement - -
SoAction - -
SoActionMethodList - -
SoAlarmSensor - -
SoAmbientColorElement - -
SoAnnotation - -
SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement - -
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement - -
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement - -
SoAntiSquish - -
SoAppearanceKit - -
SoArray - -
SoAsciiText - -
SoAudioDevice - -
SoAudioRenderAction - -
SoAuditorList - -
SoBaseColor - -
SoBase - -
SoBaseKit - -
SoBaseList - -
SoBBoxModelMatrixElement - -
SoBlinker - -
SoBoolOperation - -
SoBoundingBoxCache - -
SoBoxHighlightRenderAction - -
SoBumpMapCoordinateElement - -
SoBumpMapCoordinate - -
SoBumpMap - -
SoBumpMapMatrixElement - -
SoBumpMapTransform - -
SoBundle - -
SoButtonEvent - -
SoCacheElement - -
SoCacheHint - -
SoCache - -
SoCalculator - -
SoCallbackAction - -
SoCallback - -
SoCallbackList - -
SoCamera - -
SoCameraKit - -
SoCenterballDragger - -
SoCenterballManip - -
SoChildList - -
sockatmark - determine whether socket is at out-of-band mark
socket.h - -
socketport.h - -
Underlying transport protocol socket classes. - -
SoClipPlaneElement - -
SoClipPlane - -
SoClipPlaneManip - -
SoColorIndex - -
SoComplexityElement - -
SoComplexity - -
SoComplexityTypeElement - -
SoComposeMatrix - -
SoComposeRotationFromTo - -
SoComposeRotation - -
SoComposeVec2f - -
SoComposeVec3f - -
SoComposeVec4f - -
SoComputeBoundingBox - -
SoConcatenate - -
SoConeDetail - -
SoCone - -
SoContextHandler - -
SoConvexDataCache - -
SoCoordinate3 - -
SoCoordinate4 - -
SoCoordinateElement - -
SoCounter - -
SoCreaseAngleElement - -
SoCubeDetail - -
SoCube - -
SoCullElement - -
SoCylinderDetail - -
SoCylinder - -
SoDataSensor - -
SoDB - -
SoDebugError - -
SoDebug - -
SoDecimationPercentageElement - -
SoDecimationTypeElement - -
SoDecomposeMatrix - -
SoDecomposeRotation - -
SoDecomposeVec2f - -
SoDecomposeVec3f - -
SoDecomposeVec4f - -
SoDelayQueueSensor - -
SoDepthBufferElement - -
SoDepthBuffer - -
SoDetail - -
SoDetailList - -
SoDiffuseColorElement - -
SoDirectionalLightDragger - -
SoDirectionalLight - -
SoDirectionalLightManip - -
SoDragger.h - -
SoDragger - -
SoDragPointDragger - -
SoDrawStyleElement - -
SoDrawStyle - -
SoElapsedTime - -
SoElement - -
SoEmissiveColorElement - -
SoEnabledElementsList - -
SoEngine - -
SoEngineList - -
SoEngineOutputData - -
SoEngineOutput - -
SoEngineOutputList - -
SoEnvironmentElement - -
SoEnvironment - -
SoError - -
SoEventCallback - -
SoEvent - -
SoEventManager - -
SoExtSelection - -
SoFaceDetail - -
SoFaceSet - -
SoFieldContainer - -
SoFieldConverter - -
SoFieldData - -
SoField - -
SoFieldList - -
SoFieldSensor - -
SoFile - -
SoFloatElement - -
SoFocalDistanceElement - -
SoFont - -
SoFontNameElement - -
SoFontSizeElement - -
SoFontStyle - -
SoForeignFileKit - -
SoFragmentShader - -
SoFrustumCamera - -
SoFullPath - -
SoGate - -
SoGeoCoordinate - -
SoGeoElement - -
SoGeoLocation - -
SoGeometryShader - -
SoGeoOrigin - -
SoGeoSeparator - -
SoGetBoundingBoxAction - -
SoGetMatrixAction - -
SoGetPrimitiveCountAction - -
SoGLBigImage - -
SoGLCacheList - -
SoGLClipPlaneElement - -
SoGLColorIndexElement - -
SoGLCoordinateElement - -
SoGLCubeMapImage - -
SoGLDepthBufferElement - -
SoGLDisplayList - -
SoGLDrawStyleElement - -
SoGLDriverDatabase - -
SoGLEnvironmentElement - -
SoGLImage - -
SoGLLazyElement - -
SoGLLightIdElement - -
SoGLLinePatternElement - -
SoGLLineWidthElement - -
SoGLModelMatrixElement - -
SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement - -
SoGLMultiTextureImageElement - -
SoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement - -
SoGLNormalElement - -
SoGlobalSimplifyAction - -
SoGLPointSizeElement - -
SoGLPolygonOffsetElement - -
SoGLProjectionMatrixElement - -
SoGLRenderAction - -
SoGLRenderCache - -
SoGLRenderPassElement - -
SoGLShadowCullingElement - -
SoGLShapeHintsElement - -
SoGLTexture3EnabledElement - -
SoGLTextureCoordinateElement - -
SoGLTextureEnabledElement - -
SoGLTextureImageElement - -
SoGLTextureMatrixElement - -
SoGLUpdateAreaElement - -
SoGLVBOElement - -
SoGLViewingMatrixElement - -
SoGLViewportRegionElement - -
SoGlyph - -
SoGroup - -
SoHandleBoxDragger - -
SoHandleBoxManip - -
SoHandleEventAction - -
SoHardCopy - -
SoHeightMapToNormalMap - -
SoIdleSensor - -
SoImage - -
SoIndexedFaceSet - -
SoIndexedLineSet - -
SoIndexedMarkerSet - -
SoIndexedNurbsCurve - -
SoIndexedNurbsSurface - -
SoIndexedPointSet - -
SoIndexedShape - -
SoIndexedTriangleStripSet - -
SoInfo - -
SoInput - -
SoInt32Element - -
SoInteraction - -
SoInteractionKit - -
SoInterpolateFloat - -
SoInterpolate - -
SoInterpolateRotation - -
SoInterpolateVec2f - -
SoInterpolateVec3f - -
SoInterpolateVec4f - -
SoIntersectingPrimitive - -
SoIntersectionDetectionAction - -
SoJackDragger - -
SoJackManip - -
SoKeyboardEvent - -
SoLabel - -
SoLazyElement - -
SoLevelOfDetail - -
SoLightAttenuationElement - -
SoLightElement - -
SoLight - -
SoLightKit - -
SoLightModelElement - -
SoLightModel - -
SoLightPath - -
SoLinearProfile - -
SoLineDetail - -
SoLineHighlightRenderAction - -
SoLinePatternElement - -
SoLineSet - -
SoLineWidthElement - -
SoListenerDopplerElement - -
SoListenerGainElement - -
SoListener - -
SoListenerOrientationElement - -
SoListenerPositionElement - -
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement - -
SoLocateHighlight - -
SoLocation2Event - -
SoLockManager - -
SoLOD - -
SolveBoard, CalcDDtable - calculate number of possible tricks in a
SoMarkerSet - -
SoMaterialBindingElement - -
SoMaterialBinding - -
SoMaterialBundle - -
SoMaterial - -
SoMatrixTransform - -
SoMemoryError - -
SoMFBitMask - -
SoMFBool - -
SoMFColor - -
SoMFColorRGBA - -
SoMFDouble - -
SoMFEngine - -
SoMFEnum - -
SoMFFloat - -
SoMField - -
SoMFInt32 - -
SoMFMatrix - -
SoMFName - -
SoMFNode - -
SoMFPath - -
SoMFPlane - -
SoMFRotation - -
SoMFShort - -
SoMFString - -
SoMFTime - -
SoMFUInt32 - -
SoMFUShort - -
SoMFVec2b - -
SoMFVec2d - -
SoMFVec2f - -
SoMFVec2i32 - -
SoMFVec2s - -
SoMFVec3b - -
SoMFVec3d - -
SoMFVec3f - -
SoMFVec3i32 - -
SoMFVec3s - -
SoMFVec4b - -
SoMFVec4d - -
SoMFVec4f - -
SoMFVec4i32 - -
SoMFVec4s - -
SoMFVec4ub - -
SoMFVec4ui32 - -
SoMFVec4us - -
SoModelMatrixElement - -
SoMotion3Event - -
SoMouseButtonEvent - -
SoMultipleCopy - -
SoMultiTextureEnabledElement - -
SoMultiTextureImageElement - -
SoMultiTextureMatrixElement - -
SoNodeEngine - -
SoNode - -
SoNodekitCatalog - -
SoNodeKitDetail - -
SoNodeKit - -
SoNodeKitListPart - -
SoNodeKitPath - -
SoNodeList - -
SoNodeSensor - -
SoNonIndexedShape - -
SoNormalBindingElement - -
SoNormalBinding - -
SoNormalBundle - -
SoNormalCache - -
SoNormalElement - -
SoNormalGenerator - -
SoNormal - -
SoNotList - -
SoNotRec - -
SoNurbsCurve - -
SoNurbsProfile - -
SoNurbsSurface - -
SoOffscreenRenderer - -
SoOneShot - -
SoOneShotSensor - -
SoOnOff - -
SoOrthographicCamera - -
SoOutput - -
SoOverrideElement - -
SoPackedColor - -
SoPath - -
SoPathList - -
SoPathSensor - -
SoPathSwitch - -
SoPendulum - -
SoPerspectiveCamera - -
SoPickAction - -
SoPickedPoint - -
SoPickedPointList - -
SoPickRayElement - -
SoPickStyleElement - -
SoPickStyle - -
SoPointDetail - -
SoPointLightDragger - -
SoPointLight - -
SoPointLightManip - -
SoPointSet - -
SoPointSizeElement - -
SoPolygonOffsetElement - -
SoPolygonOffset - -
SoPrimitiveVertexCache - -
SoPrimitiveVertex - -
SoProfileCoordinate2 - -
SoProfileCoordinate3 - -
SoProfileCoordinateElement - -
SoProfileElement - -
SoProfile - -
SoProfilerElement - -
SoProfiler - -
SoProfilerStats - -
SoProfilingReportGenerator - -
SoProto - -
SoProtoInstance - -
SoPSVectorOutput - -
SoQtComponent - The SoQtComponent class is the base class for all GUI
SoQtConstrainedViewer - The SoQtConstrainedViewer class is the
SoQtCursor::CustomCursor - The SoQtCursor::CustomCursor class is used
SoQtCursor - The SoQtCursor class is used to set cursors for GUI
SoQtDevice - The SoQtDevice class is the base class for the translation
SoQtExaminerViewer - The SoQtExaminerViewer class is a 3D-model
SoQtFlyViewer - The SoQtFlyViewer class implements controls for moving
SoQtFullViewer - The SoQtFullViewer class adds some user interface
SoQtGLWidget - The SoQtGLWidget class manages OpenGL contexts.
SoQt - The SoQt class takes care of Qt initialization and event
SoQtKeyboard - The SoQtKeyboard class is the keyboard input device
SoQtMouse - The SoQtMouse class is the mouse input device abstraction.
SoQtObject - The SoQtObject class is the common superclass for all SoQt
SoQtPlaneViewer - The SoQtPlaneViewer class is for examining 3D models
SoQtRenderArea - The SoQtRenderArea class adds scenegraph handling and
SoQtSpaceball - The SoQtSpaceball class is the spaceball input device
SoQtViewer - The SoQtViewer class is the top level base viewer class.
SoQuadMesh - -
SoRayPickAction - -
SoReadError - -
SoRenderManager - -
SoReorganizeAction - -
SoReplacedElement - -
SoResetTransform - -
SoRotateCylindricalDragger - -
SoRotateDiscDragger - -
SoRotateSphericalDragger - -
SoRotation - -
SoRotationXYZ - -
SoRotor - -
SortIterator.h - -
cdk_misc - Curses Development Kit Miscellaneous Routines
SoScale1Dragger - -
SoScale2Dragger - -
SoScale2UniformDragger - -
SoScale - -
SoScaleUniformDragger - -
SoSceneKit - -
SoSceneManager - -
SoSceneTexture2 - -
SoSceneTextureCubeMap - -
SoScXMLEvent - -
SoScXMLStateMachine - -
SoSearchAction - -
SoSelection - -
SoSelectOne - -
SoSensor - -
SoSensorManager - -
SoSeparator - -
SoSeparatorKit - -
SoSFBitMask - -
SoSFBool - -
SoSFBox2d - -
SoSFBox2f - -
SoSFBox2i32 - -
SoSFBox2s - -
SoSFBox3d - -
SoSFBox3f - -
SoSFBox3i32 - -
SoSFBox3s - -
SoSFColor - -
SoSFColorRGBA - -
SoSFDouble - -
SoSFEngine - -
SoSFEnum - -
SoSFFloat - -
SoSField - -
SoSFImage3 - -
SoSFImage - -
SoSFInt32 - -
SoSFMatrix - -
SoSFName - -
SoSFNode - -
SoSFPath - -
SoSFPlane - -
SoSFRotation - -
SoSFShort - -
SoSFString - -
SoSFTime - -
SoSFTrigger - -
SoSFUInt32 - -
SoSFUShort - -
SoSFVec2b - -
SoSFVec2d - -
SoSFVec2f - -
SoSFVec2i32 - -
SoSFVec2s - -
SoSFVec3b - -
SoSFVec3d - -
SoSFVec3f - -
SoSFVec3i32 - -
SoSFVec3s - -
SoSFVec4b - -
SoSFVec4d - -
SoSFVec4f - -
SoSFVec4i32 - -
SoSFVec4s - -
SoSFVec4ub - -
SoSFVec4ui32 - -
SoSFVec4us - -
SoShaderObject - -
SoShaderParameter - -
SoShaderProgram - -
SoShadowCulling - -
SoShadowGroup - -
SoShadowSpotLight - -
SoShadowStyleElement - -
SoShadowStyle - -
SoShapeHints - -
SoShape - -
SoShapeKit - -
SoShapeSimplifyAction - -
SoShapeStyleElement - -
SoShininessElement - -
SoShuttle - -
SoSimplifyAction - -
SoSoundElement - -
SoSpaceballButtonEvent - -
SoSpecularColorElement - -
SoSphere - -
SoSpotLightDragger - -
SoSpotLight - -
SoSpotLightManip - -
SoState - -
SoSTLFileKit - -
SoSurroundScale - -
SoSwitchElement - -
SoSwitch - -
SoTabBoxDragger - -
SoTabBoxManip - -
SoTabPlaneDragger - -
SoTempPath - -
SoText2 - -
SoText3 - -
SoTextDetail - -
SoTextOutlineEnabledElement - -
SoTexture2Convert - -
SoTexture2 - -
SoTexture2Transform - -
SoTexture3 - -
SoTexture3Transform - -
SoTextureCombineElement - -
SoTextureCombine - -
SoTextureCoordinate2 - -
SoTextureCoordinate3 - -
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement - -
SoTextureCoordinateBinding - -
SoTextureCoordinateBundle - -
SoTextureCoordinateCache - -
SoTextureCoordinateCube - -
SoTextureCoordinateCylinder - -
SoTextureCoordinateDefault - -
SoTextureCoordinateElement - -
SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment - -
SoTextureCoordinateFunction - -
SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap - -
SoTextureCoordinateObject - -
SoTextureCoordinatePlane - -
SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap - -
SoTextureCoordinateSphere - -
SoTextureCubeMap - -
SoTextureEnabledElement - -
SoTextureImageElement - -
SoTextureMatrixElement - -
SoTextureMatrixTransform - -
SoTextureOverrideElement - -
SoTextureQualityElement - -
SoTextureScalePolicy - -
SoTextureUnitElement - -
SoTextureUnit - -
SoTimeCounter - -
SoTimerQueueSensor - -
SoTimerSensor - -
SoToVRML2Action - -
SoToVRMLAction - -
SoTrackballDragger - -
SoTrackballManip - -
SoTransformation - -
SoTransformBoxDragger - -
SoTransformBoxManip - -
SoTransformerDragger - -
SoTransformerManip - -
SoTransform - -
SoTransformManip - -
SoTransformSeparator - -
SoTransformVec3f - -
SoTranslate1Dragger - -
SoTranslate2Dragger - -
SoTranslation - -
SoTransparencyElement - -
SoTransparencyType - -
SoTriangleStripSet - -
SoTriggerAny - -
SoType - -
SoTypeList - -
3D Sound Support Classes - -
SoUnitsElement - -
SoUnits - -
sources.h - -
Participants and synchronization sources. - -
SoVectorizeAction - -
SoVectorizePSAction - -
SoVectorOutput - -
SoVertexAttributeBindingElement - -
SoVertexAttributeBinding - -
SoVertexAttributeBundle - -
SoVertexAttribute - -
SoVertexProperty - -
SoVertexShader - -
SoVertexShape - -
SoViewingMatrixElement - -
SoViewportRegionElement - -
SoViewVolumeElement - -
SoVRMLAnchor - -
SoVRMLAppearance - -
SoVRMLAudioClip - -
SoVRMLBackground - -
SoVRMLBillboard - -
SoVRMLBox - -
SoVRMLCollision - -
SoVRMLColor - -
SoVRMLColorInterpolator - -
SoVRMLCone - -
SoVRMLCoordinate - -
SoVRMLCoordinateInterpolator - -
SoVRMLCylinder - -
SoVRMLCylinderSensor - -
SoVRMLDirectionalLight - -
SoVRMLDragSensor - -
SoVRMLElevationGrid - -
SoVRMLExtrusion - -
SoVRMLFog - -
SoVRMLFontStyle - -
SoVRMLGeometry - -
SoVRMLGroup - -
SoVRMLImageTexture - -
SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet - -
SoVRMLIndexedLine - -
SoVRMLIndexedLineSet - -
SoVRMLIndexedShape - -
SoVRMLInline - -
SoVRMLInterpolator - -
SoVRMLLight - -
SoVRMLMaterial - -
SoVRMLMovieTexture - -
SoVRMLNavigationInfo - -
SoVRMLNormal - -
SoVRMLNormalInterpolator - -
SoVRMLOrientationInterpolator - -
SoVRMLParent - -
SoVRMLPixelTexture - -
SoVRMLPlaneSensor - -
SoVRMLPointLight - -
SoVRMLPointSet - -
SoVRMLPositionInterpolator - -
SoVRMLProximitySensor - -
SoVRMLScalarInterpolator - -
SoVRMLScript - -
SoVRMLSensor - -
SoVRMLShape - -
SoVRMLSound - -
SoVRMLSphere - -
SoVRMLSphereSensor - -
SoVRMLSpotLight - -
SoVRMLSwitch - -
SoVRMLText - -
SoVRMLTextureCoordinate - -
SoVRMLTexture - -
SoVRMLTextureTransform - -
SoVRMLTimeSensor - -
SoVRMLTouchSensor - -
SoVRMLTransform - -
SoVRMLVertexLine - -
SoVRMLVertexPoint - -
SoVRMLVertexShape - -
SoVRMLViewpoint - -
SoVRMLVisibilitySensor - -
SoVRMLWorldInfo - -
SoWindowElement - -
SoWrapperKit - -
SoWriteAction - -
SoWWWAnchor - -
SoWWWInline - -
SpanningDagSelection.cpp - -
SpanningDagSelection.h - -
SpanningDagSelection - -
SpanningTreeSelection.cpp - -
SpanningTreeSelection.h - -
SpanningTreeSelection - -
SP_connect - Connect an application to a daemon
SP_disconnect - destroy connection between app and daemon
spectrogramscreenshots - Spectrogram, Contour Plot
SP_equal_group_ids - checks amount of data ready to be read
SP_error - Spread error string reporting
sphere.cpp - -
Sphere - -
SP_join - create connection between app and daemon
SP_leave - create connection between app and daemon
Spline.h - -
leptonica - image processing library
cdk_compat - Cdk4 compatibility functions
SP_multicast, SP_scat_multicast, SP_multigroup_multicast, -
SP_poll - checks amount of data ready to be read
SpreadCalculator.cpp - -
SpreadCalculator.h - -
SpreadCell.cpp - -
SpreadCell.h - -
SpreadCommands.cpp - -
SpreadCommands.h - -
SpreadItemDelegate.cpp - -
SpreadItemDelegate.h - -
SpreadLineEdit.h - -
SpreadTable.cpp - -
SpreadTable.h - -
SpreadValue.cpp - -
SpreadValue.h - -
SpreadView.cpp - -
SpreadView.h - -
SpreadWidget.cpp - -
SpreadWidget.h - -
SP_receive, SP_scat_receive - Receive message from Spread
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
sqrt, sqrtf, sqrtl - square root function
sqrt, sqrtf, sqrtl - square root function
sqrt, sqrtf, sqrtl - square root function
squarebordertextured.cpp - -
SquareBorderTextured - -
SquareBorderTextured::TreeCache - -
square.cpp - -
Square - -
SquarifiedTreeMap.cpp - -
SquarifiedTreeMap.h - -
SquarifiedTreeMap - -
drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48, srand48, seed48, -
drand48_r, erand48_r, lrand48_r, nrand48_r, mrand48_r, jrand48_r, -
rand, rand_r, srand - pseudo-random number generator
random, srandom, initstate, setstate - random number generator
random_r, srandom_r, initstate_r, setstate_r - reentrant random number
srecord - library to manipulate EPROM load files
SSBMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input format
gsignal, ssignal - software signal facility
ssl.h - -
SSPMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
SSPR2 - perform the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y’ +
SSPR - perform the symmetric rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*x’ + A,
SSTEIN2 - compute the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal
SSTEQR2 - i a modified version of LAPACK routine SSTEQR
SSYMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*A*B +
SSYMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
SSYR2 - perform the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y’ +
SSYR2K - perform one of the symmetric rank 2k operations C :=
SSYR - perform the symmetric rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*x’ + A,
SSYRK - perform one of the symmetric rank k operations C :=
StableIterator.h - -
stAbortThis, stThisTransaction - simple transaction handling
StackEval - -
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
statgrab - get system statistics
StaticPayloadFormat - -
StatisticsNodeModule.h - -
STBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
STBSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
stCallEditor, stCallCmd, stCallCmdErrno, stFindProgram - call command
stCallEditor, stCallCmd, stCallCmdErrno, stFindProgram - call command
stCallEditor, stCallCmd, stCallCmdErrno, stFindProgram - call command
stCallEditor, stCallCmd, stCallCmdErrno, stFindProgram - call command
stCatchSigs, stInterruptAction, stQuitAction, stTermAction, stCleanup, -
stCatchSigs, stInterruptAction, stQuitAction, stTermAction, stCleanup, -
stConvertPattern, stSubstituteString, stStrtok, stStrEnter - string
stdarg, va_start, va_arg, va_end, va_copy - variable argument lists
std::couple - -
stdin, stdout, stderr - standard I/O streams
std - -
stdin, stdout, stderr - standard I/O streams
stdint.h - -
Using the standard IO facilities - This project illustrates how to use
__fbufsize, __flbf, __fpending, __fpurge, __freadable, __freading, -
stdio.h - -
stdio - standard input/output library functions
stdin, stdout, stderr - standard I/O streams
stCatchSigs, stInterruptAction, stQuitAction, stTermAction, stCleanup, -
stCallEditor, stCallCmd, stCallCmdErrno, stFindProgram - call command
libstfl - structured terminal forms language/library
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
stCatchSigs, stInterruptAction, stQuitAction, stTermAction, stCleanup, -
StlFunctions.h - -
StlIterator.h - -
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
stMktime, stWriteTime - date and time handling
vpStoreRawVolume, vpStoreMinMaxOctree, vpStoreClassifiedVolume, -
stParseArgs, stShortUsage - parse command line arguments
stParseArgs, stShortUsage - parse command line arguments
stpcpy - copy a string returning a pointer to its end
STPMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
stpncpy - copy a fixed-size string, returning a pointer to its end
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
STPSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
stCatchSigs, stInterruptAction, stQuitAction, stTermAction, stCleanup, -
Strahler - -
StrahlerMetric.cpp - -
StrahlerMetric.h - -
StrahlerMetric - -
Strings - -
Strings - -
strcasecmp, strncasecmp - compare two strings ignoring case
strstr, strcasestr - locate a substring
strcat, strncat - concatenate two strings
strchar.h - -
strchr, strrchr, strchrnul - locate character in string
strchr, strrchr, strchrnul - locate character in string
strcmp, strncmp - compare two strings
strcoll - compare two strings using the current locale
strcpy, strncpy - copy a string
strspn, strcspn - search a string for a set of characters
Strings - -
strdup, strndup, strdupa, strndupa - duplicate a string
strdup, strndup, strdupa, strndupa - duplicate a string
stTmpFile, stRegisterFile, stUnRegisterFile, stRmRegisteredFiles - -
StrengthClustering.cpp - -
StrengthClustering.h - -
StrengthClustering - -
StrengthMetric.cpp - -
StrengthMetric.h - -
StrengthMetric - -
strequate - map a list of characters to the same value
streqvcmp - compare two strings with an equivalence mapping
streqvmap - Set the character mappings for the streqv functions
strerror, strerror_r - return string describing error number
strerror, strerror_r - return string describing error number
strfmon - convert monetary value to a string
strfry - randomize a string
strftime - format date and time
StringAlgorithm.h - -
StringCollection.h - -
Driver Programming: String options - -
string.h - -
stpcpy, strcasecmp, strcat, strchr, strcmp, strcoll, strcpy, strcspn, -
StringListSelectionWidget.h - -
stringprep_4i - API function
stringprep_4zi - API function
stringprep_check_version - API function
stringprep_convert - API function
stringprep - API function
stringprep_locale_charset - API function
stringprep_locale_to_utf8 - API function
stringprep_profile - API function
stringprep_strerror - API function
stringprep_ucs4_nfkc_normalize - API function
stringprep_ucs4_to_utf8 - API function
stringprep_unichar_to_utf8 - API function
stringprep_utf8_nfkc_normalize - API function
stringprep_utf8_to_locale - API function
stringprep_utf8_to_ucs4 - API function
stringprep_utf8_to_unichar - API function
StringProperty.h - -
security_class_to_string, security_av_perm_to_string, -
string_to_tokens - Break a string into its tokens
Strings - -
Strings - -
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
strlcpy, strlcat - size-bounded string copying and concatenation
strlcpy, strlcat - size-bounded string copying and concatenation
strlen - calculate the length of a string
STRMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations B := alpha*op( A
strmode - convert inode status information into a symbolic string
stTmpFile, stRegisterFile, stUnRegisterFile, stRmRegisteredFiles - -
STRMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
strcasecmp, strncasecmp - compare two strings ignoring case
strcat, strncat - concatenate two strings
strcmp, strncmp - compare two strings
strcpy, strncpy - copy a string
strdup, strndup, strdupa, strndupa - duplicate a string
strdup, strndup, strdupa, strndupa - duplicate a string
strneqvcmp - compare two strings with an equivalence mapping
strnlen - determine the length of a fixed-size string
Strings - -
Strings - -
StrongComponent.cpp - -
StrongComponent.h - -
StrongComponent - -
strpbrk - search a string for any of a set of characters
Strings - -
strptime - convert a string representation of time to a time tm
strchr, strrchr, strchrnul - locate character in string
Strings - -
strsep - extract token from string
strsignal - return string describing signal
STRSM - solve one of the matrix equations op( A )*X = alpha*B, or
strspn, strcspn - search a string for a set of characters
strstr, strcasestr - locate a substring
STRSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
str_to_bytes - convert a string to a int byte count str_to_lbytes -
strtod, strtof, strtold - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtod, strtof, strtold - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtoimax, strtoumax - convert string to integer
strtok, strtok_r - extract tokens from strings
strtok, strtok_r - extract tokens from strings
strtod, strtof, strtold - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtol, strtoll, strtoq - convert a string to a long integer
strtol, strtoll, strtoq - convert a string to a long integer
strtonum - reliably convert string value to an integer
strtol, strtoll, strtoq - convert a string to a long integer
strtoul, strtoull, strtouq - convert a string to an unsigned long
strtoul, strtoull, strtouq - convert a string to an unsigned long
strtoimax, strtoumax - convert string to integer
strtoul, strtoull, strtouq - convert a string to an unsigned long
strtransform - convert a string into its mapped-to value
strverscmp - compare two version strings
strxfrm - string transformation
stParseArgs, stShortUsage - parse command line arguments
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
stCatchSigs, stInterruptAction, stQuitAction, stTermAction, stCleanup, -
stConvertPattern, stSubstituteString, stStrtok, stStrEnter - string
stConvertPattern, stSubstituteString, stStrtok, stStrEnter - string
stConvertPattern, stSubstituteString, stStrtok, stStrEnter - string
stConvertPattern, stSubstituteString, stStrtok, stStrEnter - string
stCatchSigs, stInterruptAction, stQuitAction, stTermAction, stCleanup, -
stAbortThis, stThisTransaction - simple transaction handling
stMktime, stWriteTime - date and time handling
sttk_intro - introduction to the ShapeTools Toolkit Library
stTmpFile, stRegisterFile, stUnRegisterFile, stRmRegisteredFiles - -
stTmpFile, stRegisterFile, stUnRegisterFile, stRmRegisteredFiles - -
stAbortThis, stThisTransaction - simple transaction handling
stTmpFile, stRegisterFile, stUnRegisterFile, stRmRegisteredFiles - -
stLog, stQuietFlag, stShutupFlag, stProgramName, stMessage, -
stMktime, stWriteTime - date and time handling
Strings - -
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
swab - swap adjacent bytes
makecontext, swapcontext - manipulate user context
wprintf, fwprintf, swprintf, vwprintf, vfwprintf, vswprintf - formatted
synce_error - error reporting functions
synce_error - error reporting functions
synce_get_connection_filename - get synce connection filename
synce_get_directory - get synce configuration directory
synce_get_directory - get synce configuration directory
synce_get_directory - get synce configuration directory
synce_info_new - allocate a new SynceInfo struct
synce_error - error reporting functions
synce_info_new - allocate a new SynceInfo struct
synce_error - error reporting functions
synce_error - error reporting functions
synce_get_connection_filename - get synce connection filename
synce_get_connection_filename - get synce connection filename
synce_strerror - return a string describing error code
synce_error - error reporting functions
synce_error - error reporting functions
synce_error - error reporting functions
SyncSourceHandler - -
SyncSource - -
sysconf - Get configuration information at runtime
perror - print a system error message
closelog, openlog, syslog, vsyslog - send messages to the system logger
perror - print a system error message
system - execute a shell command
systempapername, defaultpapername, systempapersizefile, -
systempapername, defaultpapername, systempapersizefile, -
sysv_signal - signal handling with System V semantics
Table.h - -
TabWidget.h - -
tag - Manipulate tagged files
taktuk - Interface library to taktuk(1) communication facilities
talloc - hierarchical reference counted memory pool system with
tan, tanf, tanl - tangent function
tanh, tanhf, tanhl - hyperbolic tangent function
tanh, tanhf, tanhl - hyperbolic tangent function
tanh, tanhf, tanhl - hyperbolic tangent function
tan, tanf, tanl - tangent function
tan, tanf, tanl - tangent function
tar_append_file, tar_append_eof, tar_append_regfile - append data to
tar_block_read, tar_block_write - macros to call read and write
tar_extract_all, tar_extract_glob, tar_append_tree - high-level tar
tar_extract_file, tar_extract_regfile, tar_extract_hardlink, -
tar_open, tar_close - access a tar archive via a handle
TAU_CONTEXT_EVENT - Triggers a context event
TAU_DB_DUMP - Dumps the profile database to disk
TAU_DB_DUMP_INCR - Dumps profile database into timestamped profiles on
TAU_DB_DUMP_PREFIX - Dumps the profile database into profile files with
TAU_DB_PURGE - Purges the performance data.
