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       SoQtFlyViewer - The SoQtFlyViewer class implements controls for moving
       the camera in a ’flying’ motion.



       #include <Inventor/Qt/viewers/SoQtFlyViewer.h>

       Inherits SoQtConstrainedViewer.

   Public Member Functions
       SoQtFlyViewer (QWidget *parent=NULL, const char *name=NULL, SbBool
           embed=TRUE, SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag flag=BUILD_ALL,
           SoQtViewer::Type type=BROWSER)
       ~SoQtFlyViewer ()
       virtual void setViewing (SbBool enable)
       virtual void viewAll (void)
       virtual void resetToHomePosition (void)
       virtual void setCamera (SoCamera *camera)
       virtual void setCursorEnabled (SbBool enable)
       virtual void setCameraType (SoType type)

   Protected Member Functions
       SoQtFlyViewer (QWidget *parent, const char *const name, SbBool embed,
           SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag flag, SoQtViewer::Type type, SbBool
       virtual const char * getDefaultWidgetName (void) const
       virtual const char * getDefaultTitle (void) const
       virtual const char * getDefaultIconTitle (void) const
       virtual SbBool processSoEvent (const SoEvent *const event)
       virtual void setSeekMode (SbBool enable)
       virtual void actualRedraw (void)
       virtual void rightWheelMotion (float value)
       virtual void afterRealizeHook (void)

       class SoQtFlyViewerP

Detailed Description

       The SoQtFlyViewer class implements controls for moving the camera in a
       ’flying’ motion.


       · Left mouse button increases the speed.

       · Middle mouse button decreases the speed.

       · Left and middle mouse button together sets the speed to zero.



       · The control key stops the flying and lets you tilt the camera by
         moving the pointer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoQtFlyViewer::SoQtFlyViewer (QWidget * parent = NULL, const char * name =
       NULL, SbBool embed = TRUE, SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag flag = BUILD_ALL,
       SoQtViewer::Type type = BROWSER)
       Public constructor.
   SoQtFlyViewer::~SoQtFlyViewer ()
       Virtual constructor.
       References SoQtViewer::removeSuperimposition().
   SoQtFlyViewer::SoQtFlyViewer (QWidget * parent, const char *const  name,
       SbBool embed, SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag flag, SoQtViewer::Type type,
       SbBool build) [protected]
       Protected constructor, used by viewer components derived from the

Member Function Documentation

   void SoQtFlyViewer::setViewing (SbBool enable) [virtual]
       Set view mode.
       If the view mode is on, user events will be caught and used to
       influence the camera position / orientation. If view mode is off, all
       events in the viewer canvas (like for instance keypresses or
       mouseclicks and -movements) will be passed along to the scene graph.
       Default is to have the view mode active.
       See also:

       Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
       References SoQtViewer::isViewing(), SoQtRenderArea::scheduleRedraw(),
       and SoQtViewer::setSuperimpositionEnabled().
   void SoQtFlyViewer::viewAll (void) [virtual]
       Reposition the current camera so we can see the complete scene.
       Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
   void SoQtFlyViewer::resetToHomePosition (void) [virtual]
       Restore the saved camera settings.
       See also:

       Reimplemented from SoQtConstrainedViewer.
   void SoQtFlyViewer::setCamera (SoCamera * cam) [virtual]
       Set the camera we want the viewer to manipulate when interacting with
       the viewer controls.
       The camera passed in as an argument to this method must already be part
       of the viewer’s scenegraph. You do not inject viewpoint cameras to the
       viewer with this method.
       You should rather insert a camera into the scene graph first (if
       necessary, often one will be present already), then register it as the
       camera used by the viewer controls with this method.
       If the application code doesn’t explicitly set up a camera through this
       method, the viewer will automatically scan through the scenegraph to
       find a camera to use. If no camera is available in the scenegraph at
       all, it will set up it’s own camera.
       See also:

