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       SoTexture2 -

       The SoTexture2 class is used to map a 2D texture onto subsequent
       geometry in the scenegraph.

       Shape nodes within the scope of SoTexture2 nodes in the scenegraph (ie
       below the same SoSeparator and to the righthand side of the SoTexture2)
       will have the texture applied according to each shape type’s individual
       characteristics. See the documentation of the various shape types
       (SoFaceSet, SoCube, SoSphere, etc etc) for information about the
       specifics of how the textures will be applied.


       #include <Inventor/nodes/SoTexture2.h>

       Inherits SoTexture.

   Public Types
       enum Model { MODULATE =  SoTextureImageElement::MODULATE, DECAL =
           SoTextureImageElement::DECAL, BLEND =
           SoTextureImageElement::BLEND, REPLACE =
           SoTextureImageElement::REPLACE }
       enum Wrap { REPEAT =  SoTextureImageElement::REPEAT, CLAMP =
           SoTextureImageElement::CLAMP }

   Public Member Functions
       SoTexture2 (void)
       virtual void doAction (SoAction *action)
       virtual void GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action)
       virtual void callback (SoCallbackAction *action)
       virtual void rayPick (SoRayPickAction *action)

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void initClass (void)
       static SbBool readImage (const SbString &fname, int &w, int &h, int
           &nc, unsigned char *&bytes)

   Public Attributes
       SoSFString filename
       SoSFImage image
       SoSFEnum wrapS
       SoSFEnum wrapT
       SoSFEnum model
       SoSFColor blendColor
       SoSFBool enableCompressedTexture

   Protected Member Functions
       virtual ~SoTexture2 ()
       virtual SbBool readInstance (SoInput *in, unsigned short flags)
       virtual void notify (SoNotList *list)
       int getReadStatus (void)
       void setReadStatus (int s)

Detailed Description

       The SoTexture2 class is used to map a 2D texture onto subsequent
       geometry in the scenegraph.

       Shape nodes within the scope of SoTexture2 nodes in the scenegraph (ie
       below the same SoSeparator and to the righthand side of the SoTexture2)
       will have the texture applied according to each shape type’s individual
       characteristics. See the documentation of the various shape types
       (SoFaceSet, SoCube, SoSphere, etc etc) for information about the
       specifics of how the textures will be applied.

       For a simple usage example, see the class documentation for SoSFImage.

       One common flaw with many programs that has support for exporting VRML
       or Inventor files, is that the same texture file is exported several
       times, but as different nodes. This can cause excessive texture memory
       usage and slow rendering. Below is an example program that fixes this
       by replacing all instances of the same texture with a pointer to the
       first node:

         #include <Inventor/actions/SoSearchAction.h>
         #include <Inventor/actions/SoWriteAction.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoTexture2.h>
         #include <Inventor/SoDB.h>
         #include <Inventor/SoInput.h>
         #include <Inventor/SoOutput.h>

         int main(int argc, char ** argv)
           if (argc < 2) return -1;

           SoInput in;
           if (!in.openFile(argv[1])) return -1;

           SoSeparator * root = SoDB::readAll(&in);
           if (!root) return -1;

           SoSearchAction sa;
           SoPathList & pl = sa.getPaths();
           SbDict namedict;

           for (int i = 0; i < pl.getLength(); i++) {
             SoFullPath * p = (SoFullPath*) pl[i];
             if (p->getTail()->isOfType(SoTexture2::getClassTypeId())) {
               SoTexture2 * tex = (SoTexture2*) p->getTail();
               if (tex->filename.getValue().getLength()) {
                 SbName name = tex->filename.getValue().getString();
                 unsigned long key = (unsigned long) ((void*) name.getString());
                 void * tmp;
                 if (!namedict.find(key, tmp)) {
                   // new texture. just insert into list
                   (void) namedict.enter(key, tex);
                 else if (tmp != (void*) tex) { // replace with node found in dict
                   SoGroup * parent = (SoGroup*) p->getNodeFromTail(1);
                   int idx = p->getIndexFromTail(0);
                   parent->replaceChild(idx, (SoNode*) tmp);

           // output fixed scene to stdout
           SoOutput out;
           SoWriteAction wa(&out);

       When working with Inventor files, one often wants to embed external
       texture image files into the Inventor files themselves. Here’s a
       minimal, stand-alone example which shows how that can be accomplished
       by calling SoField::touch() on the SoTexture2::image fields before
       scenegraph export:

         #include <Inventor/SoDB.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoTexture2.h>
         #include <Inventor/actions/SoSearchAction.h>
         #include <Inventor/actions/SoWriteAction.h>


           SoInput in;
           SoSeparator * root = SoDB::readAll(&in);
           if (!root) { exit(1); }


           SoSearchAction searchaction;


           const SoPathList & pl = searchaction.getPaths();
           for (int i=0; i < pl.getLength(); i++) {
             SoFullPath * fp = (SoFullPath *)pl[i];
             SoTexture2 * tex = (SoTexture2 *)fp->getTail();
             assert(tex->getTypeId() == SoTexture2::getClassTypeId());

           SoWriteAction wa;


           return 0;

       Run the example by piping the iv-file you want do texture-embedding on
       from stdin, e.g. like this:

         $ ./test < input.iv


           Texture2 {
               filename ’’
               image 0 0 0
               wrapS REPEAT
               wrapT REPEAT
               model MODULATE
               blendColor 0 0 0
               enableCompressedTexture FALSE

Member Enumeration Documentation

   enum SoTexture2::Model Texture mapping model, for deciding how tomergethe texturemap with the object it is mapped onto.

              Texture color is multiplied by the polygon color. The result
              will be Phong shaded (if light model is PHONG).