TAU_DISABLE_ALL_GROUPS - Disables instrumentation in all groups
TAU_DISABLE_CONTEXT_EVENT - Disable a context event
TAU_DISABLE_GROUP - Disables tracking of a given group
TAU_DISABLE_GROUP_NAME - Disables a group based on name
TAU_DISABLE_INSTRUMENTATION - Disables instrumentation
TAU_DISABLE_TRACKING_MEMORY - Disables memory tracking
TAU_DUMP_FUNC_NAMES - Dumps function names to disk
TAU_DUMP_FUNC_VALS - Dumps performance data for given functions to
TAU_DUMP_FUNC_VALS_INCR - Dumps function values with a timestamp
TAU_ENABLE_ALL_GROUPS - Enables instrumentation in all groups
TAU_ENABLE_CONTEXT_EVENT - Enable a context event
TAU_ENABLE_GROUP - Enables tracking of a given group
TAU_ENABLE_GROUP_NAME - Enables a group based on name
TAU_ENABLE_INSTRUMENTATION - Enables instrumentation
TAU_ENABLE_TRACKING_MEMORY_HEADROOM - Enables memory headroom tracking
TAU_ENABLE_TRACKING_MEMORY - Enables memory tracking
TAU_EVENT_DISABLE_MAX - Disables tracking of maximum statistic for a
TAU_EVENT_DISABLE_MEAN - Disables tracking of mean statistic for a
TAU_EVENT_DISABLE_MIN - Disables tracking of minimum statistic for a
TAU_EVENT_DISABLE_STDDEV - Disables tracking of standard deviation
TAU_EVENT - Triggers a user event
TAU_EVENT_SET_NAME - Sets the name of an event
TAU_GET_COUNTER_NAMES - Gets the counter names
TAU_GET_EVENT_NAMES - Gets the registered user events.
TAU_GET_EVENT_VALS - Gets user event data for given user events.
TAU_GET_FUNC_NAMES - Gets the function names
TAU_GET_FUNC_VALS - Gets detailed performance data for given functions
TAU_GET_PROFILE_GROUP - Creates groups based on names
TAU_GLOBAL_PHASE_EXTERNAL - Declares a global phase from an external
TAU_GLOBAL_PHASE - Declares a global phase
TAU_GLOBAL_PHASE_START - Starts a global phase
TAU_GLOBAL_PHASE_STOP - Stops a global phase
TAU_GLOBAL_TIMER_EXTERNAL - Declares a global timer from an external
TAU_GLOBAL_TIMER - Declares a global timer
TAU_GLOBAL_TIMER_START - Starts a global timer
TAU_GLOBAL_TIMER_STOP - Stops a global timer
TAU_INIT - Processes command-line arguments for selective
TAU_MAPPING_CREATE - Creates a mapping
TAU_MAPPING - Encapsulates a C++ statement for profiling
TAU_MAPPING_LINK - Creates a mapping link
TAU_MAPPING_OBJECT - Declares a mapping object
TAU_MAPPING_PROFILE - Profiles a block based on a mapping
TAU_MAPPING_PROFILE_START - Starts a mapping timer
TAU_MAPPING_PROFILE_STOP - Stops a mapping timer
TAU_MAPPING_PROFILE_TIMER - Declares a mapping timer
TAU_PHASE_CREATE_DYNAMIC - Defines a dynamic phase.
TAU_PHASE_CREATE_STATIC - Defines a static phase.
TAU_PHASE - Profile a C++ function as a phase
TAU_PHASE_START - Enters a phase.
TAU_PHASE_STOP - Exits a phase.
TAU_PROFILE_CALLSTACK - Generates a callstack trace at a given
TAU_PROFILE_CREATE_TIMER - Creates a timer for C
TAU_PROFILE_DECLARE_TIMER - Declares a timer for C
TAU_PROFILE_EXIT - Alerts the profiling system to an exit call
TAU_PROFILE - Profile a C++ function
TAU_PROFILE_INIT - Processes command-line arguments for selective
TAU_PROFILE_SET_CONTEXT - Informs the measurement system of the context
TAU_PROFILE_SET_GROUP_NAME - Changes the group name of a profiled
TAU_PROFILE_SET_NODE - Informs the measurement system of the node id
TAU_PROFILE_START - Starts a timer.
TAU_PROFILE_STMT - Executes a statement only when TAU is used.
TAU_PROFILE_STOP - Stops a timer.
TAU_PROFILE_TIMER_DYNAMIC - Defines a dynamic timer.
TAU_PROFILE_TIMER - Defines a static timer.
TAU_PROFILE_TIMER_SET_GROUP - Change the group of a timer
TAU_PROFILE_TIMER_SET_GROUP_NAME - Changes the group name for a timer
TAU_PROFILE_TIMER_SET_NAME - Changes the name of a timer
TAU_PROFILE_TIMER_SET_TYPE - Changes the type of a timer
TAU_REGISTER_CONTEXT_EVENT - Registers a context event
TAU_REGISTER_EVENT - Registers a user event
TAU_REGISTER_FORK - Informs the measurement system that a fork has
TAU_REGISTER_THREAD - Register a thread with the profiling system
TAU_REPORT_STATISTICS - Outputs statistics
TAU_REPORT_THREAD_STATISTICS - Outputs statistics, plus thread
TAU_SET_INTERRUPT_INTERVAL - Change the inter-interrupt interval for
TAU_TRACE_RECVMSG - Traces a receive operation
TAU_TRACE_SENDMSG - Traces a receive operation
TAU_TRACK_MEMORY_HEADROOM_HERE - Takes a sample of the amount of memory
TAU_TRACK_MEMORY_HEADROOM - Track the headroom (amount of memory for a
TAU_TRACK_MEMORY_HERE - Triggers memory tracking at a given execution
TAU_TRACK_MEMORY - Initializes memory tracking system
TAU_TYPE_STRING - Creates a type string
Taylor_Fjt_Eval - -
tcadb - the abstract database API
tcbdb - the B+ tree database API
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
tcfdb - the fixed-length database API
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp - get and set terminal foreground process group
tcgetsid - get session ID
tchdb - the hash database API
TclCurl: - get a URL with FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP,
TclCurl: - get a URL with FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP,
TclCurl: - get a URL with FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP,
tcutil - the utility API
tcutil - the utility API
tcutil - the utility API
tcutil - the utility API
TCPClientConnection - -
Attributes and Cntls - -
Env Variables - -
Error Types - -
Globus XIO TCP Driver - -
Opening/Closing - -
Reading/Writing - -
Server - -
Types - -
TCPIOSocket - -
TCPServerConnection - -
TCPServerSocket - -
TCPSocket - -
tcrdb - the remote database API
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp - get and set terminal foreground process group
tctdb - the table database API
tcutil - the utility API
tculog - the update log API
tcutil - the utility API
tcutil - the utility API
tdb_chainlock - lock a group of keys tdb_chainunlock
tdb_close - close a tdb database
tdb_delete - delete a record from a tdb database
tdb_error - return tdb database error state information. tdb_errorstr
tdb_exists - check for the existence of a record in a tdb database
tdb_fetch - fetch a record from a tdb database
tdb_firstkey - return the key of the first record in a tdb database
tdb - trivial database
tdb_open - Open a tdb database.
tdb_store - store a record in a tdb database.
tdb_traverse - visit every element in a tdb database
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk, tdestroy - manage a binary tree
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk, tdestroy - manage a binary tree
telldir - return current location in directory stream
TemplateFactory.h - -
template.h - -
tempnam - create a name for a temporary file
termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow, -
test_appzip.cpp - -
test_collcoll.cpp - -
test_dircoll.cpp - -
test_gzipoutputstream.cpp - Source for a test program for testing
test_simplesmartptr.cpp - -
test_zip.cpp - -
test_zipinputstreambuf.cpp - Source for a test program for testing
test_zipinputstream.cpp - Source for a test program for testing
test_zipoutputstreambuf.cpp - Source for a test program for testing
test_zipoutputstream.cpp - Source for a test program for testing
textdomain - set domain for future gettext() calls
TextRenderer.h - -
textwrap - line-folding (text-wrapping) library with i18n support
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk, tdestroy - manage a binary tree
tgamma, tgammaf, tgammal - true gamma function
tgamma, tgammaf, tgammal - true gamma function
tgamma, tgammaf, tgammal - true gamma function
thermoscreenshots - QwtThermo
th_get_pathname, th_get_uid, th_get_gid, th_get_mode, th_get_crc, -
th_print, th_print_long_ls - print out information about a tar file
thread.h - -
th_read, th_write - read and write a file header block from a tar
Portable Threads Abstraction Classes - -
th_set_from_stat, th_finish, th_set_type, th_set_path, th_set_link, -
time_fields_from_filetime - convert between FILETIME and TIME_FIELDS
time_fields_from_filetime - convert between FILETIME and TIME_FIELDS
timegm, timelocal - inverses of gmtime and localtime
timegm, timelocal - inverses of gmtime and localtime
timeradd, timersub, timercmp, timerclear, timerisset - timeval
timeradd, timersub, timercmp, timerclear, timerisset - timeval
timeradd, timersub, timercmp, timerclear, timerisset - timeval
vpGetTimer, vpClearTimer - interval timer facility
timeradd, timersub, timercmp, timerclear, timerisset - timeval
timeradd, timersub, timercmp, timerclear, timerisset - timeval
tzset, tzname, timezone, daylight - initialize time conversion
benchmp, benchmp_getstate, benchmp_interval, start, stop, get_n, set_n, -
tixBalloon - Create and manipulate tixBalloon widgets
tixButtonBox - Create and manipulate Tix ButtonBox widgets
tixCheckList - Create and manipulate tixCheckList widgets
tixComboBox - Create and manipulate tixComboBox widgets
tixControl - Create and manipulate tixControl widgets
tixDestroy - Destroy Tix Objects
tixDirList - Create and manipulate tixDirList widgets
tixDirSelectDialog - Create and manipulate directory selection dialogs.
tixDirTree - Create and manipulate tixDirTree widgets
tixDisplayStyle - Create style object for Tix display items.
tixExFileSelectBox - Create and manipulate tixExFileSelectBox widgets
tixExFileSelectDialog - Create and manipulate tixExFileSelectDialog
tixFileEntry - Create and manipulate tixFileEntry widgets
tixFileSelectBox - Create and manipulate Tix FileSelectBox widgets
tixFileSelectDialog - Create and manipulate tixFileSelectDialog widgets
tixForm - Geometry manager based on attachment rules
tixGetBoolean - Get the boolean value of a string.
tixGetInt - Get the integer value of a string.
tixGrid - Create and manipulate Tix Grid widgets
tixHList - Create and manipulate Tix Hierarchial List widgets
tix - Manipulate internal states of the Tix library
tixInputOnly - Create and manipulate TIX InputOnly widgets
TixIntro - Introduction to the Tix library
tixLabelEntry - Create and manipulate tixLabelEntry widgets
tixLabelFrame - Create and manipulate tixLabelFrame widgets
tixListNoteBook - Create and manipulate tixListNoteBook widgets
tixMeter - Create and manipulate Tix Meter widgets
tixMwm - Communicate with the Motif(tm) window manager.
tixNBFrame - Create and manipulate Tix NoteBook Frame widgets
tixNoteBook - Create and manipulate tixNoteBook widgets
tixOptionMenu - Create and manipulate tixOptionMenu widgets
tixPanedWindow - Create and manipulate tixPanedWindow widgets
tixPopupMenu - Create and manipulate tixPopupMenu widgets
tixScrolledHList - Create and manipulate Tix ScrolledHList widgets
tixScrolledListBox - Create and manipulate Tix ScrolledListBox widgets
tixScrolledText - Create and manipulate Tix ScrolledText widgets
tixScrolledWindow - Create and manipulate Tix ScrolledWindow widgets
tixSelect - Create and manipulate tixSelect widgets
tixStdButtonBox - Create and manipulate Tix StdButtonBox widgets
tixTList - Create and manipulate Tix Tabular List widgets
tixTree - Create and manipulate tixTree widgets
tixUtils - Utility commands in Tix.
table - Create and manipulate tables
tld_check_4 - API function
tld_check_4t - API function
tld_check_4tz - API function
tld_check_4z - API function
tld_check_8z - API function
tld_check_lz - API function
tld_default_table - API function
tld_get_4 - API function
tld_get_4z - API function
tld_get_table - API function
tld_get_z - API function
tld_strerror - API function
tlp::AbstractProperty - -
tlp::AbstractView - -
tlp::AcyclicTest - -
tlp::AlgorithmContext - -
tlp::AlgorithmFactory - -
tlp::Algorithm - -
tlp::Array - -
tlp::AugmentedDisplayDialog - -
tlp::AxisSlider - -
tlp::Bfs - -
tlp::BiconnectedTest - -
tlp::BooleanAlgorithm - -
tlp::BooleanProperty - -
tlp::BooleanType - -
tlp::BoundingBox - -
tlp::Camera - -
tlp::ChangeCellsAlignment - -
tlp::ChangeCellsBackground - -
tlp::ChangeCellsEditor - -
tlp::ChangeCellsFont - -
tlp::ChangeCellsForeground - -
tlp::Circle - -
tlp::ColorAlgorithm - -
tlp::Color - -
tlp::ColorProperty - -
tlp::ColorScaleConfigDialog - -
tlp::ColorScale - -
tlp::ColorType - -
tlp::ConcatIterator - -
tlp::ConnectedTest - -
tlp::ControllerContext - -
tlp::ControllerFactory - -
tlp::Controller - -
tlp::ControllerPluginsManager - -
tlp::ConvexHullItem - -
tlp::Coord - -
tlp::CutCommand - -
tlp::DataChanged - -
tlp::DataMem - -
tlp::DataSet - -
tlp::DataType - -
tlp::DeleteContents - -
tlp::DeleteEntireColumns - -
tlp::DeleteEntireRows - -
tlp::Dependency - -
tlp::_DepthIndex - -
tlp::DoubleAlgorithm - -
tlp::DoubleProperty - -
tlp::DoubleType - -
tlp::edge - -
tlp::EdgeSetType - -
tlp::ElementPropertiesWidget - -
tlp::ElementPropertiesWidgetPlugin - -
tlp::ElementPropertiesWidgetUI - -
tlp::EntityWithDistance - -
tlp::ExportModuleFactory - -
tlp::ExportModule - -
tlp::Face - -
tlp::_FeedBack3Dcolor - -
tlp::FindSelectionWidget - -
tlp::ForegroundEntity - -
tlp::GlAxisBoxPlot - -
tlp::GlAxis - -
tlp::GlBox - -
tlp::GlCircle - -
tlp::GlColorScale - -
tlp::GlComplexeEntity - -
tlp::GlComplexPolygon - -
tlp::GlComposite - -
tlp::GlConvexHull - -
tlp::GlCurve - -
tlp::GlDisplayListManager - -
tlp::GlEntity - -
tlp::GlewManager - -
tlp::GlFeedBackBuilder - -
tlp::GlFeedBackRecorder - -
tlp::GlGraphComposite - -
tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters - -
tlp::GlGrid - -
tlp::GlHierarchyConvexHulls - -
tlp::GlLabel - -
tlp::GlLayer - -
tlp::GlMainView - -
tlp::GlMainWidget - -
tlp::GlMainWidgetPlugin - -
tlp::GlMultiPolygon - -
tlp::GlNominativeAxis - -
tlp::GlObservableScene - -
tlp::GlPointManager - -
tlp::GlPolygon - -
tlp::GlPolyQuad - -
tlp::GlProgressBar - -
tlp::GlQuad - -
tlp::GlQuantitativeAxis - -
tlp::GlRect - -
tlp::GlRectTextured - -
tlp::GlScene - -
tlp::GlSceneObserver - -
tlp::GlSceneVisitor - -
tlp::GlSelectSceneVisitor - -
tlp::GlSimpleEntity - -
tlp::GlSphere - -
tlp::GlTexture - -
tlp::GlTextureManager - -
tlp::GlTLPFeedBackBuilder - -
tlp::Graph - -
tlp::Graphic - -
tlp::GraphObserver - -
tlp::GraphPropertiesSelectionWidget - -
tlp::GraphProperty - -
tlp::GraphType - -
tlp::GridOptionsWidget - -
tlp::GWOverviewWidget - -
tlp::GWOverviewWidgetPlugin - -
tlp - -
tlp::ImportModuleFactory - -
tlp::ImportModule - -
tlp::ImpossibleOperation - -
tlp::InsertColumnDialog - -
tlp::InsertColumnsCommand - -
tlp::InsertRowsCommand - -
tlp::IntegerAlgorithm - -
tlp::IntegerProperty - -
tlp::IntegerType - -
tlp::InteractorContext - -
tlp::InteractorFactory - -
tlp::Interactor - -
tlp::Iterator - -
tlp::LayoutAlgorithm - -
tlp::LayoutProperty - -
tlp::LessThanEdge - -
tlp::LessThanNode - -
tlp::LineType - -
tlp::MainController - -
tlp::MainWindowFacade - -
tlp::Matrix - -
tlp::MouseBoxZoomer - -
tlp::MouseEdgeBendEditor - -
tlp::MouseEdgeBuilder - -
tlp::MouseEdgeSelector - -
tlp::MouseElementDeleter - -
tlp::MouseMagicSelector - -
tlp::MouseNKeysNavigator - -
tlp::MouseNodeBuilder - -
tlp::MousePanNZoomNavigator - -
tlp::MouseSelectionEditor - -
tlp::MouseSelector - -
tlp::MouseShowElementInfos - -
tlp::MutableContainer - -
tlp::node - -
tlp::NodeLinkDiagramComponent - -
tlp::ObservableGraph - -
tlp::Observable - -
tlp::ObservableProperty - -
tlp::Observer - -
tlp::OuterPlanarTest - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsAxisBoxPlot - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsAxisSliders - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsAxisSwapper - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsElementDeleter - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsElementHighlighter - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsElementShowInfos - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsElementsSelector - -
tlp::ParallelCoordsGlEntitiesSelector - -
tlp::ParallelDrawingUpdateThread - -
TLPParser.h - -
tlp::PasteCommand - -
TLPPixmapFont.h - -
TLPPixmapGlyph.h - -
tlp::PlanarityTest - -
tlp::Plugin - -
tlp::PluginLoader - -
tlp::PluginLoaderTxt - -
tlp::PluginProgress - -
tlp::PointType - -
tlp::PropertyAlgorithm - -
tlp::PropertyContext - -
tlp::PropertyDialog - -
tlp::PropertyFactory - -
tlp::PropertyInterface - -
tlp::PropertyObserver - -
tlp::QtCPULODCalculator - -
tlp::QtCPULODCalculatorThread - -
tlp::QtProgress - -
TlpQtTools.h - -
tlp::Rectangle - -
tlp::RenderingParametersDialog - -
tlp::SelfLoops - -
tlp::SGHierarchyWidget - -
tlp::SGHierarchyWidgetPlugin - -
tlp::SimpleTest - -
tlp::SizeAlgorithm - -
tlp::Size - -
tlp::SizeProperty - -
tlp::SizeType - -
tlp::SortCommand - -
tlp::SortNodeIterator - -
tlp::SortTargetEdgeIterator - -
tlp::SpreadCalculator - -
tlp::SpreadCell - -
tlp::SpreadItemDelegate - -
tlp::SpreadLineEdit - -
tlp::SpreadTable - -
tlp::SpreadTableSort - -
tlp::SpreadValue - -
tlp::SpreadView - -
tlp::SpreadWidget - -
tlp::StableIterator - -
tlp::StlIterator - -
tlp::StlMapIterator - -
tlp::StringAlgorithm - -
tlp::StringCollection - -
tlp::StringCollectionType - -
tlp::StringListSelectionWidget - -
tlp::StringProperty - -
tlp::StringType - -
tlp::StructDef - -
tlp::TabWidget - -
tlp::TemplateFactory - -
tlp::TemplateFactoryInterface - -
TlpTools.h - -
tlp::TreeTest - -
tlp::TriconnectedTest - -
tlp::TulipStats - -
tlp::TulipTableWidget - -
tlp::Type - -
tlp::Vector - -
tlp::ViewContext - -
tlp::ViewFactory - -
tlp::View - -
tlp::ViewPluginsManager - -
tlp::VoronoiDiagram::Cell - -
tlp::VoronoiDiagram::Edge - -
tlp::VoronoiDiagram - -
tlp::VoronoiDiagram::Ray - -
tlp::WithDependency - -
tlp::WithParameter - -
tmpfile - create a temporary file
tmpnam, tmpnam_r - create a name for a temporary file
tmpnam, tmpnam_r - create a name for a temporary file
toascii - convert character to ASCII
todo - Todo List
tokenizer.h - -
tokyocabinet - a modern implementation of DBM
toupper, tolower - convert letter to upper or lower case
TopLevelShell — The TopLevelShell widget class -
maillock, mailunlock, touchlock - manage mailbox lockfiles
toupper, tolower - convert letter to upper or lower case
towctrans - wide-character transliteration
CT_init, CT_data, CT_close — Functions to handle communication -
CT-BCS — Cardterminal basic command set for integrated circuit card -
towlower - convert a wide character to lowercase
towupper - convert a wide character to uppercase
tp_c.h - -
tpmUnsealFile, tpmUnsealShred, tpmUnsealStrerror - unseal routines
tpmUnsealFile, tpmUnsealShred, tpmUnsealStrerror - unseal routines
tpmUnsealFile, tpmUnsealShred, tpmUnsealStrerror - unseal routines
vpTracePixel - print a trace of the voxels composited into a pixel
trampoline - closures as first-class C functions
trampoline - closures as first-class C functions
TransientShell — The TransientShell widget class -
vpTranslate - multiply the current transformation matrix by a
vpTranspose - transpose a volume
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
cdk_traverse - functions to support keyboard traversal
TreeLeaf.cpp - -
TreeLeaf.h - -
TreeLeaf - -
TreeMap.cpp - -
TreeMap.h - -
TreeMap - -
TreeRadial.cpp - -
TreeRadial - -
TreeReingoldAndTilfordExtended.cpp - -
TreeReingoldAndTilfordExtended.h - -
TreeReingoldAndTilfordExtended - -
TreeTest.h - -
TreeTools.h - -
Trf_CheckOptions - Interface to procedures to check an option
Trf_ClearCtrlBlock - Interface for procedures to reset the internal
Trf_ConverterOptions - Return the set of option processing procedures
Trf_CreateCtrlBlock - Interface to procedure for creation of
Trf_CreateOptions - Interface to procedures to create a container
Trf_DeleteCtrlBlock - Interface to procedure for destruction of
Trf_DeleteOptions - Interface to proceduress to delete a container made
Trf_FlipRegisterLong - Swap the bytes of all 4-byte words contained in
Trf_FlipRegisterShort - Swap the bytes of all 2-byte words contained in
Trf_FlushTransformation - Interface to procedures used to flush
Trf_Init - Initialize extension in standard interpreter.