       Reimplemented from SoQtConstrainedViewer.
   void SoQtFlyViewer::setCursorEnabled (SbBool on) [virtual]
       Set whether or not the mouse cursor representation should be visible in
       the viewer canvas.
       Default value is on.
       See also:

       Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
   void SoQtFlyViewer::setCameraType (SoType t) [virtual]
       When the viewer has to make its own camera as a result of the graph
       passed to setSceneGraph() not containing any camera nodes, this call
       can be made in advance to decide which type the camera will be of.
       Default is to use an SoPerspectiveCamera.
       If this method is called when there is a scene graph and a camera
       already set up, it will delete the old camera and set up a camera with
       the new type if the t type is different from that of the current
       See also:

       Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
   const char * SoQtFlyViewer::getDefaultWidgetName (void) const [protected,
       This method returns the default name of a component widget class.
       It should be overridden by derived non-abstract classes for the topmost
       widget in the component to have a proper name.
       Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.
   const char * SoQtFlyViewer::getDefaultTitle (void) const [protected,
       This method returns the default window caption string of the component.
       It should be overridden by derived non-abstract classes so the window
       and popup menu will get a proper title.
       Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.
   const char * SoQtFlyViewer::getDefaultIconTitle (void) const [protected,
       This method returns the default icon title of the component.
       It should be overridden by derived non-abstract classes so icons will
       get proper titles.
       Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.
   SbBool SoQtFlyViewer::processSoEvent (const SoEvent *const  event)
       [protected, virtual]
       Toolkit-native events are attempted converted to Coin-generic events in
       the SoQtRenderArea::processEvent() method. If this succeeds, they are
       forwarded to this method.
       This is a virtual method, and is overridden in it’s subclasses to catch
       events of particular interest to the viewer classes, for instance.
       Return TRUE iff the event was processed. If not it should be passed on
       further up in the inheritance hierarchy by the caller. This last point
       is extremely important to take note of if you are expanding the toolkit
       with your own viewer class.
       This method is not part of the original SGI InventorXt API. Note that
       you can still override the toolkit-native processEvent() method instead
       of this ’generic’ method.
       Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
       References SoQtViewer::isSeekMode(), and SoQtViewer::isViewing().
   void SoQtFlyViewer::setSeekMode (SbBool enable) [protected, virtual]
       Put the viewer in or out of ’waiting-to-seek’ mode.
       If the user performs a mouse button click when the viewer is in
       ’waiting-to-seek’ mode, the camera will be repositioned so the camera
       focal point lies on the point of the geometry under the mouse cursor.
       See also:
           isSeekMode(), setDetailSeek()

       Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
       References SoQtViewer::isSeekMode().
   void SoQtFlyViewer::actualRedraw (void) [protected, virtual]
       This method instantly redraws the normal (non-overlay) scenegraph by
       calling SoSceneManager::render().
       Subclasses may override this method to add their own rendering before
       or after Coin renders it’s scenegraph.
       The following is a complete example that demonstrates one way of adding
       both a background image and foreground (overlay) geometry to the
       ’normal’ rendering:
         // This example shows how to put a permanent background image on your
         // viewer canvas, below the 3D graphics, plus overlay foreground
         // geometry.  Written by mortene.  Copyright Systems in Motion 2002.

         // *************************************************************************

         #include <Inventor/Qt/SoQt.h>
         #include <Inventor/Qt/viewers/SoQtExaminerViewer.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoBaseColor.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoCone.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoCube.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoImage.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoLightModel.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoOrthographicCamera.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoRotationXYZ.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>
         #include <Inventor/nodes/SoTranslation.h>

         #include <GL/gl.h>

         // *************************************************************************

         class MyExaminerViewer : public SoQtExaminerViewer {

           MyExaminerViewer(QWidget * parent, const char * filename);

           virtual void actualRedraw(void);

           SoSeparator * bckgroundroot;
           SoSeparator * foregroundroot;
           SoRotationXYZ * arrowrotation;

