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       Global_library_state - The 'world' represents all library state, and
       the data found in bundles' manifest.ttl (ie it is an in-memory index of
       all things LV2 found).

       SLV2World slv2_world_new ()
       void slv2_world_free (SLV2World world)
       void slv2_world_load_all (SLV2World world)
       void slv2_world_load_bundle (SLV2World world, SLV2Value bundle_uri)
       SLV2PluginClass slv2_world_get_plugin_class (SLV2World world)
       SLV2PluginClasses slv2_world_get_plugin_classes (SLV2World world)
       SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_all_plugins (SLV2World world)
       SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_plugins_by_filter (SLV2World world,

Detailed Description

       Plugins (and plugin extensions) and the LV2 specification (and LV2
       extensions) itself can be queried from the world for use.

       Normal hosts which just want to easily load plugins by URI are strongly
       recommended to simply call slv2_world_load_all to find all installed
       data in the recommended way.

       Normal hosts should NOT have to refer to bundles directly under normal
       circumstances. However, functions are provided to load individual
       bundles explicitly, intended for hosts which depend on a specific
       bundle (which is shipped with the application).

Function Documentation

   SLV2World slv2_world_new ()
       Initialize a new, empty world.

       If initialization fails, NULL is returned.

   SLV2World slv2_world_new_using_rdf_world (librdf_world * world)
       Initialize a new, empty world, using an existing Redland context.

   void slv2_world_free (SLV2World world)
       Destroy the world, mwahaha.

       NB: Destroying the world will leave dangling references in any plugin
       lists, plugins, etc. Do not destroy the world until you are finished
       with all objects that came from it.

   void slv2_world_load_all (SLV2World world)
       Load all installed LV2 bundles on the system.

       This is the recommended way for hosts to load LV2 data. It does the
       most reasonable thing to find all installed plugins, extensions, etc.
       on the system. The environment variable LV2_PATH may be used to set the
       directories inside which this function will look for bundles. Otherwise
       a sensible, standard default will be used.

       Use of other functions for loading bundles is highly discouraged
       without a special reason to do so - use this one.

       Time = Query

   void slv2_world_load_bundle (SLV2World world, SLV2Value bundle_uri)
       Load a specific bundle.

       o bundle_uri A fully qualified URI to the bundle directory, with the
         trailing slash, eg. file:///usr/lib/lv2/someBundle/
       Normal hosts should not use this function.
       Hosts should never attach any long-term significance to bundle paths as
       there are no guarantees they will remain consistent whatsoever. Plugins
       (and other things) are identified by URIs, not bundle or file names.
       This function should only be used by apps which ship with a special
       bundle (which it knows exists at some path because the bundle is
       shipped with the application).
       Time = Query
   SLV2PluginClass slv2_world_get_plugin_class (SLV2World world)
       Get the parent of all other plugin classes, lv2:Plugin.
       Time = O(1)
   SLV2PluginClasses slv2_world_get_plugin_classes (SLV2World world)
       Return a list of all found plugin classes.
       Returned list is owned by world and must not be freed by the caller.
       Time = O(1)
   SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_all_plugins (SLV2World world)
       Return a list of all found plugins.
       The returned list contains just enough references to query or
       instantiate plugins. The data for a particular plugin will not be
       loaded into memory until a call to an slv2_plugin_* function results in
       a query (at which time the data is cached with the SLV2Plugin so future
       queries are very fast).
       Returned list must be freed by user with slv2_plugins_free. The
       contained plugins are owned by world and must not be freed by caller.
       Time = O(1)
   SLV2Plugins slv2_world_get_plugins_by_filter (SLV2World world,
       bool(*)(SLV2Plugin) include)
       Return a list of found plugins filtered by a user-defined filter
       All plugins currently found in world that return true when passed to
       include (a pointer to a function which takes an SLV2Plugin and returns
       a bool) will be in the returned list.
       Returned list must be freed by user with slv2_plugins_free. The
       contained plugins are owned by world and must not be freed by caller.
       Time = O(n * Time(include))


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