Trf_InitStubs - Convenience declaration of Trf_InitStubs.
Trf_IsInitialized - Check initialization state of specified
Trf_LoadLibrary - General purpose library loader functionality.
Trf_MDCheck - Interface to procedures for check/manipulation of the
Trf_MDFinal - Interface to procedures for generation of the final
Trf_MDStart - Interface to procedures for initialization of a MD
Trf_MDUpdateBuf - Interface to procedures for update of a MD context.
Trf_MDUpdate - Interface to procedures for update of a MD context.
Trf_QueryMaxRead - Interface for procedures to query a transformation
Trf_QueryOptions - Interface to procedures to query an option
Trf_Register - Register the specified transformation at the given
Trf_RegisterMessageDigest - Procedure to register a message digest
Trf_SafeInit - Initialize extension in SAFE interpreter.
Trf_SeekQueryOptions - Interface to procedures to query an option
Trf_SetObjOption - Interface to procedures to define the value of an
Trf_SetOption - Interface to procedures to define the value of an
Trf_ShiftRegister - Shift the register.
Trf_TransformBuffer - Interface to procedures for transformation of
Trf_TransformCharacter - Interface to procedures for transformation of
Trf_WriteProc - Interface to procedures used by an encoder/decoder to
Trf_XorBuffer - XOR the bytes in a buffer with a mask.
triangle.cpp - -
Triangle - -
TriconnectedTest.h - -
cdk_swindow - a curses scrolling window widget.
Strings - -
TRTPSessionBase - -
trunc, truncf, truncl - round to integer, towards zero
trunc, truncf, truncl - round to integer, towards zero
trunc, truncf, truncl - round to integer, towards zero
tse3 - Trax Sequencer Engine library version 3.0
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk, tdestroy - manage a binary tree
Tspi_ChangeAuthAsym - change the authorization data of an entity using
Tspi_ChangeAuth - change the authorization data of an entity.
Tspi_Context_Close - destroy a TSP context handle.
Tspi_Context_CloseObject - destroy resources associated with an object
Tspi_Context_Connect- connect a TSP to a Core Services daemon -
Tspi_Context_Create - create a TSP context handle.
Tspi_Context_CreateObject - create an empty object and return a handle
Tspi_Context_FreeMemory - Free allocated memory for a given context.
Tspi_Context_GetCapability - provide the capabilities of a TSS Core
Tspi_Context_GetDefaultPolicy - Get a handle to the default policy
Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo - search the persistent storage for a
Tspi_Context_GetKeyByUUID - get a handle to a key registered in
Tspi_Context_GetRegisteredKeysByUUID2 - get an array of TSS_KM_KEYINFO2
Tspi_Context_GetRegisteredKeysByUUID - get an array of TSS_KM_KEYINFO
Context_GetTpmObject - get the handle of the TPM object associated with
Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob - load a key into the TPM using the key’s
Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByUUID - load a key that’s been registered in
Tspi_Context_RegisterKey - register a key in the TSS Persistent Storage
Tspi_Context_UnregisterKey - unregister a key from the persistent
Tspi_DAA_IssueCredential - issue a DAA credential for a TCG platform
Tspi_DAA_IssueInit - initialize the Issuer for a join operation
Tspi_DAA_IssuerKeyVerification - verifies the DAA public key
Tspi_DAA_IssueSetup - generate a DAA Issuer public and private key
Tspi_DAA_VerifyInit - creates a challenge for the TCG platform
Tspi_DAA_VerifySignature - creates a challenge for the TCG platform
Tspi_Data_Bind - Encrypts a data blob
Tspi_Data_Seal - encrypt a data blob in a mannar that is only
Tspi_Data_Unbind - Decrypts data that has been bound to a key
Tspi_Data_Unseal - dencrypt data encrypted by Tspi_Data_Seal() only if
Tspi_DecodeBER_TssBlob - unwraps a BER-encoded TSS blob.
Tspi_EncodeDER_TssBlob - generate a DER encoded TSS blob.
Tspi_GetAttribData - get a non 32bit attribute of the object.
Tspi_GetAttribUint32 - get the value of particular attribute associated
Tspi_GetPolicyObject - get a policy object assigned to a working object
Tspi_Hash_GetHashValue - get the current hash value of a hash object
Tspi_Hash_SetHashValue - Sets the hash value of a hash object for non-
Tspi_Hash_Sign - sign the hash data of an object with a signing key
Tspi_Hash_UpdateHashValue - update the hash value of a hash object
Tspi_Hash_VerifySignature - verify the hash value with a given
Tspi_Key_CertifyKey - sign a public key.
Tspi_Key_ConvertMigrationBlob - create a wrapped key from a migration
Tspi_Key_CreateKey - create a key pair within the TPM, wrapping it with
Tspi_Key_CreateMigrationBlob - create a key blob suitable for migrating
Tspi_Key_GetPubKey - get the public key of an object
Tspi_Key_LoadKey - load a key into the TPM
Tspi_Key_UnloadKey - unload a key from the TPM
Tspi_Key_WrapKey - wrap a key with the key addressed by hWrappingKey.
Tspi_PcrComposite_GetPcrValue - get the digest value of a given PCR
Tspi_PcrComposite_SelectPcrIndex- select a PCR index inside a PCR -
Tspi_PcrComposite_SetPcrValue- set the digest for a given PCR index -
Tspi_Policy_AssignToObject - assign a policy to an object
Tspi_Policy_FlushSecret - flush a cached secret
Tspi_Policy_SetSecret - set the authorization data of a policy object
Tspi_SetAttribData - set a non 32bit attribute of an object.
Tspi_SetAttribUint32 - set a 32bit attribute associated with a given
Tspi_TPM_AuthorizeMigrationTicket- create the migration ticket required -
Tspi_TPM_CertifySelfTest- have the TPM sign its self test data -
Tspi_TPM_CheckMaintenancePubKey- check the public maintenance key -
Tspi_TPM_ClearOwner - clear TPM ownership
Tspi_TPM_CMKSetRestrictions - set restrictions on use of delegated
Tspi_TPM_CollateIdentityRequest - Gets all the informatin necessary to
Tspi_TPM_CreateEndorsementKey - create the endorsement key
Tspi_TPM_CreateMaintenanceArchive - create the TPM manufacturer
Tspi_TPM_DAA_JoinCreateDaaPubKey - computes the credential request for
Tspi_TPM_DAA_JoinInit - start the DAA Join process
Tspi_TPM_DAA_JoinStoreCredential - compute the final DAA Credential
Tspi_TPM_DAA_Sign - creates a DAA Signature that proofs ownership of
Tspi_TPM_DirRead - Read a Data Integrity Register
Tspi_TPM_DirWrite - write to a Data Integrity Register
Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest - retrieve the audit digest.
Tspi_TPM_GetCapability - get information on the capabilities of the TPM
Tspi_TPM_GetEvent- get a PCR event for a given PCR index and event -
Tspi_TPM_GetEventLog- get the entire PCR event log. -
Tspi_TPM_GetEvents- get a specific number of PCR events for a given -
Tspi_TPM_GetPubEndorsementKey - create a TSS key object from the TPM’s
Tspi_TPM_GetRandom - generate a random number on the TPM
Tspi_TPM_GetStatus - query the TPM’s status
Tspi_TPM_GetTestResult- get manufacturer specific information regarding -
Tspi_TPM_KillMaintenanceFeature - Disables the ability to create a
Tspi_TPM_LoadMaintenancePubKey- load the public maintenance key into -
Tspi_TPM_OwnerGetSRKPubKey - get public key of the SRK
Tspi_TPM_PcrExtend - extend a PCR register and optionally write the PCR
Tspi_TPM_PcrRead - read the value in a PCR register
Tspi_TPM_Quote - retreive a signed set of PCR values.
Tspi_TPM_SelfTestFull - perform a self-test of each internal TPM
Tspi_TPM_SetStatus - modify the TPM’s status
Tspi_TPM_StirRandom - add entropy to the TPM random number generator
Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership - take ownership of a TPM
tst - ternary search trie functions
tst_res - Print result message, including file contents
tst_set_error - Sets global Tst_error values
tst_sig - set up for unexpected signals
tst_tmpdir - create a unique testing directory and make it current.
ttutil - the utility API
ttyname, ttyname_r - return name of a terminal
ttyname, ttyname_r - return name of a terminal
ttyslot - find the slot of the current user’s terminal in some file
tulipconf.h - -
TulipPlugin.h - -
TulipStatsWidget.h - -
TulipTableWidget.h - -
Tulip_Widgets - -
Tutte.cpp - -
Tutte.h - -
Tutte - -
tsearch, tfind, tdelete, twalk, tdestroy - manage a binary tree
Example using the two-wire interface (TWI) - Some newer devices of the
Types.h - -
Types - -
tzset, tzname, timezone, daylight - initialize time conversion
tzset, tzname, timezone, daylight - initialize time conversion
ualarm - schedule signal after given number of microseconds
udns - stub DNS resolver library
Attributes and Cntls - -
Env Variables - -
Error Types - -
Globus XIO UDP Driver - -
Opening/Closing - -
Reading/Writing - -
Types - -
_U_dyn_cancel -- cancel unwind-info for dynamically generated code -
_U_dyn_register -- register unwind-info for dynamically generated code -
UilDumpSymbolTable — Dumps the contents of a named UIL symbol table to -
Uil — Invokes the UIL compiler from within an application -
UILib intro — User interface library intro -
getspnam, getspnam_r, getspent, getspent_r, setspent, endspent, -
ulimit - get and set user limits
umad_addr_dump - dump addr structure to stderr
umad_alloc - allocate memory for umad buffers
umad_close_port - close InfiniBand device port for umad access
umad_debug - set debug level
umad_init, umad_done - perform library initialization and finalization
umad_dump - dump umad buffer to stderr
umad_free - frees memory of umad buffers
umad_get_ca, umad_release_ca - get and release InfiniBand device port
umad_get_ca_portguids - get the InfiniBand device ports GUIDs
umad_get_cas_names - get list of available InfiniBand device names
umad_get_fd - get the umad fd for the requested port
umad_get_issm_path - get path of issm device
umad_get_mad_addr - get the address of the ib_mad_addr from a umad
umad_get_mad - get the MAD pointer of a umad buffer
umad_get_pkey - get pkey index from umad buffer
umad_get_port, umad_release_port - open and close an InfiniBand port
umad_init, umad_done - perform library initialization and finalization
umad_open_port - open InfiniBand device port for umad access
umad_poll - poll umad
umad_recv - receive umad
umad_register - register the specified management class and version for
umad_register_oui - register the specified class in vendor range 2 for
umad_get_ca, umad_release_ca - get and release InfiniBand device port
umad_get_port, umad_release_port - open and close an InfiniBand port
umad_send - send umad
umad_set_addr - set MAD address fields within umad buffer using host
umad_set_addr_net - set MAD address fields within umad buffer using
umad_set_grh - set GRH fields within umad buffer using host ordering
umad_set_grh_net - set GRH fields within umad buffer using network
umad_set_pkey - set pkey index within umad buffer
umad_size - get the size of umad buffer
umad_status - get the status of a umad buffer
umad_unregister - unregister umad agent
unac - remove accents from string or character
cdk_binding - Curses Development Kit Character Binding Capabilities.
compface, uncompface - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
none - undocumented library functions
fgetc, fgets, getc, getchar, gets, ungetc - input of characters and
ungetwc - push back a wide character onto a FILE stream
unix.h - -
getc_unlocked, getchar_unlocked, putc_unlocked, putchar_unlocked - -
unlockpt - unlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair
cdk_template - a curses template widget.
UnNamedObj - widget from X tookit
cdk_screen - Cdk Screen and Widget Manipulation Functions
setenv - change or add an environment variable
unvis, strunvis, strnunvis - decode a visual representation of characters
unw_create_addr_space -- create address space for remote unwinding -
unw_destroy_addr_space -- destroy unwind address space -
unw_flush_cache -- flush cached info -
unw_get_accessors -- get pointer to accessor call-backs -
unw_getcontext -- get initial machine-state -
unw_get_fpreg -- get contents of floating-point register -
unw_get_proc_info_by_ip -- get procedure info by IP -
unw_get_proc_info -- get info on current procedure -
unw_get_proc_name -- get name of current procedure -
unw_get_reg -- get register contents -
unw_init_local -- initialize cursor for local unwinding -
unw_init_remote -- initialize cursor for remote unwinding -
unw_is_fpreg -- check if a register is a floating-point register -
unw_is_signal_frame -- check if current frame is a signal frame -
unw_regname -- get register name -
unw_resume -- resume execution in a particular stack frame -
unw_set_caching_policy -- set unwind caching policy -
unw_set_fpreg -- set contents of floating-point register -
unw_set_reg -- set register contents -
unw_step -- advance to next stack frame -
updwtmp, logwtmp - append an entry to the wtmp file
updwtmp, logwtmp - append an entry to the wtmp file
upscli_connect - Open a connection to a NUT upsd
upscli_disconnect - disconnect from a UPS server
upsclient - Network UPS Tools client access library
upscli_fd - Get file descriptor for connection
upscli_get - retrieve data from a UPS
upscli_list_next - retrieve list items from a UPS
upscli_list_start - begin multi-item retrieval from a UPS
upscli_readline - read a single response from a UPS
upscli_sendline - send a single command to a UPS
upscli_splitaddr - split a listening address into its components
upscli_splitname - split a UPS definition into its components
upscli_ssl - Check SSL mode for current connection
upscli_strerror - return string describing error condition
upscli_upserror - Get current error number for connection
urlcoding - a Libbash library for encoding and decoding URL’s.
UrlElement - -
url.h - -
urxvtperl - rxvt-unicode’s embedded perl interpreter
usctest - macros and libraries for common functions in system call
using_tools - .TH "using_tools" 3 "Thu Aug 12 2010" "Version 1.6.8"
usleep - suspend execution for microsecond intervals
ustr_const - ustr string library constants
ustr - ustr string library functions
uthash-dev - Hash map and linked list implementation
xxxxxlt;util/atomic.hxxxxxgt; Atomically and Non-Atomically Executed Code Blocks - -
xxxxxlt;util/crc16.hxxxxxgt;: CRC Computations - -
xxxxxlt;util/twi.hxxxxxgt;: TWI bit mask definitions - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endutent, utmpname - -
uuid_clear - reset value of UUID variable to the NULL value
uuid_compare - compare whether two UUIDs are the same
uuid_copy - copy a UUID value
uuid_generate, uuid_generate_random, uuid_generate_time - create a new
uuid_generate, uuid_generate_random, uuid_generate_time - create a new
uuid_generate, uuid_generate_random, uuid_generate_time - create a new
uuid - DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library
uuid_is_null - compare the value of the UUID to the NULL value
uuid_parse - convert an input UUID string into binary representation
uuid_time - extract the time at which the UUID was created
uuid_unparse - convert an UUID from binary representation to a string
uwildmat, uwildmat_simple, uwildmat_poison - Perform wildmat matching
stdarg, va_start, va_arg, va_end, va_copy - variable argument lists
vacall - C functions called with variable arguments
stdarg, va_start, va_arg, va_end, va_copy - variable argument lists
stdarg, va_start, va_arg, va_end, va_copy - variable argument lists
cdk_objs - Cdk object-support functions
posix_memalign, memalign, valloc - Allocate aligned memory
asprintf, vasprintf - print to allocated string
stdarg, va_start, va_arg, va_end, va_copy - variable argument lists
vbo_rendering - Vertex array and VBO rendering in Coin Coin 2.5 added
vc_new, vc_delete vc_set_group, vc_set_name, vc_set_param, vc_set_value, -
dprintf, vdprintf - print to a file descriptor
Vector.h - -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
VendorShell — The VendorShell widget class -
verbiste - french conjugation system
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
scandir, alphasort, versionsort - scan a directory for matching entries
vertex - -
vertices - -
vf_create_object - vf_create_object()
vf_date_string_to_time - vf_date_string_to_time()
vf_delete_object - vf_delete_object()
vf_delete_prop - vf_delete_prop()
vf_find_charset - vf_find_charset()
vf_find_prop_qual_index - vf_find_prop_qual_index()
vf_get_next_object - vf_get_next_object()
vf_get_next_property - vf_get_next_property()
vf_get_object_type - vf_get_object_type()
vf_get_property_ex - vf_get_property_ex()
vf_get_property - vf_get_property()
vf_get_prop_name - vf_get_prop_name()
vf_get_prop_name_string - vf_get_prop_name_string()
vf_get_prop_value_base64 - vf_get_prop_value_base64()
vf_get_prop_value - vf_get_prop_value()
vf_get_prop_value_object - vf_get_prop_value_object()
vf_get_prop_value_string - vf_get_prop_value_string()
vf_get_prop_value_time - vf_get_prop_value_time()
vf_is_modified - vf_is_modified()
vf_parse_end - vf_parse_end()
vf_parse_init - vf_parse_init()
vf_parse_text - vf_parse_text()
vf_period_string_to_time - vf_period_string_to_time()
vf_period_time_to_string - vf_period_time_to_string()
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
vf_read_file - vf_read_file()
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input format
vf_set_property_from_file - vf_set_property_from_file()
vf_set_prop_name_string - vf_set_prop_name_string()
vf_set_prop_value_base64 - vf_set_prop_value_base64()
vf_set_prop_value - vf_set_prop_value()
vf_set_prop_value_object - vf_set_prop_value_object()
vf_set_prop_value_string - vf_set_prop_value_string()
vf_set_prop_value_time - vf_set_prop_value_time()
wprintf, fwprintf, swprintf, vwprintf, vfwprintf, vswprintf - formatted
vf_write_file - vf_write_file()
vga_accel - calls the graphics accelerator
vga_addmode - add a mode to svgalib modes list
vga_addtiming - add a timing line to svgalib user timing list
vga_bitblt - copy pixmap on screen using an accelerator
vga_blitwait - wait for any accelerator operation to finish
vga_changetiming - change the current timing parameters.
vga_claimvideomemory - declare the amount of video memory used
vga_clear - clear the screen
vga_copytoplanar16 - copy linear pixmap into VGA 16 color mode video
vga_copytoplanar256 - copy linear pixmap into Mode X video memory
vga_copytoplane - copy linear pixmap to some planes of VGA 16 color
vga_disabledriverreport - makes svgalib not emit any startup messages
vga_drawline - draw a line on the screen
vga_drawpixel - draw a pixel on the screen
vga_drawscanline - draw a horizontal line of pixels
vga_drawscansegment - draw a horizontal line of pixels
vga_dumpregs - dump the contents of the SVGA registers
vga_ext_set - set and query several extended features
vga_fillblt - file rectangular area in video memory with a single color
vga_flip - toggle between text and graphics mode
vga_getch - wait for a key
vga_getxdim, vga_getydim, vga_getcolors - return the current screen
vga_getcurrentchipset - returns the current SVGA chipset
vga_getcurrentmode - returns the current video mode
vga_getcurrenttiming - get the current timing parameters.
vga_getdefaultmode - returns the default graphics mode number
vga_getgraphmem - returns the address of the VGA memory
vga_getkey - read a character from the keyboard without waiting
vga_getmodeinfo - returns pointer to mode information structure for a
vga_getmodename - return a name for the given video mode
vga_getmodenumber - return a number for the given video mode
vga_getmonitortype - returns the monitor type configured
vga_getmousetype - returns the mouse type configured
vga_getpalette - get a color in the color lookup table
vga_getpalvec - gets colors from the color lookup table
vga_getpixel - get a pixels value from the screen
vga_getscansegment - get a list of consecutive pixel values
vga_gettextfont, vga_puttextfont - get/set the font used in text mode
vga_gettextmoderegs, vga_settextmoderegs - get/set the vga state used
vga_getxdim, vga_getydim, vga_getcolors - return the current screen
vga_getxdim, vga_getydim, vga_getcolors - return the current screen
vga_guesstiming - calculate a timing line for the given resolution
vga_hasmode - returns if a video mode is supported
vga_hlinelistblt - draw horizontal scan lines
vga_imageblt - copy a rectangular pixmap from system memory to video
vga_init - initialize svgalib library
vga_lastmodenumber - returns the last video mode number
vga_lockvc - disables virtual console switching for safety
vga_oktowrite - indicates whether the program has direct access to the
vga_gettextfont, vga_puttextfont - get/set the font used in text mode
vga_runinbackground - enable running of the program while there is no
vga_runinbackground_version - returns the version of the current
vga_safety_fork - start a parallel process to restore the console at a
vga_screenoff, vga_screenon - turn generation of the video signal on or
vga_screenoff, vga_screenon - turn generation of the video signal on or
vga_setchipsetandfeatures - force chipset and optional parameters
vga_setchipset - force chipset
vga_setcolor - set the current color
vga_setdisplaystart - set the display start address
vga_setegacolor - set the current color
vga_setflipchar - set the character causing a vga_flip()
vga_setlinearaddressing - switch to linear addressing mode
vga_setlogicalwidth - set the logical scanline width
vga_setmode - sets a video mode
vga_setmodeX - try to set Mode X-like memory organization
vga_setmousesupport - enable mouse support
vga_setpage - set the 64K SVGA page number
vga_setpalette - set a color in the color lookup table
vga_setpalvec - sets colors in the color lookup table
vga_setreadpage - set the 64K SVGA page number
vga_setrgbcolor - set the current color
vga_gettextmoderegs, vga_settextmoderegs - get/set the vga state used
vga_setwritepage - set the 64K SVGA page number
vga_unlockvc - re-enables virtual console switching
vga_waitevent - wait for various I/O events
vga_waitretrace - wait for vertical retrace.
vga_white - return the color white in the current screen resolution
Qt Viewer Components - -
leptonica - image processing library
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
View.h - -
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
ViewPluginsManager.h - -
Villa - the advanced API of QDBM
VipsFormat, vips_format_map, vips_format_for_file, -
VipsFormat, vips_format_map, vips_format_for_file, -
VipsFormat, vips_format_map, vips_format_for_file, -
VipsFormat, vips_format_map, vips_format_for_file, -
VipsFormat, vips_format_map, vips_format_for_file, -
VipsFormat, vips_format_map, vips_format_for_file, -
VipsInterpolate, vips_interpolate, vips_interpolate_get_method, -
VipsObject, vips_object_build, vips_object_print_class, -
VirtualBindings — Bindings for virtual mouse and key events -
virtualseeker.h - Header file that defines VirtualSeeker.
vis, strvis, strnvis, strvisx - visually encode characters
Villa - the advanced API of QDBM
DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, -
Villa - the advanced API of QDBM
VolPack - introduction to VolPack, a library for volume rendering
vpVolumeNormals - compute surface normal vectors and gradient
vpSetVolumeSize - define the dimensions of a volume
votequorum_context_get - Gets the context variable for a VOTEQUORUM
votequorum_context_set - Sets the context variable for a VOTEQUORUM
votequorum_dispatch - Dispatches callbacks from the votequorum service
votequorum_fd_get - Dispatches callbacks from the votequorum service
votequorum_finalize - Terminate a connection to the votequorum service
votequorum_getinfo - Get information about the VoteQuorum service
votequorum_initialize - Create a new connection to the VoteQuorum
votequorum_leaving - Tell other nodes that we are leaving the cluster
votequorum_qdisk_getinfo - Get details of the quorum device
votequorum_qdisk_poll - Tells votequorum the result of the quorum
votequorum_qdisk_register - Registers a new quorum device
votequorum_qdisk_unregister - Unregisters a new quorum device
votequorum_setexpected - Sets the expected votes for the cluster
votequorum_setvotes - Sets the number of votes for a node
vpSetVoxelField, vpFieldOffset - define the size and location of a
vpSetVoxelSize - define the size of a voxel
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
vrb_capacity - return the buffer capacity
vrb_data_len - return the length of data
vrb_data_ptr - return pointer to data
vrb_destroy - destroy a virtual ring buffer
vrb_get - get data from a VRB
vrb_get_min - get minimum data from a VRB
vrb_give - create a new virtual ring buffer
vrb - virtual ring buffer
vrb_init - initialize a virtual ring buffer
vrb_init_opt - initialize a virtual ring buffer
vrb_is_empty - indicate if VRB is empty
vrb_is_full - indicate if VRB is full
vrb_is_not_empty - indicate if VRB is not_empty
vrb_is_not_full - indicate if VRB is not_full
vrb_move - read data into a VRB
vrb_new - create a new virtual ring buffer
vrb_new_opt - create a new virtual ring buffer
vrb_put_all - put all data into a VRB
vrb_put - put data into a VRB
vrb_read - read data into a VRB
vrb_read_min - read a minimum of data into a VRB
vrb_resize - create a new virtual ring buffer
vrb_space_len - return the length of space
vrb_space_ptr - return pointer to empty space
vrb_take - take data from a VRB
vrb_uninit - uninit a virtual ring buffer
vrb_write - write data from a VRB
vrb_write_min - write data from a VRB
VRML97 Classes - -
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input format
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, -
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input format
wprintf, fwprintf, swprintf, vwprintf, vfwprintf, vswprintf - formatted
closelog, openlog, syslog, vsyslog - send messages to the system logger
vtx_data - -
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
wprintf, fwprintf, swprintf, vwprintf, vfwprintf, vswprintf - formatted
cdk_label - Creates a managed curses label widget.