         MyExaminerViewer::MyExaminerViewer(QWidget * parent, const char * filename)
           : SoQtExaminerViewer(parent)
           // Coin should not clear the pixel-buffer, so the background image
           // is not removed.
           this->setClearBeforeRender(FALSE, TRUE);

           // Set up background scenegraph with image in it.

           this->bckgroundroot = new SoSeparator;

           SoOrthographicCamera * cam = new SoOrthographicCamera;
           cam->position = SbVec3f(0, 0, 1);
           cam->height = 1;
           // SoImage will be at z==0.0.
           cam->nearDistance = 0.5;
           cam->farDistance = 1.5;

           SoImage * img = new SoImage;
           img->vertAlignment = SoImage::HALF;
           img->horAlignment = SoImage::CENTER;
           img->filename = filename;


           // Set up foreground, overlayed scenegraph.

           this->foregroundroot = new SoSeparator;

           SoLightModel * lm = new SoLightModel;
           lm->model = SoLightModel::BASE_COLOR;

           SoBaseColor * bc = new SoBaseColor;
           bc->rgb = SbColor(1, 1, 0);

           cam = new SoOrthographicCamera;
           cam->position = SbVec3f(0, 0, 5);
           cam->height = 10;
           cam->nearDistance = 0;
           cam->farDistance = 10;

           const double ARROWSIZE = 2.0;

           SoTranslation * posit = new SoTranslation;
           posit->translation = SbVec3f(-2.5 * ARROWSIZE, 1.5 * ARROWSIZE, 0);

           arrowrotation = new SoRotationXYZ;
           arrowrotation->axis = SoRotationXYZ::Z;

           SoTranslation * offset = new SoTranslation;
           offset->translation = SbVec3f(ARROWSIZE/2.0, 0, 0);

           SoCube * cube = new SoCube;
           cube->width = ARROWSIZE;
           cube->height = ARROWSIZE/15.0;



           // Must set up the OpenGL viewport manually, as upon resize
           // operations, Coin won’t set it up until the SoGLRenderAction is
           // applied again. And since we need to do glClear() before applying
           // the action..
           const SbViewportRegion vp = this->getViewportRegion();
           SbVec2s origin = vp.getViewportOriginPixels();
           SbVec2s size = vp.getViewportSizePixels();
           glViewport(origin[0], origin[1], size[0], size[1]);

           const SbColor col = this->getBackgroundColor();
           glClearColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], 0.0f);

           // Render our scenegraph with the image.
           SoGLRenderAction * glra = this->getGLRenderAction();

           // Render normal scenegraph.

           // Increase arrow angle with 1/1000 ° every frame.
           arrowrotation->angle = arrowrotation->angle.getValue() + (0.001 / M_PI * 180);
           // Render overlay front scenegraph.

         // *************************************************************************

         main(int argc, char ** argv)
           if (argc != 2) {
             (void)fprintf(stderr, ’0sage: %s <image-filename>0, argv[0]);

           QWidget * window = SoQt::init(argv[0]);

           MyExaminerViewer * viewer = new MyExaminerViewer(window, argv[1]);

           viewer->setSceneGraph(new SoCone);


           delete viewer;
           return 0;

         // *************************************************************************

       Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
       References SoQtViewer::getCamera(), SoQtViewer::isViewing(), and
   void SoQtFlyViewer::rightWheelMotion (float value) [protected, virtual]
       Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the right frame.
       Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own
       functionality on the thumbwheel.
       See also:
           rightWheelStart(), rightWheelFinish()
           leftWheelStart(), bottomWheelStart()

       Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
       References SoQtFullViewer::getRightWheelValue().
   void SoQtFlyViewer::afterRealizeHook (void) [protected, virtual]
       A function ’hook’ / callback invoked just after the window for the
       component has been realized.
       Override this if you need specific initialization for your own
       component or viewer class to happen right after it has been made
       visible, but remember to call upwards in the inheritance hierarchy:
           // [own initialization here]

       Reimplemented from SoQtRenderArea.


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