       DECAL  Texture image overwrites polygon shading. Textured pixels will
              not be Phong shaded. Has undefined behaviour for grayscale and
              grayscale-alpha textures.

       BLEND  This model is normally used with monochrome textures (i.e.
              textures with one or two components). The first component, the
              intensity, is then used to blend between the shaded color of the
              polygon and the SoTexture2::blendColor.

              Texture image overwrites polygon shading. Textured pixels will
              not be Phong shaded. Supports grayscale and grayscale alpha
              textures. This feature requires OpenGL 1.1. MODULATE will be
              used if OpenGL version < 1.1 is detected.

       Please note that using this texture model will make your Inventor files
       incompatible with older versions of Coin and Inventor. You need Coin >=
       2.2 or TGS Inventor 4.0 to load Inventor files that uses the REPLACE
       texture model.

           Coin 2.2

           TGS Inventor 4.0

   enum SoTexture2::Wrap Enumeration of wrapping strategies which can be used
       when the texturemap doesnt cover the full extent of the geometry.

       REPEAT Repeat texture when coordinate is not between 0 and 1.

       CLAMP  Clamp coordinate between 0 and 1.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoTexture2::SoTexture2 (void) Constructor.
   SoTexture2::~SoTexture2 () [protected, virtual] Destructor. Frees up
       internal resources used to store texture image data.

Member Function Documentation

   void SoTexture2::initClass (void) [static] Sets up initialization for data
       common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary
       information to the Coin type system.
       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoTexture2::doAction (SoAction * action) [virtual] This function
       performs the typical operation of a node for any action.
       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoTexture2::GLRender (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual] Action
       method for the SoGLRenderAction.
       This is called during rendering traversals. Nodes influencing the
       rendering state in any way or who wants to throw geometry primitives at
       OpenGL overrides this method.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoTexture2::callback (SoCallbackAction * action) [virtual] Action
       method for SoCallbackAction.
       Simply updates the state according to how the node behaves for the
       render action, so the application programmer can use the
       SoCallbackAction for extracting information about the scene graph.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoTexture2::rayPick (SoRayPickAction * action) [virtual] Action method
       for SoRayPickAction.
       Checks the ray specification of the action and tests for intersection
       with the data of the node.

       Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how picking is done also
       overrides this method.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   SbBool SoTexture2::readImage (const SbString & fname, int & w, int & h, int
       & nc, unsigned char *& bytes) [static] Not implemented in Coin; should
       probably not have been public in the original SGI Open Inventor API.
       Well consider to implement it if requested.
   SbBool SoTexture2::readInstance (SoInput * in, unsigned short flags)
       [protected, virtual] This method is mainly intended for internal use
       during file import operations.
       It reads a definition of an instance from the input stream in. The
       input stream state points to the start of a serialized / persistant
       representation of an instance of this class type.

       TRUE or FALSE is returned, depending on if the instantiation and
       configuration of the new object of this class type went ok or not. The
       import process should be robust and handle corrupted input streams by
       returning FALSE.

       flags is used internally during binary import when reading user
       extension nodes, group nodes or engines.

       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   void SoTexture2::notify (SoNotList * l) [protected, virtual] Notifies all
       auditors for this instance when changes are made.
       Reimplemented from SoNode.

   int SoTexture2::getReadStatus (void) [protected] Returns read status. 1 for
       success, 0 for failure.
   void SoTexture2::setReadStatus (int s) [protected] Sets read status.
       See also:

Member Data Documentation

   SoSFString SoTexture2::filename Texture filename, referring to a file on
       disk in a supported image bitmap format.
       By default contains an empty string, which means the texture will be
       fetched from SoTexture2::image and not from disk. (Specify either this
       field or use SoTexture2::image, not both.)

       FIXME: Section about simage is outdated.

       For reading texture image files from disk, Coin uses the ’simage’
       library from Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies. This library must be
       installed for it to be possible to load any image files at all.

       The set of image formats you can actually read with the simage library
       depends on how the simage library was built, as simage is again
       dependent on a few other low-level file import/export libraries (for
       instance for JPEG, GIF, TIFF and PNG support). To make sure all wanted
       formats are supported, you should build the simage library yourself.

       The set of image formats guaranteed to be supported by simage is Targa
       (.tga), PIC (.pic), SGI RGB (.rgb, .bw) and XWD (.xwd).

       For more information about the simage library, including download and
       build instructions, see the Coin www-pages.

   SoSFImage SoTexture2::image Inline image data. Defaults to contain an empty
       See documentation of the SoSFImage class for a very detailed
       description of how the format specification for the image data is layed
       out, and what different image formats for color textures, semi-
       transparent textures, grayscale textures, etc etc, are supported.

   SoSFEnum SoTexture2::wrapS Wrapping strategy for the S coordinate when the
       texturemap is narrower than the object to map onto.
       Default value is SoTexture2::REPEAT.

   SoSFEnum SoTexture2::wrapT Wrapping strategy for the T coordinate when the
       texturemap is shorter than the object to map onto.
       Default value is SoTexture2::REPEAT.

   SoSFEnum SoTexture2::model Texturemapping model for how the texturemap ismergedwith the polygon primitives it is applied to. Default value is
   SoSFColor SoTexture2::blendColor Blend color. Used when SoTexture2::model
       is SoTexture2::BLEND.
       Default color value is [0, 0, 0], black, which means no contribution to
       the blending is made.

   SoSFBool SoTexture2::enableCompressedTexture Hint to Coin that compressed
       textures should be used if this is supported by the graphics hardware
       and OpenGL drivers. Using compressed textures usually reduces texture
       memory usage for a texture by 4-6 times.
           Coin 2.4.2

           TGS Inventor 4.0


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