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
err, verr, errx, verrx, warn, vwarn, warnx, vwarnx - formatted error
wcpcpy - copy a wide-character string, returning a pointer to its end
wcpncpy - copy a fixed-size string of wide characters, returning a
wcrtomb - convert a wide character to a multibyte sequence
wcscasecmp - compare two wide-character strings, ignoring case
wcscat - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcschr - search a wide character in a wide-character string
wcscmp - compare two wide-character strings
wcscpy - copy a wide-character string
wcscspn - search a wide-character string for any of a set of wide
wcsdup - duplicate a wide-character string
wcslen - determine the length of a wide-character string
wcsncasecmp - compare two fixed-size wide-character strings, ignoring
wcsncat - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcsncmp - compare two fixed-size wide-character strings
wcsncpy - copy a fixed-size string of wide characters
wcsnlen - determine the length of a fixed-size wide-character string
wcsnrtombs - convert a wide-character string to a multibyte string
wcspbrk - search a wide-character string for any of a set of wide
wcsrchr - search a wide character in a wide-character string
wcsrtombs - convert a wide-character string to a multibyte string
wcsspn - advance in a wide-character string, skipping any of a set of
wcsstr - locate a substring in a wide-character string
wcstoimax, wcstoumax - convert wide-character string to integer
wcstok - split wide-character string into tokens
wcstombs - convert a wide-character string to a multibyte string
wcstoimax, wcstoumax - convert wide-character string to integer
wcswidth - determine columns needed for a fixed-size wide-character
wctob - try to represent a wide character as a single byte
wctomb - convert a wide character to a multibyte sequence
wctrans - wide-character translation mapping
wctype - wide-character classification
wcwidth - determine columns needed for a wide character
wdb_keys - return the key and column for the current database
WebImport.cpp - -
WebImport.h - -
WebImport - -
wheelscreenshots - QwtWheel
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
uwildmat, uwildmat_simple, uwildmat_poison - Perform wildmat matching
vpWindow - multiply the projection matrix by a perspective or
vpWindowPHIGS - multiply the projection matrix by a PHIGS viewing
WithDependency.h - -
WithParameter.h - -
wmemchr - search a wide character in a wide-character array
wmemcmp - compare two arrays of wide-characters
wmemcpy - copy an array of wide-characters
wmemmove - copy an array of wide-characters
mempcpy, wmempcpy - copy memory area
wmemset - fill an array of wide-characters with a constant wide
wml::all - WML Include Files Of All Categories
htmlinfo - HTML markup code information report
map2html - convert server-side to client-side imagemap
wml::des:all - All of the Webdesign (DES) category
wml::des::gfont - Graphical Font Tag
wml::des::imgbg - Background Images
wml::des::imgdot - 1pt Dot-Images for Webdesign
wml::des::lowsrc - Create Image and LOWSRC-Attribute for IMG-Tag
wml::des::navbar - Navigation Bar
wml::des::preload - Preload Images
wml::des::rollover - RollOver-Style Image-Button
wml::des::space - Layout Space
wml::des::typography - Typography
wml::fmt:all - All of Formatting (FMT) category
wml::fmt::isolatin - ISO-Latin-1 to HTML Entity Conversion
wml::fmt::pod - Plain Old Document (POD) Format
wml::fmt::sdf - Simple Document Format (SDF)
wml::fmt::text - Plain ASCII with Special Formatting Semantic
wml::fmt::url - Recognize Uniform Resource Locator
wml::fmt::verbatim - Really Preformatted Verbatim Text
wml::fmt::xtable - HTML tables through Advanced Syntax
wml::imp:all - All of Import (IMP) category
wml::imp::csmap - Import External Server-Side Map as Inlined
wml::imp::fsview - View Box for Filesystem Resource
wml::imp::generic - Generic Import Of External Resources
wml::mod:all - All of Modularity (MOD) category
wml::mod::MakeMaker - A Makefile generator
wml::mod::version - Checks WML version number
ipp - Include Pre-Processor
Divert - Text Diversion Filter
asubst - Area Substitution
htmlfix - Fixup HTML markup code
htmlstrip - Strip HTML markup code
wml::std:all - All of Standard (STD) category
wml::std::box - Easily Create Rectangular Box
wml::std::case - Convert Tags to Upper or Lower Case
wml::std::grid - Layout Grid
wml::std::href - Enhanced Hyperlink
wml::std::info - Page Information
wml::std::label - Labels and References
wml::std::lang - Multi-Lingual Support
wml::std::logo - Logo Insertion
wml::std::page - Standard HTML Page Header and Footer
wml::std::tags - Standard Support Tags
wml::std::toc - Table of Contents Generation
wml::sup:all - All of Support (SUP) category
wml::sup::hextriple - Convert #rrggbb String to RGB Value and vice
wml::sup::path - Filesystem Path Manipulation
wml::sys:all - All of System (SYS) category
wml::sys::bootp3 - WML Bootstrap Code for Pass 3
wml::sys::bootp4 - WML Bootstrap Code for Pass 4
wml::sys::compat1 - Backward Compatibility to WML 1.x
WMShell - window-manager shell widget from the X toolkit
WMShell — The WMShell widget class -
wordexp, wordfree - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wordexp, wordfree - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wprintf, fwprintf, swprintf, vwprintf, vfwprintf, vswprintf - formatted
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
cdk_draw - Cdk Drawing Functions
write_log - a set of routines for logging writes to a history file
write_reading, fwrite_reading - Write a Read structure into a trace
write_scf, fwrite_scf, write_scf_header - Write SCF files
write_scf, fwrite_scf, write_scf_header - Write SCF files
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
wstr_to_ascii - wide string handling functions
X11Color - -
x86_disasm, x86_disasm_forward, x86_disasm_range - disassemble a
x86_format_insn, x86_format_mnemonic, x86_format_operand, -
x86_init, x86_cleanup - initialize and cleanup libdisasm
XSetScreenSaver, XForceScreenSaver, XActivateScreenSaver, -
XAddConnectionWatch, XRemoveConnectionWatch, -
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, -
XChangeSaveSet, XAddToSaveSet, XRemoveFromSaveSet - change a client’s
XAllocClassHint, XSetClassHint, XGetClassHint, XClassHint - allocate
XAllocColor, XAllocNamedColor, XAllocColorCells, XAllocColorPlanes, -
XAllocColor, XAllocNamedColor, XAllocColorCells, XAllocColorPlanes, -
XAllocColor, XAllocNamedColor, XAllocColorCells, XAllocColorPlanes, -
XAllocIconSize, XSetIconSizes, XGetIconSizes, XIconSize - allocate icon
XAllocColor, XAllocNamedColor, XAllocColorCells, XAllocColorPlanes, -
XAllocSizeHints, XSetWMNormalHints, XGetWMNormalHints, XSetWMSizeHints, -
XAllocStandardColormap, XSetRGBColormaps, XGetRGBColormaps, -
XAllocWMHints, XSetWMHints, XGetWMHints, XWMHints - allocate window
XAllowDeviceEvents - release queued events
XAllowEvents - release queued events
XAnyEvent, XEvent - generic X event structures
XDrawArc, XDrawArcs, XArc - draw arcs and arc structure
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, -
XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xau library: XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, -
Xaw - X Athena Widgets
XbaeCaption - The Bellcore Application Environment (BAE) XbaeCaption
XbaeInput - The Input widget class.
XbaeMatrix - The Bellcore Application Environment (BAE) XbaeMatrix
XFontsOfFontSet, XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet, XLocaleOfFontSet, -
XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, -
XButtonEvent, XKeyEvent, XMotionEvent - KeyPress, KeyRelease,
XGrabPointer, XUngrabPointer, XChangeActivePointerGrab - grab the
XGetDeviceControl, XChangeDeviceControl - query and change input device
XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList, XGetDeviceDontPropagateList - query or
XGetDeviceKeyMapping, XChangeDeviceKeyMapping - query or change device
XGetDeviceProperty, XChangeDeviceProperty, XDeleteDeviceProperty - Get,
XGetFeedbackControl, XChangeFeedbackControl - query and change input
XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, -
XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, -
XChangeKeyboardDevice - change which device is used as the X keyboard
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XChangePointerControl, XGetPointerControl - control pointer
XChangePointerDevice - change which device is the X pointer
XGetWindowProperty, XListProperties, XChangeProperty, -
XChangeSaveSet, XAddToSaveSet, XRemoveFromSaveSet - change a client’s
XChangeWindowAttributes, XSetWindowBackground, -
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XIfEvent, XCheckIfEvent, XPeekIfEvent - check the event queue with a
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XCirculateEvent - CirculateNotify event structure
XCirculateRequestEvent - CirculateRequest event structure
XRaiseWindow, XLowerWindow, XCirculateSubwindows, -
XRaiseWindow, XLowerWindow, XCirculateSubwindows, -
XRaiseWindow, XLowerWindow, XCirculateSubwindows, -
XAllocClassHint, XSetClassHint, XGetClassHint, XClassHint - allocate
XClearArea, XClearWindow - clear area or window
XClearArea, XClearWindow - clear area or window
XClientMessageEvent - ClientMessage event structure
XPolygonRegion, XClipBox - generate regions
XOpenDevice, XCloseDevice - open or close an extension input device
XOpenDisplay, XCloseDisplay - connect or disconnect to X server
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XOpenOM, XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, -
XcmsAllocColor, XcmsAllocNamedColor - allocate colors
XcmsAllocColor, XcmsAllocNamedColor - allocate colors
XcmsCCCOfColormap, XcmsSetCCCOfColormap - query and modify CCC of a
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC, -
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsConvertColors - convert CCC color specifications
XcmsCreateCCC, XcmsFreeCCC - creating and destroying CCCs
XcmsDefaultCCC - obtain the default CCC for a screen
XcmsCreateCCC, XcmsFreeCCC - creating and destroying CCCs
XcmsQueryColor, XcmsQueryColors, XcmsLookupColor - obtain color values
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsQueryBlack, XcmsQueryBlue, XcmsQueryGreen, XcmsQueryRed, -
XcmsQueryBlack, XcmsQueryBlue, XcmsQueryGreen, XcmsQueryRed, -
XcmsQueryColor, XcmsQueryColors, XcmsLookupColor - obtain color values
XcmsQueryColor, XcmsQueryColors, XcmsLookupColor - obtain color values
XcmsQueryBlack, XcmsQueryBlue, XcmsQueryGreen, XcmsQueryRed, -
XcmsQueryBlack, XcmsQueryBlue, XcmsQueryGreen, XcmsQueryRed, -
XcmsQueryBlack, XcmsQueryBlue, XcmsQueryGreen, XcmsQueryRed, -
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsCCCOfColormap, XcmsSetCCCOfColormap - query and modify CCC of a
XcmsSetWhitePoint, XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc - modifying CCC attributes
XcmsSetWhitePoint, XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc - modifying CCC attributes
XcmsStoreColor, XcmsStoreColors - set colors
XcmsStoreColor, XcmsStoreColors - set colors
XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, -
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC, -
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC, -
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC, -
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC, -
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC, -
XCreateColormap, XCopyColormapAndFree, XFreeColormap, XColor - create,
XColormapEvent - ColormapNotify event structure
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
XConfigureEvent - ConfigureNotify event structure
XConfigureRequestEvent - ConfigureRequest event structure
XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, -
XFontsOfFontSet, XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet, XLocaleOfFontSet, -
XFontsOfFontSet, XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet, XLocaleOfFontSet, -
XStringToKeysym, XKeysymToString, XKeycodeToKeysym, XKeysymToKeycode, -
XSetSelectionOwner, XGetSelectionOwner, XConvertSelection - manipulate
XCopyArea, XCopyPlane - copy areas
XCreateColormap, XCopyColormapAndFree, XFreeColormap, XColor - create,
XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, -
XCopyArea, XCopyPlane - copy areas
XReadBitmapFile, XReadBitmapFileData, XWriteBitmapFile, -
XCreateColormap, XCopyColormapAndFree, XFreeColormap, XColor - create,
XCreateFontCursor, XCreatePixmapCursor, XCreateGlyphCursor - create
XCreateFontSet, XFreeFontSet - create and free an international text
XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, -
XCreateFontCursor, XCreatePixmapCursor, XCreateGlyphCursor - create
XCreateIC, XDestroyIC, XIMOfIC - create, destroy, and obtain the input
XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, -
XCreateOC, XDestroyOC, XSetOCValues, XGetOCValues, XOMOfOC - create
XCreateFontCursor, XCreatePixmapCursor, XCreateGlyphCursor - create
XReadBitmapFile, XReadBitmapFileData, XWriteBitmapFile, -
XCreatePixmap, XFreePixmap - create or destroy pixmaps
XCreateRegion, XSetRegion, XDestroyRegion - create or destroy regions
XCreateWindow, XCreateSimpleWindow, XSetWindowAttributes - create
XCreateWindowEvent - CreateNotify event structure
XCreateWindow, XCreateSimpleWindow, XSetWindowAttributes - create
XCrossingEvent - EnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure
xencrypt, xdecrypt, passwd2des - RFS password encryption
XcupGetReservedColormapEntries - list colormap entries reserved by the
XcupQueryVersion - Returns TOG-CUP protocol version supported by the X
XcupStoreColors - initialize shareable colormap entries at specific
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XCURSOR - Cursor management library
XdbeAllocateBackBufferName - allocates a DBE buffer.
XdbeBeginIdiom - marks the beginning of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName - frees a DBE buffer.
XdbeEndIdiom - marks the end of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeFreeVisualInfo - frees information returned by XdbeGetVisualInfo().
XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes - returns attributes of a DBE buffer.
XdbeGetVisualInfo - Get dbe Visual Informations
XdbeQueryExtension - returns the version of DBE supported by the
XdbeSwapBuffers - swaps front and back DBE buffers.
xencrypt, xdecrypt, passwd2des - RFS password encryption
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XDefineCursor, XUndefineCursor - define cursors
XSaveContext, XFindContext, XDeleteContext, XUniqueContext - -
XGetDeviceProperty, XChangeDeviceProperty, XDeleteDeviceProperty - Get,
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XGetWindowProperty, XListProperties, XChangeProperty, -
XCreateIC, XDestroyIC, XIMOfIC - create, destroy, and obtain the input
XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, -
XCreateOC, XDestroyOC, XSetOCValues, XGetOCValues, XOMOfOC - create
XCreateRegion, XSetRegion, XDestroyRegion - create or destroy regions
XDestroyWindow, XDestroySubwindows - destroy windows
XDestroyWindowEvent - DestroyNotify event structure
XDestroyWindow, XDestroySubwindows - destroy windows
XDeviceBell - ring a bell on a device supported through the input
XGetDeviceMotionEvents, XDeviceTimeCoord - get device motion history
XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XFontsOfFontSet, XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet, XLocaleOfFontSet, -
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XSendEvent, XDisplayMotionBufferSize, XGetMotionEvents, XTimeCoord - -
XSetErrorHandler, XGetErrorText, XDisplayName, XSetIOErrorHandler, -
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XOpenOM, XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, -
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr - library routines for external data representation
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
XDrawArc, XDrawArcs, XArc - draw arcs and arc structure
XDrawArc, XDrawArcs, XArc - draw arcs and arc structure
XDrawImageString, XDrawImageString16 - draw image text
XDrawImageString, XDrawImageString16 - draw image text
XDrawLine, XDrawLines, XDrawSegments, XSegment - draw lines, polygons,
XDrawLine, XDrawLines, XDrawSegments, XSegment - draw lines, polygons,
XDrawPoint, XDrawPoints, XPoint - draw points and points structure
XDrawPoint, XDrawPoints, XPoint - draw points and points structure
XDrawRectangle, XDrawRectangles, XRectangle - draw rectangles and
XDrawRectangle, XDrawRectangles, XRectangle - draw rectangles and
XDrawLine, XDrawLines, XDrawSegments, XSegment - draw lines, polygons,
XDrawString, XDrawString16 - draw text characters
XDrawString, XDrawString16 - draw text characters
XDrawText, XDrawText16, XTextItem, XTextItem16 - draw polytext text and
XDrawText, XDrawText16, XTextItem, XTextItem16 - draw polytext text and
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr - library routines for external data representation
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
xdr - library routines for external data representation
XEmptyRegion, XEqualRegion, XPointInRegion, XRectInRegion - determine
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
xencrypt, xdecrypt, passwd2des - RFS password encryption
XEmptyRegion, XEqualRegion, XPointInRegion, XRectInRegion - determine
XERBLA - i an error handler for the LAPACK routines
XErrorEvent - X error event structure
XAnyEvent, XEvent - generic X event structures
XFlush, XSync, XEventsQueued, XPending - handle output buffer or event
XeviQueryExtension, XeviQueryVersion, XeviGetVisualInfo - X Extended
XeviQueryExtension, XeviQueryVersion, XeviGetVisualInfo - X Extended
XeviQueryExtension, XeviQueryVersion, XeviGetVisualInfo - X Extended
XeviQueryExtension, XeviQueryVersion, XeviGetVisualInfo - X Extended
XExposeEvent - Expose event structure
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
XExtentsOfFontSet - obtain the maximum extents structure for a font set
XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, -
XF86VidModeQueryExtension, XF86VidModeQueryVersion, -
XF86VidModeQueryExtension, XF86VidModeQueryVersion, -
XF86VidModeQueryExtension, XF86VidModeQueryVersion, -
XStoreBytes, XStoreBuffer, XFetchBytes, XFetchBuffer, XRotateBuffers - -
XStoreBytes, XStoreBuffer, XFetchBytes, XFetchBuffer, XRotateBuffers - -
XSetWMName, XGetWMName, XStoreName, XFetchName - set or read a window’s
XFillRectangle, XFillRectangles, XFillPolygon, XFillArc, XFillArcs - -
XFillRectangle, XFillRectangles, XFillPolygon, XFillArc, XFillArcs - -
XFillRectangle, XFillRectangles, XFillPolygon, XFillArc, XFillArcs - -
XFillRectangle, XFillRectangles, XFillPolygon, XFillArc, XFillArcs - -
XFillRectangle, XFillRectangles, XFillPolygon, XFillArc, XFillArcs - -
XFilterEvent - filter X events for an input method
XSaveContext, XFindContext, XDeleteContext, XUniqueContext - -
XFixes - Augmented versions of core protocol requests
XFlush, XSync, XEventsQueued, XPending - handle output buffer or event
XFocusChangeEvent - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XFontSetExtents - XFontSetExtents structure
XFontsOfFontSet, XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet, XLocaleOfFontSet, -
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XSetScreenSaver, XForceScreenSaver, XActivateScreenSaver, -
XCreateColormap, XCopyColormapAndFree, XFreeColormap, XColor - create,
XAllocColor, XAllocNamedColor, XAllocColorCells, XAllocColorPlanes, -
XRecolorCursor, XFreeCursor, XQueryBestCursor - manipulate cursors
XListInputDevices, XFreeDeviceList - list available input devices
XGetEventData, XFreeEventData, XGenericEventCookie - retrieve and free
XQueryExtension, XListExtensions, XFreeExtensionList - list available
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XListFonts, XFreeFontNames, XListFontsWithInfo, XFreeFontInfo - obtain
XListFonts, XFreeFontNames, XListFontsWithInfo, XFreeFontInfo - obtain
XSetFontPath, XGetFontPath, XFreeFontPath - set, get, or free the font
XCreateFontSet, XFreeFontSet - create and free an international text
XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, -
XFree - free client data
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XCreatePixmap, XFreePixmap - create or destroy pixmaps
XStringListToTextProperty, XTextPropertyToStringList, XFreeStringList, -
xfsctl - control XFS filesystems and individual files
Xft - X FreeType interface library
XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, -
XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, -
XGetEventData, XFreeEventData, XGenericEventCookie - retrieve and free
XInternAtom, XInternAtoms, XGetAtomName, XGetAtomNames - create or
XInternAtom, XInternAtoms, XGetAtomName, XGetAtomNames - create or
XAllocClassHint, XSetClassHint, XGetClassHint, XClassHint - allocate
XSetCommand, XGetCommand - set or read a window’s WM_COMMAND property
XSetDeviceButtonMapping, XGetDeviceButtonMapping - query or change
XGetDeviceControl, XChangeDeviceControl - query and change input device
XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList, XGetDeviceDontPropagateList - query or
XSetDeviceFocus, XGetDeviceFocus - control extension input device focus
XGetDeviceKeyMapping, XChangeDeviceKeyMapping - query or change device
XGetDeviceModifierMapping, XSetDeviceModifierMapping - query or change
XGetDeviceMotionEvents, XDeviceTimeCoord - get device motion history
XGetDeviceProperty, XChangeDeviceProperty, XDeleteDeviceProperty - Get,
XSetErrorHandler, XGetErrorText, XDisplayName, XSetIOErrorHandler, -
XSetErrorHandler, XGetErrorText, XDisplayName, XSetIOErrorHandler, -
XGetEventData, XFreeEventData, XGenericEventCookie - retrieve and free
XGetExtensionVersion - query the version of the input extension.
XGetFeedbackControl, XChangeFeedbackControl - query and change input
XSetFontPath, XGetFontPath, XFreeFontPath - set, get, or free the font
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, -
XGetWindowAttributes, XGetGeometry, XWindowAttributes - get current
XSetWMIconName, XGetWMIconName, XSetIconName, XGetIconName - set or
XAllocIconSize, XSetIconSizes, XGetIconSizes, XIconSize - allocate icon
XSetICValues, XGetICValues - set and obtain XIC values
XPutImage, XGetImage, XGetSubImage - transfer images
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XSetInputFocus, XGetInputFocus - control input focus
XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, -
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XSendEvent, XDisplayMotionBufferSize, XGetMotionEvents, XTimeCoord - -
XCreateOC, XDestroyOC, XSetOCValues, XGetOCValues, XOMOfOC - create
XOpenOM, XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, -
XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, -
XChangePointerControl, XGetPointerControl - control pointer
XSetPointerMapping, XGetPointerMapping - manipulate pointer settings
XAllocStandardColormap, XSetRGBColormaps, XGetRGBColormaps, -
XSetScreenSaver, XForceScreenSaver, XActivateScreenSaver, -
XSelectExtensionEvent, XGetSelectedExtensionEvents - select extension
XSetSelectionOwner, XGetSelectionOwner, XConvertSelection - manipulate
XPutImage, XGetImage, XGetSubImage - transfer images
XSetTextProperty, XGetTextProperty - set and read text properties
XSetTransientForHint, XGetTransientForHint - set or read a window’s
XGetVisualInfo, XMatchVisualInfo, XVisualIDFromVisual, XVisualInfo - -
XGetWindowAttributes, XGetGeometry, XWindowAttributes - get current
XGetWindowProperty, XListProperties, XChangeProperty, -
XSetWMClientMachine, XGetWMClientMachine - set or read a window’s
XSetWMColormapWindows, XGetWMColormapWindows - set or read a window’s
XAllocWMHints, XSetWMHints, XGetWMHints, XWMHints - allocate window
XSetWMIconName, XGetWMIconName, XSetIconName, XGetIconName - set or
XSetWMName, XGetWMName, XStoreName, XFetchName - set or read a window’s
XAllocSizeHints, XSetWMNormalHints, XGetWMNormalHints, XSetWMSizeHints, -
XSetWMProtocols, XGetWMProtocols - set or read a window’s WM_PROTOCOLS
XAllocSizeHints, XSetWMNormalHints, XGetWMNormalHints, XSetWMSizeHints, -
XGetXCBConnection - get the XCB connection for an Xlib Display
XGrabButton, XUngrabButton - grab pointer buttons
XGrabDeviceButton, XUngrabDeviceButton - grab/ungrab extension input
XGrabDevice, XUngrabDevice - grab/release the specified extension
XGrabDeviceKey, XUngrabDeviceKey - grab/ungrab extension input device
XGrabKeyboard, XUngrabKeyboard - grab the keyboard
XGrabKey, XUngrabKey - grab keyboard keys
XGrabPointer, XUngrabPointer, XChangeActivePointerGrab - grab the
XGrabServer, XUngrabServer - grab the server
XGraphicsExposeEvent, XNoExposeEvent - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose
XGravityEvent - GravityNotify event structure
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XIChangeHierarchy - change the device hierarchy.
XIChangeProperty, XIGetProperty, XIDeleteProperty - change, retrieve or
XIconifyWindow, XWithdrawWindow, XReconfigureWMWindow - manipulate top-
XAllocIconSize, XSetIconSizes, XGetIconSizes, XIconSize - allocate icon
XIDefineCursor, XIUndefineCursor - define device cursors.
XIChangeProperty, XIGetProperty, XIDeleteProperty - change, retrieve or
XIfEvent, XCheckIfEvent, XPeekIfEvent - check the event queue with a
XIQueryDevice, XIFreeDeviceInfo - get information about devices.
XISetClientPointer, XIGetClientPointer - set or get the ClientPointer
XISetFocus, XIGetFocus - set or get the device´s focus.
XIChangeProperty, XIGetProperty, XIDeleteProperty - change, retrieve or
XISelectEvents, XIGetSelectedEvents - select for or get selected XI2
XIGrabButton, XIUngrabButton, XIGrabKeycode, XIUngrabKeycode - -
XIGrabDevice, XIUngrabDevice - grab or ungrab the device.
XIGrabEnter, XIUngrabEnter, XIGrabFocusIn, XIUngrabFocusIn - -
XIGrabEnter, XIUngrabEnter, XIGrabFocusIn, XIUngrabFocusIn - -
XIGrabButton, XIUngrabButton, XIGrabKeycode, XIUngrabKeycode - -
XIListProperties - List a device´s properties.
XCreateIC, XDestroyIC, XIMOfIC - create, destroy, and obtain the input
Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, -
XInitThreads, XLockDisplay, XUnlockDisplay - multi-threading support
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XInstallColormap, XUninstallColormap, XListInstalledColormaps - control
XAddConnectionWatch, XRemoveConnectionWatch, -
XInternAtom, XInternAtoms, XGetAtomName, XGetAtomNames - create or
XInternAtom, XInternAtoms, XGetAtomName, XGetAtomNames - create or
XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, -
XIQueryDevice, XIFreeDeviceInfo - get information about devices.
XIQueryPointer - get device pointer coordinates.
XIQueryVersion - announce and query the support XI2 version.
XISelectEvents, XIGetSelectedEvents - select for or get selected XI2
XISetClientPointer, XIGetClientPointer - set or get the ClientPointer
XISetFocus, XIGetFocus - set or get the device´s focus.
XIDefineCursor, XIUndefineCursor - define device cursors.
XIGrabButton, XIUngrabButton, XIGrabKeycode, XIUngrabKeycode - -
XIGrabDevice, XIUngrabDevice - grab or ungrab the device.
XIGrabEnter, XIUngrabEnter, XIGrabFocusIn, XIUngrabFocusIn - -
XIGrabEnter, XIUngrabEnter, XIGrabFocusIn, XIUngrabFocusIn - -
XIGrabButton, XIUngrabButton, XIGrabKeycode, XIUngrabKeycode - -
XIWarpPointer - move a device´s pointer.
UILib intro — User interface library intro -
XkbActionCtrls - Returns the ctrls fields of act converted to an
XkbAddDeviceLedInfo - Initialize an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
XkbAddGeomColor - Add one color name to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomDoodad - Add one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomKeyAlias - Add one key alias to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomKey - Add one key at the end of an existing row of keys
XkbAddGeomOutline - Add one outline to an existing shape
XkbAddGeomOverlay - Add one overlay to a section
XkbAddGeomOverlayKey - Add a key to an existing overlay row
XkbAddGeomOverlayRow - Add a row to an existing overlay
XkbAddGeomProperty - Add one property to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomRow - Add a row to a section
XkbAddGeomSection - Add one section to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomShape - Add a shape to a keyboard geometry
XkbAddSymInterpret - Add a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol
XkbAllocClientMap - Allocate and initialize an empty client map
XkbAllocCompatMap - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not
XkbAllocControls - Allocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the
XkbAllocDeviceInfo - Obtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo - Obtain an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
XkbAllocGeomColors - Allocate geometry colors
XkbAllocGeomDoodads - Allocate doodads that are global to a keyboard
XkbAllocGeometry - Allocate an entire geometry
XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases - Allocate geometry key aliases
XkbAllocGeomKeys - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of keys to a
XkbAllocGeomOutlines - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of
XkbAllocGeomOverlayKeys - Allocate keys in an overlay row
XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows - Allocate rows in a overlay
XkbAllocGeomOverlays - Allocate overlays in a section
XkbAllocGeomPoints - Allocate points in an outline
XkbAllocGeomProps - Allocate geometry properties
XkbAllocGeomRows - Allocate rows in a section
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads - Allocate doodads that are specific to a
XkbAllocGeomSections - Allocate geometry sections
XkbAllocGeomShapes - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of geometry
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps - Allocates, directly, the indicators member of
XkbAllocKeyboard - Creates a keyboard description from scratch
XkbAllocNames - Allocate symbolic names structures
XkbAllocServerMap - Allocate and initialize an empty server map
XkbApplyCompatMapToKey - Apply the new compatibility mapping to an
XkbBellEvent - Provides a function that initiates a bell event for the
XkbBell - Rings the bell on the default keyboard
XkbChangeControls - Provides a flexible method for updating the
XkbChangeDeviceInfo - Update the server’s description of a device with
XkbChangeEnabledControls - Manipulates the EnabledControls control
XkbChangeIndicators - Changes indicator maps or state without passing
XkbChangeMap - Update only partial components of a keyboard
XkbChangeNames - _summary-line_
XkbChangeTypesOfKey - Change the number of groups and the types bound
XkbComputeRowBounds - Update the bounding box of a row
XkbComputeSectionBounds - Update the bounding box of a section
XkbComputeShapeBounds - Updates the bounding box of a shape
XkbComputeShapeTop - Determines the bounding box of the top surface of
XkbCopyKeyType - Copy one XkbKeyTypeRec structures
XkbCopyKeyTypes - Copy more than one XkbKeyTypeRec structure
XkbDeviceBellEvent - Creates a bell event for an X input extension
XkbDeviceBell - Rings the bell on an X input extension device or the
XkbFindOverlayForKey - Find the alternate name by using the primary
XkbForceBell - Overrides user preference settings for audible bells to
XkbForceDeviceBell - Rings the bell on any keyboard, overriding user
XkbFreeClientMap - Free memory used by the client map member of an
XkbFreeCompatMap - Free an entire compatibility map or selected
XkbFreeComponentList - Free the structure returned by XkbListComponents
XkbFreeControls - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an
XkbFreeDeviceInfo - Free an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbFreeGeomColors - Free geometry colors
XkbFreeGeomDoodads - Free geometry doodads
XkbFreeGeometry - Free an entire geometry
XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases - Free geometry key aliases
XkbFreeGeomKeys - Free geometry keys
XkbFreeGeomOutlines - Free geometry outlines
XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys - Free keys in an overlay row
XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows - Free rows in an overlay
XkbFreeGeomOverlays - Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomPoints - Free points in a outline
XkbFreeGeomProperties - Free geometry properties
XkbFreeGeomRows - Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomSections - Free geometry sections
XkbFreeGeomShapes - Free geometry shapes
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps - Frees memory used by the indicators member of an
XkbFreeKeyboard - Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of
XkbFreeNames - Free symbolic names structures
XkbFreeServerMap - Free memory used by the server member of an
XkbGetAccessXTimeout - Queries the current AccessXTimeout options for a
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate - Gets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys
XkbGetAutoResetControls - Gets the current values of the auto-reset
XkbGetBounceKeysDelay - Queries the current BounceKeys delay for a
XkbGetCompatMap - Fetch any combination of the current compatibility
XkbGetControlsChanges - Updates a local copy of a keyboard description
XkbGetControls - Finds the current state of Xkb server controls
XkbGetDetectableAutorepeat - Determines whether or not the server
XkbGetDeviceButtonActions - Query the button actions associated with an
XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges - Query the changes that have occurred in the
XkbGetDeviceInfo - Determine whether the X server allows Xkb access to
XkbGetDeviceLedInfo - Query the indicator names, maps, and state
XkbGetGeometry - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the
XkbGetIndicatorChanges - Updates a local copy of the keyboard
XkbGetIndicatorMap - Gets the map for one or more indicators, using a
XkbGetIndicatorState - Obtains the current state of the keyboard
XkbGetKeyActions - Update the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset
XkbChangeTypesOfKey - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a
XkbGetKeyboardByName - Build a new keyboard description from a set of
XkbGetKeyboard - Retrieves one or more components of a keyboard
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents - Obtain the explicit components (the
XkbGetKeyModifierMap - Update the modifier map for one or more of the
XkbGetKeySyms - Obtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a
XkbGetKeyTypes - Obtain the list of available key types in the server’s
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap
XkbGetMap - Allocate an XkbDescRec structure and populate it with the
XkbGetNameChanges - Update the local copy of the keyboard description
XkbGetNamedGeometry - Loads a keyboard geometry description from this
XkbGetNamedIndicator - Look up the indicator map and other information
XkbGetNames - Obtain symbolic names from the server
XkbGetSlowKeysDelay - Gets the SlowKeys acceptance delay for a keyboard
XkbGetState - Obtains the keyboard state
XkbGetStickyKeysOptions - Queries the current StickyKeys attributes for
XkbGetUpdatedMap - Update the client or server map information in an
XkbGetVirtualMods - Obtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings
XkbGetXlibControls - Determines the current state of the Library
XkbIgnoreExtension - Prevents core X library keyboard functions from
XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes - Set the definitions of the canonical key
XkbKeyActionEntry - Returns the key action corresponding to group grp
XkbKeyAction - Returns the key action
XkbKeyActionsPtr - Returns a pointer to the two-dimensional array of
XkbKeycodeToKeysym - Finds the keysym bound to a particular key at a
XkbKeyGroupInfo - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the
XkbKeyGroupsWidth - Computes the maximum width associated with the key
XkbKeyGroupWidth - Computes the width of the type associated with the
XkbKeyHasActions - Determines if the key corresponding to keycode has
XkbKeyNumActions - Computes the number of actions associated with the
XkbKeyNumGroups - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the
XkbKeyNumSyms - Returns the total number of keysyms for the key
XkbKeySymEntry - Returns the keysym corresponding to shift level shift
XkbKeySymsOffset - Returns the offset of the two-dimensional array of
XkbKeySymsPtr - Returns the pointer to the two-dimensional array of
XkbKeysymToModifiers - Finds the set of modifiers bound to a particular
XkbKeyType - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key
XkbKeyTypeIndex - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a
XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols - Determine the Xkb key types appropriate for
XkbLatchGroup - Latches the keysym group
XkbLatchModifiers - Latches and unlatches any of the eight real
XkbLibraryVersion - Determines the compatibility of a library at
XkbListComponents - List of components for one or more component types
XkbLockGroup - Locks the keysym group
XkbLockModifiers - Locks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard
XkbLookupKeyBinding - Find the string bound to a key by XRebindKeySym
XkbLookupKeySym - Find the symbol associated with a key for a
XkbModActionVMods - Returns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act
XkbNoteControlsChanges - Notes the changes in a changes structure when
XkbNoteDeviceChanges - Note device changes reported in an
XkbNoteIndicatorChanges - Notes the changes in a changes structure
XkbNoteNameChanges - Note the changed names in a changes structure
XkbOpenDisplay - Checks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension
XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfo - Returns only the out-of-range processing
XkbOutOfRangeGroupNumber - Returns the out-of-range group number,
XkbPtrActionX - Returns the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act
XkbPtrActionY - Returns the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act
XkbQueryExtension - Determines the compatibility of a library at
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping - Update the keyboard description that is
XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions - Allocate additional space for button
XkbResizeKeyActions - Change the number of actions bound to a key
XkbResizeKeySyms - Change the number of symbols bound to a key
XkbResizeKeyType - Change the number of levels in a key type
XkbSAActionSetCtrls - Sets the ctrls0 through ctrls3 fields of act from
XkbSAGroup - Returns the group_XXX field of act converted to a signed
XkbSAPtrDfltValue - Returns the valueXXX field of act converted to a
XkbSARedirectSetVMods - Sets the vmods0 and vmods1 of act from v
XkbSARedirectSetVModsMask - Sets the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields
XkbSARedirectVMods - Returns the vmods0 and vmods1 fields of act
XkbSARedirectVModsMask - Returns the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields
XkbSAScreen - Returns the screenXXX field of act converted to a signed
XkbSASetGroup - Sets the group_XXX field of act from the group index
XkbSASetPtrDfltValue - Sets the valueXXX field of act from val
XkbSASetScreen - Sets the screenXXX field of act from s
XkbSelectEventDetails - Selects or deselects for a specific Xkb event
XkbSelectEvents - Selects and / or deselects for delivery of one or
XkbSetAccessXTimeout - Configures the AccessXTimeout options for a
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate - Sets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control
XkbSetAutoResetControls - Changes the current values of the AutoReset
XkbSetBounceKeysDelay - Sets the BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device
XkbSetCompatMap - Modify the server’s compatibility map
XkbSetControls - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified
XkbSetDebuggingFlags - Change the values of any of the debug controls
XkbSetDetectableAutorepeat - Sets DetectableAutorepeat
XkbSetDeviceButtonActions - Change only the button actions for an input
XkbSetDeviceInfo - Modify some or all of the characteristics of an X
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods - Sets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to
XkbSetIndicatorMap - Downloads the changes to the server based on
XkbSetMap - Send a complete new set of values for entire components to
XkbSetModActionVMods - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using
XkbSetNamedIndicator - Names an indicator if it is not already named;
XkbSetNames - Change the symbolic names in the server
XkbSetPtrActionX - Sets the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act from the
XkbSetPtrActionY - Sets the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act from the
XkbSetServerInternalMods - Sets the modifiers that are consumed by the
XkbSetXlibControls - Changes the state of the Library Controls
XkbTranslateKeyCode - Translate a keycode to a key symbol and
XkbTranslateKeySym - Find the string and symbol associated with a
XkbUpdateMapFromCore - Update a local Xkb keyboard map to reflect the
XkbVirtualModsToReal - Determines the mapping of virtual modifiers to
XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, -
XStringToKeysym, XKeysymToString, XKeycodeToKeysym, XKeysymToKeycode, -
XButtonEvent, XKeyEvent, XMotionEvent - KeyPress, KeyRelease,
XKeymapEvent - KeymapNotify event structure
XStringToKeysym, XKeysymToString, XKeycodeToKeysym, XKeysymToKeycode, -
XStringToKeysym, XKeysymToString, XKeycodeToKeysym, XKeysymToKeycode, -
XSetCloseDownMode, XKillClient - control clients
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
XListDeviceProperties - List a device´s properties.
XQueryExtension, XListExtensions, XFreeExtensionList - list available
XListFonts, XFreeFontNames, XListFontsWithInfo, XFreeFontInfo - obtain
XListFonts, XFreeFontNames, XListFontsWithInfo, XFreeFontInfo - obtain
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XListInputDevices, XFreeDeviceList - list available input devices
XInstallColormap, XUninstallColormap, XListInstalledColormaps - control
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
XGetWindowProperty, XListProperties, XChangeProperty, -
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XFontsOfFontSet, XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet, XLocaleOfFontSet, -
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XOpenOM, XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, -
XInitThreads, XLockDisplay, XUnlockDisplay - multi-threading support
XQueryColor, XQueryColors, XLookupColor, XParseColor - obtain color
UILib intro — User interface library intro -
XLookupKeysym, XRefreshKeyboardMapping, XLookupString, XRebindKeysym - -
XLookupKeysym, XRefreshKeyboardMapping, XLookupString, XRebindKeysym - -
XRaiseWindow, XLowerWindow, XCirculateSubwindows, -
XmActivateProtocol — A VendorShell function that activates a protocol -
XmActivateWMProtocol — A VendorShell convenience interface that -
XmAddProtocolCallback — A VendorShell function that adds client -
XmAddProtocols — A VendorShell function that adds the protocols to the -
XmAddTabGroup — A function that adds a manager or a primitive widget to -
XmAddToPostFromList — a RowColumn function that makes a menu accessible -
XmAddWMProtocolCallback — A VendorShell convenience interface that adds -
XmAddWMProtocols — A VendorShell convenience interface that adds the -
XMapEvent, XMappingEvent - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMapEvent, XMappingEvent - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMapWindow, XMapRaised, XMapSubwindows - map windows
XMapRequestEvent - MapRequest event structure
XMapWindow, XMapRaised, XMapSubwindows - map windows
XMapWindow, XMapRaised, XMapSubwindows - map windows
XmArrowButtonGadget — The ArrowButtonGadget widget class -
XmArrowButton — The ArrowButton widget class -
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XGetVisualInfo, XMatchVisualInfo, XVisualIDFromVisual, XVisualInfo - -
AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, -
XmbDrawImageString, XwcDrawImageString, Xutf8DrawImageString - draw
XmbDrawString, XwcDrawString, Xutf8DrawString - draw text using a
XmbDrawText, XwcDrawText, Xutf8DrawText - draw text using multiple font
XmbLookupString, XwcLookupString, Xutf8LookupString - obtain composed
XmbResetIC, XwcResetIC, Xutf8ResetIC - reset the state of an input
XSetWMProperties, XmbSetWMProperties, Xutf8SetWMProperties - set
XmbTextEscapement, XwcTextEscapement, Xutf8TextEscapement - obtain the
XmbTextExtents, XwcTextExtents, Xutf8TextExtents - compute text extents
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XmbTextPerCharExtents, XwcTextPerCharExtents, Xutf8TextPerCharExtents - -
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, -
XmBulletinBoard — The BulletinBoard widget class -
The Button Box widget -
XmCascadeButtonGadgetHighlight — A CascadeButtonGadget function that -
XmCascadeButtonGadget — The CascadeButtonGadget widget class -
XmCascadeButtonHighlight — A CascadeButton and CascadeButtonGadget -
XmCascadeButton — The CascadeButton widget class -
XmChangeColor — Recalculates all associated colors of a widget -
XmClipboardCancelCopy — A clipboard function that cancels a copy to the -
XmClipboardCopyByName — A clipboard function that copies a data item -
XmClipboardCopy — A clipboard function that copies a data item to -
XmClipboardEndCopy — A clipboard function that completes the copying of -
XmClipboardEndRetrieve — A clipboard function that completes retrieval -
XmClipboard - Motif-compatible clipboard widget
XmClipboardInquireCount — A clipboard function that returns the number -
XmClipboardInquireFormat — A clipboard function that returns a -
XmClipboardInquireLength — A clipboard function that returns the length -
XmClipboardInquirePendingItems — A clipboard function that returns a -
XmClipboardLock — A clipboard function that locks the clipboard -
XmClipboardRegisterFormat — A clipboard function that registers a new -
XmClipboardRetrieve — A clipboard function that retrieves a data item -
XmClipboardStartCopy — A clipboard function that sets up a storage and -
XmClipboardStartRetrieve — A clipboard function that prepares to -
XmClipboardUndoCopy — A clipboard function that deletes the last item -
XmClipboardUnlock — A clipboard function that unlocks the clipboard -
XmClipboardWithdrawFormat — A clipboard function that indicates that -
The Color Selector widget -
XmColumn - The XmColumn Widget Class
XmComboBoxAddItem — add an item to the ComboBox widget -
XmComboBoxDeletePos — Delete a XmComboBox item -
XmComboBox — The ComboBox widget class -
XmComboBoxSelectItem — select a XmComboBox item -
XmComboBoxSetItem — set an item in the XmComboBox list -
XmComboBoxUpdate — A ComboBox function that resynchronizes data -
XmCommandAppendValue — A Command function that appends the passed -
XmCommandError — A Command function that displays an error message -
XmCommandGetChild — A Command function that is used to access a -
XmCommand — The Command widget class -
XmCommandSetValue — A Command function that replaces a displayed string -
XmContainerCopy — Container widget function to copy primary selection -
XmContainerCopyLink — Container widget function to copy links to the -
XmContainerCut — Container widget function to move items to the -
XmContainerGetItemChildren — Container widget function to find all -
XmContainer — The Container widget class -
XmContainerPaste — Container widget function to insert items from the -
XmContainerPasteLink — Container widget function to insert links from -
XmContainerRelayout — Container widget relayout function -
XmContainerReorder — Container widget function to reorder children -
XmConvertStringToUnits — A function that converts a string -
XmConvertUnits — A function that converts a value in one unit type to -
XmCreateArrowButtonGadget — The ArrowButtonGadget creation function -
XmCreateArrowButton — The ArrowButton widget creation function -
XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog — The BulletinBoard BulletinBoardDialog -
XmCreateBulletinBoard — The BulletinBoard widget creation function -
XmCreateCascadeButtonGadget — The CascadeButtonGadget creation function -
XmCreateCascadeButton — The CascadeButton widget creation function -
XmCreateComboBox — The default ComboBox widget creation function -
XmCreateCommandDialog — The Command CommandDialog convenience creation -
XmCreateCommand — The Command widget creation function -
XmCreateContainer — The Container widget creation function -
XmCreateDialogShell — The DialogShell widget creation function -
XmCreateDragIcon — A Drag and Drop function that creates a DragIcon -
XmCreateDrawingArea — The DrawingArea widget creation function -
XmCreateDrawnButton — The DrawnButton widget creation function -
XmCreateDropDownComboBox — The Drop-down ComboBox widget creation -
XmCreateDropDown — The default DropDown widget creation function -
XmCreateDropDownList — The Drop-down list ComboBox widget creation -
XmCreateErrorDialog — The MessageBox ErrorDialog convenience creation -
XmCreateFileSelectionBox — The FileSelectionBox widget creation -
XmCreateFileSelectionDialog — The FileSelectionBox FileSelectionDialog -
XmCreateFormDialog — A Form FormDialog convenience creation function -
XmCreateForm — The Form widget creation function -
XmCreateFrame — The Frame widget creation function -
XmCreateIconGadget — The IconGadget widget creation function -
XmCreateInformationDialog — The MessageBox InformationDialog -
XmCreateLabelGadget — The LabelGadget creation function -
XmCreateLabel — The Label widget creation function -
XmCreateList — The List widget creation function -
XmCreateMainWindow — The MainWindow widget creation function -
XmCreateMenuBar — A RowColumn widget convenience creation function -
XmCreateMenuShell — The MenuShell widget creation function -
XmCreateMessageBox — The MessageBox widget creation function -
XmCreateMessageDialog — The MessageBox MessageDialog convenience -
XmCreateMultiList — The MultiList widget creation function -
XmCreateNotebook — The Notebook widget creation function -
XmCreateOptionMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation function -
XmCreatePanedWindow — The PanedWindow widget creation function -
XmCreatePopupMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation function -
XmCreatePromptDialog — The SelectionBox PromptDialog convenience -
XmCreatePulldownMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation function -
XmCreatePushButtonGadget — The PushButtonGadget creation function -
XmCreatePushButton — The PushButton widget creation function -
XmCreateQuestionDialog — The MessageBox QuestionDialog convenience -
XmCreateRadioBox — A RowColumn widget convenience creation function -
XmCreateRowColumn — The RowColumn widget creation function -
XmCreateScale — The Scale widget creation function -
XmCreateScrollBar — The ScrollBar widget creation function -
XmCreateScrolledList — The List ScrolledList convenience creation -
XmCreateScrolledText — The Text ScrolledText convenience creation -
XmCreateScrolledWindow — The ScrolledWindow widget creation function -
XmCreateSelectionBox — The SelectionBox widget creation function -
XmCreateSelectionDialog — The SelectionBox SelectionDialog convenience -
XmCreateSeparatorGadget — The SeparatorGadget creation function -
XmCreateSeparator — The Separator widget creation function -
XmCreateSimpleCheckBox — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmCreateSimpleMenuBar — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmCreateSimplePopupMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmCreateSimpleRadioBox — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmCreateSimpleSpinBox — the SimpleSpinBox widget creation function -
XmCreateSpinBox — The SpinBox creation function -
XmCreateTemplateDialog — A MessageBox TemplateDialog convenience -
XmCreateTextField — The TextField widget creation function -
XmCreateText — The Text widget creation function -
XmCreateToggleButtonGadget — The ToggleButtonGadget creation function -
XmCreateToggleButton — The ToggleButton widget creation function -
XmCreateWarningDialog — The MessageBox WarningDialog convenience -
XmCreateWorkArea — A function that creates a RowColumn WorkArea -
XmCreateWorkingDialog — The MessageBox WorkingDialog convenience -
XmCvtByteStreamToXmString — A compound string function that converts -
XmCvtCTToXmString — A compound string function that converts compound -
XmCvtStringToUnitType — A function that converts a string to a unit- -
XmCvtTextPropertyToXmStringTable — A function that converts from a -
XmCvtXmStringTableToTextProperty — A function that converts from -
XmCvtXmStringToByteStream — A compound string function that converts a -
XmCvtXmStringToCT — A compound string function that converts a compound -
XmDataField - The DataField widget class
XmDeactivateProtocol — A VendorShell function that deactivates a -
XmDeactivateWMProtocol — A VendorShell convenience interface that -
XmDesktop - Motif-compatible desktop widget
XmDestroyPixmap — A pixmap caching function that removes a pixmap from -
XmDialogShellExtClass - Motif-compatible modal-dialog shell class
XmDialogShell — The DialogShell widget class -
XmDirection — Data type for the direction of widget components -
XmDirectionMatch — A function that checks for a specified direction -
XmDirectionMatchPartial — A function that checks for a specified -
XmDirectionToStringDirection — A function that converts an XmDirection -
XmDisplay — The Display widget class -
XmDragCancel — A Drag and Drop function that terminates a drag -
XmDragContext — The DragContext widget class -
XmDragIcon — The DragIcon widget class -
XmDragOverShell - Motif-compatible DragOverShell widget.
XmDragStart — A Drag and Drop function that initiates a drag and drop -
XmDrawingArea — The DrawingArea widget class -
XmDrawnButton — The DrawnButton widget class -
XmDropDownGetArrow — A DropDown function that returns the "arrow" child -
XmDropDownGetLabel — A DropDown function that returns the "label" child -
XmDropDownGetList — A DropDown function that returns the "list" child -
XmDropDownGetText — A DropDown function that returns the "text" child -
XmDropDownGetValue — retrieve the value from the DropDown -
XmDropDown2 — The DropDown widget class -
XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder — A Drag and Drop function that -
XmDropSiteEndUpdate — A Drag and Drop function that facilitates -
XmDropSite — The DropSite Registry -
XmDropSiteManager - Motif-compatible support widget for drag’n’drop
XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder — A Drag and Drop function that returns -
XmDropSiteRegistered — A Drag and Drop function that determines if a -
XmDropSiteRegister — A Drag and Drop function that identifies a drop -
XmDropSiteRetrieve — A Drag and Drop function that retrieves resource -
XmDropSiteStartUpdate — A Drag and Drop function that facilitates -
XmDropSiteUnregister — A Drag and Drop function that frees drop site -
XmDropSiteUpdate — A Drag and Drop function that sets resource values -
XmDropTransferAdd — A Drag and Drop function that enables additional -
XmDropTransfer — The DropTransfer widget class -
XmDropTransferStart — A Drag and Drop function that initiates a drop -
XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild — A FileSelectionBox function used to access -
XmFileSelectionBox — The FileSelectionBox widget class -
XmFileSelectionDoSearch — A FileSelectionBox function that initiates a -
XmFontListAdd — A font list function that creates a new font list -
XmFontListAppendEntry — A font list function that appends an entry to a -
XmFontListCopy — A font list function that copies a font list -
XmFontListCreate — A font list function that creates a font list -
XmFontListEntryCreate — A font list function that creates a font list -
XmFontListEntryFree — A font list function that recovers memory used by -
XmFontListEntryGetFont — A font list function that retrieves font -
XmFontListEntryGetTag — A font list function that retrieves the tag of -
XmFontListEntryLoad — A font list function that loads a font or creates -
XmFontListFreeFontContext — A font list function that instructs the -
XmFontListFree — A font list function that recovers memory used by a -
XmFontListGetNextFont — A font list function that allows applications -
XmFontList — Data type for a font list -
XmFontListInitFontContext — A font list function that allows -
XmFontListNextEntry — A font list function that returns the next entry -
XmFontListRemoveEntry — A font list function that removes a font list -
The Font Selector widget -
XmForm — The Form widget class -
XmFrame — The Frame widget class -
XmGadget — The Gadget widget class -
XmGetAtomName — A function that returns the string representation for -
XmGetColorCalculation — A function to get the procedure used for -
XmGetColors — A function that generates foreground, select, and shadow -
XmGetDestination — A function that returns the widget ID of the widget -
XmGetDragContext — A Drag and Drop function that retrieves the -
XmGetFocusWidget — Returns the ID of the widget that has keyboard focus -
XmGetMenuCursor — A function that returns the cursor ID for the current -
XmGetPixmapByDepth — A pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, -
XmGetPixmap — A pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, stores -
XmGetPostedFromWidget — A RowColumn function that returns the widget -
XmGetScaledPixmap — read a pixmap file and scale it according to pixmap -
XmGetSecondaryResourceData — A function that provides access to -
XmGetTabGroup — Returns the widget ID of a tab group -
XmGetTearOffControl — A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID -
XmGetVisibility — A function that determines if a widget is visible -
XmGetXmDisplay — A Display function that returns the XmDisplay object -
XmGetXmScreen — A Screen function that returns the XmScreen object ID -
XmGrabShell - Motif-compatible popup shell widget which grabs the
The IconBox widget class -
The Icon Button widget -
XmIconGadget — The IconGadget widget class -
XmImCloseXIM — An input manager function that releases the input method -
XmImFreeXIC — An input manager function that unregisters widgets for an -
XmImGetXIC — An input manager function that obtains an XIC for a widget -
XmImGetXIM — An input manager function that retrieves the input method -
XmImMbLookupString — An input manager function that retrieves a -
XmImMbResetIC — An input manager function that resets the input context -
XmImRegister — An input manager function that registers a widget with -
XmImSetFocusValues — An input manager function that notifies an input -
XmImSetValues — An input manager function that updates attributes of an -
XmImSetXIC — An input manager function that registers an existing XIC -
XmImUnregister — An input manager function that removes a widget from -
XmImUnsetFocus — An input manager function that notifies an input -
XmImVaSetFocusValues — An input manager function that notifies an input -
XmImVaSetValues — An input manager function that updates attributes of -
XmInstallImage — A pixmap caching function that adds an image to the -
XmInternAtom — A macro that returns an atom for a given name -
XmIsMotifWMRunning — A function that determines whether the window -
XmIsTraversable — A function that identifies whether a widget can be -
XmLabelGadget — The LabelGadget widget class -
XmLabel — The Label widget class -
xml.h - -
XML related functions and objects - -
XmListAddItem — A List function that adds an item to the list -
XmListAddItems — A List function that adds items to the list -
XmListAddItemsUnselected — A List function that adds items to a list -
XmListAddItemUnselected — A List function that adds an item to the list -
XmListDeleteAllItems — A List function that deletes all items from the -
XmListDeleteItem — A List function that deletes an item from the list -
XmListDeleteItems — A List function that deletes items from the list -
XmListDeleteItemsPos — A List function that deletes items from the list -
XmListDeletePos — A List function that deletes an item from a list at a -
XmListDeletePositions — A List function that deletes items from a list -
XmListDeselectAllItems — A List function that unhighlights and removes -
XmListDeselectItem — A List function that deselects the specified item -
XmListDeselectPos — A List function that deselects an item at a -
XmListGetKbdItemPos — A List function that returns the position of the -
XmListGetMatchPos — A List function that returns all instances of an -
XmListGetSelectedPos — A List function that returns the position of -
XmList — The List widget class -
XmListItemExists — A List function that checks if a specified item is -
XmListItemPos — A List function that returns the position of an item in -
XmListPosSelected — A List function that determines if the list item at -
XmListPosToBounds — A List function that returns the bounding box of an -
XmListReplaceItems — A List function that replaces the specified -
XmListReplaceItemsPos — A List function that replaces the specified -
XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected — A List function that replaces items -
XmListReplaceItemsUnselected — A List function that replaces items in a -
XmListReplacePositions — A List function that replaces items in a list -
XmListSelectItem — A List function that selects an item in the list -
XmListSelectPos — A List function that selects an item at a specified -
XmListSetAddMode — A List function that sets add mode in the list -
XmListSetBottomItem — A List function that makes an existing item the -
XmListSetBottomPos — A List function that makes a specified item the -
XmListSetHorizPos — A List function that scrolls to the specified -
XmListSetItem — A List function that makes an existing item the first -
XmListSetKbdItemPos — A List function that sets the location cursor at -
XmListSetPos — A List function that makes the item at the given -
XmListUpdateSelectedList — A List function that updates the -
XmListYToPos — A List function that returns the position of the item at -
xmlparsing - XML Parsing with Coin For Coin 3.0, we added an XML parser
XmMainWindow — The MainWindow widget class -
XmMainWindowSep1 — A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of -
XmMainWindowSep2 — A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of -
XmMainWindowSep3 — A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of -
XmMainWindowSetAreas — A MainWindow function that identifies manageable -
XmManager — The Manager widget class -
XmMapSegmentEncoding — A compound string function that returns the -
XmMenuPosition — A RowColumn function that positions a Popup menu pane -
XmMenuShell — The MenuShell widget class -
XmMessageBoxGetChild — A MessageBox function that is used to access a -
XmMessageBox — The MessageBox widget class -
XmMultiListDeselectAllItems — an MultiList function that deselects all -
XmMultiListDeselectItem — An MultiList function that deselects the -
XmMultiListDeselectItems — A MultiList function that deselects items in -
XmMultiListDeselectRow — A MultiList function that deselects a row in -
XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray — an MultiList function that returns an -
XmMultiListGetSelectedRows — an MultiList function that returns the -
XmMultiList — The Multi-column List widget -
XmMultiListMakeRowVisible — A MultiList function that shifts the -
XmMultiListSelectAllItems — an MultiList function that selects all rows -
XmMultiListSelectItems — A MultiList function that selects items in the -
XmMultiListSelectRow — A MultiList function that selects a row in the -
XmMultiListToggleRow — An MultiList function that toggles the selection -
XmNotebookGetPageInfo — A Notebook function that returns page -
XmNotebook — The Notebook widget class -
XmObjectAtPoint — A toolkit function that determines which child -
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XmOptionButtonGadget — A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID -
XmOptionLabelGadget — A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID -
XButtonEvent, XKeyEvent, XMotionEvent - KeyPress, KeyRelease,
XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, -
XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, -
XmPanedWindow — The PanedWindow widget class -
XmParseMappingCreate — A compound string function to create a parse -
XmParseMappingFree — A compound string function to free a parse mapping -
XmParseMappingGetValues — A compound string function to retrieve -
XmParseMapping — Data type for a compound string parse mapping -
XmParseMappingSetValues — A compound string function to set attributes -
XmParseTableFree — A compound string function that recovers memory -
XmParseTable — Data type for a compound string parse table -
XMPI_Buoy - LAM/MPI-specific function to drop a buoy in the XMPI trace
XMPI_Coloroff - LAM/MPI-specific function to disable a color in the
XMPI_Coloron - LAM/MPI-specific function to enable a color in the XMPI
XmPrimitive — The Primitive widget class -
XmPrintPopupPDM — Send a notification for the PDM to be popped up -
XmPrintSetup — setup and create a Print Shell widget -
XmPrintShell — a shell widget class used for printing in Motif -
XmPrintToFile — Retrieves and saves data that would normally be printed -
XmProcessTraversal — A function that determines which component -
XmProtocolClass - internal Lesstif class
XmPushButtonGadget — The PushButtonGadget widget class -
XmPushButton — The PushButton widget class -
XmRedisplayWidget — Synchronously activates the expose method of a -
XmRegisterSegmentEncoding — A compound string function that registers a -
XmRemoveFromPostFromList — a RowColumn function that disables a menu -
XmRemoveProtocolCallback — A VendorShell function that removes a -
XmRemoveProtocols — A VendorShell function that removes the protocols -
XmRemoveTabGroup — A function that removes a tab group -
XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback — A VendorShell convenience interface that -
XmRemoveWMProtocols — A VendorShell convenience interface that removes -
XmRenderTableAddRenditions — Creates a new render table -
XmRenderTableCopy — A render table function that copies renditions -
XmRenderTableCvtFromProp — A render table function that converts from a -
XmRenderTableCvtToProp — A render table function that converts a render -
XmRenderTableFree — A render table function that recovers memory -
XmRenderTableGetRendition — A convenience function that matches a -
XmRenderTableGetRenditions — A convenience function that matches -
XmRenderTableGetTags — A convenience function that gets rendition tags -
XmRenderTable — Data type for a render table -
XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions — A convenience function that removes -
XmRenditionCreate — A convenience function that creates a rendition -
XmRenditionFree — A convenience function that frees a rendition -
XmRendition — The Rendition registry -
XmRenditionRetrieve — A convenience function that retrieves rendition -
XmRenditionUpdate — A convenience function that modifies resources -
XmRepTypeAddReverse — A representation type manager function that -
XmRepTypeGetId — A representation type manager function that retrieves -
XmRepTypeGetNameList — A representation type manager function that -
XmRepTypeGetRecord — A representation type manager function that -
XmRepTypeGetRegistered — A representation type manager function that -
XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter — A representation type manager -
XmRepTypeRegister — A representation type manager function that -
XmRepTypeValidValue — A representation type manager function that tests -
XmResolveAllPartOffsets — A function that allows writing of upward- -
XmResolvePartOffsets — A function that allows writing of upward- -
XmRowColumn — The RowColumn widget class -
XmSash - internall Lesstif class
XmScaleGetValue — A Scale function that returns the current slider -
XmScale — The Scale widget class -
XmScaleSetTicks — A Scale function that controls tick marks -
XmScaleSetValue — A Scale function that sets a slider value -
XmScreen — The Screen widget class -
XmScrollBarGetValues — A ScrollBar function that returns the -
XmScrollBar — The ScrollBar widget class -
XmScrollBarSetValues — A ScrollBar function that changes ScrollBar’s -
XmScrolledWindow — The ScrolledWindow widget class -
XmScrolledWindowSetAreas — A ScrolledWindow function that adds or -
XmScrollVisible — A ScrolledWindow function that makes an invisible -
XmSelectionBoxGetChild — A SelectionBox function that is used to access -
XmSelectionBox — The SelectionBox widget class -
XmSeparatorGadget — The SeparatorGadget widget class -
XmSeparator — The Separator widget class -
XmSetColorCalculation — A function to set the procedure used for -
XmSetFontUnit — A function that sets the font unit value for a display -
XmSetFontUnits — A function that sets the font unit value for a display -
XmSetMenuCursor — A function that modifies the menu cursor for a client -
XmSetProtocolHooks — A VendorShell function that allows preactions and -
XmSetWMProtocolHooks — A VendorShell convenience interface that allows -
XmSimpleSpinBoxAddItem — add an item to the XmSimpleSpinBox -
XmSimpleSpinBoxDeletePos — delete a XmSimpleSpinBox item -
XmSimpleSpinBox — a simple SpinBox widget class -
XmSimpleSpinBoxSetItem — set an item in the XmSimpleSpinBox list -
XmSlideContext - The SlideContext widget class
XmSpinBox — The SpinBox widget class -
XmSpinBoxValidatePosition — translate the current value of the -
XmStringBaseline — A compound string function that returns the number -
XmStringByteCompare — A compound string function that indicates the -
XmStringByteStreamLength — A function that returns the size of a string -
XmStringCompare — A compound string function that compares two strings -
XmStringComponentCreate — A compound string function that creates -
XmStringComponentType — Data type for compound string components -
XmStringConcatAndFree — A compound string function that appends one -
XmStringConcat — A compound string function that appends one string to -
XmStringCopy — A compound string function that makes a copy of a string -
XmStringCreate — A compound string function that creates a compound -
XmStringCreateLocalized — A compound string function that creates a -
XmStringCreateLtoR — A compound string function that creates a compound -
XmStringCreateSimple — A compound string function that creates a -
XmStringDirectionCreate — A compound string function that creates a -
XmStringDirection — Data type for the direction of display in a string -
XmStringDirectionToDirection — A function that converts from -
XmStringDraw — A compound string function that draws a compound string -
XmStringDrawImage — A compound string function that draws a compound -
XmStringDrawUnderline — A compound string function that underlines a -
XmStringEmpty — A compound string function that provides information on -
XmStringExtent — A compound string function that determines the size of -
XmStringFreeContext — A compound string function that releases the -
XmStringFree — A compound string function that conditionally -
XmStringGenerate — A convenience function that generates a compound -
XmStringGetLtoR — A compound string function that searches for a text -
XmStringGetNextComponent — A compound string function that returns the -
XmStringGetNextSegment — A compound string function that fetches the -
XmStringGetNextTriple — An XmString function that returns the type, -
XmStringHasSubstring — A compound string function that indicates -
XmStringHeight — A compound string function that returns the line -
XmString — Data type for a compound string -
XmStringInitContext — A compound string function that creates a data -
XmStringIsVoid — A compound string function that provides information -
XmStringLength — A compound string function that obtains the length of -
XmStringLineCount — A compound string function that returns the number -
XmStringNConcat — A compound string function that appends a specified -
XmStringNCopy — A compound string function that creates a copy of a -
XmStringParseText — A function that converts a character string to a -
XmStringPeekNextComponent — A compound string function that returns the -
XmStringPeekNextTriple — A function that returns the component type of -
XmStringPutRendition — A convenience function that places renditions -
XmStringSegmentCreate — A compound string function that creates a -
XmStringSeparatorCreate — A compound string function that creates a -
XmStringTable — Data type for an array of compound strings -
XmStringTableParseStringArray — A convenience function that converts an -
XmStringTableProposeTablist — A convenience function that returns a tab -
XmStringTableToXmString — A convenience function that converts a -
XmStringTableUnparse — A convenience function that converts a table of -
XmStringToXmStringTable — A convenience function that converts a single -
XmStringUnparse — A compound string function that unparses text -
XmStringWidth — A compound string function that returns the width of -
XmTabCreate — A convenience function that creates a tab stop -
XmTabFree — A convenience function that frees a tab -
XmTabGetValues — A convenience function that returns tab values -
XmTab — Data type for a tab stop -
XmTabListCopy — A convenience function that creates a new tab list from -
XmTabListFree — A convenience function that frees the memory of a new -
XmTabListGetTab — A convenience function that returns a copy of a tab -
XmTabList — Data type for a tab list -
XmTabListInsertTabs — A convenience function that inserts tabs into a -
XmTabListRemoveTabs — A convenience function that removes noncontiguous -
XmTabListReplacePositions — A convenience function that creates a new -
XmTabListTabCount — A convenience function that counts the number of -
XmTabSetValue — A convenience function that sets a tab stop -
XmTabStack - The TabStack widget class
XmTargetsAreCompatible — A function that tests whether the target types -
XmTearOffButton - Motif-compatible detachable button widget
XmTextClearSelection — A Text function that clears the primary -
XmTextCopy — A Text function that copies the primary selection to the -
XmTextCopyLink — A Text function that copies a link to the primary -
XmTextCut — A Text function that copies the primary selection to the -
XmTextDisableRedisplay — A Text function that temporarily prevents -
XmTextEnableRedisplay — A Text function that forces the visual update -
XmTextFieldClearSelection — A TextField function that clears the -
XmTextFieldCopy — A TextField function that copies the primary -
XmTextFieldCopyLink — A TextField function that copies a link to the -
XmTextFieldCut — A TextField function that copies the primary selection -
XmTextFieldGetBaseline — A TextField function that accesses the y -
XmTextFieldGetEditable — A TextField function that accesses the edit -
XmTextFieldGetInsertionPosition — A TextField function that accesses -
XmTextFieldGetLastPosition — A TextField function that accesses the -
XmTextFieldGetMaxLength — A TextField function that accesses the value -
XmTextFieldGetSelection — A TextField function that retrieves the value -
XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition — A TextField function that accesses -
XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs — A TextField function that retrieves the -
XmTextFieldGetString — A TextField function that accesses the string -
XmTextFieldGetStringWcs — A TextField function that retrieves a copy of -
XmTextFieldGetSubstring — A TextField function that retrieves a copy of -
XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs — A TextField function that retrieves a -
XmTextField — The TextField class -
XmTextFieldInsert — A TextField function that inserts a character -
XmTextFieldInsertWcs — A TextField function that inserts a wide -
XmTextFieldPaste — A TextField function that inserts the clipboard -
XmTextFieldPasteLink — A TextField function that inserts a link to the -
XmTextFieldPosToXY — A TextField function that accesses the x and y -
XmTextFieldRemove — A TextField function that deletes the primary -
XmTextFieldReplace — A TextField function that replaces part of a text -
XmTextFieldReplaceWcs — A TextField function that replaces part of a -
XmTextFieldSetAddMode — A TextField function that sets the state of Add -
XmTextFieldSetEditable — A TextField function that sets the edit -
XmTextFieldSetHighlight — A TextField function that highlights text -
XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition — A TextField function that sets the -
XmTextFieldSetMaxLength — A TextField function that sets the value of -
XmTextFieldSetSelection — A TextField function that sets the primary -
XmTextFieldSetString — A TextField function that sets the string value -
XmTextFieldSetStringWcs — A TextField function that sets a wide -
XmTextFieldShowPosition — A TextField function that forces text at a -
XmTextFieldXYToPos — A TextField function that accesses the character -
XmTextFindString — A Text function that finds the beginning position of -
XmTextFindStringWcs — A Text function that finds the beginning position -
XmTextGetBaseline — A Text function that accesses the y position of the -
XmTextGetCenterline — Return the height (length) of a character string -
XmTextGetEditable — A Text function that accesses the edit permission -
XmTextGetInsertionPosition — A Text function that accesses the position -
XmTextGetLastPosition — A Text function that accesses the last position -
XmTextGetMaxLength — A Text function that accesses the value of the -
XmTextGetSelection — A Text function that retrieves the value of the -
XmTextGetSelectionPosition — A Text function that accesses the position -
XmTextGetSelectionWcs — A Text function that retrieves the value of a -
XmTextGetSource — A Text function that accesses the source of the -
XmTextGetString — A Text function that accesses the string value -
XmTextGetStringWcs — A Text function that retrieves a copy of the wide -
XmTextGetSubstring — A Text function that retrieves a copy of a portion -
XmTextGetSubstringWcs — A Text function that retrieves a portion of a -
XmTextGetTopCharacter — A Text function that accesses the position of -
XmText — The Text widget class -
XmTextInsert — A Text function that inserts a character string into a -
XmTextInsertWcs — A Text function that inserts a wide character string -
XmTextPaste — A Text function that inserts the clipboard selection -
XmTextPasteLink — A Text function that inserts a link to the clipboard -
XmTextPosition — Data type for a character position within a text -
XmTextPosToXY — A Text function that accesses the x and y position of a -
XmTextRemove — A Text function that deletes the primary selection -
XmTextReplace — A Text function that replaces part of a text string -
XmTextReplaceWcs — A Text function that replaces part of a wide -
XmTextScroll — A Text function that scrolls text -
XmTextSetAddMode — A Text function that sets the state of Add mode -
XmTextSetEditable — A Text function that sets the edit permission -
XmTextSetHighlight — A Text function that highlights text -
XmTextSetInsertionPosition — A Text function that sets the position of -
XmTextSetMaxLength — A Text function that sets the value of the current -
XmTextSetSelection — A Text function that sets the primary selection of -
XmTextSetSource — A Text function that sets the source of the widget -
XmTextSetString — A Text function that sets the string value -
XmTextSetStringWcs — A Text function that sets a wide character string -
XmTextSetTopCharacter — A Text function that sets the position of the -
XmTextShowPosition — A Text function that forces text at a given -
XmTextXYToPos — A Text function that accesses the character position -
XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState — A ToggleButtonGadget function that -
XmToggleButtonGadget — The ToggleButtonGadget widget class -
XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState — A ToggleButtonGadget function that sets -
XmToggleButtonGetState — A ToggleButton function that obtains the state -
XmToggleButton — The ToggleButton widget class -
XmToggleButtonSetState — A ToggleButton function that sets or changes -
XmToggleButtonSetValue — A ToggleButton function that sets or changes -
XmTrackingEvent — A Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction -
XmTrackingLocate — A Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction -
XmTransferDone — A toolkit function that completes a data transfer -
XmTransferSendRequest — A toolkit function that transfers a MULTIPLE -
XmTransferSetParameters — A toolkit function that establishes -
XmTransferStartRequest — A toolkit function that begins a MULTIPLE -
XmTransferValue — A toolkit function that transfers data to a -
XmTranslateKey — The default keycode-to-keysym translator -
XmTree - The Tree widget class
XmUninstallImage — A pixmap caching function that removes an image from -
XmUpdateDisplay — A function that processes all pending exposure events -
XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox — A RowColumn widget convenience creation -
VendorShell - Motif-compatible replacement for X Intrinsics VendorShell
XmWidgetGetBaselines — Retrieves baseline information for a widget -
XmWidgetGetDisplayRect — Retrieves display rectangle information for a -
XmWorldClass - Lesstif internal widget class
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XGraphicsExposeEvent, XNoExposeEvent - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose
XNoOp - No Operation
XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, -
XCreateOC, XDestroyOC, XSetOCValues, XGetOCValues, XOMOfOC - create
XOpenDevice, XCloseDevice - open or close an extension input device
XOpenDisplay, XCloseDisplay - connect or disconnect to X server
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XOpenOM, XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, -
xosd_create - Create a new XOSD object
xosd_destroy - Destroy an XOSD object
xosd_display - Display data to an XOSD window
xosd_get_number_lines - Retrieve the number of lines the xosd object
xosd_hide - hide the XOSD window
xosd - X on-screen display library
xosd_is_onscreen - Returns wether the XOSD window is shown
xosd_set_align - Change the alignment of the XOSD window
xosd_set_bar_length - Change the length of the percentage bar or slider
xosd_set_horizontal_offset - Change the indent of the XOSD window
xosd_set_pos - Change the position of the XOSD window
xosd_set_shadow_offset - Change the shadow-offset of the XOSD window
xosd_set_vertical_offset - Change the offset of the XOSD window
xosd_show - make the XOSD window visible
xosd_uninit - Destroy a XOSD window
XQueryColor, XQueryColors, XLookupColor, XParseColor - obtain color
XParseGeometry, XWMGeometry - parse window geometry
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XIfEvent, XCheckIfEvent, XPeekIfEvent - check the event queue with a
XFlush, XSync, XEventsQueued, XPending - handle output buffer or event
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, -
XDrawPoint, XDrawPoints, XPoint - draw points and points structure
XEmptyRegion, XEqualRegion, XPointInRegion, XRectInRegion - determine
XPolygonRegion, XClipBox - generate regions
XAddConnectionWatch, XRemoveConnectionWatch, -
XPropertyEvent - PropertyNotify event structure
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc - library routines for remote procedure calls
XPutBackEvent - put events back on the queue
XPutImage, XGetImage, XGetSubImage - transfer images
XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, -
XRecolorCursor, XFreeCursor, XQueryBestCursor - manipulate cursors
XQueryBestSize, XQueryBestTile, XQueryBestStipple - determine efficient
XQueryBestSize, XQueryBestTile, XQueryBestStipple - determine efficient
XQueryBestSize, XQueryBestTile, XQueryBestStipple - determine efficient
XQueryColor, XQueryColors, XLookupColor, XParseColor - obtain color
XQueryColor, XQueryColors, XLookupColor, XParseColor - obtain color
XQueryDeviceState - query the state of an extension input device.
XQueryExtension, XListExtensions, XFreeExtensionList - list available
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, -
XQueryPointer - get pointer coordinates
XTextExtents, XTextExtents16, XQueryTextExtents, XQueryTextExtents16 - -
XTextExtents, XTextExtents16, XQueryTextExtents, XQueryTextExtents16 - -
XQueryTree - query window tree information
XRaiseWindow, XLowerWindow, XCirculateSubwindows, -
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XReadBitmapFile, XReadBitmapFileData, XWriteBitmapFile, -
XReadBitmapFile, XReadBitmapFileData, XWriteBitmapFile, -
XLookupKeysym, XRefreshKeyboardMapping, XLookupString, XRebindKeysym - -
XRecolorCursor, XFreeCursor, XQueryBestCursor - manipulate cursors
XIconifyWindow, XWithdrawWindow, XReconfigureWMWindow - manipulate top-
XDrawRectangle, XDrawRectangles, XRectangle - draw rectangles and
XEmptyRegion, XEqualRegion, XPointInRegion, XRectInRegion - determine
XLookupKeysym, XRefreshKeyboardMapping, XLookupString, XRebindKeysym - -
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XAddConnectionWatch, XRemoveConnectionWatch, -
XChangeSaveSet, XAddToSaveSet, XRemoveFromSaveSet - change a client’s
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XReparentEvent - ReparentNotify event structure
XReparentWindow - reparent windows
XSetScreenSaver, XForceScreenSaver, XActivateScreenSaver, -
XRes - X-Resource extension client library
XResizeRequestEvent - ResizeRequest event structure
XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, -
XResourceManagerString, XScreenResourceString - obtain server resource
XRes - X-Resource extension client library
XRes - X-Resource extension client library
XRes - X-Resource extension client library
XRes - X-Resource extension client library
XRes - X-Resource extension client library
XRaiseWindow, XLowerWindow, XCirculateSubwindows, -
XrmMergeDatabases, XrmCombineDatabase, XrmCombineFileDatabase - merge
XrmMergeDatabases, XrmCombineDatabase, XrmCombineFileDatabase - merge
XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, -
XrmEnumerateDatabase - enumerate resource database entries
XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, -
XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, -
XrmGetResource, XrmQGetResource, XrmQGetSearchList, -
XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, -
XrmInitialize, XrmParseCommand, XrmValue, XrmOptionKind, -
XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, -
XrmMergeDatabases, XrmCombineDatabase, XrmCombineFileDatabase - merge
XrmInitialize, XrmParseCommand, XrmValue, XrmOptionKind, -
XrmInitialize, XrmParseCommand, XrmValue, XrmOptionKind, -
XrmInitialize, XrmParseCommand, XrmValue, XrmOptionKind, -
XrmUniqueQuark, XrmStringToQuark, XrmPermStringToQuark, -
XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, -
XrmPutResource, XrmQPutResource, XrmPutStringResource, -
XrmPutResource, XrmQPutResource, XrmPutStringResource, -
XrmPutResource, XrmQPutResource, XrmPutStringResource, -
XrmGetResource, XrmQGetResource, XrmQGetSearchList, -
XrmGetResource, XrmQGetResource, XrmQGetSearchList, -
XrmGetResource, XrmQGetResource, XrmQGetSearchList, -
XrmPutResource, XrmQPutResource, XrmPutStringResource, -
XrmPutResource, XrmQPutResource, XrmPutStringResource, -
XrmUniqueQuark, XrmStringToQuark, XrmPermStringToQuark, -
XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, -
XrmUniqueQuark, XrmStringToQuark, XrmPermStringToQuark, -
XrmUniqueQuark, XrmStringToQuark, XrmPermStringToQuark, -
XrmUniqueQuark, XrmStringToQuark, XrmPermStringToQuark, -
XrmUniqueQuark, XrmStringToQuark, XrmPermStringToQuark, -
XrmInitialize, XrmParseCommand, XrmValue, XrmOptionKind, -
XStoreBytes, XStoreBuffer, XFetchBytes, XFetchBuffer, XRotateBuffers - -
XGetWindowProperty, XListProperties, XChangeProperty, -
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XSaveContext, XFindContext, XDeleteContext, XUniqueContext - -
BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, -
XResourceManagerString, XScreenResourceString - obtain server resource
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XDrawLine, XDrawLines, XDrawSegments, XSegment - draw lines, polygons,
XSelectExtensionEvent, XGetSelectedExtensionEvents - select extension
XSelectInput - select input events
XSelectionClearEvent - SelectionClear event structure
XSelectionEvent - SelectionNotify event structure
XSelectionRequestEvent - SelectionRequest event structure
XSendEvent, XDisplayMotionBufferSize, XGetMotionEvents, XTimeCoord - -
XSendExtensionEvent - send input extension events to a client
XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, -
XSynchronize, XSetAfterFunction - enable or disable synchronization
XSetArcMode, XSetSubwindowMode, XSetGraphicsExposure - GC convenience
XSetState, XSetFunction, XSetPlaneMask, XSetForeground, XSetBackground -
XAllocClassHint, XSetClassHint, XGetClassHint, XClassHint - allocate
XSetClipOrigin, XSetClipMask, XSetClipRectangles - GC convenience
XSetClipOrigin, XSetClipMask, XSetClipRectangles - GC convenience
XSetClipOrigin, XSetClipMask, XSetClipRectangles - GC convenience
XSetCloseDownMode, XKillClient - control clients
XSetCommand, XGetCommand - set or read a window’s WM_COMMAND property
XSetLineAttributes, XSetDashes - GC convenience routines
XSetDeviceButtonMapping, XGetDeviceButtonMapping - query or change
XSetDeviceFocus, XGetDeviceFocus - control extension input device focus
XSetDeviceMode - change the mode of a device
XGetDeviceModifierMapping, XSetDeviceModifierMapping - query or change
XSetDeviceValuators - initialize the valuators on an extension input
XSetErrorHandler, XGetErrorText, XDisplayName, XSetIOErrorHandler, -
XSetEventQueueOwner - set event queue owner on a shared Xlib/XCB
XSetFillStyle, XSetFillRule - GC convenience routines
XSetFillStyle, XSetFillRule - GC convenience routines
XSetFont - GC convenience routines
XSetFontPath, XGetFontPath, XFreeFontPath - set, get, or free the font
XSetState, XSetFunction, XSetPlaneMask, XSetForeground, XSetBackground -
XSetState, XSetFunction, XSetPlaneMask, XSetForeground, XSetBackground -
XSetArcMode, XSetSubwindowMode, XSetGraphicsExposure - GC convenience
XSetICFocus, XUnsetICFocus - set and unset input context focus
XSetWMIconName, XGetWMIconName, XSetIconName, XGetIconName - set or
XAllocIconSize, XSetIconSizes, XGetIconSizes, XIconSize - allocate icon
XSetICValues, XGetICValues - set and obtain XIC values
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XSetInputFocus, XGetInputFocus - control input focus
XSetErrorHandler, XGetErrorText, XDisplayName, XSetIOErrorHandler, -
XSetLineAttributes, XSetDashes - GC convenience routines
XSupportsLocale, XSetLocaleModifiers - determine locale support and
XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, -
XCreateOC, XDestroyOC, XSetOCValues, XGetOCValues, XOMOfOC - create
XOpenOM, XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, -
XSetState, XSetFunction, XSetPlaneMask, XSetForeground, XSetBackground -
XSetPointerMapping, XGetPointerMapping - manipulate pointer settings
XCreateRegion, XSetRegion, XDestroyRegion - create or destroy regions
XAllocStandardColormap, XSetRGBColormaps, XGetRGBColormaps, -
XSetScreenSaver, XForceScreenSaver, XActivateScreenSaver, -
XSetSelectionOwner, XGetSelectionOwner, XConvertSelection - manipulate
XSetState, XSetFunction, XSetPlaneMask, XSetForeground, XSetBackground -
XSetTile, XSetStipple, XSetTSOrigin - GC convenience routines
XSetArcMode, XSetSubwindowMode, XSetGraphicsExposure - GC convenience
XSetTextProperty, XGetTextProperty - set and read text properties
XSetTile, XSetStipple, XSetTSOrigin - GC convenience routines
XSetTransientForHint, XGetTransientForHint - set or read a window’s
XSetTile, XSetStipple, XSetTSOrigin - GC convenience routines
XCreateWindow, XCreateSimpleWindow, XSetWindowAttributes - create
XChangeWindowAttributes, XSetWindowBackground, -
XChangeWindowAttributes, XSetWindowBackground, -
XChangeWindowAttributes, XSetWindowBackground, -
XChangeWindowAttributes, XSetWindowBackground, -
XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, -
XChangeWindowAttributes, XSetWindowBackground, -
XSetWMClientMachine, XGetWMClientMachine - set or read a window’s
XSetWMColormapWindows, XGetWMColormapWindows - set or read a window’s
XAllocWMHints, XSetWMHints, XGetWMHints, XWMHints - allocate window
XSetWMIconName, XGetWMIconName, XSetIconName, XGetIconName - set or
XSetWMName, XGetWMName, XStoreName, XFetchName - set or read a window’s
XAllocSizeHints, XSetWMNormalHints, XGetWMNormalHints, XSetWMSizeHints, -
XSetWMProperties, XmbSetWMProperties, Xutf8SetWMProperties - set
XSetWMProtocols, XGetWMProtocols - set or read a window’s WM_PROTOCOLS
XAllocSizeHints, XSetWMNormalHints, XGetWMNormalHints, XSetWMSizeHints, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, -
XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, -
XAllocSizeHints, XSetWMNormalHints, XGetWMNormalHints, XSetWMSizeHints, -
XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XAllocStandardColormap, XSetRGBColormaps, XGetRGBColormaps, -
XStoreBytes, XStoreBuffer, XFetchBytes, XFetchBuffer, XRotateBuffers - -
XStoreBytes, XStoreBuffer, XFetchBytes, XFetchBuffer, XRotateBuffers - -
XStoreColors, XStoreColor, XStoreNamedColor - set colors
XStoreColors, XStoreColor, XStoreNamedColor - set colors
XStoreColors, XStoreColor, XStoreNamedColor - set colors
XSetWMName, XGetWMName, XStoreName, XFetchName - set or read a window’s
XStringListToTextProperty, XTextPropertyToStringList, XFreeStringList, -
XStringToKeysym, XKeysymToString, XKeycodeToKeysym, XKeysymToKeycode, -
XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, -
XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, -
XSupportsLocale, XSetLocaleModifiers - determine locale support and
XSynchronize, XSetAfterFunction - enable or disable synchronization
XFlush, XSync, XEventsQueued, XPending - handle output buffer or event
XtAddActions - register an action table
XtAddCallback, XtAddCallbacks, XtRemoveCallback, XtRemoveCallbacks, -
XtAddCallback, XtAddCallbacks, XtRemoveCallback, XtRemoveCallbacks, -
XtAppAddConverter, XtAddConverter - register resource converter
XtAddEventHandler, XtAddRawEventHandler, XtRemoveEventHandler, -
XtAddExposureToRegion - merge exposure events into a region
XtAddGrab, XtRemoveGrab - redirect user input to a modal widget
XtAddInput, XtAddTimeOut, XtAddWorkProc - register input, timeout, and
XtAddEventHandler, XtAddRawEventHandler, XtRemoveEventHandler, -
XtAddInput, XtAddTimeOut, XtAddWorkProc - register input, timeout, and
XtAddInput, XtAddTimeOut, XtAddWorkProc - register input, timeout, and
XtAllocateGC - obtain a sharable GC with modifiable fields
XtAppAddActionHook, XtRemoveActionHook - register an action hook
XtAppAddActions - register an action table
XtAppAddBlockHook, XtRemoveBlockHook - register a block hook procedure
XtAppAddConverter, XtAddConverter - register resource converter
XtAppAddInput, XtRemoveInput - register and remove an input source
XtAppAddSignal, XtRemoveSignal, XtNoticeSignal - register and remove a
XtAppAddTimeOut, XtRemoveTimeOut - register and remove timeouts
XtAppAddWorkProc, XtRemoveWorkProc - Add and remove background
XtAppCreateShell, XtVaAppCreateShell - create top-level widget instance
XtAppError, XtAppSetErrorHandler, XtAppSetWarningHandler, XtAppWarning -
XtAppErrorMsg, XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler, XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler, -
XtAppGetErrorDatabase, XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error
XtAppGetErrorDatabase, XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error
XtAppSetExitFlag, XtAppGetExitFlag - thread support functions
XtAppGetSelectionTimeout, XtAppSetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain
XtAppInitialize, XtVaAppInitialize - initialize, open, or close a
XtAppLock, XtAppUnlock - lock and unlock application context
XtAppNextEvent, XtAppPending, XtAppPeekEvent, XtAppProcessEvent, -
XtAppNextEvent, XtAppPending, XtAppPeekEvent, XtAppProcessEvent, -
XtAppNextEvent, XtAppPending, XtAppPeekEvent, XtAppProcessEvent, -
XtAppNextEvent, XtAppPending, XtAppPeekEvent, XtAppProcessEvent, -
XtAppNextEvent, XtAppPending, XtAppPeekEvent, XtAppProcessEvent, -
XtAppReleaseCacheRefs - decrement reference counts for resources
XtAppError, XtAppSetErrorHandler, XtAppSetWarningHandler, XtAppWarning -
XtAppErrorMsg, XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler, XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler, -
XtAppSetExitFlag, XtAppGetExitFlag - thread support functions
XtAppSetFallbackResources - set fallback resources
XtAppGetSelectionTimeout, XtAppSetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain
XtAppSetTypeConverter, XtSetTypeConverter - register resource converter
XtAppError, XtAppSetErrorHandler, XtAppSetWarningHandler, XtAppWarning -
XtAppErrorMsg, XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler, XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler, -
XtAppLock, XtAppUnlock - lock and unlock application context
XtAppError, XtAppSetErrorHandler, XtAppSetWarningHandler, XtAppWarning -
XtAppErrorMsg, XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler, XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler, -
XtParseTranslationTable, XtAugmentTranslations, XtOverrideTranslations, -
XtBuildEventMask - retrieve a widget’s event mask
XtCallAcceptFocus - calla widget’s accept_focus procedure
XtCallActionProc - invoke an action procedure directly
XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, -
XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, -
XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, -
XtPopdown, XtCallbackPopdown - unmap a pop-up
XtCallCallbacks, XtCallCallbackList, XtHasCallbacks - process callbacks
XtCallCallbacks, XtCallCallbackList, XtHasCallbacks - process callbacks
XtConvertAndStore, XtCallConverter - invoke resource converters
XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString - memory
XtCreateSelectionRequest, XtSendSelectionRequest, -
XtManageChildren, XtManageChild, XtUnmanageChildren, XtUnmanageChild, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtDisplayInitialize, XtOpenDisplay, XtDatabase, XtScreenDatabase, -
XtConfigureWidget, XtMoveWidget, XtResizeWidget - move and resize
XtConvertAndStore, XtCallConverter - invoke resource converters
XtSetKeyTranslator, XtTranslateKeycode, XtRegisterCaseConverter, -
XtConvert, XtDirectConvert - invoke resource converters
XtCreateApplicationContext, XtDestroyApplicationContext, -
XtCreateApplicationShell - create top-level widget instance
XtCreateWidget, XtVaCreateWidget, XtCreateManagedWidget, -
XtCreatePopupShell, XtVaCreatePopupShell - create a popup shell
XtCreateSelectionRequest, XtSendSelectionRequest, -
XtCreateWidget, XtVaCreateWidget, XtCreateManagedWidget, -
XtCreateWindow - window creation convenience function
XtDisplayInitialize, XtOpenDisplay, XtDatabase, XtScreenDatabase, -
XtCreateApplicationContext, XtDestroyApplicationContext, -
XtCreateWidget, XtVaCreateWidget, XtCreateManagedWidget, -
XtConvert, XtDirectConvert - invoke resource converters
XtOwnSelection, XtOwnSelectionIncremental, XtDisownSelection - set
XtAppNextEvent, XtAppPending, XtAppPeekEvent, XtAppProcessEvent, -
XtInsertEventTypeHandler, XtRemoveEventTypeHandler, -
XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow, -
XtDisplayInitialize, XtOpenDisplay, XtDatabase, XtScreenDatabase, -
XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow, -
XtDisplayStringConversionWarning - issue a conversion warning message
XtDisplayToApplicationContext - obtain an application context
XtError, XtSetErrorHandler, XtSetWarningHandler, XtWarning - low-level
XtErrorMsg, XtSetErrorMsgHandler, XtWarningMsg, XtSetWarningMsgHandler -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTestQueryExtension, XTestCompareCursorWithWindow, -
XTextExtents, XTextExtents16, XQueryTextExtents, XQueryTextExtents16 - -
XTextExtents, XTextExtents16, XQueryTextExtents, XQueryTextExtents16 - -
XDrawText, XDrawText16, XTextItem, XTextItem16 - draw polytext text and
XDrawText, XDrawText16, XTextItem, XTextItem16 - draw polytext text and
XStringListToTextProperty, XTextPropertyToStringList, XFreeStringList, -
XStringListToTextProperty, XTextPropertyToStringList, XFreeStringList, -
XTextWidth, XTextWidth16 - compute text width
XTextWidth, XTextWidth16 - compute text width
XtFindFile - search for a file using substitutions in the path list
XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString - memory
XtGetActionKeysym - obtain corresponding keysym
XtGetActionList - obtain class action list
XtGetApplicationNameAndClass - retrieve application name and class
XtGetApplicationResources, XtVaGetApplicationResources - obtain
XtGetClassExtension - locate a class extension record
XtGetResourceList, XtGetConstraintResourceList - obtain resource list
XtGetDisplays - retrieve a list of displays associated with an
XtGetErrorDatabase, XtGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error database
XtGetErrorDatabase, XtGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error database
XtGetGC, XtReleaseGC - obtain and destroy a sharable GC
XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget - extension event handling
XtGetKeysymTable, XtKeysymToKeycodeList - query keysyms and keycodes
XtSetMultiClickTime, XtGetMultiClickTime - set and get multi-click
XtGetResourceList, XtGetConstraintResourceList - obtain resource list
XtGetSelectionParameters - retrieve target parameters for a selection
XtGetSelectionRequest - retrieve the event that triggered the
XtGetSelectionTimeout, XtSetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain selection
XtGetSelectionValue, XtGetSelectionValues - obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValueIncremental, XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental - -
XtGetSelectionValue, XtGetSelectionValues - obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValueIncremental, XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental - -
XtGetSubresources, XtVaGetSubresources - obtain subresources
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtCallCallbacks, XtCallCallbackList, XtHasCallbacks - process callbacks
XtHooksOfDisplay - external agent access points
XSendEvent, XDisplayMotionBufferSize, XGetMotionEvents, XTimeCoord - -
XtInitialize - initialize
XtInitializeWidgetClass - initialize a widget class
XtAddEventHandler, XtAddRawEventHandler, XtRemoveEventHandler, -
XtInsertEventTypeHandler, XtRemoveEventTypeHandler, -
XtAddEventHandler, XtAddRawEventHandler, XtRemoveEventHandler, -
XtParseAcceleratorTable, XtInstallAccelerators, -
XtParseAcceleratorTable, XtInstallAccelerators, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtManageChildren, XtManageChild, XtUnmanageChildren, XtUnmanageChild, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtRealizeWidget, XtIsRealized, XtUnrealizeWidget - realize and
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtSetSensitive, XtIsSensitive - set and check a widget’s sensitivity
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtGetKeysymTable, XtKeysymToKeycodeList - query keysyms and keycodes
XtLastEventProcessed, XtLastTimestampProcessed - last event, last
XtLastEventProcessed, XtLastTimestampProcessed - last event, last
XtNextEvent, XtPending, XtPeekEvent, XtProcessEvent, XtMainLoop - query
XtMakeGeometryRequest, XtMakeResizeRequest - make geometry manager
XtMakeGeometryRequest, XtMakeResizeRequest - make geometry manager
XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString - memory
XtManageChildren, XtManageChild, XtUnmanageChildren, XtUnmanageChild, -
XtManageChildren, XtManageChild, XtUnmanageChildren, XtUnmanageChild, -
XtMapWidget, XtSetMappedWhenManaged, XtUnmapWidget - map and unmap
XtSetArg, XtMergeArgLists - set and merge ArgLists
XtConfigureWidget, XtMoveWidget, XtResizeWidget - move and resize
XtName - obtain widget’s name
XtNameToWidget, XtWindowToWidget - translating strings to widgets or
XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString - memory
XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString - memory
XtNextEvent, XtPending, XtPeekEvent, XtProcessEvent, XtMainLoop - query
XtAppAddSignal, XtRemoveSignal, XtNoticeSignal - register and remove a
XtOffset, XtOffsetOf, XtNumber - determine the byte offset or number of
XtOffset, XtOffsetOf, XtNumber - determine the byte offset or number of
XtOffset, XtOffsetOf, XtNumber - determine the byte offset or number of
XtOpenApplication, XtVaOpenApplication - initialize, open, or close a
XtDisplayInitialize, XtOpenDisplay, XtDatabase, XtScreenDatabase, -
XtParseTranslationTable, XtAugmentTranslations, XtOverrideTranslations, -
XtOwnSelection, XtOwnSelectionIncremental, XtDisownSelection - set
XtOwnSelection, XtOwnSelectionIncremental, XtDisownSelection - set
XtParent - obtain widget’s parent widget id
XtParseAcceleratorTable, XtInstallAccelerators, -
XtParseTranslationTable, XtAugmentTranslations, XtOverrideTranslations, -
XtNextEvent, XtPending, XtPeekEvent, XtProcessEvent, XtMainLoop - query
XtNextEvent, XtPending, XtPeekEvent, XtProcessEvent, XtMainLoop - query
XtPopdown, XtCallbackPopdown - unmap a pop-up
XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, -
XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, -
XtNextEvent, XtPending, XtPeekEvent, XtProcessEvent, XtMainLoop - query
XtProcessLock, XtProcessUnlock - lock and unlock process
XtProcessLock, XtProcessUnlock - lock and unlock process
XtQueryGeometry - query the preferred geometry of a child widget
XTranslateCoordinates - translate window coordinates
XtRealizeWidget, XtIsRealized, XtUnrealizeWidget - realize and
XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString - memory
XtSetKeyTranslator, XtTranslateKeycode, XtRegisterCaseConverter, -
XtRegisterDrawable - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event
XtInsertEventTypeHandler, XtRemoveEventTypeHandler, -
XtRegisterGrabAction - register button and key grabs
XtGetGC, XtReleaseGC - obtain and destroy a sharable GC
XtReservePropertyAtom, XtReleasePropertyAtom - maintain a cache of
XtAppAddActionHook, XtRemoveActionHook - register an action hook
XtAddCallback, XtAddCallbacks, XtRemoveCallback, XtRemoveCallbacks, -
XtAppAddBlockHook, XtRemoveBlockHook - register a block hook procedure
XtAddCallback, XtAddCallbacks, XtRemoveCallback, XtRemoveCallbacks, -
XtAddCallback, XtAddCallbacks, XtRemoveCallback, XtRemoveCallbacks, -
XtAddEventHandler, XtAddRawEventHandler, XtRemoveEventHandler, -
XtInsertEventTypeHandler, XtRemoveEventTypeHandler, -
XtAddGrab, XtRemoveGrab - redirect user input to a modal widget
XtAppAddInput, XtRemoveInput - register and remove an input source
XtAddEventHandler, XtAddRawEventHandler, XtRemoveEventHandler, -
XtAppAddSignal, XtRemoveSignal, XtNoticeSignal - register and remove a
XtAppAddTimeOut, XtRemoveTimeOut - register and remove timeouts
XtAppAddWorkProc, XtRemoveWorkProc - Add and remove background
XtReservePropertyAtom, XtReleasePropertyAtom - maintain a cache of
XtConfigureWidget, XtMoveWidget, XtResizeWidget - move and resize
XtResolvePathname - search for a file using standard substitution
XtDisplayInitialize, XtOpenDisplay, XtDatabase, XtScreenDatabase, -
XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow, -
XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow, -
XtCreateSelectionRequest, XtSendSelectionRequest, -
XtSessionGetToken, XtSessionReturnToken - token management for
XtSessionGetToken, XtSessionReturnToken - token management for
XtSetArg, XtMergeArgLists - set and merge ArgLists
XtError, XtSetErrorHandler, XtSetWarningHandler, XtWarning - low-level
XtErrorMsg, XtSetErrorMsgHandler, XtWarningMsg, XtSetWarningMsgHandler -
XtInsertEventTypeHandler, XtRemoveEventTypeHandler, -
XtSetKeyboardFocus - focus events on a child widget
XtSetKeyTranslator, XtTranslateKeycode, XtRegisterCaseConverter, -
XtSetLanguageProc - set the language procedure
XtMapWidget, XtSetMappedWhenManaged, XtUnmapWidget - map and unmap
XtSetMultiClickTime, XtGetMultiClickTime - set and get multi-click
XtSetSelectionParameters - specify target parameters for a selection
XtGetSelectionTimeout, XtSetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain selection
XtSetSensitive, XtIsSensitive - set and check a widget’s sensitivity
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtAppSetTypeConverter, XtSetTypeConverter - register resource converter
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtError, XtSetErrorHandler, XtSetWarningHandler, XtWarning - low-level
XtErrorMsg, XtSetErrorMsgHandler, XtWarningMsg, XtSetWarningMsgHandler -
XtSetWMColormapWindows - Set the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS
XtStringConversionWarning - issue a conversion warning message
XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, -
XtCreateApplicationContext, XtDestroyApplicationContext, -
XtToolkitThreadInitialize - initialize the toolkit for multiple threads
XtTranslateCoords - translate widget coordinates
XtSetKeyTranslator, XtTranslateKeycode, XtRegisterCaseConverter, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, -
XtParseTranslationTable, XtAugmentTranslations, XtOverrideTranslations, -
XtManageChildren, XtManageChild, XtUnmanageChildren, XtUnmanageChild, -
XtManageChildren, XtManageChild, XtUnmanageChildren, XtUnmanageChild, -
XtMapWidget, XtSetMappedWhenManaged, XtUnmapWidget - map and unmap
XtRealizeWidget, XtIsRealized, XtUnrealizeWidget - realize and
XtRegisterDrawable - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event
XtAppCreateShell, XtVaAppCreateShell - create top-level widget instance
XtAppInitialize, XtVaAppInitialize - initialize, open, or close a
XtVaCreateArgsList - dynamically allocate a varargs list
XtCreateWidget, XtVaCreateWidget, XtCreateManagedWidget, -
XtCreatePopupShell, XtVaCreatePopupShell - create a popup shell
XtCreateWidget, XtVaCreateWidget, XtCreateManagedWidget, -
XtGetApplicationResources, XtVaGetApplicationResources - obtain
XtGetSubresources, XtVaGetSubresources - obtain subresources
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtOpenApplication, XtVaOpenApplication - initialize, open, or close a
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, -
XtError, XtSetErrorHandler, XtSetWarningHandler, XtWarning - low-level
XtErrorMsg, XtSetErrorMsgHandler, XtWarningMsg, XtSetWarningMsgHandler -
XtCreateApplicationContext, XtDestroyApplicationContext, -
XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow, -
XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow, -
XtNameToWidget, XtWindowToWidget - translating strings to widgets or
XDefineCursor, XUndefineCursor - define cursors
XGrabButton, XUngrabButton - grab pointer buttons
XGrabDeviceButton, XUngrabDeviceButton - grab/ungrab extension input
XGrabDevice, XUngrabDevice - grab/release the specified extension
XGrabDeviceKey, XUngrabDeviceKey - grab/ungrab extension input device
XGrabKeyboard, XUngrabKeyboard - grab the keyboard
XGrabKey, XUngrabKey - grab keyboard keys
XGrabPointer, XUngrabPointer, XChangeActivePointerGrab - grab the
XGrabServer, XUngrabServer - grab the server
XInstallColormap, XUninstallColormap, XListInstalledColormaps - control
XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, -
XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, -
XSaveContext, XFindContext, XDeleteContext, XUniqueContext - -
XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, -
XInitThreads, XLockDisplay, XUnlockDisplay - multi-threading support
XUnmapEvent - UnmapNotify event structure
XUnmapWindow, XUnmapSubwindows - unmap windows
XUnmapWindow, XUnmapSubwindows - unmap windows
XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, -
XSetICFocus, XUnsetICFocus - set and unset input context focus
XmbDrawImageString, XwcDrawImageString, Xutf8DrawImageString - draw
XmbDrawString, XwcDrawString, Xutf8DrawString - draw text using a
XmbDrawText, XwcDrawText, Xutf8DrawText - draw text using multiple font
XmbLookupString, XwcLookupString, Xutf8LookupString - obtain composed
XmbResetIC, XwcResetIC, Xutf8ResetIC - reset the state of an input
XSetWMProperties, XmbSetWMProperties, Xutf8SetWMProperties - set
XmbTextEscapement, XwcTextEscapement, Xutf8TextEscapement - obtain the
XmbTextExtents, XwcTextExtents, Xutf8TextExtents - compute text extents
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XmbTextPerCharExtents, XwcTextPerCharExtents, Xutf8TextPerCharExtents - -
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XVaCreateNestedList - allocate a nested variable argument list
XvCreateImage, XvShmCreateImage - create an XvImage
XvFreeAdaptorInfo - free adaptor information
XvFreeEncodingInfo - free encoding information
XvGetPortAttribute - return current port attribute value
XvGetStill - capture a single frame of video from a drawable
XvGetVideo - capture video from a drawable
XvGrabPort - lock port for exclusive use by client
Xv - X Window System video extension
XVisibilityEvent - VisibilityNotify event structure
XGetVisualInfo, XMatchVisualInfo, XVisualIDFromVisual, XVisualInfo - -
XGetVisualInfo, XMatchVisualInfo, XVisualIDFromVisual, XVisualInfo - -
XvListImageFormats - return list of image formats supported by a video
XvPortNotify - event generated when port attributes change
XvPutImage, XvShmPutImage - display an XvImage
XvPutStill - write a single frame of video to a drawable
XvPutVideo - write video into a drawable
XvQueryAdaptors - return adaptor information for a screen
XvQueryBestSize - determine the optimum drawable region size
XvQueryEncodings - return list of encodings for an adaptor
XvQueryExtension - return version and release of extension
XvQueryPortAttributes - return list of attributes of a video port
XvSelectPortNotify - enable or disable XvPortNotify events
XvSelectVideoNotify - enable or disable VideoNotify events
XvSetPortAttribute - sets an attribute of a video port
XvPutImage, XvShmPutImage - display an XvImage
XvStopVideo - stop active video
XvUngrabPort - release port grabbed for video operation
XvVideoNotify - event generated for video processing
XWarpPointer - move pointer
XmbDrawImageString, XwcDrawImageString, Xutf8DrawImageString - draw
XmbDrawString, XwcDrawString, Xutf8DrawString - draw text using a
XmbDrawText, XwcDrawText, Xutf8DrawText - draw text using multiple font
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XmbLookupString, XwcLookupString, Xutf8LookupString - obtain composed
XmbResetIC, XwcResetIC, Xutf8ResetIC - reset the state of an input
XmbTextEscapement, XwcTextEscapement, Xutf8TextEscapement - obtain the
XmbTextExtents, XwcTextExtents, Xutf8TextExtents - compute text extents
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XmbTextPerCharExtents, XwcTextPerCharExtents, Xutf8TextPerCharExtents - -
XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, -
XGetWindowAttributes, XGetGeometry, XWindowAttributes - get current
XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, -
XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, -
XIconifyWindow, XWithdrawWindow, XReconfigureWMWindow - manipulate top-
XParseGeometry, XWMGeometry - parse window geometry
XAllocWMHints, XSetWMHints, XGetWMHints, XWMHints - allocate window
XReadBitmapFile, XReadBitmapFileData, XWriteBitmapFile, -
XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, -
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
YAddHost - Y host access list adding
YAudioCDTrackStruct - Audio CD track structure
YCalculateCycle - Y server cycle interval calculation
YChangeAudioModePreset - Audio mode changing
YCloseConnection - disconnects from Y server
YDestroyPlaySoundObject - sound object stopping
YEjectAudioCD - Audio CD ejecting
YEventAudioCDStats - Audio CD statistics event structures
YEventAudioChange - Y Audio change event structures
YEventAudioStats - Y Audio statistics event structures
YEventClientMesage - Client message event structures
YEventCycleChange - Y server cycle change event structures
YEventDisconnect - Y disconnect event structures
YEventHost - Y host event structures
YEvent - base Y event structures
YEventMixer - Y mixer event structures
YEventServerStats - Y server stats event structures
YEventShutdown - Y server shutdown event structures
YEventSoundKill - Y sound object killed event structures
YEventSoundObjectAttributes - Y sound object attributes event
YEventSoundPlay - Y sound object play event structures
YEventSync - Y server sync event structures
YEventYSHMSound - Y SHM Sound event structures
YFreeAudioCDTracksList - frees a audio CD tracks list
YFreeAudioModesList - frees an Audio modes list
YGetAudioCDTracks - Audio CD tracks list retrieving
YGetAudioModes - Audio mode list retrieving
YGetAudioStats - current Audio values retrieving
YGetMixerChannel - Y mixer channel getting
YGetMixerChannel - Y mixer channel getting
YGetNextEvent - event retrieving
YGetPlaySoundObjectValues - get playing sound object values
YGetServerStats - Y server statistics retrieving
YGetSoundObjectAttributes - Sound object attributes
YIntro - introduction to YLib
YIPUnion - IP address structures
YMatchAudioModeValues - Audio mode matching
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
y0, y0f, y0l, y1, y1f, y1l, yn, ynf, ynl - Bessel functions of the
YOpenConnection - connect to Y server
YPlayAudioCDTrack - Audio CD track playing
YPutBackEvent - event management
YRemoveHost - Y host access list removing
YsendClientMessage - Client message sending
YSetAudioModeValues - Audio values setting
YSetCycle - Y server cycle interval setting
YSetMixerChannel - Y mixer channel setting
YSetMixerChannel - Y mixer channel setting
YSetPlaySoundObjectValues - set playing sound object values
YSHMCloseSound - shared sound buffer closing
YSHMOpenSound - shared sound buffer opening
YShutdownServer - disconnects and shuts down Y server
YStartPlaySoundObject - sound object playing
YStartPlaySoundObjectSimple - sound object playing
YStopAudioCD - Audio CD stopping
YSyncAll - sync Y server execution
YVolumeStruct - volume structures
yyalloc - -
yy_buffer_state - -
ZDTTRF - compute an LU factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix A
ZGBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
ZGEMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*op( A
ZGEMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x +
ZGERC - perform the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y’ ) + A,
ZGERU - perform the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y’ + A,
ZHBMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
ZHEMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*A*B +
ZHEMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
ZHER2 - perform the hermitian rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y’
ZHER2K - perform one of the hermitian rank 2k operations C :=
ZHER - perform the hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x’
ZHERK - perform one of the hermitian rank k operations C :=
ZHPMV - perform the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,
ZHPR2 - perform the hermitian rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y’
ZHPR - perform the hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x’
zip_add_dir - add directory to zip archive
zip_add , - .Nm zip_replace add file to zip archive or replace file in
zip_close - close zip archive
zip_delete - delete file from zip archive
zip_error_clear , - .Nm zip_file_error_clear clear error state for
zip_error_get , - .Nm zip_file_error_get get error codes for archive or
zip_error_get_sys_type - get type of system error code
zip_errors - list of all libzip error codes
zip_error_to_str - get string representation of zip error
zip_fclose - close file in zip archive
zipfile.cpp - The implementation of ZipFile.
zip_error_clear , - .Nm zip_file_error_clear clear error state for
zip_error_get , - .Nm zip_file_error_get get error codes for archive or
zipfile.h - Header file that defines ZipFile.
zip_file_strerror , - .Nm zip_strerror get string representation for a
zipfiletest.cpp - -
zip_fopen , - .Nm zip_fopen_index open file in zip archive for reading
zip_fopen , - .Nm zip_fopen_index open file in zip archive for reading
zip_fread - read from file
zip_get_archive_comment - get zip archive comment
zip_get_archive_flag - get status flags for zip
zip_get_file_comment - get comment for file in zip
zip_get_name - get name of file by index
zip_get_num_files - get number of files in archive
ziphead.cpp - Implementation of routines for reading the central
ziphead.h - Header file containing classes and functions for reading
zipheadio.cpp - Implementation of I/O functions for the header
zipheadio.h - Header file that defines I/O functions for the header
zipinputstreambuf.cpp - Implementation of ZipInputStreambuf.
zipinputstreambuf.h - Header file that defines ZipInputStreambuf.
zipinputstream.cpp - Implementation of ZipInputStream.
zipinputstream.h - Header file that defines ZipInputStream.
zipios::BackBuffer - A BackBuffer instance is useful for reading the
zipios::BasicEntry - BasicEntry is a FileEntry that is suitable as a
zipios::CollectionCollection - -
zipios_common.h - Header file containing miscellaneous small functions.
zipios::DataDescriptor - A struct containing fields for the entries in
zipios::DeflateOutputStreambuf - DeflateOutputStreambuf is an output
zipios_defs.h - Header file that defines some simple data types.
zipios::DirectoryCollection - -
zipios::EndOfCentralDirectory - The end of the Central directory
zipios::Exception - Basic exception.
zipios::FCollException - An FCollException is used to signal a problem
zipios::FileCollection - -
zipios::FileEntry - A FileEntry represents an entry in a
zipios::FileEntry::MatchFileName - Function object to be used with the
zipios::FileEntry::MatchName - Function object to be used with the STL
zipios::FilePath - FilePath represents a path to a file or directory
zipios::FilterInputStreambuf - An input streambuf filter is a streambuf
zipios::FilterOutputStreambuf - A FilterOutputStreambuf is a streambuf
zipios::GZIPOutputStreambuf - GZIPOutputStreambuf is a zip output
zipios::GZIPOutputStream - -
zipios::InflateInputStreambuf - InflateInputStreambuf is an input
zipios::InvalidStateException - An object member function may throw
zipios::IOException - An IOException is used to signal an I/O error.
zipios::ReferenceCount - ReferenceCount is useful to ensure proper
zipios::SimpleSmartPointer - SimpleSmartPointer is a simple reference
zipios::VirtualSeeker - VirtualSeeker is a simple class that keeps
zipios::ZipCDirEntry - Specialization of ZipLocalEntry, that add fields
zipios::ZipFile - -
zipios::ZipInputStreambuf - ZipInputStreambuf is a zip input streambuf
zipios::ZipInputStream - -
zipios::ZipLocalEntry - A concrete implementation of the abstract
zipios::ZipOutputStreambuf - ZipOutputStreambuf is a zip output
zipios::ZipOutputStream - -
zip_name_locate - get index of file by name
zip_open - open zip archive
zipoutputstreambuf.cpp - Implementation of ZipOutputStreambuf.
zipoutputstreambuf.h - Header file that defines ZipOutputStreambuf.
zipoutputstream.cpp - Implementation of ZipOutputStream.
zipoutputstream.h - Header file that defines ZipOutputStream.
zipoutputstreamtest.cpp - -
zip_rename - rename file in zip archive
zip_add , - .Nm zip_replace add file to zip archive or replace file in
zip_set_archive_comment - set zip archive comment
zip_set_archive_flag - set zip archive flag
zip_set_file_comment - set comment for file in zip
zip_source_buffer - create zip data source from buffer
zip_source_file - create data source from a file
zip_source_free - free zip data source
zip_source_function - create data source from function
zip_source_zip - create data source from zip file
zip_stat , - .Nm zip_stat_index get information about file
zip_stat , - .Nm zip_stat_index get information about file
zip_stat_init - initialize zip_stat structure
zip_file_strerror , - .Nm zip_strerror get string representation for a
zip_unchange_all - undo all changes in a zip archive
zip_unchange_archive - undo global changes to zip archive
zip_unchange - undo changes to file in zip archive
zlib - compression/decompression library
zmq_bind - assign a local address to a socket
zmq_close - close 0MQ socket
zmq_connect - connect a socket to a peer address
zmq_init - initialise 0MQ context
zmq_msg_close - release 0MQ message
zmq_msg_copy - copy content of a message to another message
zmq_msg_data - retrieve pointer to message content
zmq_msg_init_data - initialise 0MQ message from a supplied buffer
zmq_msg_init - initialise empty 0MQ message
zmq_msg_init_size - initialise 0MQ message of a specified size
zmq_msg_move - move content of a message to another message
zmq_msg_size - retrieve message content size in bytes
zmq_poll - input/output multiplexing
zmq_recv - receive a message from a socket
zmq_send - send a message on a socket
zmq_setsockopt - set 0MQ socket options
zmq_socket - create 0MQ socket
zmq_strerror - get 0MQ error message string
zmq_term - terminate 0MQ context
zmq_version - report 0MQ library version
ZROTG - construct givens plane rotation
ZSCAL - scales a vector by a constant.
zstream.h - -
ZSYMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*A*B +
ZSYR2K - perform one of the symmetric rank 2k operations C :=
ZSYRK - perform one of the symmetric rank k operations C :=
ZTBMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
ZTBSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
ZTPMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
ZTPSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
ZTRMM - perform one of the matrix-matrix operations B := alpha*op( A
ZTRMV - perform one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x :=
ZTRSM - solve one of the matrix equations op( A )*X = alpha*B, or
ZTRSV - solve one of the systems of equations A*x = b, or A’*x = b,
zzip_closedir - ...
zzip_fclose, zzip_close - ...
zzip_compr_str - ...
zzip_dir_alloc_ext_io, zzip_dir_alloc - ...
zzip_dir_alloc_ext_io, zzip_dir_alloc - ...
zzip_dir_free, zzip_dir_close - ...
zzip_dirhandle, zzip_dirfd - ...
zzip_dir_fdopen, zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io - ...
zzip_dir_fdopen, zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io - ...
zzip_dir_free, zzip_dir_close - ...
zzip_dirhandle, zzip_dirfd - ...
zzip_dir_open, zzip_dir_open_ext_io, zzip_dir_read - ...
zzip_dir_open, zzip_dir_open_ext_io, zzip_dir_read - ...
zzip_dir_open, zzip_dir_open_ext_io, zzip_dir_read - ...
zzip_file_real, zzip_dir_real, zzip_realdir, zzip_realfd - ...
zzip_dir_stat, zzip_file_stat, zzip_fstat - ...
zzip_disk_mmap, zzip_disk_init, zzip_disk_new, zzip_disk_munmap, -
zzip_disk_fopen, zzip_disk_entry_fopen, zzip_disk_fread, -
zzip_disk_entry_to_data, zzip_disk_entry_to_file_header, -
zzip_disk_entry_to_data, zzip_disk_entry_to_file_header, -
zzip_disk_entry_to_data, zzip_disk_entry_to_file_header, -
zzip_disk_entry_to_data, zzip_disk_entry_to_file_header, -
zzip_disk_fopen, zzip_disk_entry_fopen, zzip_disk_fread, -
zzip_disk_fopen, zzip_disk_entry_fopen, zzip_disk_fread, -
zzip_disk_findfile, zzip_disk_findfirst, zzip_disk_findnext, -
zzip_disk_findfile, zzip_disk_findfirst, zzip_disk_findnext, -
zzip_disk_findfile, zzip_disk_findfirst, zzip_disk_findnext, -
zzip_disk_findfile, zzip_disk_findfirst, zzip_disk_findnext, -
zzip_disk_fopen, zzip_disk_entry_fopen, zzip_disk_fread, -
zzip_disk_fopen, zzip_disk_entry_fopen, zzip_disk_fread, -
zzip_disk_mmap, zzip_disk_init, zzip_disk_new, zzip_disk_munmap, -
zzip_disk_mmap, zzip_disk_init, zzip_disk_new, zzip_disk_munmap, -
zzip_disk_mmap, zzip_disk_init, zzip_disk_new, zzip_disk_munmap, -
zzip_disk_mmap, zzip_disk_init, zzip_disk_new, zzip_disk_munmap, -
zzip_disk_mmap, zzip_disk_init, zzip_disk_new, zzip_disk_munmap, -
zzip_entry_data_offset, zzip_entry_fread_file_header, -
zzip_entry_fopen, zzip_entry_ffile, zzip_entry_fread, -
zzip_entry_fopen, zzip_entry_ffile, zzip_entry_fread, -
zzip_entry_fopen, zzip_entry_ffile, zzip_entry_fread, -
zzip_entry_findfile, zzip_entry_findfirst, zzip_entry_findnext, -
zzip_entry_findfile, zzip_entry_findfirst, zzip_entry_findnext, -
zzip_entry_findfile, zzip_entry_findfirst, zzip_entry_findnext, -
zzip_entry_findfile, zzip_entry_findfirst, zzip_entry_findnext, -
zzip_entry_fopen, zzip_entry_ffile, zzip_entry_fread, -
zzip_entry_data_offset, zzip_entry_fread_file_header, -
zzip_entry_fopen, zzip_entry_ffile, zzip_entry_fread, -
zzip_entry_findfile, zzip_entry_findfirst, zzip_entry_findnext, -
zzip_entry_data_offset, zzip_entry_fread_file_header, -
zzip_errno - ...
zzip_error, zzip_seterror - ...
zzip_fclose, zzip_close - ...
__zzip_fetch_disk_trailer - ...
zzip_file_close - ...
zzip_file_open - ...
zzip_file_read - ...
zzip_file_real, zzip_dir_real, zzip_realdir, zzip_realfd - ...
zzip_dir_stat, zzip_file_stat, zzip_fstat - ...
zzip_fopen, zzip_freopen - ...
zzip_read, zzip_fread - ...
zzip_fopen, zzip_freopen - ...
zzip_dir_stat, zzip_file_stat, zzip_fstat - ...
zzip_init_io, zzip_get_default_io - ...
zzip_inflate_init - ...
zzip_init_io, zzip_get_default_io - ...
zzip_opendir, zzip_opendir_ext_io - ...
zzip_opendir, zzip_opendir_ext_io - ...
zzip_open, zzip_open_ext_io, zzip_open_shared_io - ...
zzip_open, zzip_open_ext_io, zzip_open_shared_io - ...
zzip_open, zzip_open_ext_io, zzip_open_shared_io - ...
__zzip_parse_root_directory - ...
zzip_readdir - ...
zzip_read, zzip_fread - ...
zzip_file_real, zzip_dir_real, zzip_realdir, zzip_realfd - ...
zzip_file_real, zzip_dir_real, zzip_realdir, zzip_realfd - ...
zzip_rewinddir, zzip_telldir, zzip_seekdir - ...
zzip_rewind - ...
zzip_rewinddir, zzip_telldir, zzip_seekdir - ...
zzip_seek - ...
zzip_error, zzip_seterror - ...
zzip_strerror, zzip_strerror_of - ...
zzip_strerror, zzip_strerror_of - ...
zzip_rewinddir, zzip_telldir, zzip_seekdir - ...
zzip_tell - ...
__zzip_try_open - ...